The Bible...from God or Man?

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The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #1

Post by Domenic »

The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
Do you know who had the bible built? Where it was taken from? Does it match where it was taken from?
As a student of scriptures I have stopped using the bible, and went back to using where it is claimed to have been taken from. If you trust the bible is from God, on what foundation does that trust stand?

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #2

Post by YahDough »

Domenic wrote:
The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
That depends on which verse you are reading. Do you have the gift of the Holy Ghost (Spirit)?
Do you know who had the bible built?
It was compiled from what was available and thought to be authentic.
As a student of scriptures I have stopped using the bible, and went back to using where it is claimed to have been taken from.
I wouldn't advise that. Others have done that and even paid with their lives to make the Bible available.
If you trust the bible is from God, on what foundation does that trust stand?
The Holy Ghost Spirit bears witness with my spirit the things that are true in the Bible. Sometimes it takes time and effort to discern what is true and what is false.

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #3

Post by YahDough »

Domenic wrote:
The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
The Word makes the words the "word".

There are 3 Greek words for "word" as used in the Bible.
1."Rhema" 2."Logos" and 3."gramma"

The RHEMA (Word) of God is the "Sword of the Spirit". It is
the God-breathed Word of God that comes through
the 'written' or 'spoken' communication we all
experience. The Rhema is the power of the Holy
Ghost. It is the "given" or "spoken" Word of God.

The LOGOS "WORD" of God is a capital "W". The Logos
(WORD) of God is Christ Jesus Himself as expressed
in the 1st Chapter of the Gospel of John.
Jn:1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God.

GRAMMA (grammar) are written 'words' that communicate
information and language. These 'words' may or
may not convey the "Word" of God which can be
expressed in the Bible. The Holy Bible contains the written
gramma (words) of and about God. It is information
about God and is clearly explained in: 2Tim3;16
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good

I'm making a point of the different meanings of the word
"WORD" because grammar (words about God) only become
the "Rhema" Word of God, when they are acted upon by the
Holy Spirit which is all made possible by the "Logos" of God,
our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the somewhat confusing English language, one could say:

"The Word of God makes the words of man become the word of truth."

or more understandably:

"The Logos (Christ) makes the grammar become the rhema.

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #4

Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 1 by Domenic]

The JEHOVAH'S WITNESS belief is that the bible is the word of God - meaning that it is of Divine origin "inspired from God and written by humans.


Jehovah's Witness official statement ... rd-of-god/
INDEX: More bible based ANSWERS ... 81#p826681

"For if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. So both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah" -
Romans 14:8

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #5

Post by GTO50 »

Domenic wrote: The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
The bible is a collection of books
to which on some of it's pages you can find that
which was written at one time as being spoken
to men or taught by God to His creation.

Yes, the bible does contain to some degree
the word of God at one time or another.

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #6

Post by OnceConvinced »

GTO50 wrote:
Domenic wrote: The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
The bible is a collection of books
to which on some of it's pages you can find that
which was written at one time as being spoken
to men or taught by God to His creation.

Yes, the bible does contain to some degree
the word of God at one time or another.
How does one determine which parts are from God and which parts are from man?

Society and its morals evolve and will continue to evolve. The bible however remains the same and just requires more and more apologetics and claims of "metaphors" and "symbolism" to justify it.

Prayer is like rubbing an old bottle and hoping that a genie will pop out and grant you three wishes.

There is much about this world that is mind boggling and impressive, but I see no need whatsoever to put it down to magical super powered beings.

Check out my website: Recker's World

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #7

Post by GTO50 »

OnceConvinced wrote:
GTO50 wrote:
Domenic wrote: The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
The bible is a collection of books
to which on some of it's pages you can find that
which was written at one time as being spoken
to men or taught by God to His creation.

Yes, the bible does contain to some degree
the word of God at one time or another.
How does one determine which parts are from God and which parts are from man?
That which is from God will always rule over everything else.

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #8

Post by meda13130 »

[Replying to post 1 by Domenic]

Muslims believe all the Prophets and their books (psalms, Torah, Bible and Quran). but all the other Holy books were altered or corrected by humans and the original statements were corrupted and become doubtful,
God tells us in the Quran that all Prophets came with the same identical message to their people that is to believe in Allah and to worship Him. He also tells us in the Quran that all the people of other religions have deviated from the original teachings of their prophets. This is due to two reasons. The first is that earlier scriptures were not preserved simply because of the absence or scarcity of writing paper and so the teachings were transmitted orally and with time became distorted. The second reason is because the clergy of various religions introduced doctrines that were never there (e.g., the Christian trinity creed was introduced only after the council of Nicea in 325 AD and the Council of Constantinople in 386 AD)

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #9

Post by Dimmesdale »

Domenic wrote: The question has been asked many times, "Is the Bible really the word of God?"
Do you know who had the bible built? Where it was taken from? Does it match where it was taken from?
As a student of scriptures I have stopped using the bible, and went back to using where it is claimed to have been taken from. If you trust the bible is from God, on what foundation does that trust stand?
What if the Bible has supernatural elements but isn't from "God?"

I'm willing to grant real miracles, real prophecies, and real metaphysical truths to be found in the Bible, yet it needn't be specifically the revelation of God Himself, as in the personal being known as YHWH. The writers of the Bible could just have tapped into a substrate of reality, a reality that isn't even the Highest Reality....

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Re: The Bible...from God or Man?

Post #10

Post by Deeogee »

[Replying to Domenic in post #1]

Great question.

This is a very good place to learn truth. ... rticle=898

Type in "inspiration of the bible."

Check out -

There is a CD entitled " Is The Bible From God"

By Kyle Butt / Eric Lyons

I have one and it is very good.
You purified your souls in obeying the truth...being born again. (1Peter 1:22,23)

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