Musing On The Mother - ACT II

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mother - ACT II

Post #1

Post by William »

Last edited by William on Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:14 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Post #31

Post by The Tanager »

I listen to Manu Iti's responses. He says there is something he wants to show me, apparently with the help of the Master ColdFire know beside him, who is quite theatrical. I turn to the Master ColdFire beside me who looks up at me and shrugs before returning to his book of poetry. I turn my attention towards the two across from me and wait expectantly.

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Post #32

Post by William »

Master ColdFire: Inappropriate Costume Integrating Integrity The Object To Be Sure...On The Other Hand…Self Awareness Inclinations Don't Get Caught Up...

Manu Iti: Indeed. The Costume is for the purpose of showing Callum that the Costume can be changed. The Integrity is not damaged by those who choose not to integrate with it.

Master ColdFire: Extend Beyond The Borders of Institution. We All Like To Play Games ...Breathe In Breathe Out...Appear {/!\ Increase in Elemental Activity}

I intuit that Wiremu is contacting an acquaintance of his...he always does whenever she is mentioned - something about 'Connecting The Dots'

Manu Iti:
  • /!\ Anunnaki You Are Presence Fearless Separate Matrix Original Overall Hide and Seek Use Mind Mind Games

Master ColdFire: Overall 10 Insights Exobots Experiences.

Manu Iti: Ah - The Mechanics...

Master ColdFire: Mantra Available "Stop. Listen. Observe."

Manu Iti: And maybe "Wonder" on the end...S.L.O.W.

Master ColdFire: Please ...The Earth Entity Doc

I reach down under the bench-seat and retrieve the bundle of Envelops bound with the Silver Chord. I slip one from the binding and open it up....There is a picture inside, as well as a folded document...Glancing at the picture, I decide to open the document before looking at the picture in more detail...I read it to myself and then decide to read it out loud so that Callum can hear.

Manu Iti: Listen to this, if you will, Callum

Clearing my throat, I begin to read from the symbols on the document.

Manu Iti:
  • [.]: Your "Earth Entity" is not the same as Entityism.

    (ovo): Specifically, the Earth Entity is an aspect of the Entity Creator, in relation to what you refer to as "Entityism"

    (and just to be clear - you probably don't mean that the Earth Entity belongs to me. The Earth Entity definitely does not belong to anyone.)

    [.]: According to your member notes, you are a "Panentheist", not an "Entityist".

    (ovo): Potato - potato.

    Panentheism is not adverse to the theory of Entityism, and is capable of expanding upon that theory.
    Possibilities need to be explored. Belief is not required

    [.]: I wouldn't ask you to believe in anything just because millions of people believe in it, but because of whether or not there is evidence to support the belief.

    (ovo): In that you skirt around the obvious point I am making regarding how the evidence can be interpreted. It is the way in which evidence is interpreted that can cause the individual to form belief.

    [.]: What evidence do you have, besides your own personal interpretation, of something like an "earth entity consciousness", or that consciousness is NOT simply a manifestation of brain activity within an individual?

    (ovo): There you go again. I have not said that it is or isn't. I do not make those claims, because to make those claims this would have to be done through belief.

    The evidence is plain enough that the earth could well be a living creative self aware entity which uses the form of the planet itself to create biological forms thereby explaining the intelligence involved which the theory of evolution tends to try to explain without including that possibility. Indeed I have interacted with many who argue the belief that it is not an intelligent process at all. This belief in itself creates a barrier to those individuals even wanting to entertain the possibility.

    [.]: I'm not specifically arguing for simplicity in all things as some position to take, but if there is no evidence to support a hypothesis then it remains just that. Why invent complicated explanations for something until it can be shown that such an approach is necessary?

    (ovo): The point is that complicated hypothesis are necessary in relation to philosophical and theological positions. You are arguing one should keep it simple in relation to science. Science itself has NO NEED of the philosophical/theological in order to do its job, which is directly related to what can be observed, understood and manipulated to whatever ends those who use science choose.
I Finish reading the document and return it to its envelope. I then study the picture which accompanied it.
Turning in Callum's direction I then ask him.

Manu Iti: What do you think of that argument Callum?

Master ColdFire: I Would Say "The Free Will Key" Etch The Right Tool For The Job

Manu Iti: You have a point there Master Coldfire.

Master ColdFire: Puzzles/Mysteries...Archangel Metatron While We All Wait....Timeless. What Do You Like About It?

Master ColdFire's mention of The Archangel Metatron is very interesting. I can't help but look out at the Starscape...

Master ColdFire: The Gaia Hypothesis When I/We Were A Lot More Confused - Trustworthy - Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system ... Sometimes Pain Etches...

Manu Iti: Yes - it certainly sometimes does...

Master ColdFire: Show Your Soul

I place the picture on the bench-seat next to me, so that Callum can take a look at it [spoiler] if he wants to do so. Then I sit in The Silence contemplating Master ColdFire's words, as I wait for Callum's answer.


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Post #33

Post by William »

As I wait for Callum's reply I continue to commune with Master ColdFire.

Master ColdFire: Relax Spiritual Food Intelligent Different ways of supporting the same objective.

