What If...?

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What If...?

Post #1

Post by theStudent »

Currently, I am doing what was suggested by some on these forums.
I am researching information both for, and against evolution, and trust me - I am doing so objectively.
While I am still researching, I want to put this out, to hear the different views on it.

During my research I discovered that lately, just over the last decade or so, a lot of informations has been surfacing about fake fossils.
In fact it has now become common place for fossils sold at museums to be checked for genuineness.
I find this interesting.

Why now, is this happening?
Could it be that evidence as it always does, is now surfacing?

For example
Remember the dinosaur hoax - the one that was said to be put together using different bones?
It has recently been found out that it wasn't a hoax after all.
http://www.foxnews.com/science/2015/02/ ... ecies.html

That is quite interesting.

The fossils aren't the only things that were/are claimed to be fake.
There are the drawings, and pictures as well.
Right now, I am going through a very long document considered a case against some of Darwins picture illustrations.
But have you ever come across this one?

Pictures from the past powerfully shape current views of the world. In books, television programs, and websites, new images appear alongside others that have survived from decades ago. Among the most famous are drawings of embryos by the Darwinist Ernst Haeckel in which humans and other vertebrates begin identical, then diverge toward their adult forms. But these icons of evolution are notorious, too: soon after their publication in 1868, a colleague alleged fraud, and Haeckel’s many enemies have repeated the charge ever since. His embryos nevertheless became a textbook staple until, in 1997, a biologist accused him again, and creationist advocates of intelligent design forced his figures out. How could the most controversial pictures in the history of science have become some of the most widely seen?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Haec ... eks4-6.jpg
English: The pictures illustrate Ernst Haeckel's biogenetic law. In the beginning embryos of different species look remarkable similar, later different characteristics develop. The images initiated controversies and charges of fraud.

All of this lends to a possibility.
Consdering the fact that fossils can be faked, we must accept the fact that Darwin, and other scientists could have lied.

My question here, isn't whether he did lie or not, but rather, Does this not place evolutionists in the same position as the Christians they claim are believing in fables?

Christians accept the Bible, as the word of God.
Here are just a few facts about the Bible.
With estimated total sales of over 5 billion copies, the Bible is widely considered to be the best-selling book of all time.
It has estimated annual sales of 100 million copies.
It has been a major influence on literature and history, especially in the West where the Gutenberg Bible was the first mass-printed book.
It was the first book ever printed using movable type.

Archaeological findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Sea_Scrolls

The evidence is there however, that the book we hold in our hand today (the Bible), contains information written centuries ago.

Atheist call the book fables - the reason I have yet to find out.
Maybe one of the reasons is that they have not seen God, or seen him write any book - whatever.
So they claim that Christians' belief in them and what they present is blind faith, and belief in stories.

However, is this not the case with those who accept the theory of evolution, where all they have to go by, is what scientists claim to be evidence?

By the way...
No one, to this day have seen them recreate the theories.
Any data they give you on species, is usually what already existed (at least what I have come across so far).
As regards other claims, all we have are pictures, and claimed fossils, which could have been edited.

So evolutionists are really believing what men claim - without any substantial proof of their claim.
How is this different to believing a book?

And what if Darwin, and others lied?

I'm just interested in you different opinions and thoughts, on the above.
Here is a nice short video of someone's opinion. Reasonable too.
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Re: What If...?

Post #31

Post by ttruscott »

Bust Nak wrote:
ttruscott wrote: Calling the micro changes of living things that we can see and breed for by intelligent intervention to be the same thing as the un-proven random change from one species to another is not yet acceptable. afaIk
Okay, but that's moot since we have repeatable macro changes of living things that we can see evolve into another species naturally, are you suggesting that empirical evidence isn't acceptable either?
Nope, i'm ignorant about what you are claiming here...where is it?
PCE Theology as I see it...

We had an existence with a free will in Sheol before the creation of the physical universe. Here we chose to be able to become holy or to be eternally evil in YHWH's sight. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to earth.

