Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

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Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #1

Post by tugofwarstrum »

I know in the Muslim countries in the middle east it is culturally expected of woman to cover up but is it the same for Christians and is it backed up by scripture? To further this is it even backed up by scripture from the Qur'an? I ask cause there are two clergymen who come every year to my college and scream at the women who pass them that they are going to hell and that how they dress they are sluts and whores. Their message is of hate but is it backed up by scripture? Either way we have a professor here that goes and prints off Preacher bingo cards and it sure does send those two off the deep end and they usually quiet down and become civil or they leave. The two men are The Pit Preacher and Brother Jed.

An example of the preacher bingo:

And if by chance you have been a person targeted by either the two men are any man spewing words about how you must cover up, please read below and know that you are beautiful juts the way you are.
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/removingth ... -cover-up/

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #11

Post by marco »

mms20102 wrote:

when Adam and Eve where in heavens and ate from the forbidden tree there nakedness appeared so they tried to cover there bodies they felt there is some thing wrong Islam came to elevate women and make them pure and hard to be got .
It is worse than nonsense to base modern rules on what happened in the imaginary Eden. Your religion should move from the 7th century.

You have a patronising view of women. To force them to cover themselves almost completely is slavery. Your remarks about Western women being "easy" are insulting.

How do women fare in enlightened Islamic states? They are stoned to death for sexual improprieties. This is barbaric. Women have protested in India and Pakistan about rape. Honour killings of women by male relatives happen among Muslims, not in Western society. And female circumcision still goes on - with a majority of women in Egypt subjected to it. There was a recent case of an Egyptian doctor put on trial for killing a little girl when he was cutting her privates.

When a 15-year old girl, Malala Yousafzai , attempted to ask for education for women she was shot. Cologne in Germany and other cities in Europe are experiencing cases of rape by Muslim refugees. You will say that these women should have covered themselves up. Men should treat women with dignity instead of acting as brutes.

Your rape statistics about America are available because it is an open society. Rape in Muslim countries won't be reported because the woman herself would be stoned, rather than the man. Rape in Pakistan will more likely happen to visiting women if Muslim women are covered from head to foot. So you are saying the only way to control evil men is to punish women by forcing them into black covering garments?

You paint a wonderful picture of Islamic oppression of women.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #12

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 11 by marco]
How do women fare in enlightened Islamic states? They are stoned to death for sexual improprieties.
Rule applies for males also you have part truth
Women have protested in India and Pakistan about rape.
100 cases of rape in one month should be a catastrophe now you got 17.7 million what you have done about it ?
Honour killings of women by male relatives happen among Muslims, not in Western society.
A claim with no reference
And female circumcision still goes on - with a majority of women in Egypt subjected to it.
Another claim with no reference
There was a recent case of an Egyptian doctor put on trial for killing a little girl when he was cutting her privates.
1 out of a 90 million is fairly good point to advocate our case ?
When a 15-year old girl, Malala Yousafzai , attempted to ask for education for women she was shot.

I don't see people get shot in my country for asking for education not in Egypt not in the arab world
Cologne in Germany and other cities in Europe are experiencing cases of rape by Muslim refugees.
You need to speak with numbers and references or all your words will be only your opinion
You will say that these women should have covered themselves up.
No I will not say that they are free to wear what they want I'm not god to judge them any muslim commits rape I punished according to Islamic law premarital sex laws says 80 lashes for non-married and stoning to death if married and we shall not give mercy to them
Rape in Muslim countries won't be reported because the woman herself would be stoned, rather than the man.
Not true there is statistics for every arab country and there is some rape cases but not like USA
Rape in Pakistan will more likely happen to visiting women if Muslim women are covered from head to foot. So you are saying the only way to control evil men is to punish women by forcing them into black covering garments?
since we have much less rape cases than yours which due to religious feedback and conservative societies you should be searching why we have less rape stats other than magnifying current stats of ours

you got a woman raped every 2 min ! and child every 8 min !

yet you speak about women rights well we force them to dress modestly yet you force them to get raped

