How pointless is debate?

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How pointless is debate?

Post #1

Post by Darias »

Over the course of the past few months, I have noticed several of my Christian brethren say things like this:
geograptai wrote:. . . there's no point in debating theology with unbelievers.


[If] you found the Bible to be true and accurate, then we would have a foundation on which to begin. If you do not, then any theological debate we might have would be a fruitless dialogue that would result in absolutely nothing in the end but two people's opinion who aren't any closer to agreeing with each other then when they first began.


As for the offer to debate, I'll pass. We cannot debate theology if you do not consider the Bible to be true. . . . I don't see the point.
fewwillfindit wrote:. . . I have about 15 hours into a reply to your post above, but I have decided to scrap it. I hate doing this, because I feel that in it I very strongly and adequately demonstrated that my position is Biblically consistent. However, I have said before that I do not debate theology with people who do not believe the Bible. . . .


I see no point in giving you any more of my time, at least regarding Biblical matters. . . . debating anything Biblical with you is certainly pointless.
AmazingJesusIs wrote:I refuse to debate the Bible and theology with unsaved people. It's pointless.

This attitude concerns me. Two of these posts were addressed to me, a believer -- and while I take no offense at the responses in general, it does make me wonder.

If Christians are unwilling to debate other Christians on important matters of belief, how do they expect to convince non-believers to believe in their world-view?

And second, if Christians are unwilling to discuss the Bible, doctrine, or theology with non-believers, how do they expect anyone to join the faith? Are Christians just hoping people will accept Christ for fear of hell, or out of ignorance of the teachings of the faith?

Third, is this seemingly collective pessimism towards debate the result of the inability to actually support a strong argument, or is it the result of an unwillingness to exchange ideas and admit the possibility of being wrong? Or is it cased by something else?

I'd really like to know. If no one is willing to give an answer, than may I ask, "Why are you here?" After all, this is a forum called Debating Christianity and Religion.


Post #21

Post by Fisherking »

Darias wrote:Well since Atheist don't believe in God, and we do -- they not having a positive claim, and we having one -- they have the right to ask questions.
Sure, anyone can ask questions. Whether or not one can defend a posistion with logic and evidence makes for good debate though. In my experience, many non-theists avoid taking a position on anything like the plague -- the benefit is that it takes very little time to parse someone and rattle off 20 question, while it takes a great deal of time to answer questions with logic and evidence. From my experience most of don't really want to even debate... they want to team up and bog you down with questions and logical falacies.
And it is up to us to actually rationalize and defend our beliefs. Atheism in general is not a state of belief -- some Atheists claim that there is no God (God cannot exist), while many others simply just lack a belief in God, and yes there's a difference. They don't possess much of a worldview to defend -- but we do... so we have the burden of proof.
It most definately is a belief. One they do not want to have to defend.
And if Christians can't answer the simple questions of a 5 year old, regarding belief, then Christianity is in trouble! lol.
I never said they couldn't answer them. I said even a 5 year old can rattle off a series of questions.
As for your illustration about this forum, I find it cute, but untrue.
I thought it was pretty funny :lol:
I have received few, if any, ad-hominems from Non-theists since I joined this forum -- and I was even more traditional then than I am now
Where did I say you recieved any ad homs?
However, the same cannot be said in regards to Christians -- in response to many of my questions and arguments I have been the recipient of many ad-hominems -- some of which were hurtful -- all because I dared to question dogma and doctrine.
That's too bad. Perhaps it was because you were onto something they couldn't defend.

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Post #22

Post by AmazingJesusIs »

Darias wrote:How've you come to determind this? How does not believing in Biblical inerrancy = the Bible means nothing to me? WinePusher doesn't even believe in that -- can you claim the Bible means nothing to him?
By not believing that the Bible being completely true, all 66 books, means that you do not believe the Scripture to be the inspired word of God.

Here, have some Scripture:

2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;"

When it says 'All Scripture,' that doesn't mean most, it means every word.
When it says 'inspired by God,' it means it is perfect and the Word of God
When it says 'profitable for teaching,' it means that it is awesome for using as educational material.
When it says 'reproofing,' it means using Scripture to rebuke other people and ideas that are unbiblical.
When it says 'correction,' it is referring to using Scripture to correct others ideas and beliefs.
When it says 'training in righteousness,' it's saying that it is good for learning about the LORD and His plan.