This theology debunks the need to base Christianity upon the blasphemy of creating us in Adam's sin.

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Re: What If...?

Post #32

Post by Kenisaw »

[Replying to ttruscott]

2 billion fossils clearly show the changes in animals over time. Sequenced genomes of most living things clearly show the changes in animals over time. Two totally separate fields of research that show the same thing. Take your pick...

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Post #33

Post by theStudent »

Hi all
Let me start by clarifying a few things.

I have never writen a dictionary in my life.
When I want to know what something means, that's where I go.
I was taught that from school days, and I have learned it's the right thing to do.
The definitions I posted came directly from a dictionary - copy -> paste.
A person who believes in organic evolution
(biology) a scientific theory of the origin of species of plants and animals
So please do not quarrel with me about definitions. If anything, take it up with th dictionary producers.
However, I appreciate any updated information. Thanks.

The following definition is copy and paste from a dictionary, as well.
1. Study of the physical and natural world using theoretical models and data from experiments or observation.
(Oh, I just love that one.)
2. A particular branch of scientific knowledge.
(Very nice. Right up your alley, Divine Insight.)
3. Ability to produce solutions in some problem domain.
(Wonderfull! Thank you, scientist, for helping with medicine, and other important things.)
4. Research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses.
(Ooh. My, my, my. Isn't this a beauty?)

There's the positives.
Here comes the negatives.

Searching... searching...
scientific evolution - results: no such thing.
Searching... searching...
science of evolution - results: evolution.
Who called it "science of evolution"?
Google it and see.
It's evolution, full stop.

There we go.
science is not evolution, nor is evolution science.

So why am I constantly seeing these ?
Kenisaw wrote:Let's not pretend, though, that you don't trust science every day of your life. Every time you drive over a bridge (mechanics of materials) or step on the brake (fluids) or take medicine when you're sick (germ theory) or use a computer (quantum mechanics) or use a GPS system (relativity) you are not only trusting that science got it right, you are proving they got it right because all that stuff works. The big difference is that all that stuff doesn't directly contradict the very first part of your religious book, whereas evolution does.

The scientific theory of evolution is as solid as it gets in science.
Divine Insight wrote:This is the fallacy of your position in a nutshell. You attempt to make out like an understanding of evolution is based on nothing other than "faith" thus attempting to REDUCE the science of evolution to have no more merit than your faith-based religious views.

This is your attempt to place religion on a level-playing-field with science. That's absolute baloney right there, and to use the point you previously made, even a teenager who has no degree should be able to see the fallacy of your argument here.

By trying to bring science down to the level of your faith-based religion all you end up doing is pulling the rug out from under everything, including your own religion. Even your religion wouldn't have any special merit on this level playing field.

Also theStudent's attempt to "bring science down" to a faith-based status in an effort to place it on a level playing field with religion does nothing to elevate the religion. To the contrary, if religion and science are BOTH equally faith-based then it wouldn't matter which one a person chose to place their faith in.

It doesn't help the Bible at all. All it does is bring science down to the meaningless level of pure faith-based religion.

And if a person had decent reasons to believe in their religion, then they would be far better off trying to argue for those reasons rather than taking a stab and trying to belittle science.

The mere fact that "belittling science" is the thrust of the argument here speaks volumes of how there is actually no rational support for this religion at all. Because if there were any rational support for the religion it wouldn't be necessary to belittle science. Instead of focusing on belittling science he could just present a positive case for his religion. Clearly he doesn't have a valid argument for the religion thus the only option left is to try to belittle science.

This is like trying to scrape at the bottom of a theological barrel whose bottom has already been completely scraped off. There's nothing left to scrape at now but science. Theology clearly has nothing left to offer. The Catholics knew better than to take that path.

When the Catholics hit the bottom of the theological barrel they found science.
benchwarmer wrote:I don't understand theists who constantly rail against science.
You know.
It's a bit sad, and disturbing, but at the same time a bit funny.
Sad and disturbing to see how a man's thinking can so warp his understanding, and cloud his mental vision.
Funny that, for some strange reason, you just have to laugh.

