When the Bible does not promote or condone, then what?

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When the Bible does not promote or condone, then what?

Post #1

Post by micatala »

This thread is prompted by the often-made statement.
I have asked you to provide any evidence "from the Bible" (since you have offered that you are a priest), where sodomy/perderasty-homosexuality-Gay, is celebrated, supported, condoned, promoted, or preached as acceptable, anywhere in the New Testament
The implication is that, since the Bible nowhere promotes, condones, or 'celebrates' homosexuality, this is further indication it should be condemned.

Question for debate:

Is this a valid conclusion?

Are there other examples of behaviors, views, etc. that are not promoted, condoned, or celebrated in the Bible, but that Christians typically do not condemn?

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Post #131

Post by micatala »

1John wrote:I believe it is sensible to see your position Micatala, as well as the non-Christians that support gays and lesbians, to see it as a wierd slippery slope. Literally not quite the end of Christianity but as close to it as I (and millions and millions of Christians including Pope Benedict) care to get.

Isn't it just as loving to allow Satan worshippers that claim they too love Christ to be members in your Church? Satan is a real being to Christians.

Where does this love thing stop? Human sacrifice? Abortion doctors as deacons and elders? Same logic. There are plenty of people that perform such things today. Like I wrote, that so many anti-Christians are driving this "let gays be Christians" thing as to be a booming call to action for the believers.
I can understand the concern about the possibility of slipping down the slope. It is much more comforting if things never change, as one change does bring to mind the possibility of other changes.

However, most of your comparisons to me are quite outrageous and over the top. It is most certainly not the 'same logic' to equate Satan worshippers or those who practice human sacrifice with homosexuals.

Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table admittedly would require a change in the traditional interpretations of several passages of the NT. However, traditional does not necessarily equal correct, and we have a number of examples of traditional interpretations (e.g. on slavery, origins of race, the structure of the solar system, etc.) being wrong. I have tried to make the case that, in the case of homosexuality, the traditional interpretation is not necessarily the correct one.

Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table would not require any significant overhaul in any of the central tenets of Christianity. It would not nullify the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the nature of God as loving, just, and forgiving, the golden rule, the laws of love, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers, the universal access to God through Jesus, etc., etc.

Practicing homosexuality in and of itself does no harm to others, does not equate to belief in or worship of other God's, does not break the golden rule or the laws of love, and does not deny the central tenets of Christianity.

Practicing Satan worship, or human sacrifice most certainly does deny many of the basic tenets of CHristianity, as is quite obvious. Denying God, or worshipping Satan instead of God is incompatible with the most central of tenets of Christianity. Human sacrifice violates the golden rule, the laws of love, and I am assuming would also be interpreted as idolatry, besides being murder.

The extremity of your comparison is like saying that if we allow adults to own guns, then we inevitably will allow people, even children, access to and use of weapons of mass destruction.
For example, the Bible says in the OT that an Israelite should not lend money for interest to a fellow Israelite. However, person A could, in order to help B learn financial responsibility and gain confidence and discipline, lend B money at interest. He is violating a 'rule' but is following the larger law of love for the good of B.

Love would entail no interest. Love would entail paying back the money.
Not necessarily. By charging interest, A might be fulfilling the larger purpose of helping B deal with the reality of modern finance. A could donate the interest to charity.

My point is that A has to make his own best judgment, based on the particulars of B's nature and situation, on what is most loving for him to do towards B. It might be that the best thing to do for B is to charge the interest, while the best thing to do for C would be not to charge interest.
1John wrote:
micatala wrote:
Certainly I would agree that homosexuals who live a promiscuous life, seek to attract others into promiscuity, lustfulness, and hedonism, etc., are not practicing the law of love and their practices find no support in the Bible. The same would be true for heterosexuals who follow such practices.

And who march it down main street. And that want it to be a civl right to be promiscuous.
Sorry, you are changing the subject. I never said anything about endorsing the notion that homosexuals should celebrate or engage in promiscuous behavior, but rather said that we have the same expectations regarding promiscuity for homosexuals as we do for heterosexuals.

Homosexuality does not equate to promiscuity or hedonism. I don't believe God would judge heterosexuals as a group, punishing the chaste for the sins of the promiscuous, and so neither should we judge homosexuals as a group.
In what religious community? Baal or Molech? The Israelites had no support for this behavior. The NT does not have one supporting statement for licensing this "thing" into the Church body.
But as I have shown, the absence of support of such behavior in the Bible does not mean the behavior is necessarily immoral. Examples have been provided.

1John wrote:
micatala wrote:However, two homosexuals who enter a long term relationship for each others benefit, sincerely and selflessly loving each other, and doing good acts for others as a result of the stability and love they find in this relationship deserve no condemnation. They are following a higher law of love and producing good fruit.

What justification "from the Bible" can support that assertion?
The same kind of Biblical support that you allude to here (bolded).
1John wrote:
micatala wrote:You ask for Biblical support for allowing Christians to engage in homosexual sex, at least in certain situations, but are unable or unwilling to provide Biblical support for these practices.

The OT and the NT are well spoken for when it comes to same-gender sex acts. Both have no support for it. But curing the suffering of others? That has much support in the Biblical text. Preaching the Gospel as Paul did, helped get people out of same-gender sex.
or the same kind of non-Biblical support you offered here.
1John wrote:
micatala wrote:Can you find me Biblical support which proves it is OK for people to wear glasses, massage their spouses foot with their own, use a computer, fly an airplane, chew gum, do crossword puzzles, engage in sex for the sole purpose of pleasure without any intention or possibility of procreation?

Glasses correct a congenital defect. In your view selling glasses is a hate crime. Massaging feet helps elimiante pain. Chewing gum, crossword puzzles and deviant sex are comparable only in Absudia. A town a don't visit often.

Planes and computers have been shown to improve the condition of life for people. People try to cure bad birth conditions. Planes stop people from dying on long trips they would otherwise not survive. Computers are used to communicate words.

Sex for the sole purpose of plaesure is no one's business except the adults doing it.

You did not really answer the following question.
1John wrote:
micatala wrote:Why would we place a burden upon them that we who are heterosexuals are not asked to carry, nor are most of us willing to carry?

Adulterers are warned to stop commiting adultery. Even the re-married ones. Homosexuals "of today" are demanding that Christians accept them and that the Christians remain silent in their disapproval of same-gender sex acts.
Your comparison is of apples to oranges. Heterosxuals are not asked to never engage in sex, nor are they asked to deny that they are heterosexuals. Both of these burdens it seems you would place on homosexuals.

A true comparison would be expecting homosexuals to follow the same adultery rules as heterosexuals. Have sex only within marriage. Divorce is not allowed except for marital unfaithfulness. Use the same definition of adultery. I would be absolutely fine with these expectations.

Why would this not be fair and just?

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Post #132

Post by 1John2_26 »

1John wrote:
I believe it is sensible to see your position Micatala, as well as the non-Christians that support gays and lesbians, to see it as a wierd slippery slope. Literally not quite the end of Christianity but as close to it as I (and millions and millions of Christians including Pope Benedict) care to get.

Isn't it just as loving to allow Satan worshippers that claim they too love Christ to be members in your Church? Satan is a real being to Christians.

Where does this love thing stop? Human sacrifice? Abortion doctors as deacons and elders? Same logic. There are plenty of people that perform such things today. Like I wrote, that so many anti-Christians are driving this "let gays be Christians" thing as to be a booming call to action for the believers.

