Hell's Immigrants

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Hell's Immigrants

Post #1

Post by WebersHome »

According to Jesus Christ's testimony as a credible expert witness in all matters pertaining to the afterlife; most of the world's responsible souls haven't been making it to safety when they cross over to the other side.

Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto him, master, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Webster's defines "many" as consisting of, or amounting to, a large but indefinite number; while "few" is defined as consisting of, or amounting to, only a small number; viz: relative to many then, few is the lesser. Bear with me while I flesh this out.

According to the US Census Bureau: as of Sept 18, 2017 @ 11:36 pm New York Time, the resident population in the United States was approximately 325,908,667 with a death rate of approximately one every 12 seconds; which translates to an average of 7,200 American deaths of all ages, races, and genders during just one 24-hour calendar day.

According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths are under the age of 19, which would indicate that approximately 5,234 of the current daily death rate per 24 hours are adults.

Giving the "many" the benefit of the doubt by limiting their maximum percentage to 51%, would indicate a minimum of 2,670 American adults transferring to perdition every day: which translates to roughly 111 per hour.

That's a very conservative estimate as Christ didn't really specify exact percentages to represent the quantities of "few" and "many". But just think: by the time CBS completes its half hour evening news report, a bare-bones minimum of 55 Americans become new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld.

Using the ratio of 2,670 condemned souls per 325,908,667 population: computing the number of condemned souls worldwide from a currently estimated global population of 7,422,223,068 people, would suggest something like 60,806 new arrivals in the fiery sector of the netherworld every 24 hours; which translates to approximately 2,534 souls every sixty minutes on the clock.

That rate would fill the 51,800 seats of the new Yankee Stadium to capacity in roughly 20 hours and 44 minutes. In other words: if the world's daily number of condemned souls started filing into the stadium at 06:00 am this morning, then by 02:44 am tomorrow, the stadium would be full to capacity.

Christmas and New Year are even worse. A study done of 26 years of death certificates shows that coronary fatalities are, on average, 11.9% higher on those days than any other days of the year; with non-heart deaths spiking to 12.2% higher.

Christianity's hell never closes; no, not at all: it's open for business 24/7/365 nonstop and indifferent to global warming, Wall Street crashes, massive layoffs, outsourcing, high school shootings, terrorism, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, storm surges, nuclear meltdowns, air, water, and soil pollution, a mission to Mars, freeway pile-ups, brown-outs, threatened species, the price of oil, student debt, GMO, trade deficits, protests, Federal debt, factory recalls, outsourcing, overpopulation, desertification, genocides, revolutions, civil wars, acid rain, road rage, oil spills, conscious decoupling, ISIS, LGBT marriage, Obamacare, blood diamonds, fracking, twerking, and/or President Donald Trump's tweets.

If Christianity's perception of Jesus Christ and the hereafter is correct; then it's apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in an endless procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers passing annually through Tyson chicken-processing plants on their way to Wendy's, McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A, KFC, A&W, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and restaurants all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The slaughtering and the butchering never stop.
Last edited by WebersHome on Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #351

Post by Mae von H »

WebersHome wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:31 pm ~
Mae von H wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:54 pmIs your point that a lot of people die each day and many go to hell? It’s not “Christianity’s hell.” It was made by God for the “Devil and his bunch.”
The Greek word translated "angels" per Matt 25:41 doesn't necessarily refer to spirit beings but just simply means messenger, for example Matt 11:10 where it tags John the baptizer, and Luke 7:24 where it tags John's assistants, and Acts 23:8-9 where the word is juxtaposed with spirits, and Jas 2:25 where it tags Joshua's scouts, and Rev 1:20-3:14 where it tags church managers, i.e. shepherds. (1Pet 1:5-3)
So your point is Satan’s “messengers” (I didn’t use the word “angel, btw.) have physical bodies? Really? Do you have pics?
Genesis 3:15 tells of the Serpent's seed, i.e. his offspring. I think it is safe to assume that everyone following the Devil's lead --for example Eph 2:2-3 --are accounted the Serpent's seed and thus reckoned the Devil's bunch; for example:

"You are of your father the Devil." (John 8:44)

So they have physical not spiritual bodies?