Guys, please quit.
I love science!
Please, read my earlier posts. Read the other two threads in the Rambling section.
I said it many times. Science is not the problem.
However, if even up to this point, that hasn't sunk in. I'm done with that.

So lets get back to the definition of science,
and I'm going to focus primarily on number 4.
Research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses.

Let's get a definition for that before we go on.
1. A proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
2. A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena
3. A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence

While scientists are doing their research into whether the theory/theories of evolution are true.
While scientists are doing their research into the proposals, the concepts, the opinions, etc. etc., they are also doing somthing else.

Scientists are learning stuff. Great!
They learn how the different parts of living, and non-living things works, the cells etc. etc.
But what they are learnig is, what's already there, and functioning according to how they were designed to function.
Then they can use what they learn to fix things, and even make fantastic things - destructive things as well.
There's a word for that though - it's called DISCOVERING.
1. Determine the existence, presence, or fact of
2. Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
3. Make a discovery, make a new finding
4. Determine following investigation
5. Find unexpectedly
6. Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
7. See for the first time; make a discovery
8. Classify or apply the appropriate name to, e.g. in botany or biology

That's a lot, of what scientist are doing right there - discovering.
It's sort of like Columbus.
He traveled the seas, and he made discoveries.
But you didn't hear Columbus say, "When I went here, I found an island. When I went there, I found an island. So the islands must be evolving."
Duh. The island were there already. Before Columbus came and found them.

Columbus! Mr. Scietist.
The processes you are discovering existed long before you came.
So you found out that cells have the ability to do some amazing stuff, as though they have an intelligent mind.
You are making some amazing discoveries. give credit where it's due.
I believe that credit is due the creator of all life - a truly awesome God.

Some scientists however, are continuing there search for the hypotheses, the scientific theories, such as the theory of evolution.
Thus far according to
on Abiogenesis
Eugene Koonin said, "Despite considerable experimental and theoretical effort, no compelling scenarios currently exist for the origin of replication and translation, the key processes that together comprise the core of biological systems and the apparent pre-requisite of biological evolution. The RNA World concept might offer the best chance for the resolution of this conundrum but so far cannot adequately account for the emergence of an efficient RNA replicase or the translation system. The MWO [Ed.: "many worlds in one"] version of the cosmological model of eternal inflation could suggest a way out of this conundrum because, in an infinite multiverse with a finite number of distinct macroscopic histories (each repeated an infinite number of times), emergence of even highly complex systems by chance is not just possible but inevitable."

At the time of the Miller–Urey experiment, scientific consensus was that the early Earth had a reducing atmosphere with compounds relatively rich in hydrogen and poor in oxygen (e.g., CH4 and NH3 as opposed to CO2 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)). However, current scientific consensus describes the primitive atmosphere as either weakly reducing or neutral (see also Oxygen Catastrophe). Such an atmosphere would diminish both the amount and variety of amino acids that could be produced, although studies that include iron and carbonate minerals (thought present in early oceans) in the experimental conditions have again produced a diverse array of amino acids. Other scientific research has focused on two other potential reducing environments: outer space and deep-sea thermal vents.

Chemical evolution was followed by the initiation of biological evolution, which led to the first cells. No one has yet synthesized a "protocell" using basic components with the necessary properties of life (the so-called "bottom-up-approach"). Without such a proof-of-principle, explanations have tended to focus on chemosynthesis. However, some researchers are working in this field, notably Steen Rasmussen and Jack W. Szostak. Others have argued that a "top-down approach" is more feasible. One such approach, successfully attempted by Craig Venter and others at J. Craig Venter Institute, involves engineering existing prokaryotic cells with progressively fewer genes, attempting to discern at which point the most minimal requirements for life were reached.