Or is that also something that's not right in the Bible?

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Post #23

Post by AmazingJesusIs »

otseng wrote: This is for AmazingJesusIs and everyone else:

Do not judge on who you think is a "true" Christian or not. If a person claims to be a Christian, then leave it up to him/her and God. Do not judge on if someone is misled or not. This is especially true for people who are in the Brother's Keeper group. Remember the guidelines for the group:
This usergroup is for Christians to hold each other accountable to following the rules of the forum and to try to be blameless from attacking any other forum member.
Failure to comply by this will result in removal from the group.
Tell me where it says I cannot judge if someone is saved or not? It tells me to judge a teacher by it's fruits, and saying you don't believe the Bible to be infallible is a VERY BAD fruit. Matthew 7:16-20:

"15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.

18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20 So then, you will know them by their fruits."

Also, James 3:12, Luke 6:44, and Matthew 12:33.

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Post #24

Post by Darias »

AmazingJesusIs wrote:
Darias wrote:How've you come to determind this? How does not believing in Biblical inerrancy = the Bible means nothing to me? WinePusher doesn't even believe in that -- can you claim the Bible means nothing to him?
By not believing that the Bible being completely true, all 66 books, means that you do not believe the Scripture to be the inspired word of God.

Here, have some Scripture:

2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;"

When it says 'All Scripture,' that doesn't mean most, it means every word.
When it says 'inspired by God,' it means it is perfect and the Word of God
When it says 'profitable for teaching,' it means that it is awesome for using as educational material.
When it says 'reproofing,' it means using Scripture to rebuke other people and ideas that are unbiblical.
When it says 'correction,' it is referring to using Scripture to correct others ideas and beliefs.
When it says 'training in righteousness,' it's saying that it is good for learning about the LORD and His plan.

Or is that also something that's not right in the Bible?

That verse was written before there was a canonized New Testament. It most likely referred to the Old Testament, and maybe various accounts of Jesus before the gospels were officially canonized. That verse, in the very least, couldn't have referred to the books written after it.

Just because someone is inspired by God, it does not make them inerrant. Paul's views towards women and slavery make this fact self-evident, unless of course you want to believe that God was fine with the subjugation of women and the institution of slavery.

You may believe that the Bible is without error, and I respectfully disagree...

... but know this - interpretation via doctrine is never inerrant.

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Post #25

Post by Darias »

AmazingJesusIs wrote:Tell me where it says I cannot judge if someone is saved or not? It tells me to judge a teacher by it's fruits, and saying you don't believe the Bible to be infallible is a VERY BAD fruit. Matthew 7:16-20:

"15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?

17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.

18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20 So then, you will know them by their fruits."

James 3:12, Luke 6:44, and Matthew 12:33.
Here are the fruits:
Galatians 5:22-23, NASB wrote:But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Have you searched my heart and found any of these fruits? Do you know me well enough to rush to judgment and condemn me before God gets the chance to? Biblical inerrancy isn't a fruit on the list -- but love is. Show me where I've hated, show me where I've lost my control, show me where I've been impatient. Search my heart and search the forum, and when you are done examining my life, you may proceed with the sentence.

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Post #26

Post by fewwillfindit »

Darias wrote:
AmazingJesusIs wrote:
Darias wrote:How've you come to determind this? How does not believing in Biblical inerrancy = the Bible means nothing to me? WinePusher doesn't even believe in that -- can you claim the Bible means nothing to him?
By not believing that the Bible being completely true, all 66 books, means that you do not believe the Scripture to be the inspired word of God.

Here, have some Scripture:

2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;"

When it says 'All Scripture,' that doesn't mean most, it means every word.
When it says 'inspired by God,' it means it is perfect and the Word of God
When it says 'profitable for teaching,' it means that it is awesome for using as educational material.
When it says 'reproofing,' it means using Scripture to rebuke other people and ideas that are unbiblical.
When it says 'correction,' it is referring to using Scripture to correct others ideas and beliefs.
When it says 'training in righteousness,' it's saying that it is good for learning about the LORD and His plan.

Or is that also something that's not right in the Bible?

That verse was written before there was a canonized New Testament. It most likely referred to the Old Testament, and maybe various accounts of Jesus before the gospels were officially canonized. That verse, in the very least, couldn't have referred to the books written after it.
The NASB says "inspired," but a more correct and literal rendering is, "God-breathed." The Greek word is θεόπνευστος, transliterated theoptneustos. If you read the passage in context, and understand it in light of the other Scriptures below, Paul, in fact does refer to his teachings as Scripture. Consider the passage:
2 Timothy 3:10-17 ESV wrote:You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra--which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
Considering the bold print for context, an honest reading of this passage reveals that Paul does indeed consider his writings to be Scripture. Coupled with the fact that Peter also considered Paul's writings to be Scripture and that Paul considered Luke's writings to be Scripture, it is clear that they knew that they were writing Scripture itself.
Galatians 1:11-12 ESV wrote:For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Paul's teaching was a direct revelation from Jesus Christ, thus it is Scripture.
2 Peter 3:15-16 ESV wrote:And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
Peter is clearly calling Paul's writings Scripture.
1 Timothy 5:18 ESV wrote:For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages."
The first half about not muzzling an ox is a direct quote from Deuteronomy 25:4. The second quote is not found in the Old Testament, but is a direct quote from Luke 10:7, thus establishing that Paul considered Luke's writings to be Scripture.

So we have Paul calling his own writings Scripture, Peter calling Paul's writings Scripture and Paul calling Luke's writings Scripture; all long before Scripture was canonized. In light of this, it can clearly be established that when Paul says that all Scripture is God-breathed, that he is referring to not only the Old Testament, but also to the letters they wrote which later became the canon of Scripture. It matters not that some of it was written a few years after Paul's letter to Timothy, because the Holy Spirit knew exactly what was and wasn't going to be included in the canon when he compelled Paul to call all Scripture God-breathed.

Now unless you choose to side with unbelievers and critics and call the Pastoral epistles pseudepigraphical, and start messing with tradionally held dates of authorship, there is no refuting these passages.
Darias wrote:Just because someone is inspired by God, it does not make them inerrant. Paul's views towards women and slavery make this fact self-evident, unless of course you want to believe that God was fine with the subjugation of women and the institution of slavery.
Yes. The Bible teaches about women's roles in Church and in marriage. It also never abrogates slavery. These weren't Paul's views, but God's. We accept this as Christians. Your argument that since some Christians sweep the role of women under the rug while upholding the clear prohibition of homosexuality doesn't hold water. God's Word isn't determined by the actions of some Christians. It says what it says regardless.

I am still very interested in this discussion in our other thread, and perhaps I will have a change of heart and continue the debate we were having about women and homosexuals. We'll see. I'm still trying to shake the whole schizophrenia accusation, and I haven't succeeded in doing so yet.
Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.

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Post #27

Post by Slopeshoulder »

To reject biblical literalism or ultra-orthodox readings is not to reject scripture; it is to reject an approach to scripture. Just as every jurist or citizen who rejects originalism is not rejecting the constitution, the history of judicial opinion, or citizenship.

As is often the case, biblical literalists and ultra-orthodox fail to make that distinction. Biblical literalists and ultra-orthodox confuse their interpretative paradigm with the actual word of God.

And the reason they so often fail to debate, debate in a circular fashion, get banned, or leave, is because this is all that is left for them. They are solipcistic by definition, and Darias is right to call them on in it. They like preaching, not debating. They leave the latter to to the holy spirit, who hasn't logged in.

IMO the only legitimate reason not to debate is if one confronts a fundamentalist on the secular side, someone for whom all discussion will be reduced to an evidentiary paradigm. However, even there, if one foregoes literalism and ultra-orthodoxy, it is possible to make headway from a fideistic, phenomenological, postmodern, or mythopoetic framework (by shifting away from base evidentiary assumptions and arguing against the evidentiary, empiricist or positivist framework.) If they dig in, they are fundamentalists, and debate ends.

I find the spectacle of watching christian and atheist fundamentalists butting heads and making circulr arguments to be tragicomic.

EDIT: to say that the bible is all god breathed and/or innerrant because the bible says it is is a circular argument. It is fine to believe that, but it is not to make a point in debate. It is only repeating an unsubstantiated claim and making a circular argument.
Last edited by Slopeshoulder on Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #28

Post by fewwillfindit »

Slopeshoulder wrote:To say that the bibkle is all god breathed and/or innerrant because the bible says it is is a circular argument. It is fine to believe that, but it is not to make a point in debate. It is only repeating an unsubstantiated claim and making a circular argument.
You can't be serious. This is the Holy Huddle, man! We're all supposed to be Christians here. You are correct that when debating Atheists, that it is a circular argument, but to hear a Christian say that, in the inner sanctum called the Holy Huddle, is flabbergasting.

