Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

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Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #1

Post by AgnosticBoy »

There is now evidence that Antifa group was in the midst of the protestors. Coinciding with the timing of recent protests, now Antifa has taken over a few city blocks in a Seattle area and they're calling it the "autonomous zone". ... omous-zone

And their real agenda was not about George Floyd but rather they used those protests to incite more chaos. The New York times reports the real agenda:
While Mr. Floyd’s death in Minneapolis drove most of the energy in the streets toward ending police violence and racial injustice, some of those here in recent days have pushed for a wider focus. Some of the messages mirror the 2011 Occupy movement and seemed aimed at targeting corporate America for its role in social inequities.

"The more we encourage and focus on the race thing, the greater our attention is not focusing on the fact that this is class warfare,” said a 28-year-old protester and self-described anarchist who identified himself only by his first name, Fredrix. ... e.amp.html

So the real agenda is not about race.

Why did mainstream media ignore all of the evidence that Antifa was involved?

Does this show the weakness of Democrats (Washington State Governor is a Democrat) when they let domestic terrorists take over their neighborhoods?


Re: ? takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #2

Post by koko »

Your source - the City Journal - is from the ultra right wing Manhattan Institute. It indicates Antifa has taken over. However, the NY Times link you provided does not say it is Antifa. Go to SeattlePI and it, too, fails to list Antifa as the source for this peaceful takeover: ... 330353.php

Interesting that both acknowledge that these people did not resort to violence, weapons, attacks on the public or police, destruction of property, or anything resembling what we saw in Minneapolis. On the contrary, it shows where it is police who used tear gas and violence:

There were signs clearly indicated smoking zones, urging people to consider their neighbor's health. People handed out masks and hand sanitizer, trying to keep their neighbors and fellow protesters safe. Joshua Jacobs sat in a chair next to an aid station with a makeshift roof made from umbrellas giving out name tags.

Jacobs said he's come to the protests several times throughout the past week. The community has been incredibly supportive, he said, noting the only violence he has seen has been from the police.
"People are helping each other, providing food and water and sanitizer and masks and it's really just the entire community coming together," he said.

I think you will need to find a more objective and truthful source to provide evidence that Antifa is responsible for this action. By the way, how interesting it would be that this was non violent - would this show that Antifa has turned a new leaf? O:)

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Re: ? takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #3

Post by AgnosticBoy »

koko wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:52 am Your source - the City Journal - is from the ultra right wing Manhattan Institute. It indicates Antifa has taken over. However, the NY Times link you provided does not say it is Antifa. Go to SeattlePI and it, too, fails to list Antifa as the source for this peaceful takeover: ... 330353.php

Interesting that both acknowledge that these people did not resort to violence, weapons, attacks on the public or police, destruction of property, or anything resembling what we saw in Minneapolis. On the contrary, it shows where it is police who used tear gas and violence:

There were signs clearly indicated smoking zones, urging people to consider their neighbor's health. People handed out masks and hand sanitizer, trying to keep their neighbors and fellow protesters safe. Joshua Jacobs sat in a chair next to an aid station with a makeshift roof made from umbrellas giving out name tags.

Jacobs said he's come to the protests several times throughout the past week. The community has been incredibly supportive, he said, noting the only violence he has seen has been from the police.
"People are helping each other, providing food and water and sanitizer and masks and it's really just the entire community coming together," he said.

I think you will need to find a more objective and truthful source to provide evidence that Antifa is responsible for this action. By the way, how interesting it would be that this was non violent - would this show that Antifa has turned a new leaf? O:)
Read their agenda and that's how you know. The group is also multiracial so It's certainly not a White supremacist group. Hmmm, what other group would want to take over Streets and defund the police? Certainly a Leftist group to say the least.


Here goes a source of violence in Seattle:



Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #4

Post by koko »

staged sabotage:

Obviously not being done by BLM which is incorporated as a non profit institution. It would lose its status if it was found to be involved in these crimes. So far, despite repeated allegations by the right wing, no Antifa "operatives" have been charged for these crimes even though three weeks have gone by since they started.


Re: _______ takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #5

Post by koko »

Federal Arrests Show No Sign That Antifa Plotted Protests
Despite claims by President Trump and Attorney General William P. Barr, there is scant evidence that loosely organized anti-fascists are a significant player in protests. ... Position=1

Inciting a riot. Hurling a Molotov cocktail. Plotting to sow destruction. Those are some of the most serious charges brought by federal prosecutors against demonstrators at protests across the country in recent weeks.