I can understand the concern about the possibility of slipping down the slope. It is much more comforting if things never change, as one change does bring to mind the possibility of other changes.

Jesus was quoted as saying He was God. The same God of the Old Testament. Some things cannot change. God was shown in the Old testament as walking around talking and eating with people.
However, most of your comparisons to me are quite outrageous and over the top. It is most certainly not the 'same logic' to equate Satan worshippers or those who practice human sacrifice with homosexuals.
Actually homosexuality is alwys compared with or tied to pagan practices. If Satanists claim to love Christ and call themselves Christians then "your camp" is saying they should have a place at the table. the logic is there from your ideology of relativism.
Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table admittedly would require a change in the traditional interpretations of several passages of the NT.
A change that would alter Christianity to yet another relativistic universal religious organization. There are enough of them for the gays and lesbians (a declaration of pederasty by the way) to choose from any number of comfy religious orgs.

It is alarming that you and they want to change Christians to submit to altered texts to hinge their "New" beliefs on.

Jesus warned us that would happen.
However, traditional does not necessarily equal correct, and we have a number of examples of traditional interpretations (e.g. on slavery, origins of race, the structure of the solar system, etc.) being wrong.
And traditional does mean immutable.
I have tried to make the case that, in the case of homosexuality, the traditional interpretation is not necessarily the correct one.

I have made the case that same-gender sex acts is no where acceptable to the Biblical record. YOU and your camp, can only alter texts that have always been interpretated correctly. You fit in your altered and new religious goals to your new religion. That is OK I believe to say.
Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table would not require any significant overhaul in any of the central tenets of Christianity.
Just that Jesus was wrong. No big thing I guess to you. And of course every other guy mentioned in the New Testament as writing his concerns about orthodox and valid beliefs and practices. No, homosexuals are demanding not just acceptance, but a totally new religion.

Marriage has always been and always will be a man and a woman, unless Jesus is quoted wrongly in the Gospels.
It would not nullify the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the nature of God . . .
Stop right there. The nature of God? God created man anfter His image and after His likeness. Male and female created He them. That set into motion the whole concept that Jesus preached about when it comes to marriage. At least.

. . . as loving, just, and forgiving,
Only confessing what is and what isn't a sin can be forgiven. Homosexuals are demanding to alter the entire concept. They were born with a disordered condition that somehow excuses them of the sin of same-gender sex acts. Big changes Micatala. Big changes. A whole new religion in fact. Now using the same logic, adultery is a sexual oriantation. Just using your logic and the gay agenda's version of relativism.

. . . the golden rule,
Why don't gays and lesbians practice what they want to preach? they should do it somewhere elee. No Christian wants their children convinced that they shoud choose to indulge their homosexual feelings. Not one that I know of. Adulterers get to teach marriage classes?
. . . the laws of love,
In the Bible and from the Bible, it is not "Do what thou wilt, though harm none." That is the mantra of Wiccans and Witches.
. . .the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers, the universal access to God through Jesus, etc., etc.
I will not discuss the Holy Spirit within this topic.

The universal path to Christ is confession of sin, repenting, and conversion. True. That is for everyone. It hasn't been changed since Christ Jesus commisioned the Apostles.
Practicing homosexuality in and of itself does no harm to others, does not equate to belief in or worship of other God's, does not break the golden rule or the laws of love, and does not deny the central tenets of Christianity.

I don't know how more wrong you can be. marriage is exclusively man and woman "in the Church." Christ Jesus nevered changed that and in fact reiterated what marriage is. As a Hebrew that followed the festivals as He did, there is no way to homosexualize Christians and Christian Churches. Like Mormonism, you have to invent a whole new idea and ideology, and call it Christian. Jesus makes it clear thast many will do that wrongly.
Practicing Satan worship, or human sacrifice most certainly does deny many of the basic tenets of CHristianity, as is quite obvious.
Not if they just claim to love Jesus. In your relativism things change with time. I believe that abortion is murder. Human sacrifice is OK to "some Christians" that support killing a baby to hide consequences from sin.
Denying God, or worshipping Satan instead of God is incompatible with the most central of tenets of Christianity.
Satan never once denies God in the Bible.
Human sacrifice violates the golden rule, the laws of love, and I am assuming would also be interpreted as idolatry, besides being murder.

Every liberal attaches homosexuality to idolatrous practices of non-Israelite religions.
The extremity of your comparison is like saying that if we allow adults to own guns, then we inevitably will allow people, even children, access to and use of weapons of mass destruction.

That is exactly what gun control advocates literally say. And it has been proven as a well-placed worrying. Children are indeed slaughtering each other with adult's guns. In the homosexualization of Christians, all of God's beauty is destroyed so gay guys and lesbians can feel good and not have to repent. What difference is there in having sexual feelings for same-sex people and adultery or promiscuous behavior of anyone? None. God's ordered plan is easily ascertained from the Bible. Man for woman and woman for man. That cannot be changed for politics within those that believe in God. Do that elsewhere.
For example, the Bible says in the OT that an Israelite should not lend money for interest to a fellow Israelite. However, person A could, in order to help B learn financial responsibility and gain confidence and discipline, lend B money at interest. He is violating a 'rule' but is following the larger law of love for the good of B.

Love would entail no interest. Love would entail paying back the money.

Not necessarily. By charging interest, A might be fulfilling the larger purpose of helping B deal with the reality of modern finance. A could donate the interest to charity.

My point is that A has to make his own best judgment, based on the particulars of B's nature and situation, on what is most loving for him to do towards B. It might be that the best thing to do for B is to charge the interest, while the best thing to do for C would be not to charge interest.

1John wrote:

micatala wrote:

Certainly I would agree that homosexuals who live a promiscuous life, seek to attract others into promiscuity, lustfulness, and hedonism, etc., are not practicing the law of love and their practices find no support in the Bible. The same would be true for heterosexuals who follow such practices.

And who march it down main street. And that want it to be a civl right to be promiscuous.

Sorry, you are changing the subject. I never said anything about endorsing the notion that homosexuals should celebrate or engage in promiscuous behavior, but rather said that we have the same expectations regarding promiscuity for homosexuals as we do for heterosexuals.

Gay Pride Parades declare openly what the culture and comunity as a corporate body proclaims. Condom morality is not Biblical. There is no compatibilty with gay and lesbians culture and Christianity. In fact lesbianism comes from a pederast teacher of young women named Sappho.
Homosexuality does not equate to promiscuity or hedonism. I don't believe God would judge heterosexuals as a group, punishing the chaste for the sins of the promiscuous, and so neither should we judge homosexuals as a group.

The Biblical record declares that God will curse the land. The land itself will declare judgment on what the people do there. How unbelievably apporpriate in America's coming history. Europe has uncontrolled sexual slavery. Of course. How many of those children and mothers are crying out in horror? There is no such thing as an atheist.
In what religious community? Baal or Molech? The Israelites had no support for this behavior. The NT does not have one supporting statement for licensing this "thing" into the Church body.

But as I have shown, the absence of support of such behavior in the Bible does not mean the behavior is necessarily immoral. Examples have been provided.

1John wrote:

micatala wrote:
However, two homosexuals who enter a long term relationship for each others benefit, sincerely and selflessly loving each other, and doing good acts for others as a result of the stability and love they find in this relationship deserve no condemnation. They are following a higher law of love and producing good fruit.