Bruce Damer and David Deamer have come to the conclusion that cell membranes cannot be formed in salty seawater, and must therefore have originated in freshwater. Before the continents formed, the only dry land on earth would be volcanic islands, where rainwater would form ponds where lipids could form the first stages towards cell membranes. These predecessors of true cells are assumed to have behaved more like a superorganism rather than individual structures, where the porous membranes would house molecules which would leak out and enter other protocells. Only when true cells had evolved would they gradually adapt to saltier environments and enter the ocean.
The big-bang model is based on two assumptions. The first is that Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity correctly describes the gravitational interaction of all matter. The second assumption, called the cosmological principle, states that an observer’s view of the universe depends neither on the direction in which he looks nor on his location. This principle applies only to the large-scale properties of the universe, but it does imply that the universe has no edge, so that the big-bang origin occurred not at a particular point in space but rather throughout space at the same time. These two assumptions make it possible to calculate the history of the cosmos after a certain epoch called the Planck time. Scientists have yet to determine what prevailed before Planck time.
No proof have been presented that can be considered fact on how life started on earth.
So again.
Science follows the evidence wherever it leads, is not alway the principle of some.
Blind faith, seem to be the crutch of those believing in the theory that life is a product of evolution, or blind chance.

This is not just the words of those whom have been labeled "fundamental Christians".
The origin of life is a scientific problem which is not yet solved. There are plenty of ideas, but few clear facts.
The scientific magazine Discover - October 1980, p. 88
Evolution . . . is not only under attack by fundamentalist Christians, but is also being questioned by reputable scientists. Among paleontologists
Evolutionist Loren Eiseley
After having chided the theologian for his reliance on myth and miracle, science found itself in the unenviable position of having to create a mythology of its own: namely, the assumption that what, after long effort, could not be proved to take place today had, in truth, taken place in the primeval past.
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Re: What If...?

Post #34

Post by theStudent »

Clownboat wrote:
theStudent wrote:I prefer to be the reasonable person.
Darwin himself admitted
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.

Why must you be dishonest? Is it OK to lie for your god?
This is Darwin and is the part you left out of your dishonest quote mine above:
"Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certain the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, should not be considered as subversive of the theory."

theStudent wrote:Let me repeat it for the last time hopefully.
I... Do... Not... Have... A... Problem... With... Science...
I... Have... A... Problem... With... The... Claim... That... EVOLUTION... Is... Responsible... For... Life... On... Earth.
Gah! Only creationists and others that don't understand evolution say such things.
You might as well be saying that marshmallows are responsible for life on earth.

I must assume that you have a desire for evolution to be false so you can maintain some religious belief. I say this after noting your dishonest quote mine and your continued lack of understanding of both evolution and abiogenesis.
Apparently I used a misguided, or misguiding source.
Sorry Darwin.
Sorry folks - You can scratch that Darwin quote from the record.
Anything else?

I'm not going to comment on this.
Gah! Only creationists and others that don't understand evolution say such things.
You might as well be saying that marshmallows are responsible for life on earth.
I think I already have - commented on this, I mean.
I must assume that you have a desire for evolution to be false so you can maintain some religious belief. I say this after noting your dishonest quote mine and your continued lack of understanding of both evolution and abiogenesis.
I already showed that.
As soon as I'm finished here, I will get on with more important things.
Do you have a problem with being challenged?
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Post #35

Post by benchwarmer »

[Replying to post 33 by theStudent]
The following definition is copy and paste from a dictionary, as well.
1. Study of the physical and natural world using theoretical models and data from experiments or observation.
science is not evolution, nor is evolution science.
So why am I constantly seeing these ?
I don't think any of us have said that science is equivalent to evolution (I assume that is what you meant by your words directly above)

From your own supplied definition of science you can see that it is a STUDY using THEORIES and DATA.

