evolution, a big lie? this is what i believe

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evolution, a big lie? this is what i believe

Post #1

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

according to "science", the oldest cities in the world are jericho and damascus. both are in the bible (genesis). the oldest ruins in the world are in iraq (because of the oldest civilization in the world in mesopotamia). near iraq is the birthplace of adam, near the euphrates river. it is a big coincidence that man capable of building cities began in places according to the bible. darwin said the survival of the fittest, Lord Jesus said to love your enemy and your neighbor. darwin is the opposite of Lord Jesus. darwin is the beast, the liar, the deceiver, darwin is not science, he is not education, he is not the truth. read the revelation, chapter 13, the first beast. buddy, you believe people who are paid to prove evolution and they can't. an ordinary man doesn't see anything, he believes in evolution like a religion. the fossils are dating with earth layers, and the earth layers are dating with fossils. it's a loop. carbon dating or other dating are not accurate. they bring those numbers to fit evolution. there is no proof about evolution. if you want to prove evolution, make life in the laboratory, or find alien life, these are the only chances you have. bacteria that "evolve" because it becomes immune, it's the same process like vaccines for men. the man becomes immune to the virus, and the man never "evolved". the organism can defend itself in certain circumstances. why humans have so many races? why are dogs big, small, in any color? is not the wolf their common ancestor? why are similarities between species? we have the same designer: God. who gives you the right to be unfaithful, and who makes me be a believer? simple, you can't obey God because you are satan. who is that "hero" that invented christianity not for himself but other people in the future? the bones which are found are, or humans, or apes and they are so old and dusty, you can't see anything. neanderthals. i will worship the evolution if i see a skull with a thicker arch of the eyes, and canine teeth like humans because a thick arch of the eyes is not specific to humans and canine teeth of humans are different from canine teeth of apes. the skulls of neanderthals, which were found, have or thicker arch of the eyes or canine teeth like humans, never in combination. the "monkey-man" bones are or chimpanzees or gorillas, and guess what? they live only in africa. that's the reason "evolution" began in africa because only there are these monkeys. man has the power to change animals and plants. we domesticated them. in the wilderness, all is different. yes, in the past on earth were all kinds of beings, but now we enjoy oil. everything has a utility for men. buddy from when the men are "awake", nothing has changed. that is the big evolution once at millions of years a nose gets flatten? what is the purpose of that? listen to the law of God, and you will have anything you need. buddy, you want to escape from the law of God, you can't. there are abnormal interests to maintain this charade. obvious, the theory of evolution was made to put doubt upon God, nobody can track the "evolution process" in millions of years.

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Re: evolution, a big lie? this is what i believe

Post #2

Post by DrNoGods »

[Replying to post 1 by cristian_gavrilescu]
carbon dating or other dating are not accurate. they bring those numbers to fit evolution.

Do you have any evidence or data to show that radiometric dating is not accurate? It is used in far more applications that just evolution, and has proven to accurate when applied properly using proper samples.

The post appears to just be a rant against evolution with no question for debate. Did you have a question, or did you just want to make unsupported claims because you don't accept evolution as a scientific theory, despite the huge amount of evidence that supports it?

There have been countless debates on this website, as you'd expect, relating to evolution. So far no one has managed to disprove it, and you have not presented anything here to support your arguments. Just a rant against evolution without any specific question for debate.
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Post #3

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

ok. why you believe evolution?
one question

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Post #4

Post by DrNoGods »

[Replying to post 3 by cristian_gavrilescu]
ok. why you believe evolution?

Because of the overwhelming evidence in favor of it. This evidence has been documented extensively, challenged repeatedly and found to be valid, and it explains far too many observations to be discarded as incorrect. This is why it advanced from a hypothesis to a formal scientific theory.

Like most things in science it is continuously being refined in the details as new data and observations arise. But the basic idea of evolution by natural selection and the mechanisms behind it have been demonstrated to be correct. There is no longer any doubt about this.

