Compassionate Islam?

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Compassionate Islam?

Post #1

Post by bernee51 »

Is this yet another example of Allah the Compassionate...

Pakistani mother of three sentenced to death for blasphemy for supposedly blaspheming the "Prophet" after her offers of bringing water to Muslims was rejected on the grounds that she was a Christian.

1. Should Islam throw of the yoke of such ridiculous laws as as blasphemy? Can it?

2. Where is the compassion and acceptance within this medieval abomination of a beleif system?
"Whatever you are totally ignorant of, assert to be the explanation of everything else"

William James quoting Dr. Hodgson

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God forgot to tell you about the Trinity

Post #61

Post by Asher »

Peace be upon you,
Matthew-28:20. Jesus said, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
From among the 4 gospels which have recorded the elevation of Jesus, this is the only one which made such statement;

Mark 16:15-18
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Luke 24:47-49
47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
48 And ye are witnesses of these things.
49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

It's an amazing situation, from among the 4 "inspired" Gospels only 3 talks about the last words of Jesus (John missed it out completely), only 1 state something about "the Trinity"
the essence of Christianity is based on the Trinity and God forgot to inform about it;

Peace be upon you all;

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Re: God forgot to tell you about the Trinity

Post #62

Post by Burninglight »

Asher wrote: Peace be upon you,
Matthew-28:20. Jesus said, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
From among the 4 gospels which have recorded the elevation of Jesus, this is the only one which made such statement;

Mark 16:15-18
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Luke 24:47-49
47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
48 And ye are witnesses of these things.
49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

It's an amazing situation, from among the 4 "inspired" Gospels only 3 talks about the last words of Jesus (John missed it out completely), only 1 state something about "the Trinity"
the essence of Christianity is based on the Trinity and God forgot to inform about it;

Peace be upon you all;
Here is the question you asked:
Asher wrote:
I want proof about the concept of the trinity from the bible;
Not only that It exist but that Jesus too taught it;
I answered it and gave you the proof. It is not my problem you don't believe what God or Jesus said! I do! The concept is all throughtout the Bible. The Holy Spirit is called God Jesus is called the son of God and God by God. Do you want me to prove that too? Why should I? You will only in vain try to tear the Word of God apart to your own destuction.
peace be unto you

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Post #63

Post by Asher »

Peace be upon you;
I answered it and gave you the proof.
Your proof is inconsistent, from among the 3 authors who recorded the same scene, only 1 talks about the MOST IMPORTANT thing;
I'm asking did God forgot to tell it to the others?
It is not my problem you don't believe what God or Jesus said! I do! The concept is all throughtout the Bible. The Holy Spirit is called God Jesus is called the son of God and God by God.
The only thing that you have is testimonies of Matthew, Marc, Luke and Joh not God's word;
With contrast with the allegation that God said: "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.", these are the words of Luke;
1) John the Baptist did not hear the voice of God, he had to question Jesus;
2) Ans Jesus himself said:
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.(John 5:37)
nobody heard the "voice came from heaven";
Do you want me to prove that too? Why should I? You will only in vain try to tear the Word of God apart to your own destuction.
I don't need to do it of myself, the bible is doomed for auto destruction;
Now you can see that you cannot even trust what is assigned to God
Peace be upon you all;

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Post #64

Post by Burninglight »

Asher wrote: Peace be upon you;
I answered it and gave you the proof.
Your proof is inconsistent, from among the 3 authors who recorded the same scene, only 1 talks about the MOST IMPORTANT thing;
I'm asking did God forgot to tell it to the others?
It is not my problem you don't believe what God or Jesus said! I do! The concept is all throughtout the Bible. The Holy Spirit is called God Jesus is called the son of God and God by God.
The only thing that you have is testimonies of Matthew, Marc, Luke and Joh not God's word;
With contrast with the allegation that God said: "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.", these are the words of Luke;
1) John the Baptist did not hear the voice of God, he had to question Jesus;
2) Ans Jesus himself said:
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.(John 5:37)
nobody heard the "voice came from heaven";
Do you want me to prove that too? Why should I? You will only in vain try to tear the Word of God apart to your own destuction.
I don't need to do it of myself, the bible is doomed for auto destruction;
Now you can see that you cannot even trust what is assigned to God
Peace be upon you all;
The point is it was said and written. It only needed to be said once. If you don't believe it the first time, what difference will it make to you if all three authors said the same thing? You will find an excuse to get out of it. But make no mistakes. The Bible is the Scripture that came before. You dishonor a book that Muhammad honored. Even he would frown on your comments not to mention Allah who said, Sura 5:71: "Say, O People of the Book! You are not (founded) on anything UNTIL you PERFORM the TORAH and the GOSPEL, and what was revealed to you from your Lord." These were revealed to me and no devil in hell can tell me otherwise!

