How would Jesus vote?

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How would Jesus vote?

Post #1

Post by otseng »

Interesting article that really stirs the pot.... God isn't a Democrat or Republican - get over it, people - DailyRepublic

Neither the Republican nor the Democratic party exists to perpetuate Christian beliefs. They exist to perpetuate their own existence. American politics was not, is not, nor will ever be, about Jesus. Christians are being used by politicians, and they don't realize it. All ye with brains, think.

Do you honestly believe voting Republican is the fast-track to heaven? God isn't a Republican. He isn't a Democrat. He isn't even a Christian, for that matter. He is God. He is All. He is "Is." There's no Bush-Cheney sign on heaven's front lawn. Thou Shalt Vote Republican isn't the 11th Commandment. The only campaign button Jesus might legitimately wear is "I didn't vote for his daddy either." Or anyone else's for that matter.

Republican? Democrat? Jesus doesn't care. Love God, love your neighbor. And your enemies, too. That's what he cares about. That's the real fast-track.

What do you think about the thoughts presented in the article?
Should religion affect political affiliation?
Would Jesus vote if he was here in the US on Nov 2 (assuming he was a citizen of the US)? Would he vote Republican?

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Re: How would Jesus vote?

Post #2

Post by ST88 »

otseng wrote:What do you think about the thoughts presented in the article?
Should religion affect political affiliation?
Would Jesus vote if he was here in the US on Nov 2 (assuming he was a citizen of the US)? Would he vote Republican?
Jesus as an American?

I don't disagree with much of what the author says. It's quite likely that Jesus would not consider voting as a relevant enterprise, nor would he have any political affiliation. I would further add that he would also not be involved in politics or governance at all.
Titus 3:1
Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed;
Romans 13:1-2
Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation -- (NAS, both)
Would Jesus have even approved of the existence of America as a separate entity from England?

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Re: How would Jesus vote?

Post #3

Post by Corvus »

ST88 wrote:
otseng wrote:What do you think about the thoughts presented in the article?
Should religion affect political affiliation?
Would Jesus vote if he was here in the US on Nov 2 (assuming he was a citizen of the US)? Would he vote Republican?
Jesus as an American?

I don't disagree with much of what the author says. It's quite likely that Jesus would not consider voting as a relevant enterprise, nor would he have any political affiliation. I would further add that he would also not be involved in politics or governance at all.
Titus 3:1
Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed;
Romans 13:1-2
Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation -- (NAS, both)
Would Jesus have even approved of the existence of America as a separate entity from England?
Maybe God willed it? Would Jesus also have approved of the existence of totalitarian monarchies and dictatorships? It seems the act of turning the other cheek can be stretched a little too far.
What do you think about the thoughts presented in the article?
I agree with most of what was said.
Should religion affect political affiliation?
Yes and no. A proper understanding of doctrine will, and probably should, influence a person's decision to vote. "Religion" itself, as a body of people, as an organisation, should not affect political affiliation. What I mean is that I suspect a lot of Christians behave one way because a lot of other Christians behave the same, even if this behaviour has no scriptural backing. I cannot imagine any other reason why one of the worst presidents in the history of America has such a large following amongst the religious right.
Would Jesus vote if he was here in the US on Nov 2 (assuming he was a citizen of the US)?
I agree with ST88 that Jesus would not involve himself in the political process. His kingdom is not our kingdom. But I strongly believe that he would attempt to meet with politicians - difficult in modern times, I know - in order to influence them via a rational discussion about society and its current directions. The political climate has changed in 2000 years, so I suspect he would view a democratic system as a tool to having God's will "done on earth as it is in heaven" where previous systems, such as the one that crucified him, may have been less resistant to change. For the most part, however, I suspect he would attack the middle class, especially looking towards them for recruiting new disciples, and bring them down to assist the poor, so that by causing one to descend a little, he elevates the oter.
Would he vote Republican?
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Post #4

Post by dangerdan »

Bah, he would have voted Republican, and if you disagree, you are a weak communist (and/or terrorist) that is going to hell. ;)

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Re: How would Jesus vote?

Post #5

Post by mrmufin »

otseng wrote:
Love God, love your neighbor. And your enemies, too. That's what he cares about. That's the real fast-track.
Hmmm... Are these sentiments consistent with a preemptive military strike on a foreign nation? Are these sentiments consistent with the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib?
otseng wrote:Should religion affect political affiliation?
I don't think it's possible for any sincerely held belief system to not affect political affiliation, even if the beliefs lead one to be entirely apolitical. How one's beliefs might affect their political position probably varies a great deal more than if an individual's beliefs will affect their position.
otseng wrote:Would Jesus vote if he was here in the US on Nov 2 (assuming he was a citizen of the US)?
I have no idea. Who would Thomas Edison vote for if he was still alive?
otseng wrote:Would he vote Republican?
An abundance of Republicans sure seem to think so. ;-) Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Reformers, etc. probably hold a variety of different beliefs.


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Post #6

Post by Mightor »

Mightor say maybe-mythical man-god known as Jesus most likely vote for Nader. Blah blah poor people, turn the other cheek, peace-love stuff. Most in line with Nader.

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Post #7

Post by Jose »

mrmufin wrote:
otseng wrote: Would he vote Republican?
An abundance of Republicans sure seem to think so. Wink Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Reformers, etc. probably hold a variety of different beliefs.
They think so, of course, because the Republicans came right out and said it at the convention: "A vote for Bush is a vote for God." I heard 'em.

I'd say Jesus would vote for Kerry, if he voted at all, because he'd choose the guy who seeks to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, even if that guy's a geek who uses big words. He certainly would think it wrong for Bush to pretend that, somehow, God has chosen him as his current representative. He would also think it wrong to take from the poor and give to the rich. The other guy (what's his name? Kerry! that's it!) talks about getting us back on track with our international neighbors, and getting the vast majority of Americans back on track individually. This sounds much more in line with Jesus' own teachings.
Corvus wrote:
Titus 3:1
Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed
Romans 13:1-2
Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation -- (NAS, both)
On the other hand, maybe Jesus would tell us not to vote at all, but just to subject ourselves to the will of the king. Bush would make a much better king than Kerry.

Besides, "republicans" spelled backwards is pronounced snackilbooper, and who'd vote for a group with a name like that? Starkomed isn't much better, but at least it doesn't make you giggle.

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Post #8

Post by jddlwlr »

i think he would probably vote for the libertarian.

JDDLWLR :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

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Post #9

Post by TQWcS »

Jose wrote:He would also think it wrong to take from the poor and give to the rich.
Sorry for the late response. Jose you confusing yourself. The money Bush is giving back to the rich is their OWN money. I don't see why Democrats are all for taxation, it is not good for the economy. Kerry had crazy ideas like increasing minimum wage. The market will increase wages based on the market value of that job. All increasing the minimum wage is doing is putting a kind of taxation on labor which in turn is going to lower that amount of labor in the country. And to think Kerry was concerned for the little guy...

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read Mark

Post #10

Post by palmera »

A reading of Mark would provide a Jesus who for the purposes of this discussion not only would not vote but would actively subvert both the American Government and dominant churches of America.

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