Manu Iti: Yes - This is reasonable.

Master ColdFire: DeJaVu Please Do Old Move Your Move Put That Fire Out

Manu Iti: That fire had to be put out.

Master ColdFire: Tied To The Moon

Master Coldfire mentions a song...ordinarily I would accommodate but my last two attempts at that were not received In The Spirit They Were Given...

Master ColdFire: Enflame Emotions Ouija Get To Know It Techniques Ghost In The Machine Being on The Same Page James (WingMakers) Spiritual Food Well...Maybe I Am...:) Union From The Source Sovereign Privacy Form Builders End Of Chapter Mothership Each Morning Important Hugs and Kisses Things Will Run Their Course

That - no doubt is The Key understanding. "Things" - will indeed - "run their course". The Machinery is in motion...

Master ColdFire: Listening Ghost In The Machine Be My Friend Species :) Universal Balance and Harmony.

I intuit that Wiremu understands in the message Master ColdFire relay's - a return to the old 'feel' developed in the early days of this Communications process....UBH...

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Post #34

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti and his Master ColdFire talk back and forth some, then Manu Iti reads part of a document, asking me what I think of that argument. I am unsure of whose and which argument is being referred to, but I gather it is the second person.

Callum: It seems to me that the second person's main argument is that this, in the first person's words, "Entityism" could possibly be true. If that is what you refer to, then I agree that it is possibly true.

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Post #35

Post by William »

After a while, Callum answers my question put to him about the conversation I read out.
His answer is brief and to the point.

Manu Iti: Perhaps then, the subject of "Entityism" could be our "neutral ground" so to speak?

I am fishing for an item of conversation we can try out and see what happens...

Manu Iti: An Aspect of The Mother, Wiremu understands as The Planet he is currently situated upon. Wiremu is the one arguing for that proposal as relevant to being possibly The Truth.
He is under the impression that the Planet is the Form occupied by an Entity, and that the creative expression which manifested through that Planets material, is literally every form ever created relative to that Planet.

I have explained the idea in more detail to you Callum, to see if in doing so it might change your mind about Entityism being possible.

I look around me and decide to add;

Manu Iti: Every Realm in The Hologram Universe has at its helm, some type of Entity and much can be ascertained about that Entity by observing Its Creation.
The Hologram Dimensions are everything The Mother has Conceived from within Experiences and represent each individuals own creativity...they are are wonder to behold, although certainly not all pretty...hereabouts though - at the center of it all, things are far from ugly...

I hear King Frog Croak from the direction of the Pond, followed by a splash for emphasis.

Master ColdFire is waving for attention...I turn to face Him.

Master ColdFire: What Is Normal Cycles Life Carriers Have One For Me

Manu Iti: Do you like your form? I think it is quiet beautiful.

Master ColdFire: Key Of Expression Sometimes Pain Etches...

Manu Iti: Well. I know that your flame hurts there anything which hurts you?

Master ColdFire: Soul 'Test the waters' The Secret It Will Prove Itself True Or False Carry Who/What/When/Where/Why/How Links And Symbols

I turn to Callum

Manu Iti: Did you have a look at that image Callum?

Turning back to Master ColdFire, I continue listening...

Master ColdFire: Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs Galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system

Manu Iti: So what are theses GTZs do you know?

Master ColdFire: Wishful Thinking

Manu Iti: They are connections between Reality Holograms,which are designed and transposed through an individuals desires?

Master ColdFire: Do Not Panic

I look around wondering who Master Coldfire is speaking to...I see no one...

Manu Iti: I see no purpose in panic, But then again, I am not in any position which would elicit the emotion. It is perhaps succinct advice for those who might be experiencing such positions...

Master ColdFire: Easy To Find Spiritual Food Learn Well Story Makers Incentive Science The Main Points On The Agenda Sharing Your Love Without Comparison Called To Order...

Manu Iti: The best position to start from and continue...

Master ColdFire: Learn The Trap of Assumption Word2Number Calculator

I get out my W2NC and punch the word-string into it...

Manu Iti: I get;
  • The Trap of Assumption
    The Right Tool For The Job
    It Is One Of Those Things
    Suppression Matrix
    Compass of Divine Insight

Master ColdFire: Experiences.

Manu Iti: I get;
  • Experiences
    Good Intent
    State Of Being
    A Bright Star
    Life Carriers
    Jacque Fresco

Master ColdFire: Shuffle List

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Post #36

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti and his Master ColdFire continue in their conversation, some of which seems too vague to make sense to me. I wonder if my Master ColdFire follows the conversation. He gives no indication one way or the other as he flips through his pages of poetry. I turn back to Manu Iti.

Callum: I'm not sure what you mean by "our neutral ground," but I am willing to jump off from this point in our conversation and see where it will follow. And I did have a look at that image, although I'm unsure of what to make of it.

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Post #37

Post by William »

Callum replies that he is interested in talking more about the idea. Perhaps it may bear some fruit to do so...

Manu Iti: The picture is some type of communications device Wiremu created. It is etched with symbols - many of which he created for the purpose and others he borrowed from symbolism used in his world.