What justification "from the Bible" can support that assertion?

The same kind of Biblical support that you allude to here (bolded).

1John wrote:

micatala wrote:
You ask for Biblical support for allowing Christians to engage in homosexual sex, at least in certain situations, but are unable or unwilling to provide Biblical support for these practices.

The OT and the NT are well spoken for when it comes to same-gender sex acts. Both have no support for it. But curing the suffering of others? That has much support in the Biblical text. Preaching the Gospel as Paul did, helped get people out of same-gender sex.

or the same kind of non-Biblical support you offered here.

1John wrote:

micatala wrote:
Can you find me Biblical support which proves it is OK for people to wear glasses, massage their spouses foot with their own, use a computer, fly an airplane, chew gum, do crossword puzzles, engage in sex for the sole purpose of pleasure without any intention or possibility of procreation?

Glasses correct a congenital defect. In your view selling glasses is a hate crime. Massaging feet helps elimiante pain. Chewing gum, crossword puzzles and deviant sex are comparable only in Absudia. A town a don't visit often.

Planes and computers have been shown to improve the condition of life for people. People try to cure bad birth conditions. Planes stop people from dying on long trips they would otherwise not survive. Computers are used to communicate words.

Sex for the sole purpose of plaesure is no one's business except the adults doing it.
You did not really answer the following question.

1John wrote:

micatala wrote:
Why would we place a burden upon them that we who are heterosexuals are not asked to carry, nor are most of us willing to carry?

Adulterers are warned to stop commiting adultery. Even the re-married ones. Homosexuals "of today" are demanding that Christians accept them and that the Christians remain silent in their disapproval of same-gender sex acts.
Your comparison is of apples to oranges.
You are completely wrong. I am just reporting what Gays and Lesbians and those that celebrate their actions, have put into law.
Heterosxuals are not asked to never engage in sex, nor are they asked to deny that they are heterosexuals. Both of these burdens it seems you would place on homosexuals.

It is a burden to marry a woman or a man? The New Testemant proclaims that husband and wives should treat each other like Christ loves the Church. Look no further for the opposition of same-gender marriage "FROM" the Bible. Liberal theology shown for the heresy it sells. Excuse me if I think that God can change hearts and minds. I am an old fashioned Christian.
A true comparison would be expecting homosexuals to follow the same adultery rules as heterosexuals.
Of course. let me not oppose orthodoxy. Since homosexuality in the New Testament does not carru the death penalty Paul shows us in Romans and Corinthians that these people "CAN CHANGE" did chaneg, and were welcomed into the Church body. There is no valid way to alter Christians to believe otherwise, without inventing a new religion.
Have sex only within marriage.
Jesus detailed with historical, Biblical evidence, that marriage is a man and a woman. Pagans and non-Christians can disagree with Him if they want to.
Divorce is not allowed except for marital unfaithfulness. Use the same definition of adultery.
That would be a man and a woman context. Not once anywhere in the Bible is homosexual sex called adultery.
I would be absolutely fine with these expectations.

Good luck in your new religion. In America and Europe you are free to invent any kind you wish. Look at what some Hollywood stars find as a religious expression. Dianetics.
Why would this not be fair and just?
It violates the words of Jesus for one thing . . and the New Testament writers secondly. . and invents a new religion absolutely.

"Go and sin no more."

Or not. Things change with time huh? The meaning of sin is just a matter of fads that come and go.

Although we Christians have God the same yesterday, today and forever. On that all of the debate will be decided.

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Post #133

Post by 1John2_26 »

However, most of your comparisons to me are quite outrageous and over the top.
Not if you believe in the Biblical record. God and His prohets always warn of the problems associated with joining in with the detestable practices of the non-believers.

The pagan must become an Israelite God-worshipper the Israelite way.

The dire warnings and the resulting recording of what happened to the Israelites from - Kings to commoners - is all to appropriate to this gay and secular agenda of homosexualizing Christianity. Look at the club members standing together and in togetherness to homosexualize Christians? It's creepy.

I have been painted as some kind of wierdo about my fixation on this subject, but the dire implications and threat that homosexuality has on Christians is all too evident.
It is most certainly not the 'same logic' to equate Satan worshippers or those who practice human sacrifice with homosexuals.

Sorry you are wrong. It is the exact same logic. If secularists, anti-Christians and liberals get to subjugate Christians under the heel of homosexual lkeadership, it is a very major deal. The Romans ruling over us all over again. And just like the first persecutions, Christians will have to show obeisance to the new gods of secular relativism. It has already begun.

I do see why the need to demonize beautiful Christians because even demons know demonizing is bad label. It is the same with claiming the opposition of homosexuality comes from a guilt-ridden latent homosexual. That is just stupid. Then every Prophet in the Bible is a pagan worshipper. same logic.

No, opposing evil comes with conversion to Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. That does not lend itself to supporting the redefining and relabeling, or, expunging evil in some new political movement driven by secularists and anti-Christians.

Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table admittedly would require a change in the traditional interpretations of several passages of the NT.
Traditions maybe. But changing truth for politics? That must be challeneged every way it can be. And when we Christians are fully outlawed, we take our place besides those that were persecuted before us.
The extremity of your comparison is like saying that if we allow adults to own guns, then we inevitably will allow people, even children, access to and use of weapons of mass destruction.
You mean that if we legalize sodomy in Texas, there is no way anyone would ever consider two men getting married to each other in Massachusetts and California?

The Bible does not condone the people of God staying in opposition to God.

It does warn the believers that choose to involve themselves in the detestable practices of others to come back to God.

Is it also extreme to follow the advice of God? I don't think so. Jesus claimed to be god, claimed to love sinners and preached repentance and forgiveness and advised us to leave sinners to Him. yet, at know time did Christ Jesus tell us to celebrate, promote or condone sin or sinners.

Now we see why the need to redefine culpabilty and complicity.

These are exciting times to be alive.

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Overstepping (actual) Authority and Calling

Post #134

Post by melikio »

Although we Christians have God the same yesterday, today and forever. On that all of the debate will be decided.
You have your thoughts, and you have your words; whether or not you and the absolute "Creator" of all things, see things in the same way/s (despite your current "biblical" interpretations of things) has yet to be determined.

You see, God may indeed never change; perhaps that is true. But it is NOT TRUE that mankind's "perceptions" of the Creator (yours included), truth, or right and wrong do not change (despite the many claims of strict biblical adherents). And THAT is what you cannot sell to anyone as being "immutable", 1John (especially if they are able to "think" for themselves).

If you can prove that "we Christians" interpret God in the same ways yesterday, today, and will do so forever, then you have said something pointing to what is truly immutable.

In the meantime, all you and everyone else really has are somewhat educated guesses, and more importantly... the grace afforded us by the very "faith" that many would impose upon other human beings (by likely overstepping their authority and overall calling).

"It is better to BE more like Jesus and assume to speak less for God." -MA-

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Post #135

Post by micatala »

melikio wrote:You have your thoughts, and you have your words; whether or not you and the absolute "Creator" of all things, see things in the same way/s (despite your current "biblical" interpretations of things) has yet to be determined.

