Count me as an unbeliever

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Count me as an unbeliever

Post #1

Post by Tart »

I have been in meditation about my salvation and my sins. Stricken with terror in my own mind on the gravity of sin. I came to belief when I read the Word in a jail cell in 2009, later baptized in a church in 2014. And my life has been riddled with terror. But I believed God saved me, my strongest belief to this day. Yet when my sin continued to terrorize me, I fell. Truly it is my unbelief that truly is the problem. When God said "you are forgiven" I should listen and believe, but when the church in revealed my sin and commanded perfection I believed them... So what happens in an imperfect world in an imperfect body? That commands something I'm not? Perfection.. I fall in terror.

Now what? I meditate and believe I'm forgiven, but voices tell me I have already fell to death...

Then count me as an unbeliever, I thought, and save me today, in this moment. Let me believe in your salvation God.

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Post #11

Post by Tart »

the truth is... is i know this topic says im terrified, and perhaps i have been... but im getting sick of all this... totally sick of it... and the world encourages it.. and im sick of the world...

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Post #12

Post by William »

William:If you want some companionship and 'time out' from the fray of judgmentalism, you are welcome to please come and chat with Manu Iti by The Fireside. He will not judge you, and perhaps you could do with some fun in your day.

Tart: Of course he will judge me, all people judge everyone....

William:Everyone who participates at Around The Campfire does so because they agree not to judge others. Manu Iti will not judge you but if you really believe that you cannot participate in communication with others, without being judgmental, then you won't be able to post in that forum, because it is against the rules.

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Post #13

Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 10 by Tart]

Glad to hear it. This subforum is for Christian discussion, so uou might feel more comfortable ober in the athiest roo for further discussion.

Have an excellent and productive week,


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Post #14

Post by OnceConvinced »

Tart wrote:
JehovahsWitness wrote:
Tart wrote: Just talk with people? Damn you are soo depressing... I am absolutely convinced there is no good in he world around me and my only hope is the spirit that is in me...

So how's that working out for you?
pretty good. though man, you guys are all messed up... dude, dont feel bad about your pornography... you fear yourself? thats dumb...

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Society and its morals evolve and will continue to evolve. The bible however remains the same and just requires more and more apologetics and claims of "metaphors" and "symbolism" to justify it.

Prayer is like rubbing an old bottle and hoping that a genie will pop out and grant you three wishes.

There is much about this world that is mind boggling and impressive, but I see no need whatsoever to put it down to magical super powered beings.

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Post #15

Post by Tart »

Its true, my recent posts, though im just talking normally... a sad day it is when law is raised to such a degree, and people are so sensitive.. though i am too sometimes. is the law good? maybe we dont even know our own sins, and its gravity?


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Post #16

Post by Tart »

please dont ban me, im leaving now, i dont want to talk with you guys any more. i want to be alone...

(i was just trying to encourage JW too, i cant seem to understand how the law is good)

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Re: Count me as an unbeliever

Post #17

Post by tam »

Peace to you,
Tart wrote: I have been in meditation about my salvation and my sins. Stricken with terror in my own mind on the gravity of sin. I came to belief when I read the Word in a jail cell in 2009, later baptized in a church in 2014. And my life has been riddled with terror. But I believed God saved me, my strongest belief to this day. Yet when my sin continued to terrorize me, I fell. Truly it is my unbelief that truly is the problem. When God said "you are forgiven" I should listen and believe, but when the church in revealed my sin and commanded perfection I believed them... So what happens in an imperfect world in an imperfect body? That commands something I'm not? Perfection.. I fall in terror.

Now what? I meditate and believe I'm forgiven, but voices tell me I have already fell to death...

Then count me as an unbeliever, I thought, and save me today, in this moment. Let me believe in your salvation God.

When Christ (Jaheshua) said to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, He meant by loving your enemies as well as your friends.

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Love IS the law of God; against which there is NO law (Galatians 5:22, 23). Remember that love also covers over a multitude of sins (even if a person is not in Christ):

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 (see also Proverbs 10:12)

Christ - who IS the Word - does not lie, and He said the following:

Forgive and you will be forgiven.

