Is racism scientific?

Debate and discussion on racism and related issues

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Is racism scientific?

Post #1

Post by Wootah »

Is racism scientific?

Answer seems yes. ... -says/amp/

Isn't our racism just part of our sin nature?
Proverbs 18:17 The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

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"Why is everyone so quick to reason God might be petty. Now that is creating God in our own image :)."

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Daedalus X
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Post #101

Post by Daedalus X »

Danmark wrote: I confess I am baffled at your conclusion that using "misfortune to undertake" means something other than what the context shows, that a naturalist who at first tries to describe a group [race] within a species ends up realizing he cannot define those differences since they 'graduated into each other.'*
When I read someone like Darwin, I read what he wrote and not what he meant to write. When I read the words “misfortune to undertake�, and I ask what did he undertake? It was “the description of a group of organisms�, then why was this a misfortune? Because “they were highly varying organisms�.

I don’t think we need to make it any more complicated than that.

When Darwin wrote “highly varying organisms� and “some being of importance� you read it as meaning “superficial differences� and “unimportant�.

If you don’t see a problem with your interpretation, then there is nothing more that I can say to find agreement between us on that. Agree to disagree.
Danmark wrote:It is only when they can no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspring that speciation occurs.
The idea of species is not well defined. Your idea of speciation, (interbreed and produce fertile offspring), is misleading at best. When you have two similar populations, the ability for members of each population, randomly chosen, to have fertile offspring will decline gradually. So, two members may have a 50% chance of fertile offspring now, and in a few more generations it may drop to 25%, then 10%, or 1%. At what arbitrary point are you going to say that speciation has occurred?

Suppose that science is able to produce a humanzee in the laboratory. And this humanzee is able to reproduce fertile offspring with both humans and chimps, then we could form a chain of beings that slowly graduate into each other, all the way from humans to chimps, would that mean that humans and chimps are now more similar as well as being the same species? No, nothing would change between the two. The same is true between the European and the negro, creating a mixed race of people in between the two is not going to make the European and the negro any more similar.

As an aside, the future of the human race is not going to be European or African, it will be a blend of the two as well as others. In the future humans will look like Filipinos. Some nations, like Japan, will resist for a time, but even they will eventually give in to the unrelenting stream of immigration that is the source of our strength.

Let's back up a bit to where we started this tangent. I said Darwin is a racist and Bust Nak said no he is not because "Darwin argued that Caucasian, the negro and Australian are the same species." As if this would excuse any racist comments made by Darwin.
Bust Nak wrote:
Daedalus X wrote: Notice how he equates the negro or Australian as being closer to the gorilla than the Caucasian is to the gorilla. That would be a racist presupposition.
Not if you understood that Darwin argued that Caucasian, the negro and Australian are the same species.
Now, suppose, that Rosanne Barr or President Trump actually beieved it is true "that Caucasian, the negro and Australian are the same species." Would that negate every racist thing that either of those two had uttered in the past? I say no, for even a racist can believe that the human race is one species. And Darwin was one of those racists. That was a normal thing in the past, even the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, was a racist.
Abraham Lincoln wrote:And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

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Post #102

Post by Bust Nak »

Daedalus X wrote: No, he does not say anything of the sort that can be read as "quite clearly".
No? Perhaps you missed my earlier quote:

"Although the existing races of man differ in many respects, as in colour, hair, shape of skull, proportions of the body, etc, yet if their whole structure be taken into consideration they are found to resemble each other closely in a multitude of points. Many of these are of so unimportant or of so singular a nature, that it is extremely improbable that they should have been independently acquired by aboriginally distinct species or races."
He is not a racist, but in the video (that you did not find to be controversial) Sam did say 'that intelligence is in a large measure due to his or her genes...genes appear to be about 50 - 80% of the story'. This would be considered racist by many on the far left.
So why would you call Darwin racist if you don't think Harris is racist for saying the same thing? As for the Rose paper, I would ask him the same thing I asked you, why attribute the superiority that Darwin saw in the white races as anything more than cultural superiority when Darwin quite explicitly stated that the other races were just as smart?

