The Greatest Creator

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The Greatest Creator

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Post by ivysunday »


What was the past for human being? What will be the limit point for mankind in the future?

Will the intelligence of human be able to stop the asteroids’ impact on earth?

If these questions can not be answered, then we should turn ourselves to the Greatest Creator!

Chapter 25 of Tao Te Ching begins with “There was something formless yet complete. It existed before heaven and earth�.

The Bible makes its purpose clear from the very beginning, “In the beginning The God created the heaven and the earth�. (Here God means “the Greatest Creator�

The Diamond Sutra says, “If one desires to see me via colors and seek me through sound, he is pursuing an evil course and cannot acquire enlightenment from Buddha (the Greatest Creator)�.

Book of Odes-Decade of Wenwang- Great Brightness says, “This king Wen,

Watchfully and reverently,

With entire intelligence served The Greatest Creator,

And so secured the great blessing.�

In chapter 8 “The Origin and Fate of the Universe� of his book A Brief History of Time, the great scientist Stephen Hawking says, “"The general theory of relativity, on its own, cannot explain these features or answer these questions because of its prediction that the universe started off with infinite density at the big bang singularity. At the singularity, general relativity and all other physical laws would break down"

"Science seems to have uncovered a set of laws that, within the limits set by the uncertainty principle, tell us how the universe will develop with time, if we know its state at any one time. These laws may have originally been decreed by God"(Note: God is the same as the Greatest Creator)

"One possible answer is to say that The Greatest Creator chose the initial configuration of the universe for reasons that we cannot hope to understand. This would certainly have been within the power of an omnipotent being"

"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of The Greatest Creator who intended to create beings like us."

Man has six sensory organs of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and consciousness, which correspond to six perceptions of vision, hearing, olfaction, taste, touch, and telegnosis. Man communes ? with the material world and the nonmaterial world via these six perceptions.

If a person is blind and has no vision, then how can we convince him that there is light in the universe? How can we prove the existence of light?

No, we cannot. For one is unable to perceive light without vision.

If a person is deaf and has no hearing, then how can we convince him that there is sound in nature? How can we prove the existence of sound?

No, we cannot. For one is unable to perceive sound without hearing.

If a person is ignorant and has no telegnosis, then how can we convince him that The Greatest Creator is in the universe? How can we prove the existence of The Greatest Creator?

We still cannot do that. For one is unable to perceive The Greatest Creator without telegnosis.

Telegnosis is an innate instinct. With telegnosis we can perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator.

Every one has telegnosis, but why we are unable to perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator?

This is because the telegnosis is blocked and blunted in the same way as one suffering from falling of eyesight cannot discern the view in front of his eyes.

If one’s eyesight has dropped, one pair of glasses will enable him or her to see clearly.

If one’s telegnosis is blunted, he will be able to perceive the existence of The Greatest Creator by improving his wisdom.

Someone wants to deny the existence of The Greatest Creator with a case of antinomy, “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he can not lift?�

This question puts us in a dilemma. If we say “No�, we have completely denied The Greatest Creator. If we say “Yes�, it proves that The Greatest Creator cannot lift the rock he has created. The existence of The Greatest Creator is also negated by the statement that he can not lift a rock. Whatever the answer is, the result is the negation of The Greatest Creator or at least the negation of the omnipotence of The Greatest Creator.

The man who creates this antinomy is very smart in that his minor question has perplexed the spiritual nature of many people, making them stay far away from The Greatest Creator and wisdom. This person is either Satan or someone disfavored by The Greatest Creator. He cannot taste the grapes, so he would try his best to prove that the grapes are sour and prevent others from eating the grapes.

“Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?�. This question is a trap. The similar question may be:

“Are you a thing?�

How would you answer this question? No matter the answer is “Yes� or “No�, you will fall into the trap of the designer. It does not make any difference whether to say “I am not a thing� or “I am a thing�.

Thus, we cannot present positive or negative answers directly to any antinomies. Instead, we should consider from the question itself or lodge a rhetorical question. For example, the rhetorical question for “Are you a thing?� is to aim the question “Are you a thing?� directly at the person who asks this question. Let’s see how he will answer this question himself. The rhetorical question for “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?� is “Can The Greatest Creator not lift a rock that he has created?�

The question “Can the Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift� is not tenable to The Greatest Creator himself. In the same way, the question “Are you a thing?� is not tenable to the man himself. In addition, this question itself is a double negation. Namely, whatever the answer is, the question itself has secured the negation. Many philosophers and logicians have been puzzled by such questions. Here are some more paradoxes. Let’s see how you should answer.

“Are you not an animal borne by your parents?�

“Can eyes not see eyes?�

“Is a man not a non-animal?�

Such questions cannot be answered directly but with the changes of some conditions.

The Greatest Creator related question can be answered: The Greatest Creator can create rocks under any condition. The Greatest Creator can lift rocks under any condition.

Any more questions?

The questions can be done in this way if we keep on. I will begin by asking “What is lifting? Does lifting mean holding the rock in both hands and raising it over the head?� If the answer is no, what is lifting? If the answer is yes, suppose this rock is the earth and I stand upside down with both hands touching the earth, isn’t the earth over my head? You may reject the interpretation. For the earth is not over my head but under my head. Okay! What if I repeat the same action and move along the longitudes in 360 degrees, then should there be a point on the earth over my head? If not, which point of the universe is over us? And which point is under us? At this point, you may argue although I am holding the earth with both hands and although the earth is over my head, I am not holding the earth, rather it is the gravity from the earth that draws me. If this is the case, we should negate the meaning of lifting as we have first proposed. That is, holding the rock in both hands and raising it over the head cannot be regarded as lifting. Then what is lifting?

No matter how you define the meaning of “lifting�, I can say I “lift� the earth as long as I change the direction. And if you say I “lift� the earth, I can prove that I am not lifting the earth. So, the question “Can The Greatest Creator create a rock that he cannot lift?� is tenable or not?

We should pursue The Greatest Creator and get to know The Greatest Creator, otherwise we will not be able to understand the origin of the universe and the origin of life, or the past and future of human being. We cannot even understand the instincts of animals and the purpose of life.

I am 46 years old now. I have engaged in a wide variety of occupations: shepherd, peasant, migrant worker, secretary of Youth League branch, clerk, secretary of CPC branch, political instructor of art and cultural propaganda team of people’s commune, bench worker, electrician, automobile mechanic, middle school teacher, office clerk, office manager, interpreter, driver, salesman, grocery store manager, restaurant buyer, bartender, night club manager, manager of fast food department, property developer, and so on. The duration of my jobs all lasted for more than half a year with the exception of office manger and restaurant buyer, on which I stayed only for two months.

What have I gained from working on so many jobs?

