Why do we give a moral pass to unethical Abrahamic religions

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Why do we give a moral pass to unethical Abrahamic religions

Post #1

Post by arielmessenger »

The Abrahamic religions, all three of them, have been directly or indirectly responsible for the great majority of world wars since Constantin made Christianity the Roman Empire's state religion. Christian religious colonists are responsible for the world's largest ethnic holocaust, directly or indirectly killing somewhere between 100 and 300 million Native Americans who were in the way of these European colonial imperialists. For the past 64 years the European Jewish religious colonial enterprise has been systematically eliminating indigenous Palestinian Arab peoples from Palestine in the Ashkenazim's goal of complete takeover of Palestine and remake into Israel, that enterprise being foisted on the world via Western powers winning WW II and setting up their European colony, Israel, in the heart of the Middle East using their newly created United Nations to fool the world. (The Partition of Palestine completely violated the U.N.'s Charter protecting the right of self-determination for indigenous populations). In other words, a crime against humanity has been falsely legitimatized and still we protect the culprits. Even doing so on these Internet discussion forums where monitors at the helm will block anyone protesting Abrahamic religious abuses and crimes against humanity.

What are we told? "People are free to critique any religion on this forum. There is no special status to any religion. However, what is prohibited are inflammatory language, blanket generalizations, and uncivil remarks."

In other words, if you do point out the specific crimes being perpetrated by, say, Jews supporting Israel of ethnic genocide, you get the warnings even though a former U.S. President agrees with my assessment of racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing being at the heart of Israeli settlement building. Still, we can't talk about this lest it be taken as "blanket generalization", "uncivil remarks". A stance similar in ethics to the Nazis labeling anyone who defied their aggression and occupation as "terrorists". .

I expect more from "Debating Christianity & Religion" than this Debasing Christianity and Religion with kow-towing to evil acts that come dressed up in religious form.


Post #31

Post by cnorman18 »

Banned at last. My sincere thanks to the moderating team.

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