You see, God may indeed never change; perhaps that is true. But it is NOT TRUE that mankind's "perceptions" of the Creator (yours included), truth, or right and wrong do not change (despite the many claims of strict biblical adherents). And THAT is what you cannot sell to anyone as being "immutable"
I would agree. I have never claimed that God's nature or purpose changes. However, clearly people have changed, at least in certain ways, including how they think about God, the level of their understanding of both God and the universe, and in other ways. As a result, God changes how he interacts with us, just as a father changes how he interacts with his children as they mature.
1John wrote:
micatala wrote:However, most of your comparisons to me are quite outrageous and over the top. It is most certainly not the 'same logic' to equate Satan worshippers or those who practice human sacrifice with homosexuals.

Actually homosexuality is alwys compared with or tied to pagan practices.
Interesting point. I and others have pointed out that, where homosexuality is spoken against, it is always in the context of idolatry, at least in the NT, and usually in the OT also.

However, I think you have the logic backwards. You seem to be saying homosexuality is evil because it is idolatrous. This does not follow. What Paul is implying in his passages is that behavior that stems from idolatry is sinful, including homosexuality, but also many other sins. It is a reasonable reading to say that homosexuality that is not associated with idolatry is not necessarily sinful.

This is not being relativistic at all. It is merely following what the text actually says, as near as we can based on the original language, intent, and context.

However, traditional does not necessarily equal correct, and we have a number of examples of traditional interpretations (e.g. on slavery, origins of race, the structure of the solar system, etc.) being wrong.

And traditional does mean immutable.
Actually, no it does not. Immutable would mean essentially "cannot be changed." Traditional means "has not changed for a long time." There is a big, big difference.

If these were the same, then all "traditional" interpretations would still be valid today. In this case, Christianity itself would be non-traditional and heretical, as the traditional interpretation of Jesus time by the "traditionalists" was that Jesus was not God.

Other interpretations that would still be valid would be that the earth is immovable and the sun revolves around it, that all OT laws must be followed, that women must wear their hair long and men short, that women do not have equal status with men within the church, that polygamy is OK, that concubines and slaves are OK, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Yes, the current traditional view would need to change, but we already know that traditional views are not always correct, and that true Christianity itself is no lover of tradition, as Jesus himself was not a slave to the traditions of His time.
I have made the case that same-gender sex acts is no where acceptable to the Biblical record. YOU and your camp, can only alter texts that have always been interpretated correctly. You fit in your altered and new religious goals to your new religion. That is OK I believe to say.
Again, an argument based on tradition. I am not saying we should take tradition rightly. But neither do I think we should never question tradition, as we know tradition has been wrong in the past.

We should argue on the basis of what is correct according to our best efforts to understand the text, but also what in our best faith effort informed by the Holy Spirit we would think God would want us to do. This is how incorrect traditions of the past were corrected. I do not want to imply that anyone is a Pharisee, but the Pharisees were traditionalists of the first order. Jesus had no qualms about taking an untraditional view of scripture, especially when it was necessary to follow the higher calling of God. This is exactly what he was doing when he healed on the Sabbath.
Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table would not require any significant overhaul in any of the central tenets of Christianity.

Just that Jesus was wrong.
Hmm. Exactly how am I saying Jesus was wrong about anything? Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Jesus' statements on marriage do specifically mention men and women, but this merely reflects that homosexual marriage was not part of the discussion at that time. It is a big assumption to say that his silence on the matter means he condemned homosexuality or homosexual marriage.

In general within the Bible, God talks to the audience at hand in their context using language they understand, discussing situations they experienced. Jesus typically speaks in language that his Jewish and agrarian society would understand. He does not specifically address all sorts of things that we wrestle with today. The explosion of technology, the presence of power that threatens the entire existence of the planet within human hands, contraception, etc. etc. Would we assume that Jesus' statements on marriage outlaw contraception? I don't think so.

Yes, marriage in Jesus time, at least in his society was probably always a man and a woman. So what. THis does not mean He insists today it must be so. Government in Jesus' time did not include democracy. Travel in Jesus' time did not include automobiles. War in Jesus' time did not include weapons of mass destruction. Religions in Jesus' time did not include CHristianity, and certainly not the multiplicity of Christian denominations we see today. Marriage in Jesus' time did include polygamy. Society in Jesus' time did include slavery.

To say that what was commonly practiced or not practiced in Jesus' time must also be what we practice or don't practice today does not follow from the text of the Bible. It is simply a 'traditionalist assumption.'
It would not nullify the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the nature of God . . .

Stop right there. The nature of God? God created man anfter His image and after His likeness. Male and female created He them.
God's nature is spiritual. Jesus said 'my words are spirit and they are life, the flesh counts for nothing.' It is clearly our spiritual nature that is created in God's image. There is no grounds for believing God is both male and female, or some 'God persons' are male and some female. This is part of our biological nature and I would hold is part of God's creation, but I think making a case that our 'maleness' or 'femaleness' is an essential part of God's nature on the basis of what is written in the Bible would be difficult at best.

I am not denying the maleness and femaleness is somehow endorsed by God, that he sees it as a good thing, that we are to experience it as a blessing. I am simply saying that the fact that male and female are endorsed as good in the Bible does not imply that homosexuality is inherently bad. Again, this is simply a traditional assumption overlaid on the texts that speak of male and female.
They were born with a disordered condition
In your opinion. Others might have the opinion that they were created by God as they are. I think we give them the benefit of the doubt, as that is what scripture clearly asks us to do in Romans 14 and elsewhere.
Why don't gays and lesbians practice what they want to preach? they should do it somewhere elee. No Christian wants their children convinced that they shoud choose to indulge their homosexual feelings.
Many do. How would you ever hear about the ones who did? We unfortunately tend only to hear and see the ones who want to be public about it.

Besides, this is a red herring. I have been clear that I think homosexual Christians should follow the same Christian practices as heterosexuals. I have never endorsed the idea that they somehow 'recruit' people into homosexuality, as if that were possible.
What difference is there in having sexual feelings for same-sex people and adultery or promiscuous behavior of anyone? None.
Uhhh. There is a huge difference. Are you saying there is no difference between a person having heterosexual feelings and engaging in promiscuity and adultery? It certainly sounds like that is exactly what you are saying. At least that is what consistently follows from this logic.

You continue to equate mere homosexual tendencies with all sort of other behaviors and attitudes without justification. You continue to assume or imply that all homosexuals are promiscuous, and are aggressively seeking to encourage others to be homosexual. I have never denied that such homosexuals exist. But I know for a fact that not all homosexuals are of this ilk. Those who are not do not deserve to be mischaracterized and slandered as if they were. Certainly the teachings of the Bible would not endorse this.
Heterosexuals are not asked to never engage in sex, nor are they asked to deny that they are heterosexuals. Both of these burdens it seems you would place on homosexuals.

It is a burden to marry a woman or a man?
It is for a homosexual. The same as if a heterosexual were expected to marry someone of the same gender. Would it not be a burden for us to expect people to marry a person with whom they could find absolutely no sexual enjoyment? Certainly people do not marry for sex alone, but I know very few people who do not expect to have sexual enjoyment within marriage.

The golden rule would say do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you expect homosexuals to marry someone of the opposite gender, then why should others not expect you to marry someone of the same gender?