Guess what evolution is? A theory derived from studying data. i.e. Using the scientific method, a theory called evolution has be postulated. As more data is collected and studied it seems to be holding water. Is it 100% conclusive fact? No, I don't think any theory really is, but it sure seems to provide a lot of answers that make sense and continue to match the observed world around us. Do you think it's wrong? Great, do some research (I don't mean using google, I mean some actual scientific study) and either refine the theory, show that it is wrong, and/or come up with a better theory.

I'm still not clear on what your end game is here. Let's say you manage to convince us and the rest of the scientific community that the theory of evolution is incorrect and needs to be trashed. What does that buy you? How does that help you prove your religious beliefs?

Evolution has nothing to do with how life started. It only tries to explain how life evolves.

I'm putting words in your mouth here (and I apologize), but I think you are hoping to show that all known life (including everything in the fossil record) was instantly placed on Earth at the same time and no evolution has taken place since then.

Even if you were to convince me of that, it still doesn't prove there is a God.

For all we know, we are a 4th graders science experiment from the planet of Zargon IV. He grabbed a handful of species and set them here to see what would happen. Sound ridiculous? Replace 4th grader with God of your choice. Any difference? Anything proved?

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Post #36

Post by Willum »

[Replying to post 35 by benchwarmer]

Point of order...

There are TWO aspects of evolution.
One is a fact, not THEORY.
The other is a theory, that's pretty likely to be fact.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution ... and_theory

Spoiler alert.
Evolution is a fact.
Drivers of evolution are the theory.
God created life, Satan caused it to evolve." Piers Anthony
I will never understand how someone who claims to know the ultimate truth, of God, believes they deserve respect, when they cannot distinguish it from a fairy-tale.

You know, science and logic are hard: Religion and fairy tales might be more your speed.

To continue to argue for the Hebrew invention of God is actually an insult to the very concept of a God. - Divine Insight

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Post #37

Post by theStudent »

benchwarmer wrote: [Replying to post 33 by theStudent]
The following definition is copy and paste from a dictionary, as well.
1. Study of the physical and natural world using theoretical models and data from experiments or observation.
science is not evolution, nor is evolution science.
So why am I constantly seeing these ?
I don't think any of us have said that science is equivalent to evolution (I assume that is what you meant by your words directly above)

From your own supplied definition of science you can see that it is a STUDY using THEORIES and DATA.

Guess what evolution is? A theory derived from studying data. i.e. Using the scientific method, a theory called evolution has be postulated. As more data is collected and studied it seems to be holding water. Is it 100% conclusive fact? No, I don't think any theory really is, but it sure seems to provide a lot of answers that make sense and continue to match the observed world around us. Do you think it's wrong? Great, do some research (I don't mean using google, I mean some actual scientific study) and either refine the theory, show that it is wrong, and/or come up with a better theory.

I'm still not clear on what your end game is here. Let's say you manage to convince us and the rest of the scientific community that the theory of evolution is incorrect and needs to be trashed. What does that buy you? How does that help you prove your religious beliefs?

Evolution has nothing to do with how life started. It only tries to explain how life evolves.

I'm putting words in your mouth here (and I apologize), but I think you are hoping to show that all known life (including everything in the fossil record) was instantly placed on Earth at the same time and no evolution has taken place since then.

Even if you were to convince me of that, it still doesn't prove there is a God.

For all we know, we are a 4th graders science experiment from the planet of Zargon IV. He grabbed a handful of species and set them here to see what would happen. Sound ridiculous? Replace 4th grader with God of your choice. Any difference? Anything proved?
benchwarmer wrote:I don't think any of us have said that science is equivalent to evolution (I assume that is what you meant by your words directly above)
"I don't think..."
I like how you started that sentence.
Realizing that you are new, I can understand.
Sometimes, when we arrive on a scene, we may not have seen the other guys pelting big rocks.
We may just see this one guy holding a garbage bin cover, and saying shakingly, "Just keep those guys away from me okay."
We might be tempted to say, "I don't think anyone is trying to harm you. Put the bin down, and get a hold on yourself, man!"