What I have learned is, without a belief and an aim, life is just like the floating clouds drifting in the sky with wind. An inexplicit traffic accident I personally experienced several years ago has prompted me to explore the meaning of life. What on earth do I live for? For the sake of my country? Nonsense. I have problems even making a living for myself, how am I supposed to do anything for my country? Do I live for my parents? Absolutely not, otherwise, why should I survive after their death. For my wife? Unlikely. She may enjoy a better life without me being around. Do I live for my children? Not necessarily. How can those childless parents carry on life then? After the children grow up and have families of their own, what do I live for? I can no longer provide them with any help; on the contrary, I may prove troubles and burdens for them. Do I live for myself? How absurd it is! I can neither decide my birth nor my death. If there is an option, I would rather choose not to be borne and not to be a being at all. Then who brought me to this world? Is it because of the accidental union of my parents that I came into being? Definitely not! The universe is governed by laws. Everything has its causes and effects. Nothing exists purposelessly and accidently.

Everything exists for a particular purpose. Then what is the purpose of my existence? This obscure and confused way of living is beyond my endurance. I would rather die than to live without a clear understanding of myself and the world around. If I have no idea where I came from, then I should at least know where I am heading. Otherwise, it would be a great pity if someday I suddenly get killed in a traffic accident!

Can I live a life with understanding if I am wealthy? It seems that there is no single millionaire in the world who has solved the problem of the purpose of living. By the time you have a lot of money, perhaps you don’t have much energy and time left. You may have died before you know why you have lived. Besides, money does not come the way as you wish. Otherwise, anyone can be a billionaire.

Having power will make one understand the meanings of life? I doubt. There have been many emperors and kings appeared on the stage of human history. Did they really understand the purpose of life? Was there anyone of them left us with “Book on Life�?

How about being a scientist? Great as Newton, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking are, they still wondered the origin of the universe, the origin of human being, and the origin of life. Would I be any better than them if I become a scientist? Moreover, just as I cannot become a singer because I am not born with the gift of a singer, I cannot be a scientist either. To be a scientist for me is something beyond my wildest dream.

Will it be possible for me to understand the meaning of life if I seek to become some kind of expert? I am afraid not. Let’s take archeologists and anthropologists for example. One day they would say that mankind originated from Europe, another day that mankind originated from Asia, still another day they would claim than mankind’s ancestor lived in Africa. To affirm the place of origin of mankind simply by a few pieces of fossils is far from reliable. It is likely to say that we would be originated from the Antarctica if some more human fossils are excavated from somewhere someday.

How about reading the Bible? Can it be a way to understand the meanings of life? Maybe I was born foolish. I have read the Bible for years, yet I have not been enlightened so far. Where is the Kingdom of The Greatest Creator? It has been there already or it will emerge in the future? Where would it be if it will emerge in the future? By future, do we mean a millennium, ten millennia, or a hundred million years? My life only spans scores of years. Is there such a thing as the resurrection of flesh and body? How can resurrection be realized? There is no doubt that Jesus is a god, the problem is whether there are any other gods that above Jesus? Why would Jesus undergo suffering if he is free from the control of other gods? Why almost all his disciples died an unnatural death? Is it possible for a god to lose control of his own fate? As a god, why couldn’t he protect even his own disciples? Why should they suffer for the blessing of other worldly life?

So I rely on Buddhism to guide me!

Buddhism preaches the previous life and the eternity, lifetime after lifetime, retributive justice, and karma. This makes sense. But how on earth does karma transform? How should a person behave to acquire eternity? Where is the Pure Land? And what does it look like? I have only read a few of the great many Buddhist sutras, so it is not for me to jump to a hasty conclusion. Since Buddhism has existed for more than two thousand years, it should be able to interpret the meaning of life, but it failed as well. If life is but a process of suffering, why does The Greatest Creator create so many wonderful things for people to enjoy? If the purpose of life is to attain Buddhahood, then what is Buddhahood? How can we attain Buddhahood? What is the probability of attaining Buddhahood? If only two to three out of the one thousand people who practice Buddhism succeed, then the rest would feel quite unwillingly to sacrifice the worldly pleasure.

Money, power and status, and scientists and other experts, Christianity and Buddhism –each may have its own arguments. But none of them can explain clearly the meaning of life. And for us mortals, we even have a hard time scraping up for daily existence, how can we have time to pore over the learning of sociology, natural science, and religion?

Is there a shortcut? Is it possible for us to seek The Greatest Creator directly, bypassing gods, Buddha and the knowledge accumulated by mankind, because only The Greatest Creator knows all and only The Greatest Creator has the ultimate power of decision?

Where can we find The Greatest Creator?

Read “wordless� book, read heaven, read world, read people, read things. Luckily I have undertaken more than twenty different jobs, and have experienced many hardships of life. In addition, after graduation from senior middle school I went further study for another three times. And I have stayed in the countryside, in small towns, and big cities. As a result, I can string up different phenomena and events for chain reflection. Nevertheless,I am still confused.

So what could be the obstacle?

I was greatly enlightened when I incidentally browse the Koran, which says, “The masses of deities and mankind, don’t hesitate to escape from domain of heaven and earth if you can. But it would not be possible for you to escape without the help of authority.�

Yes, how can I escape from the domain of heaven and earth without the power and help of authority (The Greatest Creator).

How can I get the support of the Greatest Creator?

By telegnosis, man is a part of the universe. Man can correspond with universe. The brain can immediately sense the sting on the toe. So if I send a “fax of thought� to The Greatest Creator, he will surely know my appeal.

Indeed, the picture of the birth of the universe, the origin of life, the origin of mankind, and the 36-dimension space began to appear in my mind. The subject of fate is thus revealed naturally.

Only at this time did I learn The Greatest Creator, Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu, as well as mankind, universe, time, space, energy and matter, body and soul, the nature of life, and the meaning of life.

I came to know God by telegnosis which could only be sensed nor told. In order to facilitate the understanding and induce even greater enlightenment, I have cited 40 natural phenomena and 8 logical reasoning to prove the existence of The Greatest Creator and to illustrate the eight characteristics of The Greatest Creator and the eight major relations between The Greatest Creator and human being. Whether you can sense the existence of God completely relies on your telegnosis and wisdom.

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Post #61

Post by ivysunday »

3. The Greatest Creator is the Neutral

The Greatest Creator is sole and only. And the Greatest Creator is neutral.

There are men and women, male and female animals and plants. How about The Greatest Creator?

We can never say The Greatest Creator is a man, a woman, a male or a female. Because if we say The Greatest Creator is a man, there must be a woman Greatest Creator as his opposite, which would dampen the uniqueness of The Greatest Creator.

Nor can we understand The Greatest Creator by using the “bipolarity� in the principle of unity of opposites. That is to say, we can not define The Greatest Creator as true or false, good or evil, beautiful or ugly. Because if we define The Greatest Creator as good, there must be an evil Greatest Creator as the opposite of the good Greatest Creator, which would also dampen the uniqueness of The Greatest Creator.