Sura 32:23: "We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: Be not then in doubt of its REACHING (THEE): And we made it a guide to the Children of Israel." I have no doubt about it reaching me. You have doubt that it reached you. You say it is corrupted because it confirmes ishmael is not a prophet. You are also concerned about the trinity yet Allah confirms the gospel and torah as his word yet you disbelieve, and he said "We" who was he talking to? If you say the angels than are they his partners? If you say it is a term of respect, I'll say that is lame! He must have been talking to the flying cranes (Allah's three goddess daughter) that Muhammad prophesied about and Uthman abrogated from the Quran after his death. Peace be upon you

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Learn arabic that will be helpfull;

Post #65

Post by Asher »

Peace be upon you;
The point is it was said and written. It only needed to be said once.
LOL; It has been said once, but not recorded, by 3 of the 4 authors of the Gospels;
3 people recording the same scene 2 of them omits the most important part of Trinitarian Christian;
If you don't believe it the first time, what difference will it make to you if all three authors said the same thing? You will find an excuse to get out of it.

This is suppose to be the only time Jesus talked about the "holy trinity" and among 3 witnesses only 1 tells you about it;
If you are logical you would know that this is a fabrication;
But make no mistakes. The Bible is the Scripture that came before. You dishonor a book that Muhammad honored. Even he would frown on your comments not to mention Allah who said, Sura 5:71: "Say, O People of the Book! You are not (founded) on anything UNTIL you PERFORM the TORAH and the GOSPEL, and what was revealed to you from your Lord." These were revealed to me and no devil in hell can tell me otherwise!
The tell me from among the 4 different Gospels, when Jesus will come back, which one will he preach?
Sura 32:23: "We did indeed aforetime give the Book to Moses: Be not then in doubt of its REACHING (THEE): And we made it a guide to the Children of Israel." I have no doubt about it reaching me.
It has reached you, but only part of it;
You have doubt that it reached you. You say it is corrupted because it confirmes ishmael is not a prophet.
Not only because of that, the "Torah" that you have is the work of a historian not Moses neither of God;
If it was from God to would not have contained absurd statements, contradictions… etc;
You are also concerned about the trinity yet Allah confirms the gospel and torah as his word yet you disbelieve, and he said "We" who was he talking to?
This proves your ignorance about the Arabic and Hebrew language, when God says we he refers to himself, this is the Plural of Respect;
Not father son and holy Ghost;
and opposed to the translators of the Bible when the Quran talks in plural of respect it keeps the statement in plural;
If you say the angels than are they his partners? If you say it is a term of respect, I'll say that is lame! He must have been talking to the flying cranes (Allah's three goddess daughter) that Muhammad prophesied about and Uthman abrogated from the Quran after his death.
When God announced that he has created man, he announced it to the angels;
Your ignorance will surely tell you that it is lame, You don't know arabic nor hebrew;
Your bible says:
"�ֱלֹהִ֑י�" Elohim which means Gods; Why then has it been translated to God?
But from Adam until now the Jews says that this is the plural of respect;
Same for the muslim, only ignorant christians ask this kind of Question;
From the time that the Qur'an was revealed no arab christian have ask this question as they know arabic;

Just because you are out of argument does not mean that you can talk about stupidities;
Look it the bible you will find the same God talking with the plural of respect, and the Jews have never considered God to be many Gods, event if it is "Elohim"

Peace be upon you;

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Plural of Respect?

Post #66

Post by Burninglight »

Plural of Respect? Who is Allah respecting? "WE SENT DOWN THE SCRIPTURES..."

