Trans People and Sports

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Trans People and Sports

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Post by boatsnguitars »

Sports have become an integral part of modern society, with billions of people around the world tuning in to watch major sporting events such as the Olympics, the World Cup, and the Super Bowl. However, the importance placed on sports in society has led to problems, particularly in relation to the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports. While there are valid concerns about fairness in competition, the underlying problem is that society has placed an unwarranted importance on sports. This paper argues that sports are not important to humanity in any meaningful way, other than entertainment, and that the fixation on sports has contributed to the unfair treatment of transgender athletes in sports.

The Importance of Sports

Sports are often celebrated for their ability to bring people together, promote physical fitness, and instill values such as teamwork, perseverance, and fair play. However, when we examine the role of sports in society more closely, we see that the importance placed on sports is largely superficial. Sports do not contribute to the advancement of science, technology, or human knowledge in any meaningful way. They do not address pressing issues such as poverty, inequality, or climate change. Rather, sports are a form of entertainment that provide a temporary escape from the stresses and challenges of daily life.

The Problem of Fairness in Sports

Despite the relatively unimportant nature of sports in the grand scheme of things, society has become fixated on the idea that sports are of paramount importance. This fixation has led to problems when it comes to the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports. The issue of fairness in competition is often raised when discussing the participation of transgender athletes in sports, with many arguing that trans athletes have an unfair advantage due to differences in physiology. However, these concerns are largely unfounded. While it is true that transgender athletes may have certain physiological advantages, such as greater muscle mass or bone density, these advantages are not necessarily greater than those of cisgender athletes with similar physical characteristics. It also doesn't matter - at all - to humanity that Usain Bolt can outrun any one. He isn't delivering live-saving medication to orphans, or running to inform the General that a sneal attack is almost upon the troops. He's just running, we're clapping and throwing him money.
The friction comes into play when a person with no 'bits and pieces' in their pants wants to race another person - we want to check if they also have 'bits and pieces', too. It's a little laughable, really.

The Problem of Fixation on Sports

The real problem, then, is not fairness in competition, but rather the societal fixation on sports. This fixation has led to the unfair treatment of transgender athletes, who are often subjected to intense scrutiny and discrimination simply for wanting to participate in a sport they love. The importance placed on sports has also led to a lack of understanding and education about transgender issues. Many people are simply not aware of the challenges that transgender athletes face, and may not understand the importance of inclusion and acceptance.


In conclusion, the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and education. However, the underlying problem is not one of fairness in competition, but rather the societal fixation on sports. Sports are not important to humanity in any meaningful way, other than entertainment, and the undue importance placed on sports has led to the unfair treatment of transgender athletes. It is time for society to shift its focus away from sports and towards more pressing issues, such as social justice and equality, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all people, including transgender athletes.
“And do you think that unto such as you
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Re: Trans People and Sports

Post #2

Post by Miles »

boatsnguitars wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:24 am

In conclusion, the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and education. However, the underlying problem is not one of fairness in competition, but rather the societal fixation on sports.
if you want to address society's infatuation with sports go right ahead, but I don't believe it has anything to do with the problem that arise with to the inclusion of transgender athletes in sports. As I understand the problem with such inclusion is that males who transition to females retain the physical superiority and hormonal edge that go with being male and as such give trans women an unfair advantage over normal female competitors. So my opinion is that to keep the playing field level transgender females should be disallowed from playing in womens competitions, be it as an individual or as a team member.

Trans women athletes have unfair advantage over those born female: testosterone


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Re: Trans People and Sports

Post #3

Post by Purple Knight »

boatsnguitars wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:24 amThis fixation has led to the unfair treatment of transgender athletes, who are often subjected to intense scrutiny and discrimination simply for wanting to participate in a sport they love. The importance placed on sports has also led to a lack of understanding and education about transgender issues. Many people are simply not aware of the challenges that transgender athletes face, and may not understand the importance of inclusion and acceptance.
I think that some people having an unfair biological advantage is already baked into the idea of sports.

There shouldn't be women's sports at all. There should just be sports. But they do beg the question with weight classes in boxing. I disagree with those too.

There shouldn't be men's boxing and women's boxing. There should just be boxing. And whoever can compete on a professional level should be welcome. If those happen to be women, okay, good, no one cares. If they happen to be trans women, or trans men, ooookay, no one cares.

That's equality. You want nondiscrimination? That's how you do it.

The idea that you will get mostly or all males because they have a biological advantage is no different than the fact that you will also get people with high biological ability in the first place. The best female athletes didn't earn their talent anymore than anyone earned their male genitalia. None of this is fair or supposed to be fair. If you don't like that, then you don't like sports.

Our society and its fixation with sports is actually pretty demented. We ban steroids and think that makes competition fair, you know, all about effort, when what's actually occurring is that we're exalting inborn biological advantage and preserving it against those who would dare try to catch up by reaching for the same chemical advantage. We ban men or those with high testosterone because they once were men from women's sports and think the same. We cheer our favourite athlete, imagining that he is where he is because of hard work alone. And when something shatters our little fantasy, we scream like the babies we are.

We're deluded Nazis is what we are.

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Re: Trans People and Sports

Post #4

Post by brunumb »

There are only two sexes, biological male and biological female. As long as we have sports segregated on that basis, trans people should compete according to their biology if they have not undergone surgical intervention. If they have, then they can always compete as athletes with a disability. Whether one values sport or not, it is a massive part of the recreational life of human beings. To dismantle the structure to satisfy a few individuals with mental disorders is absolutely ridiculous.
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Re: Trans People and Sports

Post #5

Post by Tcg »

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[Replying to boatsnguitars in post #1]

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