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Post #136

Post by Suzanne »

The TRUTH Is that HOMOSEXUALITY brings with it by it's own sinful acts of UNATURAL SEXUAL RELATOINSHIPS, it's own woes and sorrows NOT only for themselves but many times and most often for the parents of those ones that practice this unatural YEARNING AND FULLFILLING LUST FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.. OF The flesh. YET the GODLY PLAN is was and will always be LOVE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN THAT is one of RESPECT, SHARING<NOT ONLY THEIR DIFFERENCES AS being a man and woman but also THEIR IDEAS KNOWLEDGE AND WISDONM AND LOVE of their GOD ALMIGHTY AND HIS ONLY begotten SON WE AS GOSPEL BELIEVING CHRISTIANS CALL JESUS the CHRIST whom has already risen and set the capi tives free and already saved the world and BORE MY SIN and yours ON that TREE CALLED CALVARY. For it is by HIS BLOOD we are saved and not of and by ourselves are any saved. FOR THUS SAYETH THE LORD. LIFE is in the Blood.

I THANK GOD for the Blood that was shed for me and for the LIFE HE HAS given to me. I AM ONLY SAD THAT there are so many that deny this AND HIS promise and Gift HE has given to any and all that will believe IN the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD and CONFESS That THAT CHRIST JESUS IS RISEN and IS LORD AND SAVIOR . that they too might be partakers of HIS PROMISE.....HIS SPIRIT that witnesses to our spirit daily..
Hebrews 10; 11:-18:

His witness is all around us and in us. MY GOD IS AN AWSOME GOD! and HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED, I THANK HIM for EACH SUNRISE and THANK HIM FOR EACH SUNSET. FOR EVEN IF THE DARK CLOYDS COVER THE SUN I KNOW THE SUN is STILL IN GOD'S HEAVEN and is JUST for a time. BEHIND the CLOUD ... BUT CLOUDS DISAPPEAR And when they do. THEN THE STARs give their light in the night sky above and the sun gives it's light in the day. MY GOD IS the CREATOR of these also.IT is a MIGHTY and AWSOME HEAVENLY FATHER WE HAVE. TO BAD more DO NOT believe and CONFESS and RECIEVE HIS TRUTH, HIS WORD< and just do what He has said to do.

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Homosexuality: Not Unnatural.

Post #137

Post by melikio »

The TRUTH Is that HOMOSEXUALITY brings with it by it's own sinful acts of UNATURAL SEXUAL RELATOINSHIPS, it's own woes and sorrows NOT only for themselves but many times and most often for the parents of those ones that practice this unatural YEARNING AND FULLFILLING LUST FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.. OF The flesh.
With some people, this may indeed be true. And the same can (and does) happen to a significant degree with "heterosexuality". Anyone who is honest and reasonably astute realizes that.

You and others may not view "homosexuality" as moral (for whatever reasons), but it's hardly unnatural. How can it be UN-natural, when it is clearly a part of human nature for many many people to be homosexual? Now, I could certainly agree that "homosexuality" is more "rare" compared to "heterosexuality", but it is quite "natural". If it were not, homosexuals would likely be so rare, as to not be seen on a regular basis.

Homosexuals are certainly not the MAJORITY of the human population, but they are still so numerous in number, that a logical person would know that more than a few "external" or "environmental" factors are what is behind the prolific numbers of homosexual people.

So, while I can agree that some would not approve of homosexuality, I strongly disagree that homosexuality is somehow UN-natural. That it's unnatural may surely be a part of one's traditional-Christian (or moral) view of it, but there is certainly much more to consider than that alone.

"It is better to BE more like Jesus and assume to speak less for God." -MA-

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Post #138

Post by 1John2_26 »


Why can't homosexuals form their own religious organizations and leave Christians alone?

That is where the satanic aspect of their movement dwells. Not only do they want to completely alter Christianity, but they want question the motives of decent Christians. And also they have the support of many enemies of Christians. It's easy to see the evil in all of this homosexualization.
melikio wrote:
You have your thoughts, and you have your words; whether or not you and the absolute "Creator" of all things, see things in the same way/s (despite your current "biblical" interpretations of things) has yet to be determined.
Christians have had homosexuals to deal with for tw-thousand years. Only now do gays and lesbians have the secular power with which to attack Christians.
You see, God may indeed never change; perhaps that is true.
But it is NOT TRUE that mankind's "perceptions" of the Creator (yours included), truth, or right and wrong do not change (despite the many claims of strict biblical adherents). And THAT is what you cannot sell to anyone as being "immutable"

Hmm, a god that changes on the whim of man? An odd god.
Micatal wrote:
I would agree (with Melikio). I have never claimed that God's nature or purpose changes. However, clearly people have changed, at least in certain ways, including how they think about God, the level of their understanding of both God and the universe, and in other ways.
Jesus opposed that. The Sanhedrin members tried to change things and Jeses set them straight. Those that follow God have the right to defend their position against political power-mongers that want Christian tithes.
As a result, God changes how he interacts with us, just as a father changes how he interacts with his children as they mature.

That is true. That does not change marriage. That does not change the incompatibility to have sodomy celebrated in the Church. Or, as Paul puts it those who are or practice arsenokotai. Christians must make a stand against this attack by homosexualism. It takes no prisoners. All, must submit to "it." That is even your point Micatala. Otherwise you would agree that homosexuals should start their own organizational religion.
1John wrote:

micatala wrote:
However, most of your comparisons to me are quite outrageous and over the top. It is most certainly not the 'same logic' to equate Satan worshippers or those who practice human sacrifice with homosexuals.

Actually homosexuality is alwys compared with or tied to pagan practices.

Interesting point. I and others have pointed out that, where homosexuality is spoken against, it is always in the context of idolatry, at least in the NT, and usually in the OT also.
I should have made myself far more clear. Homosexuality is always tied to pagan idolatry when liberal theologians are trying to convince good Christians they should change their beliefs.

That of course can and will never happen. All that will result is the utter persecution of the Church by the "attempted" homosexualization of good congregations. The congrgations that believe repentance is an immutable concept that is.
However, I think you have the logic backwards. You seem to be saying homosexuality is evil because it is idolatrous.
I said I was sorry for allowing a tiny crack in my apologia to be blasted wide open by a liberal treatment of what I let slip. And you provided the TNT I see. I usually am not that sloppy. Your niceness got me to slip a bit.
This does not follow. What Paul is implying in his passages is that behavior that stems from idolatry is sinful, including homosexuality, but also many other sins.
And all of those people that committed all of those sins, had to change their ways!!!!
It is a reasonable reading to say that homosexuality that is not associated with idolatry is not necessarily sinful.
AND there it is folks!

How in the world that that can be reasoned by anyone shows more is going on than just loving your neighbor as yourself.
This is not being relativistic at all. It is merely following what the text actually says, as near as we can based on the original language, intent, and context.
See folks.

This is why we Christians are to put on the "WHOLE" armor.

In the original languages, their intent, and, in context of the Jews and Christians, homosexuality finds not one place where it is encouraged, condoned, promoted OR celebrated.
However, traditional does not necessarily equal correct, and we have a number of examples of traditional interpretations (e.g. on slavery, origins of race, the structure of the solar system, etc.) being wrong.

And traditional does mean immutable.

Actually, no it does not.
Oh really? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not immutable? Repentance is not immutable? There is some other way to God than what Jesus proclaimed?
Immutable would mean essentially "cannot be changed."
The facts usually break down to the essentials.
Traditional means "has not changed for a long time." There is a big, big difference.