All the matters, animals, humans, Buddha and God have their respective nature. Then what kind of nature does The Greatest Creator have?

The Greatest Creator has no nature, which means The Greatest Creator does not have the nature of matters, animals, humans, Buddha or the God. It is not correct at all to classify the Greatest Creator into any section of life.

If we say a certain person has the nature of animals, we are degrading him or her. If we say the Buddha has the nature of humans, the Buddha is being degraded. Such is the case if the God is said to have the nature of Buddha and the Greatest Creator is said to have the nature of matters, animals, humans, Buddha or the God.

As a result, The Greatest Creator has no nature. The Greatest Creator is neutral.

It is imperative we discuss the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement because is involves the Greatest Creator.

Kirtan and Kirtan responsory are originated from the traditional Indian wisdom literatures, which have been inherited by some masters with spiritual nature. The most outstanding leader of the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement is Srila Prabhupada. The Movement shines with wisdom, focusing on the spiritual features, instead of the material or flesh attributes of human beings. Many of its contents are valuable and worthy of being adopted.

But we have to know who is Kirtan. According to the many lecture sheets of Srila Prabhupada, we know that Kirtan is the Supreme God of the Universe, which is acceptable. However, he also said that Kirtan was sole and only and the “source of all sources�. Who can be sole and only? Who can be the “source of all sources�? Only The Greatest Creator is. So we can conclude that Kirtan is The Greatest Creator.

Then, is Kirtan really The Greatest Creator?

In his lecture sheet ‘Definition of the God’ in the Kirtan responsory , Srila Prabhupada said, “When Kirtan showed up on the Earth, he had 16,108 wives, each of whom lived in the marble palaces decorated with jewels and equipped with furniture made of ivory and gold, demonstrating extreme splendid.�

So is this The Greatest Creator?

Of course not.

Being neutral, The Greatest Creator is neither male nor female. How could The Greatest Creator have 16,108 wives? Why don’t we say Kirtan have 16,108 husbands? Evidently, it is the idea of male superiority. Moreover,The Greatest Creator was much too libidinous if it really had so many wives. Are we extolling or desecrating The Greatest Creator when we generate so many wives for it with the mentality and the lust of flesh of human beings?

The wives of Kirtan lived in the “marble palaces decorated with jewels and equipped with furniture made of ivory and gold, demonstrating extreme splendid�. In fact, the laymen have imposed their own wills on The Greatest Creator. Would The Greatest Creator like marbles, jewels, ivory and gold simply because these things are precious in the eyes of the common?

In a word, Kirtan is not The Greatest Creator.

Kirtan responsory is the goddess of love and is to reach the harmonious integrating spiritual nature and god. Nevertheless, we have to be cautious about the Kirtan , who is not The Greatest of Creator but is labeled so, thus the Kirtan responsory is extremely dangerous.

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Post #62

Post by ivysunday »

4. The Greatest Creator is Mysterious

The Greatest Creator administers all things in the Universe with psychic energy. Such psychic energy is just the Tao stated by Lao Tzu in his Tao Te Ching. We can also understand the psychic energy as the Consciousness and thinking of The Greatest Creator.

Humans keep their bodies vigorous on blood while the Universe retains its vigor on psychic energy (Consciousness and Thinking) of The Greatest Creator. As a result, the intelligence of The Greatest Creator is actually the “blood� and vital force of the Universe

All human movements, including speaking, sleeping, eating, sleeping, studying, working and falling love are based on the physical instinct and human consciousness. And all Universe movements, including the revolution of celestial bodies, the maintenance of galaxy orders, and the life and death of all things in the Universe are based on the laws of physical movements and the psychic energy and the consciousness of The Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator dose not reveal itself, instead, it reveals its psychic energy The Greatest Creator has never communicated with the humans or given some special revelation to a certain person directly. The intelligence of The Greatest Creator is permeated in every space in the Universe and in all the movements of matters. It could be found in each of us. The Greatest Creator stays with the Universe, all the things and human beings.

Since The Greatest Creator is with us, why can’t we see it? The answer is that The Greatest Creator is mysterious.

What does it mean by saying The Greatest Creator is mysterious? To be specific, the psychic energy of The Greatest Creator (the Consciousness, Thinking, Laws, Tao, “blood� and vital force) is an non-matter and dark energy that is invisible, intangible and cannot be understood, told or explained. Such non-matter and dark energy performs its functions quietly without evident appearance or symbol. Though it seems that the non-matter and dark energy does not exist at all, they are actually the objective existence, which is ubiquitous and strictly loyal to its duties at all times.

Why would human bodies age and die? What has led to the aging and death? None of the scientists, biologists, politicians, or the religionists can give answer to this question, simply because The Greatest Creator is mysterious.

In the chapter of Primary Longevity Means in my Lifechanyuan, I state that the causes of human body aging and death, according to their damaging force, are arranged in the following order: the mind activities aroused by the 7 emotions and 6 sensory carnal desires, drinks and food, sleeping, labor, weather, air quality, noise, cosmic force (terrestrial magnetism, gravitation, radiation, and rays and waves of all kinds)

The human body aging and death are facilitated by each anger, excitement, emotional change, depression, cigarette, liquor, improper drink or food, late sleeping or insomnia, overstress , cold or hot wind, rainfall, frost, polluted air inhaled, unpleasant sound, sunspot activity, volcanic eruption, earthquake, leakage of nuclear facilities, bomb explosion, sandstorm, etc.

Most of the people agree with my explanation. But most of them do not understand how the above factors change the growth structure of the human bodies. Why? The answer is also that The Greatest Creator is mysterious.

The Greatest Creator is mysterious, only revealing the result without showing the process.

Why? Because everyone would become a God if he understood how things move and change. If so, he would compete with The Greatest Creator. For instance, the ministers, governors and common people only know the results of the Political Bureau (the highest decision-making body of China) meetings of CPC’s Central Committee in accordance with their limits of authority. But they never know the process of these meetings. Otherwise China would fall in disorder.

Is The Greatest Creator selfish or mean?

Absolutely not. The Greatest Creator wouldn’t let us know the process just out of its mercy. For instance, a baby is born and someone tells its parents how the baby will grow up and end up in being drowned in a river at the age of 15. Just image what the consequences will be like.

Of course, it does not mean that The Greatest Creator will never let the humans know how things move and change. As a matter of fact, he just reveals all mysteries in front of the mankind. How much the people can understand the process depends on the individual’s spiritual nature and wisdom. The purer their spiritual nature is and the wiser they are, the more and deeper can they understand, and vice versa.