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Post #103

Post by Wootah »

Yusef wrote: [Replying to post 86 by Yusef]

Here you are the hadith i was decided show you about The Wisdom Vs. The Ignorance we should upgrade ourselves from any ignorance to all of the parts of Wisdom!

Also this is a great source of Shi'a-Hadiths for you seekers who enjoyed each one of them that i provided here or anywhere:
Here you are:
  • Shi'a-Hadith
    14ـ ع�دَّةٌ م�نْ أَصْحَاب�نَا عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْن� م�حَمَّد� عَنْ عَل�يّ� بْن� حَد�يد� عَنْ سَمَاعَةَ بْن� م�هْرَانَ قَالَ ك�نْت� ع�نْدَ أَب�ي عَبْد� الله (عَلَيْه� السَّلام) وَع�نْدَه� جَمَاعَةٌ م�نْ مَوَال�يه� �َجَرَى ذ�كْر� الْعَقْل� وَالْجَهْل� �َقَالَ أَب�و عَبْد� الله (عَلَيْه� السَّلام) اعْر���وا الْعَقْلَ وَج�نْدَه� وَالْجَهْلَ وَج�نْدَه� تَهْتَد�وا قَالَ سَمَاعَة� �َق�لْت� ج�ع�لْت� ��دَاكَ لا نَعْر��� إ�لا مَا عَرَّ�ْتَنَا �َقَالَ أَب�و عَبْد� الله (عَلَيْه� السَّلام) إ�نَّ الله عَزَّ وَجَلَّ خَلَقَ الْعَقْلَ وَه�وَ أَوَّل� خَلْق� م�نَ الرّ�وحَان�يّ�ينَ عَنْ يَم�ين� الْعَرْش� م�نْ ن�ور�ه� �َقَالَ لَه� أَدْب�رْ �َأَدْبَرَ ث�مَّ قَالَ لَه� أَقْب�لْ �َأَقْبَلَ �َقَالَ الله تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى خَلَقْت�كَ خَلْقاً عَظ�يماً وَكَرَّمْت�كَ عَلَى جَم�يع� خَلْق�ي قَالَ ث�مَّ خَلَقَ الْجَهْلَ م�نَ الْبَحْر� الاجَاج� ظ�لْمَان�يّاً �َقَالَ لَه� أَدْب�رْ �َأَدْبَرَ ث�مَّ قَالَ لَه� أَقْب�لْ �َلَمْ ي�قْب�لْ �َقَالَ لَه� اسْتَكْبَرْتَ �َلَعَنَه� ث�مَّ جَعَلَ ل�لْعَقْل� خَمْسَةً وَسَبْع�ينَ ج�نْداً �َلَمَّا رَأَى الْجَهْل� مَا أَكْرَمَ الله ب�ه� الْعَقْلَ وَمَا أَعْطَاه� أَضْمَرَ لَه� الْعَدَاوَةَ �َقَالَ الْجَهْل� يَا رَبّ� هَذَا خَلْقٌ م�ثْل�ي خَلَقْتَه� وَكَرَّمْتَه� وَقَوَّيْتَه� وَأَنَا ض�دّ�ه� وَلا ق�وَّةَ ل�ي ب�ه� �َأَعْط�ن�ي م�نَ الْج�نْد� م�ثْلَ مَا أَعْطَيْتَه� �َقَالَ نَعَمْ �َإ�نْ عَصَيْتَ بَعْدَ ذَل�كَ أَخْرَجْت�كَ وَج�نْدَكَ م�نْ رَحْمَت�ي قَالَ قَدْ رَض�يت� �َأَعْطَاه� خَمْسَةً وَسَبْع�ينَ ج�نْداً �َكَانَ م�مَّا أَعْطَى الْعَقْلَ م�نَ الْخَمْسَة� وَالسَّبْع�ينَ الْج�نْدَ الْخَيْر� وَه�وَ وَز�ير� الْعَقْل� وَجَعَلَ ض�دَّه� الشَّرَّ وَه�وَ وَز�ير� الْجَهْل� وَالايمَان� وَض�دَّه� الْك��ْرَ وَالتَّصْد�يق� وَض�دَّه� الْج�ح�ودَ وَالرَّجَاء� وَض�دَّه� الْق�ن�وطَ وَالْعَدْل� وَض�دَّه� الْجَوْرَ وَالرّ�ضَا وَض�دَّه� السّ�خْطَ وَالشّ�كْر� وَض�دَّه� الْك��ْرَانَ وَالطَّمَع� وَض�دَّه� الْيَأْسَ وَالتَّوَكّ�ل� وَض�دَّه� الْح�رْصَ وَالرَّأْ�َة� وَض�دَّهَا الْقَسْوَةَ وَالرَّحْمَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْغَضَبَ وَالْع�لْم� وَض�دَّه� الْجَهْلَ وَالْ�َهْم� وَض�دَّه� الْح�مْقَ وَالْع��َّة� وَض�دَّهَا التَّهَتّ�كَ وَالزّ�هْد� وَض�دَّه� الرَّغْبَةَ وَالرّ��ْق� وَض�دَّه� الْخ�رْقَ وَالرَّهْبَة� وَض�دَّه� الْج�رْأَةَ وَالتَّوَاض�ع� وَض�دَّه� الْك�بْرَ وَالتّ�ؤَدَة� وَض�دَّهَا التَّسَرّ�عَ وَالْح�لْم� وَض�دَّهَا السَّ�َهَ وَالصَّمْت� وَض�دَّه� الْهَذَرَ وَالاسْت�سْلام� وَض�دَّه� الاسْت�كْبَارَ وَالتَّسْل�يم� وَض�دَّه� الشَّكَّ وَالصَّبْر� وَض�دَّه� الْجَزَعَ وَالصَّ�ْح� وَض�دَّه� الانْت�قَامَ وَالْغ�نَى وَض�دَّه� الْ�َقْرَ وَالتَّذَكّ�ر� وَض�دَّه� السَّهْوَ وَالْح��ْظ� وَض�دَّه� النّ�سْيَانَ وَالتَّعَطّ��� وَض�دَّه� الْقَط�يعَةَ وَالْق�ن�وع� وَض�دَّه� الْح�رْصَ وَالْم�ؤَاسَاة� وَض�دَّهَا الْمَنْعَ وَالْمَوَدَّة� وَض�دَّهَا الْعَدَاوَةَ وَالْوَ�َاء� وَض�دَّه� الْغَدْرَ وَالطَّاعَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْمَعْص�يَةَ وَالْخ�ض�وع� وَض�دَّه� التَّطَاو�لَ وَالسَّلامَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْبَلاءَ وَالْح�بّ� وَض�دَّه� الْب�غْضَ وَالصّ�دْق� وَض�دَّه� الْكَذ�بَ وَالْحَقّ� وَض�دَّه� الْبَاط�لَ وَالامَانَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْخ�يَانَةَ وَالاخْلاص� وَض�دَّه� الشَّوْبَ وَالشَّهَامَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْبَلادَةَ وَالْ�َهْم� وَض�دَّه� الْغَبَاوَةَ وَالْمَعْر��َة� وَض�دَّهَا الانْكَارَ وَالْم�دَارَاة� وَض�دَّهَا الْم�كَاشَ�َةَ وَسَلامَة� الْغَيْب� وَض�دَّهَا الْم�مَاكَرَةَ وَالْك�تْمَان� وَض�دَّه� الا�ْشَاءَ وَالصَّلاة� وَض�دَّهَا الاضَاعَةَ وَالصَّوْم� وَض�دَّه� الا�ْطَارَ وَالْج�هَاد� وَض�دَّه� النّ�ك�ولَ وَالْحَجّ� وَض�دَّه� نَبْذَ الْم�يثَاق� وَصَوْن� الْحَد�يث� وَض�دَّه� النَّم�يمَةَ وَب�رّ� الْوَال�دَيْن� وَض�دَّه� الْع�ق�وقَ وَالْحَق�يقَة� وَض�دَّهَا الرّ�يَاءَ وَالْمَعْر�و�� وَض�دَّه� الْم�نْكَرَ وَالسَّتْر� وَض�دَّه� التَّبَرّ�جَ وَالتَّق�يَّة� وَض�دَّهَا الاذَاعَةَ وَالانْصَا�� وَض�دَّه� الْحَم�يَّةَ وَالتَّهْي�ئَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْبَغْيَ وَالنَّظَا�َة� وَض�دَّهَا الْقَذَرَ وَالْحَيَاء� وَض�دَّهَا الْجَلَعَ وَالْقَصْد� وَض�دَّه� الْع�دْوَانَ وَالرَّاحَة� وَض�دَّهَا التَّعَبَ وَالسّ�ه�ولَة� وَض�دَّهَا الصّ�ع�وبَةَ وَالْبَرَكَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْمَحْقَ وَالْعَا��يَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْبَلاءَ وَالْقَوَام� وَض�دَّه� الْم�كَاثَرَةَ وَالْح�كْمَة� وَض�دَّهَا الْهَوَاءَ وَالْوَقَار� وَض�دَّه� الْخ��َّةَ وَالسَّعَادَة� وَض�دَّهَا الشَّقَاوَةَ وَالتَّوْبَة� وَض�دَّهَا الاصْرَارَ وَالاسْت�غْ�َار� وَض�دَّه� الاغْت�رَارَ وَالْم�حَا�َظَة� وَض�دَّهَا التَّهَاو�نَ وَالدّ�عَاء� وَض�دَّه� الاسْت�نْكَا�َ وَالنَّشَاط� وَض�دَّه� الْكَسَلَ وَالْ�َرَح� وَض�دَّه� الْحَزَنَ وَالالْ�َة� وَض�دَّهَا الْ��رْقَةَ وَالسَّخَاء� وَض�دَّه� الْب�خْلَ �َلا تَجْتَم�ع� هَذ�ه� الْخ�صَال� ك�لّ�هَا م�نْ أَجْنَاد� الْعَقْل� إ�لا ��ي نَب�يّ� أَوْ وَص�يّ� نَب�يّ� أَوْ م�ؤْم�ن� قَد� امْتَحَنَ الله قَلْبَه� ل�لايمَان� وَأَمَّا سَائ�ر� ذَل�كَ م�نْ مَوَال�ينَا �َإ�نَّ أَحَدَه�مْ لا يَخْل�و م�نْ أَنْ يَك�ونَ ��يه� بَعْض� هَذ�ه� الْج�ن�ود� حَتَّى يَسْتَكْم�لَ وَيَنْقَى م�نْ ج�ن�ود� الْجَهْل� �َع�نْدَ ذَل�كَ يَك�ون� ��ي الدَّرَجَة� الْع�لْيَا مَعَ الانْب�يَاء� وَالاوْص�يَاء� وَإ�نَّمَا ي�دْرَك� ذَل�كَ ب�مَعْر��َة� الْعَقْل� وَج�ن�ود�ه� وَب�م�جَانَبَة� الْجَهْل� وَج�ن�ود�ه� وَ�َّقَنَا الله وَإ�يَّاك�مْ ل�طَاعَت�ه� وَمَرْضَات�ه�.
    14. A number of our people has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn Hadid from Suma’a ibn Mihran who has said the following.
    “With a gathering of his followers I was in the presence of Imam abu ‘Abdallah (a.s). A discussion on intelligence and ignorance began to emerge among them. Thereupon Imam abu ‘Abdallah said, “You, first, must recognize intelligence and its army and ignorance and its army only then you would find proper guidance.� I then asked, may Allah make my soul of service to you, we only learn what you teach us.� The Imam (a.s) said, “Allah, the Glorious, the Majestic created intelligence and it was the first creature of spiritual world on the right side of the Throne from His light. He then told him to move backwards and intelligence moved backwards. He then told him to come forwards. Intelligence came forwards. Allah, the Sacrosanct, the Most High said, “I have created you a great creature and honored you above all others of my creatures. The Imam (a.s) continued, “Allah then created ignorance from a salty dark ocean and told it, “move backwards and did move backwards. He then called it to come forwards but it did not come forwards. He then said to it, ‘Did you shun coming forwards?� He then pronounced it condemned. He then assigned seventy-five armies for intelligence. When ignorance saw all the honors Allah has granted to intelligence it bore hidden animosity towards intelligence and said, “Lord this creature is just like me. You created and honored it and gave it power. But I have no power against it. Give me also likewise armies. The Lord then said, “I will give you also an army but if you would disobey Me I will then expel you and your army from My mercy. Ignorance then said, ‘I agree.’ Allah gave it seventy-five armies and it was out of the army of intelligence.
    The Army of Intelligence The Army of Ignorance
    1 Goodness is the minister of Intelligence Evil is the minister of Ignorance
    2 Faith Disbelief
    3 Professing Refusal
    4 Hope Despair
    5 Justice Injustice
    6 Consent Disapproval
    7 Thankfulness Ungratefulness
    8 Expectation Hopelessness
    9 Reliance Greed
    10 Soft-heartedness Hard-heartedness