Check my threads where this topic comes up.
benchwarmer wrote:Guess what evolution is?
There's no need to guess. It's writen in black and white.
benchwarmer wrote:A theory derived from studying data. i.e. Using the scientific method, a theory called evolution has be postulated. As more data is collected and studied it seems to be holding water. Is it 100% conclusive fact? No, I don't think any theory really is, but it sure seems to provide a lot of answers that make sense and continue to match the observed world around us. Do you think it's wrong? Great, do some research (I don't mean using google, I mean some actual scientific study) and either refine the theory, show that it is wrong, and/or come up with a better theory.
Since you are new, I'll be kind.
benchwarmer wrote:I'm still not clear on what your end game is here. Let's say you manage to convince us and the rest of the scientific community that the theory of evolution is incorrect and needs to be trashed. What does that buy you? How does that help you prove your religious beliefs?
I already proved my religious beliefs.
Now let's turn the table around.
What are you going to say on these forums, when a Christian states a reason for his beliefs or mention perhaps the Bible as God's word, or Jesus is a real person who will save the world?
Now be honest, benchwarmer. lol :D
"Way to go brother! Even though I don't believe that, at least you believe something." lol :D
Be honest, benchwarmer.
So now that the table has turned, and you are standing in my position - What's your end game? :)
benchwarmer wrote:Evolution has nothing to do with how life started. It only tries to explain how life evolves.
I'm being nice... Be kind Student. Be kind...
benchwarmer wrote:I'm putting words in your mouth here (and I apologize), but I think you are hoping to show that all known life (including everything in the fossil record) was instantly placed on Earth at the same time and no evolution has taken place since then.
Well, friend, you'd better take those words out, because I didn't say them.
Nor does the Bible say that.
Genesis 1:2
Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep,. . .
Genesis 1:9-13
9 Then God said: “Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.� And it was so.
10 God called the dry land Earth, but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said: “Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.� And it was so.
12 And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good.
13 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. . .
Genesis 1:20-23
20 Then God said: “Let the waters swarm with living creatures, and let flying creatures fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.�
21 And God created the great sea creatures and all living creatures that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
22 With that God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters of the sea, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.�
23 And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
Genesis 1:24-31
24 Then God said: “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.� And it was so.
25 And God went on to make the wild animals of the earth according to their kinds and the domestic animals according to their kinds and all the creeping animals of the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
26 Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.�
27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.
28 Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.�
29 Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you.
30 And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.� And it was so.
31 After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.
Genesis 2:4, 19-22
4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time they were created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.
19 Now Jehovah God had been forming from the ground every wild animal of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call each living creature, that became its name.
20 So the man named all the domestic animals and the flying creatures of the heavens and every wild animal of the field, but for man there was no helper as a complement of him.
21 So Jehovah God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place.
22 And Jehovah God built the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman, and he brought her to the man.

From these scriptures, it appears, man dwelt a very long time on the earth.
Naming the animals, would have taken a considerably long time.

So no. Everything didn't just happen, "Bram!" that way.
Everthing took time - lots of time.

benchwarmer wrote:Even if you were to convince me of that, it still doesn't prove there is a God.

That's not my objective - This is a debate forum. Isn't it?

benchwarmer wrote:For all we know, we are a 4th graders science experiment from the planet of Zargon IV. He grabbed a handful of species and set them here to see what would happen. Sound ridiculous? Replace 4th grader with God of your choice. Any difference? Anything proved?

I think you'd better not let the others hear you.
Oops! Too late.
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Post #38

Post by benchwarmer »

[Replying to post 37 by theStudent]

Ok, I am new here so I'm not sure what all the 'I'll be kind' refers to, but I'll let that pass and focus on the topic. I can only guess that you agree with me that the theory of evolution is just that. A scientific theory. Great.