But despite cries from President Trump and others in his administration, none of those charged with serious federal crimes amid the unrest have been linked so far to the loose collective of anti-fascist activists known as antifa.

A review of the arrests of dozens of people on federal charges reveals no known effort by antifa to perpetrate a coordinated campaign of violence. Some criminal complaints described vague, anti-government political leanings among suspects, but a majority of the violent acts that have taken place at protests have been attributed by federal prosecutors to individuals with no affiliation to any particular group.


The police vacated a precinct and protesters laid claim to the neighborhood around it.
Even so, Attorney General William P. Barr has blamed antifa for orchestrating the mass protests, which broke out in cities and towns across the country after the death in police custody of George Floyd. “There is clearly some high degree of organization involved at some of these events and coordinated tactics that we are seeing,” Mr. Barr said. “Some of it relates to antifa, some of it relates to groups that act very much like antifa.”

Mr. Trump has sought to expand and exploit accusations against what he has called the involvement of “radical leftists” in the protests. At one point the president said that antifa would be declared a “terrorist organization,” although it is not a single organization nor does any American law allow using that designation against a domestic group. On Tuesday, the president suggested on Twitter, without providing any evidence, that a 75-year-old Buffalo protester hospitalized after being knocked down by the police could be “an ANTIFA provocateur.”

Mr. Trump and other Republicans have also sought to raise campaign funds off the unsubstantiated accusations. “Stand with President Trump against antifa!” read a banner advertisement on Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign website this week.

Marjorie Greene, a congressional candidate in Georgia, produced a campaign ad showing her armed with an AR-15-style rifle and threatening antifa activists. “You won’t burn our churches, loot our businesses or destroy our homes,” she said.

Asked why the myriad criminal complaints do not single out antifa, Mr. Barr said on Fox News this week that preliminary charges did not require linking suspects to a particular group, adding that there was “a witches’ brew of extremist groups that are trying to exploit this situation on all sides.”

F.B.I. agents and federal prosecutors have pursued charges aggressively against rioters, looters and others accused of wreaking havoc during the demonstrations. Law enforcement officials have relied on a variety of federal statutes to make arrests, including conspiracy to commit arson, starting a riot, civil disorder and possession of a Molotov cocktail.

DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE PROTESTSEarly demographic data shows a significant presence of white protesters.
The most serious case that has emerged in federal court involved three men in Nevada linked to a loose, national network of far-right extremists advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government. They were arrested on May 30 on charges of trying to foment violence during Black Lives Matter protests.

Given the sheer volume of thousands of arrests nationwide in recent weeks, officials cautioned that many investigations remain in the early stages with investigators still trying to determine affiliations. In addition, state and local court documents are far harder to search comprehensively.

However, interviews with several major police departments and a review of hundreds of newspaper articles about arrests around the country revealed no evidence of an organized political effort behind the looting and other violence.

“We saw no organized effort of antifa here in Los Angeles,” said Josh Rubenstein, the spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department.

Asked in an interview about the involvement of antifa or other extremist groups in Minneapolis, Medaria Arradondo, the chief of police, said, “As I sit here today, I have not received any sort of official information identifying any of the groups.”

In one example where antifa is mentioned, the police in Austin, Texas, said members of the Red Guards, a Maoist organization, were involved in organizing the looting of a Target store. The Red Guards have been associated with past antifa protests in Austin, but local activists said they were largely estranged from the group.

Some students and teachers see the officers themselves as a greater danger, and are pushing for a change.
While anarchists and anti-fascists openly acknowledged being part of the immense crowds, they call the scale, intensity and durability of the protests far beyond anything they might dream of organizing. Some tactics used at the protests, like the wearing of all black and the shattering of store windows, are reminiscent of those used by anarchist groups, say those who study such movements.

In Portland, Ore., those affiliated with Rose City Antifa said they had supported the continuing protests. But the city’s antifa actions have long involved a wide range of people, some who dress in black apparel and face coverings and others who show up in everyday clothing to denounce far-right extremists and police militarization. There have also been various far-left activities in Seattle, including people who have spray-painted anarchist symbols on public property.