For instance, the falling of apples is shown, fairly and selflessly, to almost all the people by nature. But only Newton reached the law of universal gravitation. Many people have taken lifts. But only a few have ever thought what would happen if constant energy is added to the lift (no-cable constraint). The life would keep accelerating and its quality would increase. Infinite energy is needed before the speed of the lift could exceed that of the light, which is impossible (the antimatter is not considered in this case). As a result, Albert Einstein got the famous equation of E=MC2, which led to the nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan. Moreover, most of us have the experience of keeping ourselves warm close to the stove or campfire, have seen the burning things or have felt hot in the face when cooking at the gas cooker in the kitchen, but have any of us reached the theory of Quantum Mechanics? Only Max Planck did. Many of us have sat under a tree and only Sakyamuni found the 36-dimensional space and the ways to Buddha and Buddha Land.

The Greatest Creator treats all people equally, either the white, black, or yellow, the Kings, specialists or common people, either the rich, or the middle class or the poor, either the Muslims, Buddhists, or Christians. The Greatest Creator has offered the same opportunity and right. Take a broad view and you will see faraway mountains are fresh and green..� If you can open your window of your mind and cast your eyes into the future, you can detect the spiritual light given out by The Greatest Creator among billions of natural phenomena around you. And you can obtain the great and supreme wisdom that leads to utmost understanding.

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Post #63

Post by ivysunday »

5. The Greatest Creator is Impartial

Since the Greatest Creator is sole and only, amorphous and neutral, it is also impartial.

If a court is controlled by a good person, all the bad people will be punished. If it is controlled by a bad one, all the good people will suffer. If it is controlled by the proletariats, the capitalists will have a hard time and vice versa. If it is controlled by the God or Buddha, the evils will be constrained and vice versa.

Only the neutral, nonparty, is most impartial.

The sunlight is impartial and casts itself on all the people. The air on the Earth is breathed by both “good people� and “bad people�. The water, which is vital for the life, is available at very cheap price by every person. So the Greatest Creator is fair and impartial.

If the Greatest Creator is biased and does not allocate the sunlight, air and water this way, some people will control the sunlight, air and water just as they occupy the land and mines. Can we still live on?

The Greatest Creator is impartial also because all people die.

If the privileged people could live for 1,000 thousands or even for ever, the poor would be hopeless.

Thus, any thought or practice hoping to give mortality to a certain fraction of people is in conflict with the impartiality idea of the Greatest Creator and can never be realized.

The human beings have tried to eliminate the diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, smallpox, plague and cancers. It is really a naughty behaviors causing trouble for the Greatest Creator. For each disease eliminated, the Greatest Creator has to generate a new disease to take its place, such as HIV/AIDs, SARS, special air molecules disease, etc. We will have to see who is more powerful, man or the Greatest Creator?

The reason is that the Earth cannot sustain so many people if the Greatest Creator does not generate new diseases which kill some people. If all the people on the Earth keep living for ever, do we still have enough space to live? It is the same case with a pretty garden. If all the visitors stay inside and do not leave, how can the other visitors come in and enjoy? Is it fair for the late comers if they are kept out?

Some people are always hoping that the “good people� can get more than the “evil people�, and that the Greatest Creator should send the “evil people� to the hell. If the Greatest Creator fails to do so, it would be unfair.

Such naive idea is simply the sentimental wish. Few people would think they themselves are evil or bad. But the fact is that all people are evil. Aren’t you evil when you slaughter the animals and eat their meat? When you slaughter them mercilessly regardless of their helpless cry, protest and fear, when you stab the shining knife into their chests or cut off their throats, you are not a kind person at all for the animals.

There is no difference between eating meat and slaughtering animals. Meat-eating is the bad behavior itself. Why Buddhists would not eat meat? They are just avoiding re-committing sins to enter the senior life space after death.

All those eating meat are not good. Maybe some people think that it is sensible to slaughter the pig and eat its meat because the pig is raised by themselves. But is it really sensible? Does raising the pig justify slaughtering it? The kids are raised by their parents. Can they be …, too? Does it really make sense?

Notes: I talk about the issue of meat eating from the perspective of “all life is equal� and becoming Buddha. I am not opposed to eating the meat. In fact, I am a meat eater, too. So I am not a good person.

Refusing to eat the meat is what good people will do. We advocate vegetarianism.

But if all the people refuse to eat meat and become the Buddha, it will break the life cycle. The human beings have their duties to live on the Earth. They are part of the life chain. Without this part, the life of many spaces will not have carried on and end in extinction. There will be no Hell, thus no Heaven. There will no mortal world, thus no fairy land. If all the people do not eat meat, get married, have babies, just like Buddhists do, there will not be the future generations. This is not what the Greatest Creator wants.

By the way, it is absolutely right and promising to believe in Buddhism. But is it also justifiable not to get married and have babies? Is it in line with the intention of the Greatest Creator?

If we look at the history of Buddhism, we will find that each time when the Buddhism is prosperous, there would be a devastating attack on it. Why? Why such an ancient religion can only maintain its survival without being disseminated across the whole world? The problem does not lie in the Buddhism principles, but in the ways of self-improvement.

Here we have to talk about the Falun Gong. As a Buddhahood exercise, Falun Gong is not wrong at all. There are 84,000 kinds of Buddhahood exercises, and Falun Gong is one of them. It is a pleasing thing that the people like Falun Gong as a Buddhahood exercise, which demonstrates that the Chinese people actively pursue goodness. LI Hongzhi has his merits because he has triggered the people’s desire for goodness. He, together with ZHANG Hongbao, can be called the masters of spiritual nature.

The problem is that it has relabeled the Buddhahood exercise as the Buddhism and upgraded Falun Gong into the so-called Falun Great Law, which is a violation of the Buddhism. What is the Buddhism? In The Diamond Sutra, Sakyamuni said, “The so-called Buddhism is no Buddhism�, “Tathagata once said all laws are Buddhism�, “If some people say Tathagata has ever explained the Buddhism, they do not understand my words and are actually slandering the Buddha.� What Sakyamuni said has told us, to understand the Buddhism; we have to forsake the laws. The laws without laws are Buddhism and vice versa. Falun Gong is correct but the Falun Great Law is not. Because it focuses too much on the laws and its laws can not be Buddhism at all.

So what is the law? The law is the order or objective principle adopted by the Greatest Creator to govern the effective operation of the Universe and life. The formula in physics, molecular formula in chemistry, the equation in math, the structural formula in biology, and the casual schema in life science are all laws. All laws are Buddhism and are designed and made by the Greatest Creator.

When lecturing in LA of US in the afternoon of February 15, 2003, Master LI Hongzhi said, “So do you understand? All laws are made by me.�

“All life in the prehistoric period was made by the laws without exception.� “The immeasurable and countless Universe, space, and celestial bodies contain immeasurable and countless life, which is generated by the laws. No life is positioned to comment on the laws.�

He has gone too far. The laws are created by the Greatest Creator. But Master LI said he has made the laws. So can we conclude that LI Hongzhi is the Greatest Creator or the Greatest Creator is LI Hongzhi.