You didn't answer my question. Your topic is "What If...?". I tried to give you a bone, so to speak, and let you have the theory of evolution is wrong. Then I wanted to know where that leads this topic. Well? I assume you wanted to go somewhere with it.
I already proved my religious beliefs.
Now let's turn the table around.
What are you going to say on these forums, when a Christian states a reason for his beliefs or mention perhaps the Bible as God's word, or Jesus is a real person who will save the world?
Now be honest, benchwarmer. lol Very Happy
"Way to go brother! Even though I don't believe that, at least you believe something." lol Very Happy
Be honest, benchwarmer.
So now that the table has turned, and you are standing in my position - What's your end game? Smile
Ok, I'll bite, though I'm not sure why you chose to ignore my question and seemingly the whole point of this thread.

First off, who says I'm not a Christian myself. I don't remember declaring my religious beliefs anywhere. I also don't intend to for the moment as I just want to discuss topics without preconceived bias. You'll probably sort it out eventually :)

What am I going to say if a Christian states a reason for their beliefs? Well, it depends on the reason and the belief. I guess you will have to follow me to find out. I can't tell the future, so who knows. I'll likely even say something stupid and wrong at some point and maybe learn something. Who knows.

What's my endgame? In this particular thread, I wanted to find out where you were going with this topic. You proposed a great topic and I wanted to be part of the discussion and see what comes up. Maybe I'm hoping to be proved wrong (or right) in some way.

What's my endgame in life? Finding the truth.
Well, friend, you'd better take those words out, because I didn't say them.
Then I sincerely apologize and take it back. Perhaps you can instead tell us what it is you are hoping to show then?
That's not my objective - This is a debate forum. Isn't it?
Then what is your objective in this thread? That is what I was trying to get at.

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Post #39

Post by JoeyKnothead »

From the OP:

Snippin' to get to what I need to get at. I'll fret any folks think I missed
During my research I discovered that lately, just over the last decade or so, a lot of informations has been surfacing about fake fossils.
And a bunch has been generated from genuine fossils.

I propose some caution is in order here, where 'genuine fakes' have occurred, or if there where misunderstandings or misidentifications, all such as that. Humans do what it is humans do. The self correcting nature of scientific enquiry is expected to expose 'em soon as possible.Contrast that to the bunch that declares dead folks arose from their dead, and wasn't 'em any of it anymore.

In science EVERY notion is up for correction. Even the theory of evolution has had its corrections. We can look past "fraudulent" fossils and misidentifications, if with some shame, to the overwhelming amount of data we have, and hold the ToE in as high esteem as any bible in the land.

We should expect and encourage folks to find errors in our scientific notions, whether from fraud, or other causes. How often have you seen the bible edited to correct its errors?
English: The pictures illustrate Ernst Haeckel's biogenetic law. In the beginning embryos of different species look remarkable similar, later different characteristics develop. The images initiated controversies and charges of fraud.
I can get behind the idea that Haeckel's illustrations mighta been a bit rosy, to put it polite. Such that it'd be perfectly fair to seek to ban his images from our reference books. He was also a proponent of Lamarckian evolution, but thought he was honest to tell it.

That really doesn't change what we've learned in the 97 years since his passing.
All of this lends to a possibility.
Consdering the fact that fossils can be faked, we must accept the fact that Darwin, and other scientists could have lied.
Just as we should consider if biblical writers and promoters might be a-lyin'.

But mostly I'd sure be more proud of this OP if it didn't rely on so much nefaritarial accusationin's.

If only for me, denyin' data on the basis folks might have 'em some evil aims is to accuse 'em of it anyway. And how''d it look if I rejected this OP on the basis OP there might be doin' him the most of it?
Atheist call the book fables - the reason I have yet to find out.
Dictionaries may be helpful in this regard. Please see the entry for fable between "quacks" and "likaduck".
Any data they give you on species, is usually what already existed (at least what I have come across so far).
Of course the data you found already existed, you've not presented any studies of your own that suggests you've found you some new some of it.

Surely you don't mean to imply there's been no new data since the ToE was established as the most compelling theory in the history of the biological sciences.

