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A Love Like Ours

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:22 pm
by SallyF

Why didn't the mythological Middle East male god Jehovah inspire the male authors of the biblical writings to address female homosexuality specifically …?

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 3:27 pm
by SallyF
Why didn't the mythological Middle East male god Jehovah inspire the male authors of the biblical writings to address female homosexuality specifically …?
In light of the total absence of evidence for the input from the mythological Jehovah (or any other of the myriad versions of "God") in these very human writings …

We may consider - as pointed out by Member Jagella - that the writings were by and from an ancient, polygynous society.

The gentlemen who wrote the propaganda/"scriptures" were from a culture where powerful males kept harems of wives and concubines for their sexual pleasure and breeding purposes.

Is it possible that lesbian practices were acceptable - or even actively encouraged - in the harems …?

Re: A Love Like Ours

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:52 pm
by Menotu
[Replying to post 13 by bjs]
Claiming that we can’t control who we fall in love with is categorically false for everyone on the planet.
That seems to be a stretch for everyone on the planet. I didn't see anyone say we CAN'T control, just that we don't always have control (maybe I missed someone saying that though).
The often repeated line from romantic comedies that “We didn’t intend for this to happen,� is a bald-face lie.
Again, that's a statement that seems to encompass all living people on the planet. Do you have support for basically, calling these people liars?
We all chose the relationships we nurture and we all chose the relationships we avoid.
For sure choice is involved. But there's also, in some cases, an underlying 'thing' that happens between some people that happens prior to choosing.

Re: A Love Like Ours

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 9:26 pm
by bjs
[Replying to post 18 by brunumb]

This post does not address the topic at hand, does not provide reason to think that people who claim to have a relationship with God are mistaken or dishonest, and does not say anything meaningful beyond “I don’t believe in God.�

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:46 pm
by SallyF
For clarity …

The OP is …

Why didn't the mythological Middle East male god Jehovah inspire the male authors of the biblical writings to address female homosexuality specifically …?

Female homosexuality specifically, is what we are addressing here.

The harem-keeping blokes of biblical composing did not have "God" address that specific topic.

Why …?

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 11:20 am
by bjs
SallyF wrote: The OP is …

Why didn't the mythological Middle East male god Jehovah inspire the male authors of the biblical writings to address female homosexuality specifically …?
As a Christian, I don’t believe in any mythological, Middle Eastern, or male gods. I’m not sure why you would give this god a name often associated with the Christian God. Your clarification reveals that there is nothing for me, as a Christian, to say on the topic. Go well!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 4:22 pm
by SallyF
According to the biblical account, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.


And …

Lesbianism was acknowledged in ancient China, and the Arabic tradition acknowledged that lesbianism was bound to occur among the wives in a harem. Several ancient pre-Islamic poems spoke positively about an Arab woman named Hind who fell in love with the wife of the king of Hira. And Judaic tradition has left us with "The Book of Ruth," which includes one of the most moving expressions of love ever written, an example of the ways women have found of being together and of loving each other. ... istory.htm

So …

Given the complete, total and utter absence of evidence for the influence of "God" in the biblical propaganda/scripture …

We may offer the suggestion that harem-keeping men who wrote the writings were quite comfortable with female homosexuality …

And may even have encouraged it as a form of entertainment …!

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:46 pm
by Menotu
[Replying to post 21 by SallyF]
Is it possible that lesbian practices were acceptable - or even actively encouraged - in the harems …?
If modern, straight male society is any indication, yes. Most definitely yes.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:55 pm
by SallyF
Menotu wrote: [Replying to post 21 by SallyF]
Is it possible that lesbian practices were acceptable - or even actively encouraged - in the harems …?
If modern, straight male society is any indication, yes. Most definitely yes.
Which is why, I suggest …

Given the complete, total and utter absence of evidence of input from Jehovah, or Jesus or the Holy Ghost in these "scriptures" …

That the harem-keeping Middle East men who made this stuff up were okay with lesbian acts …

Just like straight men still are today.

And - like straight men in strip joints today - they likely hated fags.

Aren't the biblical writings a great place to pick and choose one's morals …?

Sometimes "God" says JUST what one WANT'S "God" to say …!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:57 pm
by Menotu
SallyF wrote:
Menotu wrote: [Replying to post 21 by SallyF]
Is it possible that lesbian practices were acceptable - or even actively encouraged - in the harems …?
If modern, straight male society is any indication, yes. Most definitely yes.
Which is why, I suggest …

Given the complete, total and utter absence of evidence of input from Jehovah, or Jesus or the Holy Ghost in these "scriptures" …

That the harem-keeping Middle East men who made this stuff up were okay with lesbian acts …

Just like straight men still are today.

And - like straight men in strip joints today - they likely hated fags.

Aren't the biblical writings a great place to pick and choose one's morals …?

Sometimes "God" says JUST what one WANT'S "God" to say …!
What's worse, IMO, is that today, in the light of all we know and accept, people still adhere to these (and other) idea from people who thought the earth was flat, had no idea of the potential of life outside their geographic sphere (and likely wouldn't have cared anyway), etc we still have people who not only follow these traits but like them.
Death to all the gays
Women are nothing better than property
You can't marry outside your race
Might as well drill holes in our skulls when we have headaches to let out the demons.
It's so far past disgusting that it become frightening

Re: A Love Like Ours

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:42 pm
by AgnosticBoy
SallyF wrote: Why didn't the mythological Middle East male god Jehovah inspire the male authors of the biblical writings to address female homosexuality specifically …?
I've gone through the thread and I'm surprised no one brought up Romans 1:26-27 unless I missed it.

In my view, even if the Bible doesn't address lesbian relations but it does address marriage. The Bible is clear on the purpose of marriage and the participants involved in it. In its description, there is no room for gay marriage of any kind. My view is that some expressions of lesbian romance may be permissible but that does not include lesbians being able to marry each other.