If you search this website you can find a large number of debates on all aspects of the subject, many of which are repeats of early threads as it is such a common subject, and an ideal one for debating the intersection of science and religion. Science has the winning hand.
In human affairs the sources of success are ever to be found in the fountains of quick resolve and swift stroke; and it seems to be a law, inflexible and inexorable, that he who will not risk cannot win.
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Re: evolution, a big lie? this is what i believe

Post #5

Post by wiploc »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: according to "science", the oldest cities in the world are jericho and damascus.
You believe those are the oldest cities just because science says so? But you don't believe in evolution even though science says so?

Only garbage arguments are based on accepting science when it supports you and rejecting science when it doesn't.

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Post #6

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

i know you say evolution "is a fact" but i want to know why

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Re: evolution, a big lie? this is what i believe

Post #7

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

wiploc wrote:
cristian_gavrilescu wrote: according to "science", the oldest cities in the world are jericho and damascus.
You believe those are the oldest cities just because science says so? But you don't believe in evolution even though science says so?

Only garbage arguments are based on accepting science when it supports you and rejecting science when it doesn't.
they can't hide historical evidences

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Post #8

Post by Divine Insight »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: i know you say evolution "is a fact" but i want to know why
It's not our place to educate you. That's what colleges are for. The information is already out there. It's up to you to comprehend it.

You argue that carbon dating isn't accurate, but that's only a very small part of the picture. Your objections no longer make any sense when we simply look at the fact that bones found from very old geological periods are found together in the same layers of the earth. And no human bones are found in the same layers with dinosaur bones, etc.

The paleontology of the earth is very well understood and documented. Trying to argue that it all falls apart based on an idea that carbon dating isn't accurate is an extremely weak argument on your part.

We also have observations from astronomy that tell us how old our solar system is, etc. The fact that the earth is 4.5 billion years old is not in question. You'd need to reject too much science to try to claim this is wrong. But science has already proven itself to be true. Computers, cell phones, GPS and nuclear power plants simply wouldn't work if science was wrong.

Trying to deny science is truly ignorant. Science has proven itself to be true, there's no going back to pretending that science could be wrong.

You ask:
cristian_gavrilescu wrote: why are similarities between species?
Because the term "species" is a man-made word. It was defined to label categories that have similar properties. In fact, the term is actually not perfectly defined precisely because of this. It's mankind's best effort to try to categorize things that are being studied.

The bottom line is pretty simple:

If you need evolution to be wrong in order to preserve ancient Hebrew folklore, then it's you who has extreme problems. Not science. Hebrew folklore has extreme self-contradictions of its own that cannot be resolved.

Think about the religious dogma that you are attempting to resurrect from its own grave. Hebrew folklore has already broken into at least three main factions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And all three of these have continued to break down and fall apart into even more internal factions.

Christianity alone as broken into two major factions: Catholicism and Protestantism.

We have further seen Catholicism defeat itself over the centuries via its own disagreeing Popes. The Catholic Church hasn't even been consistent in its own decrees and proclamations. Today many Catholics even renounce their own Pope. Pope Francis.

The protesting factions of the Christian Protestantisms are even worse yet. They have broken into so many disagreeing factions that they can hardly agree on anything anymore, and their individual preachers often preach against their fellow Protestant demoninations. Christianity has become a self-hating religion that has turned against itself.

How ironic is that when their own Jesus had proclaimed that a house that turns against itself cannot stand? Christianity is a house that has turned against itself.

You say:
God. who gives you the right to be unfaithful, and who makes me be a believer?
Unfaithful to what? Christianity is a mess. There's nothing left of it to be faithful to. It's a house that has turned against itself.

Should I become a Catholic and be faithful to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church as supposedly "The Body of Christ"?

Or should I become one of the many protesting Protestant heathens, who not only reject the "Body of Christ" and the Pope, but who also reject all their diverse Protestant brothers and sisters.