    11 Mercy Anger
    12 Knowledge Ignorance
    13 Understanding Foolishness
    14 Chastity Reckless
    15 Restraint Yearning
    16 Relenting Relentless
    17 Cautious Boldness
    18 Humbleness Arrogance
    19 Relax Haste
    20 Forbearance Silliness
    21 Quietness Bluffing
    22 Peacefulness Contempt
    23 Acceptance Doubt
    24 Patience Impatience
    25 Forgiving Revenge
    26 Self-reliance Poverty
    27 Remembrance Forgetfulness
    28 Sympathy Detachment
    29 Self-content Covetousness
    30 Munificent Avaricious
    31 Affection Animosity
    32 Loyalty Infidelity
    33 Obedience Disobedience
    34 Subservience Supremacy
    35 Security Affliction
    36 Love Hatred
    37 Truthfulness Duplicity
    38 Truth Falsehood
    39 Trustworthiness Treachery
    40 Sincerity Distortion
    41 Sharp witted Feeble-mindedness
    42 Comprehension Simple-mindedness
    43 Cognizance Refusal
    44 Safekeeping feel evil satisfaction
    45 Security unseen Intemperance
    46 Protective Unmasking
    47 Prayer Loosing
    48 Fasting Consuming food
    49 Hard work Passivity
    50 Hajj Disregard of covenant
    51 Soundness of words Scandalous
    52 Kindness to parents Rudeness to parents
    53 Factual Braggart
    54 Legitimate Wickedness
    55 Guarded Bedecked
    56 Concealment Hatching
    57 Fairness Taking-sides
    58 Peaceable Rebelliousness
    59 Cleanliness Filthiness
    60 Bashfulness Ill-mannered
    61 Impartiality Aggressive
    62 Comfort Exhaustion
    63 Ease Hardships
    64 Blessedness Lack of blessings
    65 Tranquility Suffering
    66 Stability Aggrandizing
    67 Wisdom Desires
    68 Dignity Meanness
    69 Fortunateness Unfortunateliness
    70 Repentance Persistence
    71 Seeking forgiveness Keeping pride
    72 Conservitiveness Heedlessness
    73 Invoking Withholding
    74 Vitality Lethargic
    75 Happiness Sorrow
    Friendliness Aversion
    Generosity Stinginess
    No one other than a prophet or his successor or a true believer the strength of whose faith Allah has already tested can have the whole army of intelligence with all such characteristics. However, some of our followers and friends may acquire some of such characteristics so that they may reach perfection and repulse the army of ignorance and purify themselves from evil. In such case they also will step at the high degree and level of the prophets and the successors of the prophets. This progress can only be made after knowing, with certainty, intelligence and its army and ignorance and its army. May Allah provide us and you the opportunity to obey Him and work to please Him.