Antifa has roots in the Occupy Wall Street protests of a decade ago and the demonstrations against the World Trade Organization in the 1990s. During Mr. Trump’s inauguration, antifa activists marched in Washington vandalizing businesses and at one point setting fire to a limousine.

Over the next several months, its followers disrupted events hosted by right-wing speakers like Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos. When the far right fought back, organizing its own public protests, anti-fascist activists met them on the streets in what often turned into violent confrontations, culminating in the bloody rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017.

Anarchists and others accuse officials of trying to assign blame to extremists rather than accept the idea that millions of Americans from a variety of political backgrounds have been on the streets demanding change. Numerous experts also called the participation of extremist organizations overstated.

“A significant number of people in positions of authority are pushing a false narrative about antifa being behind a lot of this activity,” said J.M. Berger, the author of the book “Extremism” and an authority on militant movements. “These are just unbelievably large protests at a time of great turmoil in this country, and there is surprisingly little violence given the size of this movement.”

Christopher Wray, the F.B.I. director, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in July that the agency “considers antifa more of an ideology than an organization.”

In Las Vegas, the complaint filed in U.S. District Court said the three suspects called themselves members of the “boogaloo,” which is described as a far-right movement “to signify a coming civil war and/or fall of civilization.”

At a protest, the three strapped on bulletproof vests, grabbed their rifles and waded into the crowd, hoping to provoke clashes between protesters and the police, according to court papers. One taunted police officers, yelling in their faces, while a second chided protesters “that peaceful protests don’t accomplish anything and they needed to be violent,” the complaint said.

When that failed, they plotted to blow up an electric substation along the route of the demonstration in the hope that would prompt more violence between the police and protesters, according to the complaint. They were arrested after preparing Molotov cocktails from gasoline and lemonade bottles before a march.

Robert M. Draskovich Jr., a lawyer for one of the accused, Stephen T. Parshall, 35, said his client denied all the charges.

Individuals associated with the boogaloo movement have been out in force at numerous demonstrations in the past few years, clad in their distinctive combat dress and armed with rifles. They often claim that they appear armed in public to underscore their commitment to Second Amendment rights, or to protect local businesses.

But online, boogaloo discussion groups overflow with racist statements and threats to exploit any unrest to incite a race war that will bring about a new government system.

In Denver, the police seized a small arsenal including three assault rifles, numerous magazines, several bulletproof vests and other military paraphernalia from the car trunk of a self-professed “boogaloo” adherent headed toward a protest, a man who had previously livestreamed his own support for armed confrontations with the police.

After a demonstration in Athens, Ga., on May 31 ended with the National Guard being called in and tear gas being fired to clear protesters away from the gates of the University of Georgia, Chief Cleveland L. Spruill wrote a lengthy memo spelling out his concerns around extremist involvement in the protests.

Given the volatile mix of protesters, including armed men, he said, he feared a repeat of Charlottesville. Some participants called such fears overblown given the overall peaceful tenor of the protest.

ImageProtesters march across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York on Saturday.
Protesters march across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York on Saturday.Credit...Demetrius Freeman for The New York Times
In New York, the police briefed reporters on May 31, claiming that radical anarchists from outside the state had plotted ahead of protests by setting up encrypted communications systems, arranging for street medics and collecting bail funds.

Within five days, however, Dermot F. Shea, the city’s police commissioner, acknowledged that most of the hundreds of people arrested at the protests in New York were actually New Yorkers who took advantage of the chaos to commit crimes and were not motivated by political ideology. John Miller, the police official who had briefed reporters, told CNN that most looting in New York had been committed by “regular criminal groups.”

In Austin, court documents said several members of the Red Guards participated in burglarizing a Target store, including a woman who streamed the event on Facebook Live, encouraging people to come “even if you do not want to loot,” one affidavit said.

Although the court documents identified the Red Guards as part of the city’s anti-fascist umbrella organization, several Austin activists described the group as either defunct or estranged because of its penchant for troubling acts such as laying a dead cat on the doorstep of a business involved in a gentrification dispute.

Kit O’Connell, a longtime radical leftist activist and community organizer in Austin, said that shortly after Mr. Trump’s election, the group took part in anti-fascist protests in the city against a local white supremacist group and scuffled separately with Act for America, an anti-Muslim organization.

“They’ve been an influence at the protests but they’re not in charge — no one’s really in charge,” Mr. O’Connell said.

