The Left Hand of the Damned

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The Left Hand of the Damned

Post #1

Post by Talishi »

A Southpaw is a person with the “desire or behavior of preferring the use of the left hand�. Left-handedness has a variety of effects on society at large, and they are almost universally negative. Experienced boxers can be completely thrashed by much smaller opponents who choose to emphasize their left hand because their normal fighting instincts are confounded. Left handed batters often send line drives out to right field, where the opposing team usually places its weakest outfielders, and this gives the “progressive� baseball team which accepts openly lefty batters an unfair advantage.

The word “sinister� is from the Latin for left, reflecting its evil connotations. It is perhaps no coincidence that the socialists of the Democratic Party refer to themselves as the Left. Even in communiust China the phrase “left path� stands for illegal or immoral means.

Now don’t get me wrong. Some of my best friends are lefties. But just between you and me, I wouldn’t want my sister to marry one. And frankly, I don’t really have a problem with people who prefer to use their left hand, as long as they don’t shove their lifestyle choice in my face.

I’ve lost count of how many times my daughter came home from school crying because when they passed out the scissors for arts and crafts the only ones remaining were the ones designed for left handed kids and bought by the school district to promote the Southpaw agenda.

Although 13% of human beings openly choose the tragic Southpaw lifestyle, many left-handed people remain in the closet in Muslim countries due to the stigma associated with it there. Traditionally, among desert nomads, the right hand was reserved for eating, while the left hand was used exclusively to wipe bottoms

Fortunately, there is hope. Ex-Southpaw ministries use prayer and aversion therapy to condition left-handed people away from their tragic and filthy lifestyle choice. These ministries experience a high recidivism rate, it is true, but this persistent left-handedness can be laid at the door of the all-pervasive demonic influence in the world which came with the Fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. It is a difficult cross to bear, but the only permanent solution is for Southpaws to renounce their former lifestyle and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Prayer to receive him now:

“Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Thank you for coming to Earth and dying so that I could have eternal life. Please forgive all my sins. I am going to follow You with my life now. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and direct my steps. In Jesus’ name, Amen.�
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Post #2

Post by 2ndRateMind »

Nevertheless, it seems to me that the leftpaw LGBTetc agenda will not be won in Christian circles until our more conservatively inclined friends can be persuaded that the Bible is not the inerrant Word of God, but only the state of the art theology, philosophy and ethics of its time.

Best wishes, 2RM

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Post #3

Post by Dimmesdale »


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Re: The Left Hand of the Damned

Post #4

Post by Wootah »

[Replying to post 1 by Talishi]

When you are lined up for battle, shield to shield, and the leftie decides to stand with their shield in the other hand you might also come to regret their decision.
Proverbs 18:17 The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

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Re: The Left Hand of the Damned

Post #5

Post by nobspeople »

[Replying to Talishi in post #1]
Left-handedness has a variety of effects on society at large, and they are almost universally negative. Experienced boxers can be completely thrashed by much smaller opponents... Left handed batters often send line drives out to right field
Those two examples are hardly almost universally negative effects on society. Lefties make up only about 10 percent of the population, but studies find that individuals who are left-handed score higher when it comes to creativity, imagination, daydreaming and intuition. They're also better at rhythm and visualization. The author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was a brilliant mathematician and a left-hander in a right-handed world. The first two astronauts to land on the moon were both left-handed. The child prodigy, Mozart, who composed over 600 works that included many religious pieces, was left-handed.
lost count of how many times my daughter came home from school crying because when they passed out the scissors for arts and crafts the only ones remaining were the ones designed for left handed kids and bought by the school district to promote the Southpaw agenda.
Anytime someone uses the word 'agenda' for something they simply dislike tells me they're paranoid and, likely, full of hate for no good reason. Which is both sad and scary.
Ex-Southpaw ministries use prayer and aversion therapy to condition left-handed people away from their tragic and filthy lifestyle choice.
Man I hate being right all the time 8-)
Have a great, potentially godless, day!

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