:warning: Moderator Warning

Hi Yusuf,

I am sure there are language barriers at work here but your posts are very hard to read and understand. This post seems to have no bearing on the topic and is simply preaching to others to convert.

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"Why is everyone so quick to reason God might be petty. Now that is creating God in our own image :)."

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Upgrading from animality toward angelity

Post #104

Post by Yusef »

[Replying to post 102 by Wootah]

Ahaa owokayy!
The Readers of these posts should look at them carefully!
Such as the links exists above of the Replies!

You dear reader/seeker of sciences/facts/Truths that read that post, you should know that i replied the post that i mentioned/quote that everyone should make himself growing

And this the last post makes that the more completed!
Means by this Hadith you will understand that
Everyone has 75 attributes of humanity/culture/personality descriptions;
A part are siding the Wisdom,
A part are siding the Ignorance.
At the start point, if one has at least 38-37 towards the Wisdom, he is higher rated than the Angels!
And one who has at least 37-38 towards the Ignorance, he is lesser tgan the Animals!
In any way we in any point in any start point any position we are,
We should UPGRADE and CONVERT all of our own attributes from the Ignorance to the Wisdom!
Means we should try to convert all the 75s!
The Idea of Target of the creation by God is the same![Shi'a-source]!

Waittt waitt!!...!!
Now we arrived at a great part of the crossword!!

God Wanna we humans be upgrading toward the highest degree!
And Satan wanna we be downgrading toward the lest degree lesser than any animal/evil/demon

Who have invited us or the better word, banned us to be upgrading!!?
One such as Paul Tarsusi that invited Christians to worship prophet Jesus[pbuh], even the worse!! Invited them to do sins with this hope that their god has been crucified for their sins!!!
Well, they/you then don't see any needy to be upgrade yourselves!!

In continue of that satanic idea, an idea has been running even in our country that a group of fools invite people to be peaceful and ignore any badness and forgive everyone!!

Now we connected to the previous posts that the German scientists said!

I kill your brother,
You will be angry and wanna avenge me..
One of those fools ban you and tell you: Nope! Forgive him!
Be happy and ignore that!!

And slowly and slowly make an Anarchism in all societies and at the end give us a great jungle with full of lawless people[animals]

Instead of that condemn the root/source of the problems, they condemn the REactions of the problems!!
What reversed!!!
Now we arrived at the part of the Divs[Devils] in the Zoroastrianism also Cursed Evils in the Shi'a doctrines that say:
  • continues to his own evilness up to be converted to an reversed evil that one of human-evil of the army of Satan.. and they reversed-human-satans are those who have been reversed and see every goodness, badness and every badness goodness and at all they see just a bit of their own goodness versus a bit of badness of the opposite sides! Means if he is 99%-1% evilness-goodness, he looks at just the 1% only and the opposite sides that have 1%-99% evilness-goodness, he looks at just the 1% of badness of them!
    Exactly 180Ëš reversed than a faithful man that everywhere looks at a bit badness of himself and always looks at a bit of goodness of others..
    In other words you see God in the personality of one who has been upgraded and see Satan in one who has been downgraded at the highest degree
the above all are in the Hadiths and i compiled them to one.
Also Al-Khurasani i mentioned in the previous posts, in the Zoroastrianism he will murder all of these Divs! Exactly the same personality murders evils in the Shi'a-sources
Those who try not to change thefts/adulterers/wine drinkers/pig eaters/killers/etc.. reversely they try to change others to be quite/silent/ignorant versus their actions!!

Ahaaa Now we arrived at the parts of the crossword that is about rising Gog&Magog that God will Avenge these satanic-reversed-people by those!!
I assume your beliefs are the better! Well, be soldier of God and convert me. By your own reasonings also tell me my wrong beliefs and why..>> :study:

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Post #105

Post by marco »

Yusef wrote: [Replying to post 102 by Wootah]

Ahaa owokayy!

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Re: Army of Wisdom Vs army of Ignorance

Post #106

Post by EarthScienceguy »

[Replying to post 98 by Yusef]

So what does the Koran say about racism? Does it saying anything about Jews and Christians being infidels? I would say that might be a little racist.

Why are you quoting the Shi'a-Hadiths because there are many muslims that do not believe that the Shi'a-Hadiths is a holy book.