Carl Guthrie, a lawyer for Samuel Miller, one of those charged with burglary, denied that his client had any connection to the Red Guards. He called such accusations “a transparent, incendiary attempt to distract from the problems plaguing our society — systemic racism and state-sponsored murder.”

Experts on extremism said the few suspects arrested with overt political goals fall under the broad category of “accelerationists,” groups that hope to exploit any public unrest to further their own anti-government goals.

It is always very fashionable and politically correct to blame Antifa for every sin that occurs in society.
However, neither media, the government, the public, nor any on the street political observer sees any evidence to prove this claim.

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Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #6

Post by Quantrill »

You have being played out exactly what the BLM and NAACP and the SPLC have been stirring up for years. March and tear down the white structure in place.

But, foolishly, they did not and do not realize that the structure is what protected them. The structure gave them the freedom to march and protest.

When it is removed, guess what, it's any ones game. There is no law. Whoever has the power and the ability to force their way, that will be the way.

You see this in Seattle. BLM claiming their movement has been highjacked. Who cares? You want to remove the law and order, you have to deal with the new threat.

This is why you have the 2nd amendment. There are no police to turn to. You better have your own gun and know how to use it.


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Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #7

Post by Tcg »

It's not clear exactly who has taken this action. What is clear is that Seattle, Washington has not been taken over. A few blocks have been. Sensational titles may attract attention, but once it is clear they don't match reality, there isn't much reason to address the sensationalism or any of the claims based on it.

Engaging debate would begin with an honest presentation of the facts. This isn't that.



Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #8

Post by koko »

Tcg wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:54 pm It's not clear exactly who has taken this action. What is clear is that Seattle, Washington has not been taken over. A few blocks have been. Sensational titles may attract attention, but once it is clear they don't match reality, there isn't much reason to address the sensationalism or any of the claims based on it.

Engaging debate would begin with an honest presentation of the facts. This isn't that.


This is something that is evident on this forum every day, sad to say. We continue to see exaggerations and unsupported comments made by forum right wingers. I continually ask them to present evidence of their claims but all they do is to repeat the same unsupported claims over and over again as if they were reciting a cultish mantra.

Now we see this: "You have being played out exactly what the BLM and NAACP and the SPLC have been stirring up for years. March and tear down the white structure in place."

The NACCP and SPLC are both white created institutions. Here in the Twin Cities the majority of BLM members and supporters are white.

Now, I will ask Quantrill again: please present evidence to support this claim.

Please do not evade or side step this question. Give me a concrete answer with evidence to support your view.

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Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #9

Post by AgnosticBoy »

Tcg wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:54 pm It's not clear exactly who has taken this action. What is clear is that Seattle, Washington has not been taken over. A few blocks have been. Sensational titles may attract attention, but once it is clear they don't match reality, there isn't much reason to address the sensationalism or any of the claims based on it.

Engaging debate would begin with an honest presentation of the facts. This isn't that.

I recommend that everyone read all of my posts and not just the title. It is clear that White Supremacists are not involved in the 'autonomous zone'. The group who set up this zone is multi-racial. You can also determine the group or at least their political leaning based on their demands. Their demands involve "no cops" and "defund the police". That's consistent with some of the groups on the Left even if it's not Antifa.


Re: Antifa takes over Seattle, Washington

Post #10

Post by koko »

Right-wing media joins Trump in whipping up fear of a nonexistent antifa threat ... #read-more


Right-wing media is elevating hoax after hoax and misleading report after misleading report in its ongoing effort to make antifa the big deal Donald Trump wants it to be. Antifa may be a literal footnote to an intelligence bulletin on protest-related violence, but if you follow Fox News, Blaze TV, the Daily Caller, you’re hearing constantly what a giant scary threat it is.

Take Lara Logan, the former award-winning reporter who has gone over to the conspiracy side as a Fox News personality. She’s promoted a series of hoaxes, the Daily Beast reports—the question being whether she’s falling for these hoaxes herself or just counts on her followers to do so.

... Intelligence agencies are clear that the major threat comes from racist extremists, but Donald Trump and the right-wing media have people in rural towns across the country scared that antifa is coming to town. It’s one more attempt to distract and divide, and this sort of thing is only going to ramp up between now and November as Trump desperately tries to use fear to keep himself in the White House.

All these reports and insinuations are nothing more than an orchestrated hoax.

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