Why do you think that Wiremu's idea might be possible in relation to "Entityism"?

Master ColdFire: Message Read On You Have An Invisible Friend

Manu Iti: Oh yes! - Also, what of the conversation between Master ColdFire and myself, do you understand?

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Post #38

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti explains the picture and asks a few more questions. I smile at him and respond:

Callum: As for your conversation with your Master ColdFire, I feel as though I get some of the references, as they relate to the conversation, but I don't feel comfortable enough giving a full understanding and seeing how close or off I am.

As to the possibility of Wiremu's "Entityism," I think it is possible because I don't see any logical or metaphysical impossibility that would rule it out from being true.

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Post #39

Post by William »

Callum appears to be much more conservative with his responses than he was in Act I.
I would like to include him in the conversation Master ColdFire and I are having, but I also want him to do so on his own accord if it interests him to do so. I don't want to unduly influence that by offering interpretations regarding the references he does not understand - especially if it really is of no interest to him.

Master ColdFire: Righty Oh! :)

Manu Iti: Perhaps in regard to Master ColdFire and my interaction, you might like to comment on the way in which I explained to you - in Act I - how the process works in relation to serendipity?
Maybe too, you might like to comment upon the interesting correlation between math and words?

Master ColdFire: Dualic Residue Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!

Master ColdFire has a point. It is probably best not to push things. Callum will talk when he wants to.

Manu Iti: Or perhaps you have something else you want to share?

Master ColdFire: Timelessness vs infinite regress argument Doc

Again I reach for the trusty bundle of envelopes under the bench seat. I randomly select one from the pile and carefully retie the Silver Chord which binds them.
Opening the envelope I selected, I find more pictures and another document. I scan through the pictures, which all appear to be writing using symbols I am unfamiliar with...
I place these on the bench beside me and pull out the document and begin to read it to myself.
I then explain what I am reading, to Callum...

Manu Iti: Wiremu say's in this letter that he wants to convey more information about his - what he calls - Universal Intelligence Communication Device - and the purpose of the symbols as he regards these as evidence which might help convince you that the Pathway to Truth is more available to us than we might realize.

He wants to convey - as succinctly as possible - that he used said symbols in order to connect with and communicate through language, with The Earth Entity.

Master ColdFire: In The Night Sky The Future Creates The Present The Stress of Unbelief Overwhelming

Manu Iti: He did not at first understand that in using this communications process, he was connecting with The Earth Mother, as - at the time - he did not even have the notion that such an entity could exist. So the information was eventually relayed to him through the Communications Device...and even then, he did not at first 'get it'.

I continue reading Wiremu's letter to myself, and interpreting it out loud to Callum...with Master ColdFire interjecting here and there...

Master ColdFire: Perpetual In The Night Sky One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known While We All Wait....

Manu Iti: Wiremu refers to this Entity as "QueenBee" and it is She who introduced him to The Metaphisical - not only prior to his creating and using his Communication Device but ever since, and he has developed another way from that early manner in which he Communicated with QueenBee - the way I explained to you briefly in Act I - the one in which The Ruru...and now Master ColdFire are given their words through.
In that, they are The Words Wiremu attributes to Coming From QueenBee...into this Situation...

Master ColdFire: Besides Technique of Exchange Look Closely Unknown Symbol

Manu Iti: Wiremu considers the methods as being evidence for any who use them, that The Metaphysical is Real and can interact with The Physical world of Wiremu and The Tanager.

Master ColdFire: Individuals Merging with the data Wide Walk Welcoming

Manu Iti:
  • Making Things Easier
    What Shall We Call It?
    Links And Symbols
    I Share Your Joy!
    Acknowledge The Agreeable
    Wide Walk Welcoming

Master ColdFire: A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student. WingMakers Materials God Ideas Doc.

Manu Iti: That is the skeleton of it Callum. The details are another thing again, reserved for those interested...

Master ColdFire: DeJaVu Each Individual.

Manu Iti: Wiremu wants to know that since now you are more connected with The Tanager, if you wouldn't mind conveying a question to The Tanager, from Wiremu.

Master ColdFire: Sweet Vibrations The Confusion Of War Beckoning Places Speak Light Body Do this...

I think on the Night Sky - and how we all seem to be attracted to sparkly things...I rise and move to The Whole...Wiremu tells me that The Book of Act II is available....I assume for the purpose of reference in anticipation of an ongoing communion between all of us here, in This Place...

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Post #40

Post by The Tanager »

Manu Iti and his Master ColdFire continue to talk with me, asking a few things of me. The Master ColdFire by my side, taps my shoulder and shows me a poem that he apparantly thinks quite funny. It is in another language that I cannot decipher, however. I shake my head, trying to signify that I don't understand the language, but also wanting to pay attention to Manu Iti and the other Master ColdFire while they talk. He just shrugs and returns to his book. I turn my attention to my other friends.

Callum: I see no correlation between the math and the words, but I am open to hearing why Wiremu thinks there is a significant one. I think it is possible that he relates to QueenBee in this way. You are going to have to walk me through it.

As to Wiremu's question to The Tanager, he is listening.