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #13

Post by marco »

mms20102 wrote: [Replying to post 11 by marco]
How do women fare in enlightened Islamic states? They are stoned to death for sexual improprieties.
Rule applies for males also you have part truth
Is this meant to be a refutation? The practice is savagery, and you worry about women showing some flesh. No doubt you agree with religion having a major say in a country's laws.
marco wrote:

There was a recent case of an Egyptian doctor put on trial for killing a little girl when he was cutting her privates.
mms20102 wrote:

1 out of a 90 million is fairly good point to advocate our case ?
You may put the matter lightly but the practice should not occur in civilised countries. In case you REALLY think it is 1 in 90 million, look at these statistics:

A teenager in Egypt died while undergoing female genital mutilation conducted by a physician. Officials and advocates are urging medical professionals to help put a stop to the illegal practice.

Mayar Mohamed Mousa, 17, passed away on Sunday due to complications related to FGM, which was performed by a registered doctor in Egypt’s coastal Suez province, CNN reported. An initial autopsy report indicated that blood clotting was the possible cause of death and the El Canal National Hospital, where the procedure was carried out, has been shut down by authorities.

Female genital mutilation includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for no medical purpose, according to the World Health Organization. There are four major of types of FGM, and in Mousa’s case, the doctor’s intention was to remove her clitoris, according to CNN.

Families see the practice as a rite of passage, and a way to keep girls from engaging in premarital sex.

In Egypt, 92 percent of married women have undergone FGM, according to a 2014 Demographic and Health Survey. And while FGM was deemed illegal in Egypt in 2008, 82 percent of female circumcisions are performed by trained medical professionals there, according to the UN.

See for yourself the statistics for Somalia and Indonesia, Muslim countries where female circumcision is carried out.

This has everything to do with trying to keep women pure for men.

mms20102 wrote:
No I will not say that they are free to wear what they want I'm not god to judge them any muslim commits rape I punished according to Islamic law premarital sex laws says 80 lashes for non-married and stoning to death if married and we shall not give mercy to them
I note your pride. This is horrendous. Presumably the raped woman is also murdered.

As for your statistics, I do not live in America so I can't comment on how the figures are obtained or what they mean.

If the answer to the problem is to make women slaves, then we have lost the right to be called civilised.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #14

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to marco]
In Egypt, 92 percent of married women have undergone FGM, according to a 2014 Demographic and Health Survey. And while FGM was deemed illegal in Egypt in 2008, 82 percent of female circumcisions are performed by trained medical professionals there, according to the UN.
I would say blindly its lies I have two sisters and my father is a gynecologist he has never done it for any female for 45 years of being a doctor

" Note "
In some cases females may need circumcisions due to the fact it will reduce their vigorous uncontrolled desire and that doesn't apply for all females
Unlike males they all should be circumcised

Well I wish to know where you from perhaps I can get more reliable data for you to reply to

And yet you made claims with no reference I have no UN site or statistic site I'm left with your words only

Rape > tell some one to wear something

Any woman is free to do what she wants after all we are not gods to judge her we are discussing Islamic rules nothing more

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #15

Post by Neatras »

mms20102 wrote:
In some cases females may need circumcisions due to the fact it will reduce their vigorous uncontrolled desire and that doesn't apply for all females
Unlike males they all should be circumcised
Sickening. The idea that you should deform a person's body because you can't stand the thought of them having a libido is appalling.

Male circumcision is also pointlessly cruel, and should be done away with.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #16

Post by marco »

mms20102 wrote:
I would say blindly its lies I have two sisters and my father is a gynecologist he has never done it for any female for 45 years of being a doctor
Yes, statistics can lie, can't they. Even your own. Your father should have been able to tell you how evil is female circumcision.
mms20102 wrote:
In some cases females may need circumcisions due to the fact it will reduce their vigorous uncontrolled desire and that doesn't apply for all females
Unlike males they all should be circumcised
Is this medical wisdom or religious superstition? It continues to reflect your unswerving belief that women need to be controlled to keep them pure.
mms20102 wrote:
Well I wish to know where you from perhaps I can get more reliable data for you to reply to
Can we get one thing clear, mms? Where you and I live is irrelevant to a discussion, or should be, but obviously religion seems to influence the way you think about women, in a major way.