Which of these many diverse Christian Gods are you faithful too? :-k

And what about the original Judaism is Yahweh? Perhaps you should be faithful to Yahweh instead of Jesus? How can you be sure that Jesus isn't the great deceiver named Satan?

And what about Islam and Muhammad? How can you be sure that Islam isn't the true word of God. Islam claims that their Qur'an cannot be questioned as it is clearly the only perfect word of the God of Hebrew folklore.

By the way, look at where this conversation is leading,...

The self-defeating Abrahamic folklore of Middle Eastern origin is only part of the various religions men have invented. There's also many other religions to consider such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, and so on.

By the way, think about this: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, and many other religions are actually compatible with evolution of life on earth. It fits into their religious theology seamlessly. In fact, it fits in with these theologies so well that they can actually lay claim to evolution as prove of the predictions their theologies.

So you're not only bucking science, and every faction of the Abrahamic religions that you discard, but you are also bucking against all other world religions.

Think of how tiny and insignificant your theological views must be in comparison with the entire Abrahamic picture.

Which faction of Christianity are you faithful too? :-k

You say:
buddy, you want to escape from the law of God
Which law? Can you point to it? Even the religious paradigm you are attempting to preach cannot agree on what the law of their ancient mythical God should even be.

Do you follow the law of Pope Francis as God's appointed messenger? If not, then according to Catholicism you are already rejecting the Body of Christ.

Which disagreeing faction of Christianity do you support? And why did you chose to join that particular club?

Finally, and this is of paramount importance:

Unless God is an evil thug who wants me to do evil things, then I'm already in harmony with God.

If God stands for righteousness, decency love and truth, then I'm already in harmony with God. It shouldn't matter whether I'm a Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Jain, Agnostic or even an Atheist.

Unless God wants me to do evil things, then I'm already in harmony with God.

You seem to have the idea that God is some sort of egotistical pig who will condemn anyone who doesn't worship a specific man-made version of him.

I can understand why you would view God in this way considering the religion you are supporting. But I see no reason to think that God would be a jealous egotistical thug.

I would suggest that it's you who might want to rethink your picture of God.

The picture you preach is one of a jealous evil God who is hung up on his own ego.

I see no reason to think that humans were created by such a self-absorbed egotistical God.

If these is a God, let's all how that the Eastern Mystical religions have the correct picture of God. Because the God the Hebrews invented is a self-proclaimed jealous egotistical thug. Their Bible has their thug God doing all manner of evil throughout their entire collection of folklore.

How in the world did you end up placing your faith in that dogma? :-k

This is a serious question. Of all the religions on earth, what caused you to chose the folklore of a self-proclaimed jealous thug as the picture of God?

And why the Christian off-shoot of that folklore? If you like Christ you must have hated Yahweh. Christ couldn't have been more opposite in character.

Buddhism is a far more benevolent theology. If you believe in a loving God I don't understand why you haven't chosen a loving theology?

Instead, you chose the Hebrew folklore of a jealous God who's chomping at the bit to cast the objects of his own creation into an eternal hell fire.

It seems to me that this is a theology that only should be chosen by people who have been convinced that they have no other choice but to accept it. I can't imagine anyone accepting Hebrew theology freely. Why on earth would you want to believe in a God of condemnation? :-k

It's a valid question don't you think?

Do you have a reasonable answer?
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Post #9

Post by cristian_gavrilescu »

you talk a lot and nonsense, i don't have the guts to read you

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Post #10

Post by brunumb »

cristian_gavrilescu wrote: you talk a lot and nonsense, i don't have the guts to read you
It is not enough to merely say that you disagree with what science has revealed, you have to demonstrate that it is actually wrong. The scientific method has an inbuilt process of self-correction. That is in fact how our knowledge advances. Errors are weeded out and theories get discarded or become even stronger. Your criticisms are not based on anything factual, just opinions that appear to be loaded with bias as a result of religious beliefs. If you think that the science is wrong please explain where and how that is the case and back it up with evidence.
George Orwell:: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Voltaire: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
Gender ideology is anti-science, anti truth.

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