When Jesus said go baptizing in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit. That wasn't said to teach about the trinity or make the triunity of God the emphasis that people needed to understand.

Logic tells me that the Quran cannot be God's true word. Logic tells me that it is impossible that all the Scriptures that came before that conflict with the Quran is corrupted. What is logical is the other way around. What conflicts with the Bible is what is corrupted. IOW, "we" know what doesn't line up with the Bible is corrupted. I said "we" as a term of respect too. lol

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Post #67

Post by Asher »

Peace be upon you,
Plural of Respect? Who is Allah respecting? "WE SENT DOWN THE SCRIPTURES..."
He was not respecting other, but himself;
Find this in the "Torah"
"Let us make adam (man) in our image and our likeness." (Bereshith 1:26)
And no Jew have found God to be a trinity and they say that this is the plural of Respect, only christians shout out that this is the trinity, misunderstanding completely that this is the plural of respect;
When Jesus said go baptizing in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit. That wasn't said to teach about the trinity or make the triunity of God the emphasis that people needed to understand.
If God has put the emphasis on that you would have seen it said several times in the bible:
3 people recording the same event only one wrote about this, this is a completely lie, inserted into the "Gospel";
Logic tells me that the Quran cannot be God's true word. Logic tells me that it is impossible that all the Scriptures that came before that conflict with the Quran is corrupted. What is logical is the other way around. What conflicts with the Bible is what is corrupted.
The bible itself is Corrupted according to your statement:
When Jesus was baptize:
And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.(Luke 3:22)
When Jesus was preaching(way after he has been baptize)
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.(John 5:37)
IOW, "we" know what doesn't line up with the Bible is corrupted. I said "we" as a term of respect too. lol
Lol, according to your statement, your bible is corrupted:
See the Qur'an gives a test for identifying corruption, and know where it comes from:
It says: "If the book came from other than Allah, you would have found in it many discrepancies"
And there is none;
But of your bible:
Christians have said that it contained about 50,000 errors,
and moreover you have 10,000 different copies; Your are not trying to prove the bible right but trying to cover up your belief;
Jesus said:
Did not Moses give you the law?, and yet none of you keepeth the law, Why go ye about to kill me?
The law was given to Moses not to a historian, the historian took it and placed it into an account; Then the christians copied it from the Jews inserting there own belief, and using there own understanding, making changes accordingly to their vein faith;
Paul taught you:
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

The only problem you have with the Qur'an is the denial of the "sacrifice" and the "deity" of Jesus, I'm sure if the Qur'an was revealed in the time of Jesus, everyone would have believe in it; But God made it so, to show that thought you may see the truth you won't accept it;

Peace be upon you all;

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Post #68

Post by Burninglight »

I'll get back to your comments, but I don't know for sure that menat the trinity when He said "Lets us make man..." But why does Allah have to respect himself?

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Post #69

Post by Asher »

Peace be upon you;
I'll get back to your comments, but I don't know for sure that menat the trinity when He said "Lets us make man..."
Sounds like you gonna disappear again;
The "us" is equivalent to the "we" you are suppose to know that;
But why does Allah have to respect himself?
He was not respecting himself, he was showing that he is respectful, he is the Almighty;

Peace be upon you all;

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Post #70

Post by Burninglight »

Asher wrote: Peace be upon you;
I'll get back to your comments, but I don't know for sure that menat the trinity when He said "Lets us make man..."
Sounds like you gonna disappear again;
The "us" is equivalent to the "we" you are suppose to know that;
But why does Allah have to respect himself?
He was not respecting himself, he was showing that he is respectful, he is the Almighty;

Peace be upon you all;
In order to be respectful, you have to be respecting someone. Who was Allah respecting? Christians can answer this better than Muslim. We know God is one as the father, son and Holy Spirit. So God could say we or us. But when anyone says we, they are representing a company. Allah or God has no reason to respect any person or Himself to be respectful. You have a discrepancy in the Quran with that and also with Allah praying for Muhammad as mentioned in the Quran S 44 : 33 & 56 Don't look at the English translation. Look at it in the Arabic. Tell me who was Allah praying to??????????
BTW, you are the one who disappears not me!

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