And I am NOT discussing rapist criminals, condemned everywhere. I am discussing the viewpoint about covering up women, as though they had no right to think for themselves. Female circumcision is an evil but it stems from an evil attitude towards women.

The West may not be perfect in its freedoms, and bad people abuse freedom. The answer is not to let religion rule us and behead people for having sex outside of marriage. Two adults having consensual sex is a matter for those two people not the state. In the past we too had our evil religious rulings here but thankfully reason prevailed.

Another side-effect of obeying ancient religious dictates is that homosexuals in some countries are killed. This is evil done in God's name.

And to reiterate: women showing parts of their bodies is NOT a green light to rape them. It is wicked to think it is.

In many respects you seem to be thoughtful and caring, so it is strange that religion has instilled in you such attitudes towards women which would be condemned in the West. In a kinder, wiser world, far from perfect though it is, we do not murder women (or men) for sexual sins. Nor do we treat women like slaves. Go well.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #17

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 15 by Neatras]

Male circumcision is also pointlessly cruel, and should be done away with.
https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pdf/prevention_ ... cision.pdf

Several types of research have documented that male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of men contracting HIV through penile-vaginal sex.
large prospective cohort study in this group showed a significant protective effect: The odds of infection were 42% lower for circumcised men

Between there is studies showed that some sorts of cancer is also related with circumcision


http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and- ... -dangerous

The tissue under the foreskin, which sits against an uncircumcised penis, is very delicate, and therefore vulnerable to microtears and abrasions (especially during sexual activity). “The organisms that cause STIs can accumulate under the foreskin of the penis, and this may allow them to survive there longer and reproduce, potentially increasing the risk of infection in that male or his partner,� says Deborah Nucatola, MD, senior director of medical services at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Moreover, studies suggest that the foreskin contains more of the cells that are targeted by the HIV virus.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #18

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 16 by marco]
Yes, statistics can lie, can't they. Even your own.
I gave a source you didn't

Your father should have been able to tell you how evil is female circumcision.
My father told me from a medical perspective some females may need it to control their desire . All circumcised females are not fully circumcised but only slightly to tame their desire . That doesn't mean all females need to do it only some may need it
Is this medical wisdom or religious superstition? It continues to reflect your unswerving belief that women need to be controlled to keep them pure.
1 post ago you were speaking about equality now you speak about men control women
Ok according to medical advice some cases needed that as they can't control themselves
The West may not be perfect in its freedoms, and bad people abuse freedom. The answer is not to let religion rule us and behead people for having sex outside of marriage. Two adults having consensual sex is a matter for those two people not the state. In the past we too had our evil religious rulings here but thankfully reason prevailed.
" I'm not speaking about you in person but only ask you to imagine "
I mean of course its ok to find out that your daughter sleeping with this guy today and with that guy tomorrow who cares ! or your mother is doing the same she is free or maybe your girlfriend found another rich man so she had no problem to have relation as she may get rich too .
Another side-effect of obeying ancient religious dictates is that homosexuals in some countries are killed. This is evil done in God's name.
Homos are the the main reason for HIV stats today and no one care
If all men would be homos we would all perish
I mean seriously think about it who is a male who desire another male this is horrible you gave homophobic for men who hate gays as if I should be gay to be open person no sir I hate gays being gay is the best insult for women
If gays hate women judge them before judge my religion

http://factsaboutyouth.com/posts/health ... lifestyle/

The current media portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships is that they are as healthy, stable and loving as heterosexual marriages — or even more so.1 Medical associations are promoting somewhat similar messages.2 Sexual relationships between members of the same sex, however, expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span. There are five major distinctions between gay and heterosexual relationships, with specific medical consequences.