There is only one Greatest Creator in the world, either the One or LI Hongzhi.

Let’s presume LI Hongzhi is the Greatest Creator. Does Master LI have the 8 features of being sole and only, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, fair, merciful, superbly powerful and wise.

Human beings can never overcome the Greatest Creator. If Master LI was really the Greatest Creator, would Falun Gong have experienced such disastrous difficulty? How could he claim himself as the Greatest Creator even when finding it difficult to survive on his own motherland?

The Greatest Creator is amorphous, governing the whole Universe and unable to survive, with difficulty, on the Earth in the form of human. And Master LI was born in the mortal world, which can be proved by his archives in the past decades. Can he be the Greatest Creator?

The Greatest Creator has never talked with the human beings directly. And think about the many lectures Master LI has given us.

The Greatest Creator is mysterious. And we know about everything about Master LI. Can he be the Greatest Creator?

The Greatest Creator is omniscient. Is Master LI omniscient, too? He might not be able to answer the questions of physics, chemistry, math or biology for the senior high school students, not mention the questions raised by scientists. Can he be the Greatest Creator?

LI Hongzhi is a master of spiritual nature, having his own distinctive understanding of the Universe and life. But if he goes too far, he is sure to have problems.

There are many wise men in the mortal world. Some live secluded, and some look like average. But they possess great capacity. Some people slow, but they have superb wisdom. Some look normal and ignorant but they are fully aware of the life essence. They hide their capacity, just as Tao is, but they are able to make great achievements at the critical time.

All in all, the Greatest Creator is impartial. The prosperity or decline of an individual, organization or nation all relies on the balance of the Greatest Creator. Only by forsaking ourselves, can we see the impartiality of the Greatest Creator. If we do all things centering on ourselves and understand the Greatest Creator based on our own interest, we can never find the impartiality of the Greatest Creator or even a shadow of it.

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6. The Greatest Creator is Merciful

Because of the sufferings experienced by the human beings in World War II, some people proclaimed that “The Greatest Creator is dead�. This is a slandering and desecrating to the Greatest Creator.

To understand the Greatest Creator with the human emotions is just drawing the conclusion from the incomplete data. If we simply judge the features of the Greatest Creator in the perspective of the life and death, difficulty and poverty of the human beings, it is just like appointing the rat as the Grand Judge of the Supreme Court of mankind.

Can we judge that the Greatest Creator is merciless when seeing a diligent elderly lady suffering from the paralysis on bed before she dies?

Can we judge that the Greatest Creator is merciless when seeing a kind and honest person suffering from the plight all life?

Some people born with a silver spoon do not have virtues at all. But they can obtain power and wealth easily. They do a lot of immoral things in their life and die at an old age with splendid funerals. Can we judge that the Greatest Creator is biased for the bad people and against the good ones?

No, we can’t. The Greatest Creator is merciful.

To understand the mercy of the Greatest Creator, we cannot use the right or wrong criteria of the human beings. We have to make the judgments from the perspective of time-space, life cycle and the level of the spiritual nature.

From the chapter of “Time-Space in the Universe� in the Life Chanyuan, we have known that there are 36 dimensional spaces in the Universe. The life cycles among the Heaven World, Elysium World, Negative Black Hole Body, the Ten-thousand Year World, the Thousand Year World, Mortal World, Positive Black Hole World, Livestock World, Animal World, Plant World (the Insect World and Bacteria World form the other 2 life systems), the Hell, Frozen Layer and Inflamed Layer.

The human beings are in the middle world, the Mortal World. And the spiritual nature of mankind is lower than that of the God, Buddha or Celestial Beings, but higher than that of the livestock, animals, or plants. The level of the spiritual nature descends from the Heaven World to the Plant World.

For instance, the God knows everything in the Universe. And the Buddha knows everything in the Fairyland, Mortal World, Animal World and Plant World, but not in the Heaven World. The Celestial Beings only know everything in the Mortal World, Animal World, and Plant World, but not in the Elysium World or Heaven World. The human beings only know about the Animal World and Plant World, but not in the Fairy Land (Ten-thousand Year World and Thousand Year World), Buddha World (Elysium World), and the God World (Heaven World). The animals only know the Plant World, but not the other life spaces. The plants are the most ignorant life, knowing nothing about the Universe and can only take everything upon them.

From the perspective of the God, the human beings are ignorant. From the perspective of the Buddha, the human beings are evil. From the perspective of the celestial beings, human beings are short-sighted and stupid. But from the perspective of mankind, human beings are intelligent, though some are good and some are bad. From the perspective of the animals, human beings are scaring and inconceivable. From the perspective of the plants, human beings are fantastic and great.

The human beings are ignorant because they don’t know where they are from or heading towards. Throughout their life, they are in a muddle, giving up those they should have and pursue things they shouldn’t have. When living, they don’t know why they live. When dying, they don’t know how they die.

Human beings are evil because they bully and even kill each other, show disrespect to the God or Buddha, hunt the wild animals, and pollute the waters. If the Greatest Creator is not merciful, how can it allow us to abuse the Earth created by it?

From the perspective of human beings, the genetic engineering is a great, marvelous and promising career. But if we see from the angle of the Greatest Creator, it is dangerous and evil. Some day in the future, the mankind will pay for it. If the Greatest Creator is not merciful, it will not give us the admonishment and warnings.

Imagine we have raised several dogs in our homes. If these dogs have learnt to unlock the bedroom doors, what will happen?

The human beings are short-sighted and stupid because they only care for the short-term and individual interest, instead of the long-term and collective interest. People tend to spend their time making money and seeking fun, reluctant to take time to think about the meaning of life. The result is that they have harvested dozens of years of joy but lost the happy life enduring thousands of years. Everybody understands that if he is all honest, the Mortal World will become the Paradise. But the fact is that everbody just plays tricks while hoping the others are honest. And only a few of the human beings are honest. Most of them are simply tricky. They not only messed up their own life, also lost the bright future.

Now let me answer the 3 questions raised in the above paragraphs.

When the diligent elderly lady had to suffer from the paralysis on bed for years before she passed away, what does it imply?

An ambitious and wise boss is aware that, before appointing a staff to an important position, it is imperative to give him the opportunity to experience all difficulties and take almost all tasks in the company, and foster his virtues of selflessness and sacrifice. The stricter the boss is, the more rewards the staff will obtain in the future. MAO Zedong arranged his son to work as a peasant, worker and later a soldier in the Korean War. Why? He hoped his son would experience some difficulties and know about the common people first before taking the throne.

The wise parents also know that they shouldn’t spoil their kids by giving them what ever they want. Otherwise they will not make excellent career in their future life. Too much indulgence in childhood can only lead to regret in the old age.