Be merciful and you will be shown mercy.

May anyone who wishes them be given ears to hear, so as to get a sense of this truth from the TRUTH (Christ Jaheshua). And may anyone who wishes and who thirsts, as the Spirit and the Bride say to you, "Come! Take the free gift of the water of Life!"

(which water is holy spirit, poured out from Christ Jaheshua (the Life), and given to Him without end from His Father)

Peace again to you,
your servant and a slave of Christ,

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Re: Count me as an unbeliever

Post #18

Post by Tart »

tam wrote: Peace to you,
Tart wrote: I have been in meditation about my salvation and my sins. Stricken with terror in my own mind on the gravity of sin. I came to belief when I read the Word in a jail cell in 2009, later baptized in a church in 2014. And my life has been riddled with terror. But I believed God saved me, my strongest belief to this day. Yet when my sin continued to terrorize me, I fell. Truly it is my unbelief that truly is the problem. When God said "you are forgiven" I should listen and believe, but when the church in revealed my sin and commanded perfection I believed them... So what happens in an imperfect world in an imperfect body? That commands something I'm not? Perfection.. I fall in terror.

Now what? I meditate and believe I'm forgiven, but voices tell me I have already fell to death...

Then count me as an unbeliever, I thought, and save me today, in this moment. Let me believe in your salvation God.

When Christ (Jaheshua) said to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, He meant by loving your enemies as well as your friends.

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Love IS the law of God; against which there is NO law (Galatians 5:22, 23). Remember that love also covers over a multitude of sins (even if a person is not in Christ):

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 (see also Proverbs 10:12)

Christ - who IS the Word - does not lie, and He said the following:

Forgive and you will be forgiven.

Be merciful and you will be shown mercy.

May anyone who wishes them be given ears to hear, so as to get a sense of this truth from the TRUTH (Christ Jaheshua). And may anyone who wishes and who thirsts, as the Spirit and the Bride say to you, "Come! Take the free gift of the water of Life!"

(which water is holy spirit, poured out from Christ Jaheshua (the Life), and given to Him without end from His Father)

Peace again to you,
your servant and a slave of Christ,
Thank you Tammy...

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Re: Count me as an unbeliever

Post #19

Post by tam »

[Replying to post 18 by Tart]

You're very welcome, Tart.

Peace again to you.

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Post #20

Post by Tart »

I wanna know though, is masturbation the crime of all crimes? like the sin that killed the world? Some people are so paranoid about it, and shoot, maybe they shoot be?

Like maybe life is all about true love? right? that is like what everyone is shooting for, yet people are falling short... In an instant of time... but time is passing...

i meditate on the words of Paul..

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

I always pray for the way out... And i use to think "maybe if i do step 1, step 2 step 3, etc..." and that never works... "maybe if the world has some kind of place i can go to"... and shoot its the world that feeds me this stuff, and then they condemn you for it... I hate the world... im convinced the world is just no help... I pray for the Holy spirit now-a-days... thats it... The spirit living in me is my only help....

And maybe that way out, promised, is death... It's either sin and die, or deny it and live... I think of how people offer me drugs, weed, beer, etc... And once you start using them, people just start to fade away, friends turn into enemies, etc... death... Maybe its like, just deny it right-out, let the world die, and go live without it.... Seems like both decisions is eventually leading you away anyways... But one, you just better then everyone else, which isnt even true, and the other one they are better then you, which isnt true... Maybe we are all in our sins anyways?

And Paul said to not worry about it becuase it is common to man... It's funny, we have preachers condemning people for masturbation, but you really think "ok buddy, like anyone believes that anyways"... and if they do maybe they are foolish... When people condemn other for sexual sin, i just get really suspicious, whats really going on with this guy? In fact, condemning anyone with sin... Just starts to make me question the condemner... "i bet they fall themselves"... After all, it is common to mankind, isnt it?

But maybe we should all be ashamed.. this fallen world... clothe ourselves... I was talking to a Gay Pride guy the other day... And the truth is, i wish i could live my life as if everything was ok, no matter my sin... Love is love... Yet i dont want to celebrate my impurity.. Im trying to get rid of it... i dont like it...


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