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #352

Post by Tcg »

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #353

Post by WebersHome »

There are those that are deceased, and then there are those dead on the hoof.

John 5:24 . . Verily, verily, I say unto you: He that hears my word, and believes on Him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 5:25 . . Verily, verily, I say unto you: The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

Eph 2:1 . . As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.

FAQ: According to Rev 20:14, John saw Death discarded in a lake of fire. Well; death is an abstract. How then can it be spoken of as an object that can be picked up and thrown like a baseball or a javelin?

REPLY: That passage is likely speaking of Death as a category consisting of everything and anything one can possibly imagine that God considers dead to Himself, i.e. everything with which and/or with whom, He prefers not to associate; including of course those poor slobs dead on the hoof.

In that respect, the lake of fire could be thought of as a sanitary landfill, viz: there's a really big Spring cleaning pending on God's to-do list: not only at the great white throne event, but also upon Jesus' return per Matt 13:40-42

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #354

Post by WebersHome »

Hell is a society where evil is neither discouraged nor restrained; so we have to expect that when new folks arrive there they will be subjected to discord, hatred, meanness, factions, cliques, mistrust, prejudice, bias, caste systems, double standards, partiality, racism, sexism, favoritism, deceit, surmising, dishonesty, gossip, slander, sarcasm, cynicism, ridicule, envy, rivalry, resentment, gossip, character assassination, slander, complaining, confrontations, quarrels, assertiveness, heated debates,

. . . chafing, trickery, grudging, stonewalling, bitterness, silent treatments, revenge, stubbornness, cold shouldering, snobbery, egotism, dominance, demeaning comments, pecking orders, gangs, arrogance, attitudes, subterfuge, treachery, betrayal, suspicion, conceit, vanity, superiority complexes, depression, melancholy, antisocial behaviors, sociopaths, toxic rejoinders, smart-Alek retorts, snide remarks, and quite possibly violent brutality so cruel and so terrible that if it were possible to die from it; they would.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #355

Post by WebersHome »

Judas goats are trained for use in slaughterhouses and herd control. In stockyards, they lead sheep to slaughter; and are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and on to trucks. The term is a reference to the biblical traitor Judas Iscariot.

The phrase has also been used to describe goats utilized to locate feral goats targeted for eradication. They're usually outfitted with a transmitter, painted in red and then released. The goats then locate the remaining herds of feral goats, allowing hunters with tracking devices to find and exterminate them. The red paint marks the goat with the transmitter so the hunters know which one not to shoot.

You know what can be even worse than going to Hell? Your own children following you there: and they trusted you.

Here's a sort of cute story I heard once. I don't know if it's true but I guess it's plausible.

A farmer went out to the barn in the dead of night after a snowfall to sneak a pull from his secret liquor bottle. Just as he got to the barn door he heard something behind him. Turning, the farmer recognized his little boy coming towards him. In amazement he asked the little guy how he ever managed to find his way out to the barn in the dark. His son replied: It was easy; I walked in your footprints.

One can only imagine the anguish that parents in the netherworld must feel knowing that they inadvertently raised their children in an ideology that led them down a road to the infernal regions and all the while sincerely believing themselves doing the right thing. In other words: they actually Judas-goated their children to follow mom and dad down there. For some families, the only thing they have to look forward to in the afterlife is a sad reunion in fire and despair.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #356

Post by WebersHome »

Luke 16:22-25 . . It came to pass that a rich man died, and was buried. And in Hades lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham on the other side of an impassible barrier. And Abraham said: Son, remember . .

I should think that one of the negative aspects of perdition is memory. How people down there retain their memories sans the brain cells they left behind with their corpse, I don't know; but they do. Apparently God has some sort of file transfer protocol that silicon valley has yet to discover.

The older one gets, the more memories they accumulate, and many of those memories haunt us with terrible regret. Well; some folks' regrets can be rationalized, but for others; their past will forever be an albatross hung around their neck.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #357

Post by WebersHome »

Gen 6:5 . . God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The thoughts of the heart are somewhat different than the thoughts that go through the mind; and are often blocked out, viz: "repressed"; defined as a mental process by which distressing thoughts, memories, or impulses that may give rise to anxiety are excluded from consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious, i.e. the subconscious which, in Freud's opinion, is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions.