Human beings, in the eyes of the Greatest Creator, are just in their childhood. Our sufferings are imposed by the Greatest Creator, who hopes we can go to the better place after the death, the Thousand-year World, or at least we can go back to the Mortal World after the death and enter the Thousand-year World by self-refining and self-improvement.

That’s why the wise people regard the Greatest Creator as the merciful Heavenly Father.

Judging from the perspective of humans, the Greatest Creator is really merciless to impose sufferings on the diligent elderly lady before her death. However, if we stand in the boots of the Greatest Creator, we will find the mercy of the Greatest Creator. It will be really brutal to end the sufferings before her death.

The father of the late US President Kennedy would not let others save his son about to be drowned in the river. For ordinary people, he was really merciless. But very few people knew that he was seizing the opportunity to let his son experience the sufferings, hoping he would become someone in the future.

So the Greatest Creator is doing the same thing when imposing sufferings on a good and honest person for his whole life.

The US immigration policy has set many regulations. Only by following these regulations can one be qualified to live on this land. To work as a professor in Oxford or Cambridge University, you have to obtain certain level of education and experience. Even if you are lucky and have obtained a position there, you cannot maintain the job because the students will find the common-sense mistakes and confused logics made by you. An excellent family will not allow their future generations to marry imprudently. A pure organization does not accept new members unscrupulously. The Thousand-year World is a piece of pure land, refusing the access of “stinking people�, just like the sitting room will not tolerate the existence of dog droppings or chicken manure.

Imposing sufferings on a good and honest person is just to cultivate his or her virtues so that he or she may be qualified to enter the Thousand-year World.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Blessed are those who mourn.� Why? The Greatest Creator said, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven�

Sakyamuni said, “The humble life of the living people is just eliminating their sins in the past life. Only in this way can they be self-improved and reach the supreme wisdom.�

The Celestial Being Lao Tzu said, “Blessings are disguised by misfortunes� and “In order to take, one must first give.�

The Greatest Creator has given much thought before imposing sufferings and plight on a good and honest person for the whole life.

To give life-long fortune and happiness to a person sounds very attractive. But that person is really over-consuming the blessings. The more you get, the more you will lose.

Everyone knows that the higher one climbs, the more serious injury he will get when falling down.

Everything in the Universe follows the principle of unity of the opposites. At last, the gained will equal to the lost. The more you lose, the more you will gain. The less you gain, the less you will lose. An Indian religion advocates asceticism. It is not an ignorant practice. Rockefeller, who got rich on the oil mines, donated hundreds of million of dollars to the charity and only kept a small part of his wealth. He was not an old fool. The Kung Fu Star Jet LI donated his ads income to the Temple, not because he has too much money to spend.

They have understood what Tao is. And they have possessed the wisdom.

Can we still say the Greatest Creator is not merciful?

If all the human beings believe “the Greatest Creator does not exist�, the mankind will not exist either. The Greatest Creator is there because a large number of human beings believe in and admire the Greatest Creator. Because of this, the Greatest Creator allows us to live on the Earth and hopes we can follow him, give up evil and return to the good. From this point, the Greatest Creator is very merciful.

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7. The Greatest Creator is Supremely Powerful

The whole Universe is an aggregate of all energy, in which there is an energy cluster. The relationship between the aggregate and the energy cluster is just like that between the egg white and egg yolk. In this energy cluster (egg yolk), there is a very small energy embryo which also contains an even smaller nucleus. The nucleus is the nerve center of the Universe, which is the casual body of the energy and the thought zone of the Universe. This is the Greatest Creator.

Energy itself does not have consciousness or thought. The mammoth energy emitted by the nuclear bomb explosion can kill both the “bad people� and the “good people�. It can destroy the Kings’ palaces and the thatched cottages, simply because the energy does not have the consciousness.

The energy is extremely powerful. But the thought is even more powerful, which means that the thought of the scientists who made the nuclear bombs is even more powerful than the nuclear bombs. The small nucleus in the energy cluster, the nerve center of the Universe, which is the Greatest Creator, is even more powerful than the overall energy of the Universe. That’s why we say the Greatest Creator is supremely powerful and is surpassing the energy.

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8. The Greatest Creator is Wise.
The great wisdom of the Greatest Creator is shown in the following 3 aspects.

1)Build the cosmic order.

The cosmic order includes: 1. the macro celestial moving order, such as the orderly movement of the Law-Rotary Galaxy, the Rotary-River Galaxy, the Galaxy and the Star System. 2. The Micro material structure order, such as the orderly movement of the molecule, atom, electron, proton, nucleon, meson, hyperon, varitron. 3. The order of life transmigration. For instance, when a person’s spiritual nature is upgraded to a certain degree; he or she will become the Celestial Being or God. When the spiritual nature is degraded to a certain level, he or she will become a dog, pig or a tree. If the person’ spiritual nature remains the same, he or she can become a person too in the next life cycle. Such is the case with an ox, which can become a person or another animal when its spiritual nature is upgraded or downgraded. A Celestial Being can be upgraded into the Buddha or downgraded into a person.

2) Design the Life Structure

The Life Structure mainly refers to the gene of all life forms. The gene, just like the unexposed films, can be repeatedly copied. The genes of all life forms (the films) are different from each other. The genes of humans are different of those of the pigs. Those of the cats are different from the birds. The genes of the willows are different from those of the peach trees. And those of the roses are different from the peony.

In general, the genes are featured by the homogeneity compatibility and hetero-nature repulsion.

For instance, the yellow, black and white races of human beings are of the same nautre and compatible with each other. So they can get married and have babies. However, the humans, animals and plants, because their genes are not of the same kind and repulse each other, can not have sexual intercourse. Even if they have, no life can be generated. Though ox, sheep, dog, cat, pig, chicken, tiger, leopard, deer, rat, snake and otter are all animals, they can’t mate and reproduce because their genes are not of the same type or characteristics.

However, the genes of a few life forms are similar. For instance, humans and apes, horses and donkeys, wolves and dogs, chickens and peacocks, apple trees and pear trees can mate or get engrafted. But the new life forms produced are not the same as their parents and they can’t produce their own future generations. For instance, the humans and apes can produce barbarians, who are infertile. The horses and donkeys produce mules, which are infertile, too. The wolves and dogs can have the infertile Bei. The chicken and peacocks can produce the infertile phoenix. And the apples trees engrafted to the pear trees can produce the infertile apple pears.

Though resembling each other, the humans and monkeys have different genetic structures and can Mate. Even if they mate with each other, they cannot produce any new life. That’s why humans are not evolved from the monkeys. Of course, we can’t say the monkeys are involuted from the humans, either.