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Re: Racism

Post #107

Post by Menotu »

[Replying to post 1 by Wootah]

Racism is a human ideal that's taught, not bred from what I can see. That's assuming that racism described here isn't a simply 'noticing of something different than one's self', but a hatred/dislike for someone of a different race for no other reason that being different.
Like that video that's been making the rounds as of late with the little black boy running to meet his little white boy friend. They likely noticed they're different in appearance but they don't care. At least not yet. Not until someone tells them to care.

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Post #108

Post by Daedalus X »

[Replying to post 101 by Bust Nak]

The claim that you are supporting is this one
Bust Nak wrote:He says quite clearly that the differences between the races were unimportant and just skin deep.
And this is what you use to support your claim
Bust Nak wrote:"Although the existing races of man differ in many respects, as in colour, hair, shape of skull, proportions of the body, etc, yet if their whole structure be taken into consideration they are found to resemble each other closely in a multitude of points. Many of these are of so unimportant or of so singular a nature, that it is extremely improbable that they should have been independently acquired by aboriginally distinct species or races."
The words are there “the existing races of man differ in many respects…these are of so unimportant…� done, you have defeated and humiliated me!

One small problem, you are reading between the lines and totally changing the meaning of Darwins passage. Try reading it again. Darwin is not saying the differences are unimportant, he is saying that there are many similarities that are unimportant. All he is saying is that these unimportant similarities would not be there if we did not have a common ancestor, they would not evolve independently. Can you see how you totally misunderstood the passage?

Quite clearly, your claim stands unsupported, please withdraw it or support it.
Bust Nak wrote: So why would you call Darwin racist if you don't think Harris is racist for saying the same thing?
Harvard University and Google are racist organizations. Harvard has a sign posted in the admissions office that says “Asians need not apply�, while Google has a sign posted that says “Hispanics and blacks need not apply�.

The sign at Harvard is enforced by people, the one at Google is enforced by nature.

Darwins racism is like that at Harvard (driven by emotion), and Sam Harris’s racism is like that at Google, which is not racism at all, it is a position informed by science.

The science behind race and IQ is still not well understood and will remain that way because the study of the topic is verboten. I will list a source that will get you started, if you are interested in studying this with an open mind. ... ce-and-iq/

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Post #109

Post by Bust Nak »

Daedalus X wrote: Try reading it again. Darwin is not saying the differences are unimportant, he is saying that there are many similarities that are unimportant.
That's pretty much how I read it too. The point was the difference between the races are in colour, hair, shape of skull, proportions of the body. What are these differences, if not skin deep?
Darwins racism is like that at Harvard (driven by emotion)...
But why do you believe that? Are you not starting from the premise that Darwin was racist, then fitting what you see around it? Why this and not:

"Slavers' racism is like that at Harvard (driven by emotion), Darwin and Harris’s racism is like that at Google, which is not racism at all, it is a position informed by science."

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Re: Army of Wisdom Vs army of Ignorance

Post #110

Post by Yusef »

EarthScienceguy wrote: [Replying to post 98 by Yusef]So what does the Koran say about racism? Does it saying anything about Jews and Christians being infidels? I would say that might be a little racist.
first of all the phrase "infidels" is not talking about "Racism"!!
return back to the post 24.
Also I quoted that many parts of Qur'an that talks about Christians/Jews have interpretation about Sunni muslims. Look at the below link:
...and wrote:Why are you quoting the Shi'a-Hadiths because there are many muslims that do not believe that the Shi'a-Hadiths is a holy book.
Here is difference between Shi'a and Sunni: ... 234#906234

Third of all, the phrase "preaching text" marcopolo says, i mentioned that NOPE!
by that "preaching text" i showed that these 75 characters are that those characters that is the standard for name one Wise, and one Ignorant!
And it isn't depending on Races!
Means maybe one with the best races demote himself up to the maximum degree and clean all the 75 characters of Wisdom and make live all the 75 characters of Ignorance
Therefore he with the best races will be fewer/lesser than one weaker race with some characters of Wisdom!
Now did you realize that what connection there was between this "preaching text" and the "Racism"!??
If not, i explain the more
I assume your beliefs are the better! Well, be soldier of God and convert me. By your own reasonings also tell me my wrong beliefs and why..>> :study:

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