In other words: the subconscious is an area of our being that we struggle to prevent becoming public; and thus become tormented with inner conflicts that sometimes become so unbearable that they result in nervous breakdowns: and even suicide.

Matt 15:19 . . Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts

So then, it's not how our mind works that defines us, no, it's how our heart works that really defines us; and our hearts are capable of influencing our self awareness so that we end up with a false impression of ourselves.

Jer 17:9 . .The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?

God is able to peer into the heart's contents. That means He will be confronting people with things about themselves that they suppressed and kept under wraps all their lives; and that's why I sometimes say only a fool would take their chances with God. They have no clue the extent of the psychological tsunami they're walking into.

Jer 17:10 . . I, The Lord, search the heart and examine the mind

Rom 2:16 . . God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #358

Post by WebersHome »

The wrath of God is interesting. For example:

Isa 13:9 . . Behold, the day of The Lord comes-- cruel; with both wrath and fierce anger

The Hebrew word for "wrath" in that statement is 'ebrah (eb-raw') which indicates an outburst of passion. In other words: the wrath of God won't be weeping big wet crocodile tears while it's slamming the dead at the Great White Throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15; no, they will be terminated with extreme prejudice; viz: their judgment will be administered with choler. (cf. Isa 63:1-6, Rev 19:15)

Webster's defines "fierce" as a behavior exhibited by humans and animals that inspires terror because of the wild and menacing aspect of fury in attack. Ferocity is an aspect commonly seen among carnivorous beasts savagely attacking prey. There's neither sportsmanship nor sympathy in ferocity; only sheer terror, brutality, and blood lust.

"cruel" is defined as: disposed to inflict pain or suffering; viz: devoid of humane feelings

Heb 10:27 . . A certain fearful expectation of . . . fiery indignation

"fiery indignation" is quite a bit more severe than ordinary indignation. It speaks of someone who is seriously ticked off; and so angry that they're actually red in the face.

There are people out there in pews all around the world who have been so coddled by sappy versions of Christianity that they have no concept of the magnitude of the lethal tsunami of rage and violence coming their way to get them.

Another interesting aspect of the wrath of God is the person appointed to administer it-- none other than the sweet little babe away in a manger.

John 5:22-23 . .The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father.

Acts 17:31 . . For God has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.

Rev 19:15 . . He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

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Re: Hell's Immigrants

Post #359

Post by WebersHome »

Acts 2:31a . . his soul was not left in Hades

Classical Hades is divided into sections where the souls of all the dead-- regardless of age, race, gender, or religious preference --are assigned in accordance with the quality of their pre-death existence. The worst section is a deep abyss called Tartarus; which is utilized in 2Pet 2:4

Luke 23:13 says Jesus' soul waited for his body's recovery in a better section of Hades he called paradise; translated from a Greek word for parks and recreation, i.e. an Eden.

According to Luke 16:23 the poor slobs over in the incendiary section of Hades can look across to paradise and see what they're missing: sort of like destitute urchins gazing thru the window of a posh restaurant at what people have on their plates; which speaks very loudly of want and privation.

FAQ: Paradise is down in the netherworld?

REPLY: Well; it pretty much has to be in order for Abraham and the rich man to communicate with each other in Luke 16:19-31.

The Pacific Crest Trail (a.k.a. PCT) traverses the north/south length of three states-- California, Oregon, and Washington. No matter where hiker trash might be located on the trail at any given moment-- whether south in Campo San Diego, or crossing the Columbia River on the Bridge Of The Gods 2,140 trail-miles to the north in Cascade Locks Oregon --they're all on the very same PCT.

Paradise is sort of like that. There's a section of it in the netherworld (Matt 12:40, Luke 16:19-31) another in a celestial region that Paul labeled the third heaven (2Cor 12:2-4) and yet another is located with God. (Rev 2:7)

Immigration Update: 2,407 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 146,360,042 new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Sept 18, 2017

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