The fertilized egg only visible via the microscope will end up growing into a tangible life with head, feet, eyes, nose, hair, eyebrows, skin, nails, heart and blood vessels. It is the fruit of the Greatest Creator’s great wisdom. The human hair can grow limitlessly. But the eyebrows and eyelashes, when growing to a certain length, will not continue the growth any more. Why? Because the growth of hair will not impact on the activity of the life while the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes will block the vision. From the embryo to a grown-up, the life grows in strict proportions, which is also designed by the Greatest Creator. Otherwise, the left leg is already 1 meter long while the right one is very short; or the head has taken shape but the ear hasn’t grown. It will produce a monster. Or the heart has begun to work while the blood vessels haven’t started their growth. Thus the heart will die from lack of oxygen.

As a matter of fact, the mechanics engineers and the architectural engineers are also the designers of the genes. The drawings of machines, buildings and bridges designed by them are genes of structures. Based on these genetic structures, they will manufacture real machines and build buildings or bridges. The work of the workers is based on and within the framework of these genetic structures (drawings). If a building is designed to for 5 floors, the workers will not build a 6-floor building. The genetic structure has even defined the window size, position and materials, the wiring and piping.

The evolutionists believe that humans are evolved from the monkeys, monkeys from the insects, insects from the simple cells, the birds from the terrestrial animals and terrestrial animals from the aquatic life. It is the same as the aeroplanes are evolved from the buildings and buildings from the Swiss mechanical watches.

3)Know the Present and the Future

The Great Leader Chairman MAO Zedong predicted in his life the future development of more than 20 issues, which later proved to be fit. Why? That’s because MAO Zedong is a man of wisdom.

Anyone who knows the future development of one thing or several things is wise. The wiser he is, the more accurate prediction he can give. The scientists are people of wisdom because they have made most of the inventions. Without wisdom, any activities will definitely become messy and disorderly.。

A country running in order and balance where people enjoy their life and work is often governed by a wise brain trust. If the people in this country voice frequent complaints and are annoyed by the criminals, it is definitely governed by a leadership without wisdom.

If a family, in three generations’ time, still can’t cultivate some promising one in it, it is a family without wisdom.

If a person lives in poverty and is not able to grasp any opportunity throughout life, or the person doesn’t know what to do first and what to do second, he or she is someone with no wisdom.

Some people can detect the opportunity from the shift of national leadership, or find the future development from a newly-launched national policy and change his target, these people have the wisdom.

Some people can find the essence from the phenomenon, or know the time of qualitative change from the speed of quantitative change, these people have the wisdom. ZHUGE Liang is such a person, proved by his Memorial on Sending Out the Troops, and his weather forecast ability before a battle.

Everything in the Universe runs according to the laws, whether the celestial movement, life growth, ebb and flow, or human life change, etc. None is able to run away from the restrictions of the rules.

Those who know the laws of things and their movement know about the future.

Human beings are able to forecast the time of solar and lunar eclipse hundreds of years later, the calendar and the cosmology destiny of billions of years later, and the weather and temperature in a few weeks’ time. They also know that it takes 18 years for a baby to become a grown-up. The skilled and experienced doctor can know the estimated death date of his patient by judging through the symptoms. Some people with special capacity can calculate a person’s life span. For instance, A Taoist priest once told Chairman MAO 2 numbers, 99 and 8341 (these 2 numbers coincidently match many big events in his life)

Everything in the Universe is in a cause-effect relationship. Everything in the Universe is logical and governed by the laws. Everything has its destiny, having a start and an end. So the wiser you are, the more you know about the mystery of the Universe.

The Greatest Creator knows the past and future of everything in the Universe. The God and Devil know the movement and change of the majority of things. The Buddha knows the past and future of human beings. Confined by their genetic structures, the humans can never know everything. For instance, they never know the last number of π. They even don’t know whether π is limited or cyclic.

Humans can never have the same wisdom as the Greatest Creator does. But they can reach the level of God or Buddha. The problem is that when we have the wisdom of the God or Buddha, we cannot, or don’t want to be a human any more. The ordinary humans want to survive. When they possess the wisdom of Buddha or God, they want to die. For them, survival is meaningless and death is vital for the life. If they have a fortunate death, they can enter the Thousand-year World. If they have a bad death, they have to endure sufferings for the next cycle of life. The “pleasure� and “happiness� rely on the ignorance. Once they are literate, the distress and trouble will follow. The “pleasure� and “happiness� of the humans cannot arouse the interest of the literate people, who see the life as a tragedy. I can give you an example. A young deer is jumping and playing joyfully because it is ignorant. When it knows the surrounding tiger and wolf are killers, it will not be happy any more. As human beings, they never intend to become a young deer simply because of the pleasure and happiness it enjoys. The God and Buddha never intend to become a human, either, unless he is from the senior life space with a special mission.

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IV. 8 Relationships Between the Greatest Creator and Humans

Human beings have direct or indirect relationships with all other matters and things in the Universe, of which the relationship with the Greatest Creator is the most important. These relationships directly determine the extinction or survival of human beings, and the prospect of each individual. This chapter will discuss the 8 relationships between the Greatest Creator and humans.

1. The relationship in physical appearance

The Greatest Creator is amorphous and thus can be in any form. The form of human beings is designed based on the form of the Heaven God. That is to say, the appearance of humans resembles that of the God rather the Greatest Creator.

2.The relationship in wisdom

The Gods in the Heaven are created by the Greatest Creator. The humans are not produced by the Greatest Creator directly. The African blacks and American Indians are the first batch of humans created by the Gods. The Egyptians and European whites are the second batch of humans created by the Gods. The Asian yellows centered on the Chinese come from the Elysium World. They are the third batch of humans on the Earth and the mutations from the Dragon, which is the follower of the God of Evil. So the ancestors of the yellow race are not humans. Adam and Eve are the ancestors of Israelis and most of the people in the Middle East, created by another God in the Garden of Eden.

Humans can never reach the wisdom of the Greatest Creator. Only the God can understand the wisdom of the Greatest Creator. The blacks and whites, when refined to a certain senior level, can understand the wisdom of the God. With the genes of Celestial Being and Buddha, the yellow race, if can recognize the mind of nature, can possess the wisdom of the Celestial Being and Buddha. And the Israelis and the most of the people in the Middle East lie in between.

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3.The relationship of affiliation

The humans are not directly administered by the Greatest Creator. Instead, they are governed by the Gods in the Heaven.

Humans are administered by one God. However, the relationship is often intervened and damaged by another God. Because the God World also follows the principle of unity of the opposites, these two Gods are equal in power and strength, unable to beat the other side. So the Mortal World can never reach the perfect state or maintain peace. The human heart is always seeking balance between good and evil, and beauty and ugly.

For example, one God has created Adam and Eve and the opposing God has planted a so-called Wisdom Tree in the Garden of Eden, alluring Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, which changed the genetic model of the thought of Adam and Eve. The God who created Adam and Eve knew about the evil intention of the other God and repeatedly told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit on the Wisdom Tree. However, Adam and Eve failed to resist the temptation and were trapped by the other God. The God got angry and expelled Adam and Eve out of Eden.