And to reiterate: women showing parts of their bodies is NOT a green light to rape them. It is wicked to think it is.
And I totally said it before and agree to it but for some men its a great motivator
we do not murder women (or men) for sexual sins.
If one day some one went home and found that his/her wife/husband Is cheating on him/her they may go furious and kill both and my religion was fair he said 4 witnesses is a must ! not just this but only the ruler of the country is to determine whether the punishment is passed or not its not as easy as you think and yet no one applies it nowadays
Nor do we treat women like slaves
You don't treat women as sex slaves and promote all products with skinny girls to attract men
You don't have strip clubs for men to watch sex slaves dance for money
You don't have sex slaves in your magazines
You don't promote sex slaves for films and call them porn stars and you don't show female private parts in a great portion of your movies to boost views
You don't rape sex slaves every 2 minutes

We treat women like Queens to have a relationship with them its very hard you can only marry them to have them we cover them so like Queens not every body see them only their husbands .
Have you seen Queen of England wear some thing very open ? We protect them not enslave them

Leaving every thing go along is the real barbaric rules

according to English there is a huge number of bastards in your countries "a person born of parents not married to each other "

Marriage is the main relation between any couple and any girl dream of it since it means this girl only is yours forever and she got her rights covered and if you remove marriage you actually oppress women because you just live with her and can leave her at any time with no restrictions that's why marriage is a must it guarantees women rights

I don't like people who speaks about women rights and take the case only to criticize some one else belief or to magnify a mistake, instead of these artificial things try to solve women oppression in your countries first before preaching us about how cruel to cover women body

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #19

Post by marco »

mms20102 wrote:

I gave a source you didn't
You know perfectly well you can check WHO statistics for female genital cutting. See


In a 2000 survey over 90% of Egyptian women had experienced it.
mms20102 wrote:
My father told me from a medical perspective some females may need it to control their desire . All circumcised females are not fully circumcised but only slightly to tame their desire . That doesn't mean all females need to do it only some may need it
It is not medical opinion but religious superstition. Here's what the World Health Organisation say:

Female genital mutilation is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. The practice also violates a person's rights to health, security and physical integrity, the right to be free from torture
mms20102 wrote:
I mean of course its ok to find out that your daughter sleeping with this guy today and with that guy tomorrow who cares ! or your mother is doing the same she is free or maybe your girlfriend found another rich man so she had no problem to have relation as she may get rich too .
It isn't OK but it is a family matter and one that involves choices by the woman alone. Father and brothers have no business to interfere. As for the state seeking to punish or kill, this is carrying religious nonsense to extreme. It is uncivilised.
mms20102 wrote:
no sir I hate gays being gay is the best insult for women
If gays hate women judge them before judge my religion
When Britain was also uncivilised in its attitude towards homosexuality it effectively murdered one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the 20th century, Alan Turing, who happened to be gay. It is not a choice. God or Allah makes people the way they are, if you wish a religious dimension. Killing people for being gay is the morality of the 7th century.
mms20102 wrote:

You don't treat women as sex slaves and promote all products with skinny girls to attract men
You don't have strip clubs for men to watch sex slaves dance for money
You don't have sex slaves in your magazines
You don't promote sex slaves for films and call them porn stars and you don't show female private parts in a great portion of your movies to boost views
You don't rape sex slaves every 2 minutes
The last is an absurdity. We don't. When you say "YOU" it is rather insulting towards the West in that nobody forces women to do any of these things. It is their choice. That is what FREEDOM involves - allowing people to make their own decisions in private matters.
Your religion makes decisions for women and stones them for sex sins. This is utterly wrong and savage.

Your Holy Book says that after death men will have virgins waiting on green couches. There is no mention of male virgins waiting for women. Is this equality? This suggests male domination.

Do you actually believe in the physical existence of "couches" with compliant women waiting for men to have sexual relations, after death? Is this not simply a promise made to lusty old Arab desert traders? But such ideas cause women to suffer, and worse, some are stoned even today for sexual sins. This is evil. You do not seem to condemn it.

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Re: Where in the bible does it say that woman must cover up.

Post #20

Post by mms20102 »

[Replying to post 19 by marco]


total sample size was 38 816 girls. out of almost 40 million .. If you ask any statistics student he will will tell you that this result is irrelevant due to :
sample size 38 8216 sample can be for only 1 million not for 40 million so I would say with the current sample size why not the result should be like that with a higher scale I would say the rate is going down to 30 to 45 % max

those results were rejected by women activists in Egypt and considered it to be lies according to CNN Arabic if you need the source I can give it to you but in Arabic
Female genital mutilation is recognized internationally as a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It is nearly always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. The practice also violates a person's rights to health, security and physical integrity, the right to be free from torture
How it shows inequality and discrimination this is a nice texture to give some spice if we speak about men they totally should do it now for females its a crime hmmmm I see the discrimination here

