Jesus Is My Homeboy

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Jesus Is My Homeboy

Post #1

Post by otseng »

Christianity is currently an "in" thing in pop fashion. Clothing sport Jesus is My Homeboy and Mary Is My Homegirl.

Jesus the new King of Pop Culture
But lately it seems the King of the Jews is the King of Cool. Call it a pop culture moment.

He's a hot seller at hip shops such as Journeys, where shirts declare "Jesus is my homeboy."

Some may find the Jesus the Savior meets Homeboy Jesus concept a bit irreverent. Others say talking about God in this manner is better than no talk at all.
What do you think? Is it irreverent or not? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

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Post #2

Post by Quarkhead »

I don't think it's irreverent at all. Even a cursory glance at who Jesus hung out with, and preached to, gives us a clue as to whom he would be visiting with were he here today. Hint: it wouldn't be pious folks in suits and ties!

Some might say that these referrents highlight a particular misunderstanding of Jesus - that such pop-culture "Jesus" items are not about the teachings, just slick commercialism. But that doesn't bother me, since I happen to think most so-called Christians today show an appalling lack of understanding about Jesus' teachings anyway. :D

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Post #3

Post by veritas »

Quarkhead wrote:Even a cursory glance at who Jesus hung out with, and preached to, gives us a clue as to whom he would be visiting with were he here today. Hint: it wouldn't be pious folks in suits and ties!
I quite agree. If Jesus, or any of the Prophets, sages, wise men, Buddahs were to visit our modern culture, I have the feeling that places such as Liberty University, the "Tower of Power," and the like might get short shrift! :)

I have to wonder if it's just me, or if anyone else sees a more than passing resemblance between the Pharisees of Jesus's time and the clerics of "Organized religion." (And note: I'm not just talking Christianity, but all religions, including my own Wicca).


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Post #4

Post by adherent »

Whats wiccan?

I remember reading about the christian fashion thing in the newspaper. I don't think the words on the clothes have any impact at all on the people reading the letters or the peoeple wearing em.

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Post #5

Post by Barbie »

Irreverent? I don't know if that is the question I would ask. Perhaps more along the lines of God honoring. Is it honoring to Him?

Jesus is not a fad.

What I would have to also ask is would you feel comfortable, in whatever you are wearing, if you stood in the presence of the Creator of the Universe?

And is there a reason, purpose in wearing clothing advertising Jesus?

Is it God honoring?
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Jesus is just a fad

Post #6

Post by NuclearTBag »

I dont see why this Jesus fad is so acceptable, if I wore my "Jesus loves me, but I make him wear a condom" T-Shirt, would if offend people??? Without a doubt, so I don't see why this crap is acceptable, but I really don't care, if someone want's to put their ignorance on their shirt, feel free, just accept the conseqences, but since I'm just an atheist, I recgonize that christians are people just like me, I don't care, I don't feel any malice towards them, I would just like them to stop forcing their religion onto me, that's all. I don't go out and tell everyone that I'm an atheist, I'd like christians to do the same.

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Post #7

Post by Barbie »

Wondering about something...

Why is it that when Christians stand up for what they believe in they are accused of being intolerant and "forcing" their views on others, but when others express their views it is considered "free speech"?

Could it be because Jesus is so offensive? May I be as offensive as Him!!
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Re: Barbie

Post #8

Post by NuclearTBag »

The reason why christians are considered offensive in this culture for forcing their views on others, because they are the only ones doing it. If I as an atheist, wore get a darwin fish on my car, I will get half the community complaing to me. When was the last time you saw an atheist protesting something, never, or atleast not very often. Every Sunday after the church, Joe Christian has to bring his five year old outside the abortion clinic to hold up doctered pictures of mangled fetuses. When was the last time you saw an atheist protesting a cathloic church, holding up doctored photos of a preist molesting an alter boy, you don't see that sort of thing. If I wore a shirt saying what if god was real, and not just pretend?, that would offend people, so I don't do it. I wish christians would do the same for the rest of us.

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Post #9

Post by otseng »

If I wore a shirt saying what if god was real, and not just pretend?, that would offend people, so I don't do it. I wish christians would do the same for the rest of us.

To bring this back to topic, how does someone wearing a "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt force that person's belief on you? Odds are even that the person wearing that t-shirt is not even a Christian. This is after all a "pop fashion". Just like if someone wears a crucifix, it doesn't mean that person believes in Jesus as her savior.

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Post #10

Post by Barbie »

From NuclearTBag:

The reason why christians are considered offensive in this culture for forcing their views on others, because they are the only ones doing it.

Are they the only ones doing it? :roll: I have to disagree with that. What I do see are Christians reacting (thank you, Lord!) to continued removal of anything even remotely related to God. Others may not be coming right out and condemning Christianity but they do work hard, in more subtly ways at times, to proclaim (force! ;) ) their agenda. Our nation in the past decade has seen an unpresidented removal of anything Godly.

and more...

When was the last time you saw an atheist protesting a cathloic church, holding up doctored photos of a preist molesting an alter boy, you don't see that sort of thing.

Good point! ;) Sad to say, but today's church has much to answer for and has in many ways become as corrupt as the world. The church doesn't need to be condemned it is self-condemning. But this brings up the difference in those who profess Christ as their Savior and those who simply "play" church. Sadly those outside of the Body of Christ cannot see the dividing lines. Sadly those outside of the Body of Christ look at any who tack "Christian" before their group and sadly we all stand condemned.

From otseng:

Odds are even that the person wearing that t-shirt is not even a Christian. This is after all a "pop fashion". Just like if someone wears a crucifix, it doesn't mean that person believes in Jesus as her savior.

Re-reading your question makes me wonder if I missed the point you were making and went off on a tangent! Sorry if that is the case!! :( It would seem that you are refering to those who wear "Christian" symbolic items while holding no real belief system, or at least none that would reflect Christian views. More on target now? :roll:

When I see this I am filled with great sorrow. Not something easily explained. I wonder what really goes on in someones head when they take what is sacred and make it trivial by creating it into a fashion statement. I am sad because there is so much more and they are missing it. They are lost in impressing others while blinded by the only One worth impressing. And I wonder what our Lord thinks of that. Do you? How does He view the "popularizing" of what is precious to Him...
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