We call the God who genuinely cares for the human beings as the God of Light, and the other God as the God of Darkness. Jesus is the representative of the God of Light and Satan is that of the God of the Darkness. The God of Light is concerned about the future and destiny of the human beings. It cares about the life perfection of each individual person, hoping the humans can reach the freedom and happiness in their mind, and the freedom and pleasure in their flesh by pursuing the truth, good and beauty. Fully aware of the position of the human beings in the competition between the God of Light and the God of Darkness, Sakyamuni has taught his followers to forsake the human life and seek surmounting to break away from the God of Light and God of Darkness and get into the Elysium World directly out of the Samsara world. In surface, the God of Darkness cares for the humans very much. He teaches people to pursue possessions, wealth, power, position, beauty, fame, success, ownership and luxury life. In every means, the God of Darkness keeps the people busy with the immediate interest so that they don’t have enough time to have deep thinking. His purpose is to fail the plan of the God of Light. In essence, the God of Darkness doesn’t care for the human beings at all. He is just distracting the people from the real life purpose.

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4.The cause-effect relationship

Though not governing the human beings directly, the Greatest Creator knows the present and future of them clearly. He is also fully aware of the rivalry between the God of Light and the God of Darkness. The God of Light hopes to bring everlasting light to the Mortal World while the God of Darkness hopes to sink the Mortal World into the perpetual darkness. However, either the everlasting light or the perpetual darkness will damage the unity of the opposites in the Universe. So they will have to keep the balance.

The Greatest Creator cares for the human beings by setting up the cause-effect relationship (order and procedure).

First, the Greatest Creator gives the humans beings certain degree of free will, allowing them to select on their own between light and darkness. What the Greatest Creator has given is just what we have pursued. We deserve the current situation. The Greatest Creator has neither deprived nor added anything. We are simply following the “path� made by the Greatest Creator.

For instance, Adam and Eve could make their own decisions whether or not to eat the fruit on the Wisdom Tree. If they didn’t eat it, they could continue to enjoy their life in the Eden forever. If they ate it, they would be driven out of the Eden and work hard to survive.

I will give another example. We find an injured rabbit on the way and make our own decisions as to how to treat it. We can just let it go, not helping or hurting it, and continue our journey. The result of such selection is that, one day when we are injured and need the help of other people, no one will offer their help or do harm to us. If we take the injured rabbit, give it bandage and food, we have protected a life and get rewarded by the life-span extension and upgrading. If we take the opportunity to seize it and cook it, we will suffer from the shortened life span and degradation.

We will be treated the same way we treat the others. The God will treat us in the same way we treat the God. We will receive what we have paid. The more we have paid, the more we will be rewarded. What we have paid and what we will receive will always be equal.

In general, people will get what they have been aspiring for. If you dream for wealth persistently, you will have the wealth. Such is the case if you long for power, you will have power; if you seek for prostitute, prostitute will find you. And if you think of the devil, the devil will come. If you pursue Buddha, Buddha will guide you. If we persevere and focus on our dream, we will get what we want.

Many people may have aspired for something but have failed to get it. This is not the problem with the order and procedure set up by the Greatest Creator. It is because we have been hesitant, not perseverant, or have made too much haste.

If a person wants to become a writer but can’t endure the poverty or seclusion on the way to the writer, intervened by the wish to run a company, official position or study of the “function of horse tails�, it will put the Greatest Creator, the God or the Evil into confusion as to what should they do. Whether to help you become a writer or make you a company owner? As a result, you can neither become a writer nor a company owner.

In the primary school textbooks there is a fable telling the story of a fishing cat. A kitten and an elderly cat went fishing on the lake. The elderly one was concentrating on fishing and got a lot of fish. The kitten just kept looking around for butterflies or dragonflies. When the dark came, it didn’t get fish, nor butterflies or dragonflies.

It is not because the Greatest Creator is impartial. It is because we don’t know clearly what we want.

The cheats do not have good will, the bandits do not have mercy, the Buddha doesn’t kill life, the celestial being doesn’t pursue fame or wealth, the money seeker are not sentimental, the politician must curry favor with the public, the philanthropist doesn’t pursue interest, the scholars must tolerate seclusion, the power lover does not consider principle or friendship, the bootlicker is shameless and does not worry about losing face, the military general is not scared by the sacrifice of his soldiers. To remain healthy, one must nourish one’s life. To upgrade the life quality, one must learn to refine or improve himself. To keep away from the prison, one must stay away from the crimes. To avoid becoming the animal in the next cycle of life, one must have the human nature and stop doing evil things. To enter the Thousand Year World after death, one must pursue the perfect human nature in the limited life. To enter the Ten Thousand Year World in the next cycle of life, one must understand, pursue and gain the Tao. To enter the Elysium World, one must respect the Buddha and get out of the Desire World, Lust World and Lust-free World. To keep out of the Hell, one must do more good deeds than bad deeds. To remain out of the frozen world, one should not cheat others or inflict on the good people. To keep out of the Fire World, one should not kill life on a groundless basis.

“As you sow, so will you reap�. Plant sesames and you can’t get watermelons, sow grass seeds and you can’t get crops. What Goes Around Comes Around; Such a life, such a death. The Greatest Creator is just and impartial and reward us in accordance what we have done.

The past of us is the present of us. And the present of us is our future. Such is the cause-effect relationship between us and the Greatest Creator.

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5.The Relationship in Emotions

Though we were not created by the Greatest Creator directly, the source of life came from the Greatest Creator. Nothing would have existed without it.

If there was no Greatest Creator, there would be no God or Evil. If there was no God or Evil, there would be no human beings. That is to say, there would be no human beings without the Greatest Creator.

As far as “the blood relationship� is concerned, the Greatest Creator is the father of the God and Evil. The God is the father of the human beings and the Evil is the uncle, which means the Greatest Creator is the grandfather of human beings.

Jesus called the Greatest Creator as the Father because he was created by the Greatest Creator. However, if human beings also call the Greatest Creator as the Father, we would put us in the equal position as Jesus, which has violated the relational ethics. Because Jesus and other God created us as required by the Greatest Creator, the Father of human beings is the God, instead of the Greatest Creator.

From the perspective of relationships, the Greatest Creator is our grandfather while Jesus and other Gods are our fathers, and Satan and other Evils are our uncles. The celestial being is the senior life form of human beings and the Buddha is the highest life form of human beings.

The grandfather always loves the grandson. Also the father always loves his son. If we respect the grandfather and do not anger him, we will have a bright future. Even when father and uncle punish us, if we get the love and favor from our grandfather, the father or uncle would have to let us go because they respect the Greatest Creator.

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