Christianity is defined in the Bible. Without the Bible, there would be no Christianity. Christians consider Scripture to be God-breathed. Why? Because the collection of writings that we base our lives upon says so. That's not circular reasoning when it is being discussed in-house. That's just plain truth.

Circular reasoning? Leave that argument for C&A where it belongs.
Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.

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Post #29

Post by Slopeshoulder »

fewwillfindit wrote:
Slopeshoulder wrote:To say that the bibkle is all god breathed and/or innerrant because the bible says it is is a circular argument. It is fine to believe that, but it is not to make a point in debate. It is only repeating an unsubstantiated claim and making a circular argument.
You can't be serious.
Now you're a mind reader? I am serious.
This is the Holy Huddle, man! We're all supposed to be Christians here. You are correct that when debating Atheists, that it is a circular argument, but to hear a Christian say that, in the inner sanctum called the Holy Huddle, is flabbergasting.
I was referring to debate outside the holy huddle, as was the OP I thought. You're right about it inside the HH. But why, when disucssing debate, not theology, wouldn't a christian point out that circular arguments are problematic outsiude the HH? And why would you think that the "sanctum" of the HH brings with it the assumption of biblical literalism etc? What about the rest of us?

Christianity is defined in the Bible.
To literalists and biblicists. Others would include doctrine, tradition, reason, conscience, theology, a mediated approach to scripture etc.
Without the Bible, there would be no Christianity.
I agree. Absolutely. I don't question that. Scripture is essential, foundational, and normative. Lose that and you lose Christianity. But without creeds, councils, doctrine,, tradition, development, and ongoing relevance, there wouldn't be christianity either.
Christians consider Scripture to be God-breathed.
Interpreted strictly, only some do. Interpreted loosely, we all do. I do. But this is not the same as literal, inerrant, or written by/via God to the rest of us.
Why? Because the collection of writings that we base our lives upon says so.
By one interpretation.
That's not circular reasoning when it is being discussed in-house.
I agree. If by "in house" you mean among biblicists, but this is a forum for all christans. Either way, I was speaking about debate outside the HH. Inbside the HH, you're free to make that claim insofar as it doesn't exclude the legitimate faith of other christians.
That's just plain truth.
Actually, it's a claim, made by a subset of the christian community. But it's OK to make it, and legitimately christian, if christians can disagree. That is, if you'll allow that the rest if us are christians. O:)
Circular reasoning? Leave that argument for C&A where it belongs.
I hope I was able to clarify: I was referring here (HH) to what some Christians do there (C&A), which is what I thought and think the OP was about. I have no quarrel with what you say here, circular or not, and wouldn't make the claim of circularity if we were only referring to here. It's no secret that most biblicists would think that Darias and I are not Christians, and for my part I prefer the term Christianist for y'all. But this is a place where we put that aside and recognize each other's legitimacy, while disagreeing.

Anyhoo, in general if peeps wanna debate in C&A, I'd 1. lay off the circularity and 2. call evidentiary reductionsists on their BS.
Laslty, the HH is a sanctuary for Christians, not just for biblicists, but for all Christians. Man. That some would think, say, or imply otherwise I find flabbergasting. Yet predictable.

Hey, BJHulk got banned! Yay! Now there was a gay pornstar name if there ever was one! :lol:

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Post #30

Post by Darias »

Slopeshoulder wrote:Hey, BJHulk got banned! Yay! Now there was a gay pornstar name if there ever was one! :lol:
I actually felt bad for him because I knew he was disturbed and that he felt lonely and missed his family, the majority of which left him (for obvious reasons).

I sent him a PM the other day...

I said:
Darias wrote:Hi,

I've had you on my mind recently and I was just wondering how you are feeling. I found a video on YouTube of a guy who went through what you're going through and here is the link so you can watch it:


God bless

But he replied back angrily stating that I falsely judged him and to never do such a foolish thing again. He told me to watch one of his latest videos so that I could see the truth.

The poor guy needs help but I don't know how he's going to get it if he refuses to listen to anyone. :(

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