In traditions we see immutable statements.
If these were the same, then all "traditional" interpretations would still be valid today. In this case, Christianity itself would be non-traditional and heretical, as the traditional interpretation of Jesus time by the "traditionalists" was that Jesus was not God.
Really? The apostles were there at the start. Thomas said "My Lord and my God," TO Jesus. A guy (Guy) that was dead a few days earlier and now was with them for lunch.

There are traditions that were held by heretics. See Arianism.
Other interpretations that would still be valid would be that the earth is immovable and the sun revolves around it,
That's in the Bible?"

I just heard this morning on TV about what time the sun rose this morning.
. . . that all OT laws must be followed, that women must wear their hair long and men short, that women do not have equal status with men within the church, that polygamy is OK, that concubines and slaves are OK, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Where was polygamy changed? Was slavery a concept of kidnapping Africans and treating humans like animals? Loving your wife as Christ loved the Church puts her above even yourself (if you're a man). Paul's writing to a single Church has what bearing on Church politics? And last time I read the OT they screwed up following all the laws a lot.

Still not one place where same-gender sex and marriage can find any support to be embraced by Christians, or, Jews.
Yes, the current traditional view would need to change, but we already know that traditional views are not always correct, and that true Christianity itself is no lover of tradition, as Jesus himself was not a slave to the traditions of His time.

Jesus set in stone many teachings. Marriage for one.

You're going to have to join Joseph Smith and Mohammad and get a direct message from a "god," and even then, you'll have to start another new religion to get this homosexualization to become religious dogma.

I have made the case that same-gender sex acts is no where acceptable to the Biblical record. YOU and your camp, can only alter texts that have always been interpretated correctly. You fit in your altered and new religious goals to your new religion. That is OK I believe to say.
Again, an argument based on tradition. I am not saying we should take tradition rightly. But neither do I think we should never question tradition, as we know tradition has been wrong in the past.

Questioning tradition is 100% valid. Still, no way to inculcate homosexuality and "its" culture and community actions and beliefs into Christian Churches. No possible way.
We should argue on the basis of what is correct according to our best efforts to understand the text,
That is what we are doing. Homosexual politics fails the test. It is just another anti-Christian movement set against the Church. Easily provable to be doing so. But, then again, you moderators deny me the ability to post the necessary R-Rating proof to show "what" homosexuality "is" and "does."
. . . but also what in our best faith effort informed by the Holy Spirit we would think God would want us to do.
I urge you to be very careful here. I cannot stress that strongly enough.
. . . This is how incorrect traditions of the past were corrected. I do not want to imply that anyone is a Pharisee, but the Pharisees were traditionalists of the first order. Jesus had no qualms about taking an untraditional view of scripture, especially when it was necessary to follow the higher calling of God. This is exactly what he was doing when he healed on the Sabbath.

I'm sorry. What did He "do" on the Sabbath?

We have had a guy on these boards claim that Jesus healed a child sex slave owned by a pedophile as the way we should see this homosexualization of Christian Churches as a good thing.

I don't need to invent the horror of homosexualization. The evidence is handed to me by the clubmembers that rally around homosexuals. I just need to stay honest. There are plenty of people documenting what homosexuals are doing. Some things cannot and will not change.
Allowing homosexuals a place at the Christian table would not require any significant overhaul in any of the central tenets of Christianity.

Just that Jesus was wrong.

Hmm. Exactly how am I saying Jesus was wrong about anything?
Marriage and sexuality.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Jesus' statements on marriage do specifically mention men and women, but this merely reflects that homosexual marriage was not part of the discussion at that time.
Jesus sermon on marriage "and" sexuality, does not allow even a crack for your liberal/progressive treatement of marriage or sexuality.
It is a big assumption to say that his silence on the matter means he condemned homosexuality or homosexual marriage.

Then pedophilia is OK. Many older (adult) people find willing children to engage in sex with. NAMBLA proclaims that very thing. Where does your slippery slope stop? Homosexual authorities? Pederasty was the order of the day for the kind of homosexuality that so repulsed Paul. And before you slide into that crack . . . Paul invented arsenokotai to label "homosexual" acts and his treatment on lesbianism doesn't get a much nicer examination. Still, not one celebration of anything that we would call gay or lesbain today.
In general within the Bible, God talks to the audience at hand in their context using language they understand, discussing situations they experienced.
This doesn't head you in the homosexualization you are seeking.
Jesus typically speaks in language that his Jewish and agrarian society would understand. He does not specifically address all sorts of things that we wrestle with today. The explosion of technology, the presence of power that threatens the entire existence of the planet within human hands, contraception, etc. etc. Would we assume that Jesus' statements on marriage outlaw contraception? I don't think so.

You want to force homosexuality onto Christians on that logic? Then, anything and everyone can now get access to Christians. I take my stand on the evil present in slinging open wide the gate of relativism in your position. You'll nver get that to happen but many people will suffer by relativism. THE great apostacy.
Yes, marriage in Jesus time, at least in his society was probably always a man and a woman.
So Jesus was only God in Roman times. Uh yeah.
So what. THis does not mean He insists today it must be so. Government in Jesus' time did not include democracy.
Juluis Caesar lived before Jesus came to us. The "senate" didn't like what he was doing to their democratic republic. And the Gospel doesn't doesn't allow for your neo-liberal progressive politics either.
Travel in Jesus' time did not include automobiles.
Though people had been grinded under the wheels of chariots.
War in Jesus' time did not include weapons of mass destruction.
You're joking right? I'm to take your position seriously with that treatise? The Roman army WAS a weapon of mass destruction. You've never read a history book? They entirely descimated Jerusalem.
Religions in Jesus' time did not include CHristianity, and certainly not the multiplicity of Christian denominations we see today. Marriage in Jesus' time did include polygamy. Society in Jesus' time did include slavery.

I am a slave to Christ. Onesimus was a runaway salve owned by Philemon that Paul sent back to Philemon to treat like a brother. Ploygamy was stil . . . man/woman marriage. Good points Micatala, but none allowing for your treatment of Christians, er, I mean, the followers of "The Way."
To say that what was commonly practiced or not practiced in Jesus' time must also be what we practice or don't practice today does not follow from the text of the Bible. It is simply a 'traditionalist assumption.'
What follows "from the Biblical texts" is not one place where same-gender sex acts (we call homosexuality today) is ever OK. Not even the liberalest theologian can supply even one place that will support their goals.
It would not nullify the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the nature of God . . .

Atonement. Please look up the concept. It is an immutable one.
Stop right there. The nature of God? God created man after His image and after His likeness. Male and female created He them.

God's nature is spiritual.
God walked and ate on earth. Even in the Old Testament. One place as we was heading to deal with Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jesus said 'my words are spirit and they are life, the flesh counts for nothing.' It is clearly our spiritual nature that is created in God's image.
Your point is correct. I will agree with you here 100%.
There is no grounds for believing God is both male and female, or some 'God persons' are male and some female.
The Bible goes out of its way to present God as male and female. Jesus as a hen desiring her offspring.
This is part of our biological nature and I would hold is part of God's creation, but I think making a case that our 'maleness' or 'femaleness' is an essential part of God's nature on the basis of what is written in the Bible would be difficult at best.

Not difficult at all if things are taken "in context." Then all of the Biblical marriage ideology and symbolism takes on its pure beauty. It IS the act of creation that is also proclaimed within a "joining" of man with woman. It is not a difficult concept. It has only recently been poisoned in the minds of neo-liberal pogressives.
I am not denying the maleness and femaleness is somehow endorsed by God, that he sees it as a good thing, that we are to experience it as a blessing. I am simply saying that the fact that male and female are endorsed as good in the Bible does not imply that homosexuality is inherently bad.
I'm sorry you are so wrong there. The belittling of marriage and the corruption inherent in this new style liberal/progressive theology is as real as death itself. The Bible is clear in its condemnation of same-gender sex acts from beginning to end.
Again, this is simply a traditional assumption overlaid on the texts that speak of male and female.
But unfortunately for you liberals there is not one shred of evidence that supports your treatment of same-gender sex acts can in any way find the light of day. Without, repentance being front and center. BUT, gays and lesbians proclaim and demand, that they are doing nothing wrong. I'm sorry man, that seperates them from the Church. Look up atonement. The Bible does not let congenital conditions get a pass for wrong behaviors to be supported.
They were born with a disordered condition

In your opinion. Others might have the opinion that they were created by God as they are.
I'm sure that Molech worshippers stood on that same right. Actually still do.
I think we give them the benefit of the doubt, as that is what scripture clearly asks us to do in Romans 14 and elsewhere.

I have dismantled the liberal treatment of Romans 14. Same-gender sex acts (Homosexuality) is a VERY disputable matter. I think the greatest threat besides Islam for Christians on earth today.
Why don't gays and lesbians practice what they want to preach? they should do it somewhere elee. No Christian wants their children convinced that they shoud choose to indulge their homosexual feelings.

Many do. How would you ever hear about the ones who did? We unfortunately tend only to hear and see the ones who want to be public about it.

The virulent anti-Christian ones we cannot avoid anymore. The sneaky ones are the pedophile priests AND teachers it seems. Sooner or later they must go to a community that thinks their behavior is just peachy. That is not Christian Churches.
Besides, this is a red herring. I have been clear that I think homosexual Christians should follow the same Christian practices as heterosexuals. I have never endorsed the idea that they somehow 'recruit' people into homosexuality, as if that were possible.
Several homosexuals have tried to recruit me into homosexuality. Their "Gay dar" pointed them in my direction. What "was I?" Young and attractive. I knew many guys that had sex with men and regretted being so stupid and naive and getting raped as it were. How many pedophiles claim they are "that way," because they were victimized by a pedophile? God saved me from harm, but that does not mean I just go on my merry way and forget. Otherwise the starving deserve to starve to death.

Now, I am recruited because my staunch dissent and disapproval means I am a guilt-ridden closeted gay guy, and that I just have to come to terms with my dissent as a member leaving the flock of gay guys. You can't deal with these people. If you say no, you're a bigot. if you point out their repulsive behaviors, you're one of them but just feeling guilty about it. It is so satanic. If it is so OK why does anyone have a problem with them? Because it is not OK, and with a Christian there is God dwelling in us, protecting us with our powers of reason. Homosexuals need to go elsewhere IF they have any decency in their choice position.
What difference is there in having sexual feelings for same-sex people and adultery or promiscuous behavior of anyone? None.

Uhhh. There is a huge difference. Are you saying there is no difference between a person having heterosexual feelings and engaging in promiscuity and adultery? It certainly sounds like that is exactly what you are saying. At least that is what consistently follows from this logic.

Most men that I have known have the desire for multiple sex partners. It is a sexual orientation to screw lots of woman. Christians are driven to deny these sexual urges and commit to a woman. What kind of crap is that? Doesn't "God" know how He created me and/or us? It is just a congenital condition that men screw around. And, of course adultery and promiscuity takes "two."
You continue to equate mere homosexual tendencies with all sort of other behaviors and attitudes without justification.
No. In perfect comparisons. It is wrong behavior, like others that we are to repent of and no longer "do." There is no other message "in the Bible." NT or OT. The OT just is much more forceful about same-gender sex acts. Are we to believe that just because Jesus didn't want the adulterous woman stoned to death, that now adultery is OK? Same logic Micatala that you are using to license same-gender sex acts.

Your silent support Micatala.
You continue to assume or imply that all homosexuals are promiscuous, and are aggressively seeking to encourage others to be homosexual.
That is exactly their message.
I have never denied that such homosexuals exist.
And not one movement by any gay or lesbian to alter gay culture which is steeped in promiscuity. Lesbians by definition that want children MUST commit adultery. Gays guys too.
But I know for a fact that not all homosexuals are of this ilk.
I know lot's of Mormons that are far nicer than I am. They are worshipping a false god.

I choose the God at whose feet I must fall. I do not demand that God changes for me. That is the message of the Gospel and the entire New Testament. If we are to judge Truth by nice people, then Hezbollah is a humanitarian group of righteous God-fearing people. They feed the poor and are admired by very many people. Bin Laden too.
Those who are not do not deserve to be mischaracterized and slandered as if they were.
I just agree with the Biblical record. I just present history and words correctly. That eliminates any malice from "me."
Certainly the teachings of the Bible would not endorse this.
It does not endorse same-gender sex acts and yet YOU are the one claiming "I" am wrong. Others claim I am far worse a person. Most are anti-Christians or ex-believers. I should fear their opinion in no way.
Heterosexuals are not asked to never engage in sex, nor are they asked to deny that they are heterosexuals. Both of these burdens it seems you would place on homosexuals.

"I" have not placed anything on anyone. Get real. I just preswent the rational responses to this altering of Christian Churches and Christians by this Gay Agenda to rule us.
It is a burden to marry a woman or a man?

It is for a homosexual.
It is impossible for a man NOT to commit adulery. "If" Jesus, in His insult about just looking at a woman in lust IS correct. He is obviously. How many people get angry when their mate just "looks" at someone else. Jesus was pretty smart. He said marriage is a man and a woman. I didn't invent the Bible.
The same as if a heterosexual were expected to marry someone of the same gender.
Why is just the mere thought "so" repulsive? The biggest mistake the Gay Agenda ever did was pushed their political power to drive homosexuality out of mental illness. It obviously IS a problem with the organic mind. Do we let sociopaths now claim civil rights based on thier congenital condition? Your slippery slope and that of homosexuals. Not mine.
Would it not be a burden for us to expect people to marry a person with whom they could find absolutely no sexual enjoyment? Certainly people do not marry for sex alone, but I know very few people who do not expect to have sexual enjoyment within marriage.

I thought "sexism" wa a crime? Too. Aren't homosexuals just sexists? Women drive me crazy thinking the are equal to men on everything, but, I do not desire to marry a man because i don't like aspects of feminism. BUT, you still have to deal with God in the OT and God in the NT detailing what marriage "is."

OK, OK, secularists can license whatever abominations they want to, but the Church must stand outside of secular evil. Always.
The golden rule would say do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
That would be first preaching the Gospel without lying about it. There is no love in a deceptive liar. That is what Satan is though.
If you expect homosexuals to marry someone of the opposite gender, then why should others not expect you to marry someone of the same gender?
God expects them to. Including not supporting same-gender sex acts.

Is there some where in the Bible I missed, that supports, promotes, or condones same-gender sex acts and same-gender marriage?

I am a Christian. I believe the Bible has defind what marriage is. It is not that hard a subject. Just stick with the facts.