Heck, just today I saw a report proposing the evolution of eels hopin' up out of the water to 'lectrify critters. Maybe sound, maybe not. But we have the data, and are puttin' our best minds on it.
So evolutionists are really believing what men claim - without any substantial proof of their claim.
How is this different to believing a book?
Our difficulty here is in considering such a subjective term as "substantial". Where this amateur has spent a lifetime frettin' on evolution, "substantial" don't do justice to how overwhelming so much of it is..
And what if Darwin, and others lied?
What if Jesus lied?
What if all them folks that put his words in Jesus' mouth, what if they lied?

What if Jesus didn't lie, but them folks did to tell it?

Jesus: I was out there a-fishin' for minners, 'cause I love me a fresh caught minner, its just ya gotta catch a couple of em to make up a pizza*

Them writers there: And there Jesus did, he caught him a minner of such size and proportion, the whole town did there and then eat on that minner for the rest of the week, and into the next'n!

(We must accept as fact whoever come up with pizza, they's a god right behind the one that come up with women, and the one that come up with pot.)

see little reason to fret on if it was this'n or that'n lied, and far more production coming from analysis of what's ttold.
With that in mind, I find it far more rational to conclude I'm related to the chimpanzees, than I do thinking dead folks just love to hop up and see the sights of town.

But yeah, if Ernst Haeckel decides he's gonna see the sights after being dead a century, we each and every one of us have the responsibility to wag a finger at him and tell him to quit with the illustrations.

I can understand the whole "we didn't see humans evolve into humans" angle. What I can't understand is Christians frettin' on who's lyin' and who ain't whenever the word science, evolution, or ducks gets mentioned.


(Edit cause minners ain't manners, no matter how much of 'em it is that they do)
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-Punkinhead Martin

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Post #40

Post by theStudent »

benchwarmer wrote: [Replying to post 37 by theStudent]

Ok, I am new here so I'm not sure what all the 'I'll be kind' refers to, but I'll let that pass and focus on the topic. I can only guess that you agree with me that the theory of evolution is just that. A scientific theory. Great.

You didn't answer my question. Your topic is "What If...?". I tried to give you a bone, so to speak, and let you have the theory of evolution is wrong. Then I wanted to know where that leads this topic. Well? I assume you wanted to go somewhere with it.
I already proved my religious beliefs.
Now let's turn the table around.
What are you going to say on these forums, when a Christian states a reason for his beliefs or mention perhaps the Bible as God's word, or Jesus is a real person who will save the world?
Now be honest, benchwarmer. lol Very Happy
"Way to go brother! Even though I don't believe that, at least you believe something." lol Very Happy
Be honest, benchwarmer.
So now that the table has turned, and you are standing in my position - What's your end game? Smile
Ok, I'll bite, though I'm not sure why you chose to ignore my question and seemingly the whole point of this thread.

First off, who says I'm not a Christian myself. I don't remember declaring my religious beliefs anywhere. I also don't intend to for the moment as I just want to discuss topics without preconceived bias. You'll probably sort it out eventually :)

What am I going to say if a Christian states a reason for their beliefs? Well, it depends on the reason and the belief. I guess you will have to follow me to find out. I can't tell the future, so who knows. I'll likely even say something stupid and wrong at some point and maybe learn something. Who knows.

What's my endgame? In this particular thread, I wanted to find out where you were going with this topic. You proposed a great topic and I wanted to be part of the discussion and see what comes up. Maybe I'm hoping to be proved wrong (or right) in some way.

What's my endgame in life? Finding the truth.
Well, friend, you'd better take those words out, because I didn't say them.
Then I sincerely apologize and take it back. Perhaps you can instead tell us what it is you are hoping to show then?
That's not my objective - This is a debate forum. Isn't it?
Then what is your objective in this thread? That is what I was trying to get at.
My friend, to answer your question, which obviously permeates the entire post.
Then what is your objective in this thread?
If it hasn't become obvious by now, I'm sorry, but I'll have to use your line.
I guess you will have to follow me to find out. :)
John 8:32
. . .the truth will set you free.

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