https://www.hersolution.com/info/increa ... -in-women/

Some women take estrogen to counteract the effect of testosterone.
Energy burning exercises such as dancing, running and physical labor are other things that help to control excessive sexual thoughts.
Focusing your thoughts on things that interest you besides sex is another effective way to reduce your hyperactive sex drive. Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises also help to curb the libido.
Testosterone blockers, or anti-androgens, are drugs that target androgen receptors in the body to inhibit the hormone molecules from finding their usual receptors.
They usually show effective results and dosages can be tailored to achieve the optimal libido reduction.
One of the risky procedures for libido reduction is surgery that involves removing the ovaries.
However, this should only be considered after a thorough consultation with your doctor.

It isn't OK but it is a family matter and one that involves choices by the woman alone. Father and brothers have no business to interfere. As for the state seeking to punish or kill, this is carrying religious nonsense to extreme. It is uncivilised.
It's not ok but its family matter but the female can do it if she wants no problem .. I mean if a daughter/mother/sister of some one chooses to be a whore he should be calm and ok with it .. and the state should build her a place to practice it right ?

I'm not saying this about females only even males if I have a brother who goes for another girl secretly I will beat him until he gets enough because the daughters of other families should be safe and we as men should not do some thing like this we should protect females and only marry them
When Britain was also uncivilised in its attitude towards homosexuality it effectively murdered one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the 20th century, Alan Turing, who happened to be gay. It is not a choice. God or Allah makes people the way they are, if you wish a religious dimension. Killing people for being gay is the morality of the 7th century.

Welcome to double standards
just lines you spoke how risky and unhealthy this thing we do to women now you encourage men to do the most despicable thing with all the health risks and have no problem and point to them they are poor god created them like that ...
No god never created men with the desire for men they changed themselves and they are mentally ill and need treatment and for most cases they are epidemic
The last is an absurdity.We don't.
Of course you do
When you say "YOU" it is rather insulting towards the West in that nobody forces women to do any of these things.
http://www.experienceproject.com/storie ... te/1462898
http://www.xojane.com/issues/i-regret-b ... prostitute

I can give you a dozen of samples of why they became so its very simple they were used to do it
That is what FREEDOM involves - allowing people to make their own decisions in private matters.
Of course let them convince my daughter with their poisonous ideas and tell my boy he is still virgin and laugh at him and gradually turn them into lust seekers after all this is freedom
Your religion makes decisions for women and stones them for sex sins. This is utterly wrong and savage.

Yes yes well this is our law for men and women and we follow it . its simply our freedom just like the law in America allowed any one to have a gun or to have a " Territory ! "

Please watch this episode its really amazing one and it shows nothing but the reality behind the masked morals
Your Holy Book says that after death men will have virgins waiting on green couches. There is no mention of male virgins waiting for women. Is this equality? This suggests male domination.
In my religion if you have two daughters and you raised them well you will go to heaven and its only special for " girls "

Women are actually going to be those ever lasting virgins and a good wife will meet her husband and a good husband will meet his wife but if one was bad the good one will get another partner
Do you actually believe in the physical existence of "couches" with compliant women waiting for men to have sexual relations, after death? Is this not simply a promise made to lusty old Arab desert traders?
Will you mentioned one of the pleasures in heaven and you didn't mention the rest only to support your case which means you are not fair at all instead of focusing on one point from Islamophobic site try to read the full truth one of things is rivers of wine , honey and water and people will be served with eternal young kids if you see them you will think they are like scattered pearls and if you wish any thing in heaven it will happen just by thinking there are a lot of things more than just virgins but one motivator for men they do good and protect their private parts and not look at women and not commit adultery and not do sexual sins is getting those virgins as a reward .
But such ideas cause women to suffer, and worse, some are stoned even today for sexual sins. This is evil. You do not seem to condemn it.
No I will not condemn any punishment stated by my religion for sexual sins done by either males or females even if my son is going to be stoned I will stone him by myself after I'm completely sure he committed adultery and 4 eye witnesses saw him

We have no difference in judge or laws or rewards among males and females all are one

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