But please, remember that I am not standing in your way to develope a new religion or to implement any secular political goal you see fit.

Just, please, allow me the same rights to live my life as a Christian must.

Please stop the criminalizing of dissent from secular atheism and its politics of subjugation and totalitarianism, based on relativism.


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Post #139

Post by 1John2_26 »


Where can we worship together? What would have to be the condition for this fellowship? This is important when dealing with what the Bible condones and promotes. I am trying to keep the hedge of protection around my brothers and sisters in Christ. A very loving thing to do. We are known by how we love each other.
Love is conditional though.

With Jesus, it's "agape".

Of all the things I'd like to see you prove "biblically", this is the one.

Prove that you are correct (biblically); if you really can.

I'm virtually certain you cannot justify what you are implying; but I'd be interested to see you try.
a·ga·pe 2 (ä-gäp, äg-p)
1. Christianity Love as revealed in Jesus, seen as spiritual and selfless and a model for humanity.
2. Love that is spiritual, not sexual, in its nature.
3. Christianity In the early Christian Church, the love feast accompanied by Eucharistic celebration.

So, I as a father of children, (I being a Christian), should teach my children to pray with people who are in open rebellion to Christ's love? Is that what agape menas?

Does it mean tolerance or celebration? There is cleary conditions to love.

I assert that it is the homosexuals that are intolerant of normal decdent people. If they cannot understand, from their own stated painful experiance. You claim and have claimed that it is was difficult accepting your personal feelings. How does this not effect your spiritual life? I am to believe that an adulterer in choosing to commit adultery is a great spiritual partner?

I have never presnted that anyone is outside of Christ's forgivenees and atonement. Never once. Rebellion is a personal choice.
Post subject: Love from GOD is "unconditional".

The Christian usage of the term agape comes directly from the canonical Gospel's account of the teachings of Jesus. When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus said, "'Love (agape) the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Gospel of Matthew 22:37-41)

At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:

You have heard that it was said, 'Love (agape) your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?
Is it agape love to give your children and your friends to the enemy? i think not. I'll go to judgment day with that assertion.
Christian writers have generally described agape, as expounded on by Jesus, as a form of love which is both unconditional and volitional, that is, it is non-discriminating with no pre-conditions and is something that one decides to do.
The unrepentant get agape? Jesus is now a puppet master that lets unrepentant murderers walk alongside the poor and needy? What about all of His "parables" warning people of hell? many parables with dire consequences? What about those?
Saint Paul described love as follows: "Love (agape) is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
This seems to highlight what the Gay Agenda is recording against the Church of Christ. The Gay Agenda is envious, proud and very boastful. The changing of Christians into them. There is no love of any kind in that.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Children need mothers and fathers.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
We Christians never stop praying for the lost to find salvation. We never stop. In our hearts is a place for the that without altering.
Love never fails." (First Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 13, verses 4-8a). Tertullian, in his 2nd century defense of Christians remarks how Christian love attracted pagan notice: "What marks us in the eyes of our enemies is our loving kindness. 'Only look' they say, 'look how they love one another.'"


Please continue using secular history.

I find it near-absolutely disturbing, that someone claiming to be "Christian" could not relate to or understand the kind of love Jesus showed the world as being "unconditional".
Jesus had to die as a condition of His Messaihship. Wake up Melikio. The love the Son had for the Father humbles us all in its conditional aspects.
But, I suppose I've endured enough people wearing the "Christian" label, who really aren't about love as Jesus expressed it to the world
I have to endure people that claim to be Christains troo. Now these people want to clebrate same-gender weddings. We Christians are forced by secular law to celebrate this abomination. Click on Europe for historical proof.
. It makes me sad, but I always have hope that more people will know and value that which God or a miracle may reveal to them. It's not my place, to force anyone to see things MY way.

I'm not going to spend too much energy trying to convince them though; things at that level are God's to handle (IMV).
Then why must gays and lesbians turn to secular laws to silenece Christians? There is not a shred of agape love in that. Not a shred.
The best I can do is set the example God lays on my heart (as a human being, one who still believes in Him).


Fair enough.
Post subject: Without LOVE, what would we mean to God?

No good and decent parent holds to unconditional love. Otherwise most children wouldn't finish school and would be fat pigs.

1John, what do you think "love" really is?
Not celebrating rebellion. No Christian is alloweedd to do that. It is not loving to do so. It is sending the rebellious on their way to hell. A place Jesus claimed really existed.
The characteristics I gave most attention to (and live by, as best I can) are well known:

Do what thou wilt, though harm none?

That doesn't seem to jive with gay history.
Jesus explained in Matthew 7

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
That would be nice people that say "love, love, love," but mean to harm the flock.
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they?
Flee same-sex marriage proponents.
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
So then, you will know them by their fruits.
Twice in that passage, in verses 16 and 20, Jesus said, You will know them by their fruits.
And now men are marrying men in Churches that claim they preach Jesus. I suggest fleeing those Churches as the fruit has truly fallen off the tree for all to see.
So, what are the fruits by which we can recognize those who are not the true children of God? The Bible specifically lists what should be exibited in every believer. Galatians 5:22-23 itemizes them for us:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

I always hope anti-Christians come to Christ. I am patiently waiting for the scourge of homosexual politics stop infecting Christians and to go peacefully into the night.
The Apostle Paul expanded upon the characteristics of love as God sees it in the classic passage of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails
So we Christians are not to drive away same-sex actions within the body of believers like Paul did? he seemed to think it was loving to get homosexuals to change their behavior. he rejoiced to list these people as converts to Christ. In Corinthians Melikio!
Jesus told His followers in John 13:35,

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Christian to Christian. Melikio. Don't enter into the text what is not there.

We all have some unique ideas about most things, so I always expect some variance in the minds of others besides myself; not that they are particularly "wrong" because I see things differently, but that despite "difficulty", real LOVE seeks to make a connection where there would otherwise likely be nothing to connect to.
I am trying to get Christians to see that it is unloving the way homosexuals are atacking us. We are not the intolerant and unloving ones altering the Bible. That is not loving to change the Bible for sinners unwilling to repent and becomem memners of the Church.
(What/why would God have anything to do with us? As relatively insiginificant and faulty as we might seem to Him, I think we wouldn't have any hope of being cared for.)

The apostles asked your question and mine. "Who then can be saved?"

Jesus answered: "What is impossible for men, is possible for God."

Homosexuals are claimning that IT IS impossible for them to change. I know of no other kind of behavior that gets that pass in the Biblical record.
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... version=31;

Remember Mel, so many of the supporters (the vast majority) of homosexuality and homosexual politics DO NOT believe John 3:16.
How does the Bible promote or condone a concept of redemption apart from unconditional love? (I just can't see it.)

The condition of repentance iand confession of sins s mandated before redemption can occur. Did you forget that "conditional" aspect?


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Ask God.

Post #140

Post by melikio »


I can never answer the questions you have. I don't know the answers YOU need. You have the SAME things available to seek answers, as any other believer, in a world that at least seems to NOT go their way.

You try to refute what I say, but you still leave questions in my heart and mind, just as I leave some in yours (or so it seems).

I don't have any perfect answers and truth from you, whether from science or the Bible; only God truly has the answers which any given believer may truly seek.

"It is better to BE more like Jesus and assume to speak less for God." -MA-

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