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Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:51 pm
I'll ask a very simple question.

In Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, sex is allowed only within marriage.

Of course there are some believers who do not really agree with this, but my question is for those who do agree with it.

Can someone (Christian, Muslim, or Jew) explain why sex outside of marriage is wrong, but without citing any religious text(s)?

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:28 am
by Logicaloutreach
[Replying to Bust Nak]

Sex is for reproduction, not recreation! Sex without marriage causes countless negative outcomes! Do you understand that affecting future generation is one of the cause and effects of sex outside of marriage. Abortion, sexual addiction, cheating lying, the wide epidemic spread of STD's, womanizing, creating a healthy relationship can be more difficult due to multiple partners can make it harder to bond in a relationship, lack of trust for people because our own guilty consciences, and so on.

Marriage is the biological building blocks of human exist.

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:04 am
by Bust Nak
Logicaloutreach wrote:Sex is for reproduction, not recreation!
Why not both?
Sex without marriage causes countless negative outcomes! Do you understand that affecting future generation is one of the cause and effects of sex outside of marriage. Abortion, sexual addiction, cheating lying, the wide epidemic spread of STD's, womanizing, creating a healthy relationship can be more difficult due to multiple partners can make it harder to bond in a relationship, lack of trust for people because our own guilty consciences, and so on.
These are arguments for healthy relationship between partners, not one against sex outside marriage.
Marriage is the biological building blocks of human exist.
Marriage as you know it, is a recent invention. Not that long ago it was one man many women. As for biology, most species don't mate for life and that doesn't hurt their continuous existence.

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:23 pm
by Clownboat
Logicaloutreach wrote: [Replying to Bust Nak]
Sex is for reproduction, not recreation!
Demonstrably wrong.
My wife and I had/have sex for BOTH reasons. (The 'had' is due to us being done making the babies now. Now we ONLY have sex for recreation).
Sex without marriage causes countless negative outcomes!
And getting married without having had sex first also can cause problems, so you don't seem to have a point.
Do you understand that affecting future generation is one of the cause and effects of sex outside of marriage.
This statement is meaningless as is. Perhaps you can re-word it?
In my experience, it is telling our teens to wait until marriage that causes the unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions.
We are biological creatures that reproduce via sexual reproduction. When we convince our children that they should wait until marriage, and then when they don't wait and do have sex, they are not prepared.
IMO, we need to teach our kids about sexual responsibility, not make it out to be some mystical thing that you will do once you get married.
I grew up in an evangelical family and all 5 of us kids bought in the the save yourself for marriage and many of us even had the 'promise rings'. Not a single one of us was actually able to wait until marriage even though we all fully intended to.
Yes, some kids can wait, but to expect our children to fall in the minority is foolish IMO. There is a real world, and we need to live in it.
sexual addiction, cheating lying, the wide epidemic spread of STD's, womanizing, creating a healthy relationship can be more difficult due to multiple partners can make it harder to bond in a relationship, lack of trust for people because our own guilty consciences, and so on.
Holy Crap! I just had a flash back to my days while sitting in youth group. Perhaps you should try the guilt approach while your at it and point out how often teenage boys have sexual thoughts. That one always made me feel dirty.
Marriage is the biological building blocks of human exist.
I think you need to educate yourself on the history of marriage, that or explain what you actually meant here.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:51 pm
by Logicaloutreach
My other post sent me back to the log in page and erased everthing so this one will be shorter.

If a man live on an island by himself but had all the money in the world, is he rich being the only human in existence? Vaule is an internal process that give value to the external! Such as respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, admiration! But this process breaks down if you dont value anyone, so making a commitment to someone else is really making a commitment to you own internal process!

But if you see people as garbage that is the way you will feel since it is what you are internally processing.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:06 pm
by Clownboat
Logicaloutreach wrote: My other post sent me back to the log in page and erased everthing so this one will be shorter.

If a man live on an island by himself but had all the money in the world, is he rich being the only human in existence? Vaule is an internal process that give value to the external! Such as respect, trust, honesty, loyalty, admiration! But this process breaks down if you dont value anyone, so making a commitment to someone else is really making a commitment to you own internal process!

But if you see people as garbage that is the way you will feel since it is what you are internally processing.
Please expand on this garbage point you brought up. Where did it come from and why did you interject such an idea into this debate? What does treating people like garbage have to do with sex outside of marriage?

I had sex with my wife before we got married. Are you saying she is garbage to me?
I'm truly lost with your attempted explanation. Sorry.

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:16 pm
by Logicaloutreach
[Replying to post 82 by Clownboat]

Do you live under a rock are you even aware of the wide spread of social breakdown going on right now!!! I suppose that is a joke to you too!

Sex being the basis of your decision to marry is very circumstantial what happens when a woman has kids and her birth canal is not as tight as it was? Of if she gets fat? Are you marrying for sex?

This is not a guilt tactic my position of debate is the bible says to put chemistry first and the sex will be more than satisfying!

Let's take the sexiest woman you ever seen and gave you the best sex you ever had. But she cheats on you, lies about everything, steals from you, allows people to talk about you, tells you your worthless and hits you every day!

Now I ask you is the bomb sex gonna make the relationship?

Or did the grounds for a good orgasm start way before you even got to the bedroom.

Alot of your view of what I'm saying is projected from someone overly religious and overbearing!

I believe the bible is teaching principles alot simpler than some of these cultish believers.

The bible says to make things plain. If alot of churches would that I believe alot more people could benefit from the truths of the bible.

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:30 pm
by mitty
Logicaloutreach wrote: [Replying to post 82 by Clownboat]

Do you live under a rock are you even aware of the wide spread of social breakdown going on right now!!! I suppose that is a joke to you too!

Sex being the basis of your decision to marry is very circumstantial what happens when a woman has kids and her birth canal is not as tight as it was? Of if she gets fat? Are you marrying for sex?

This is not a guilt tactic my position of debate is the bible says to put chemistry first and the sex will be more than satisfying!

Let's take the sexiest woman you ever seen and gave you the best sex you ever had. But she cheats on you, lies about everything, steals from you, allows people to talk about you, tells you your worthless and hits you every day!

Now I ask you is the bomb sex gonna make the relationship?

Or did the grounds for a good orgasm start way before you even got to the bedroom.

Alot of your view of what I'm saying is projected from someone overly religious and overbearing!

I believe the bible is teaching principles alot simpler than some of these cultish believers.

The bible says to make things plain. If alot of churches would that I believe alot more people could benefit from the truths of the bible.
Where does the bible define what a marriage is apart from a personal agreement between two people to shack up together?

Re: Why is sex outside of marriage wrong?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:34 pm
by mitty
mitty wrote:
Logicaloutreach wrote: [Replying to post 82 by Clownboat]

Do you live under a rock are you even aware of the wide spread of social breakdown going on right now!!! I suppose that is a joke to you too!

Sex being the basis of your decision to marry is very circumstantial what happens when a woman has kids and her birth canal is not as tight as it was? Of if she gets fat? Are you marrying for sex?

This is not a guilt tactic my position of debate is the bible says to put chemistry first and the sex will be more than satisfying!

Let's take the sexiest woman you ever seen and gave you the best sex you ever had. But she cheats on you, lies about everything, steals from you, allows people to talk about you, tells you your worthless and hits you every day!

Now I ask you is the bomb sex gonna make the relationship?

Or did the grounds for a good orgasm start way before you even got to the bedroom.

Alot of your view of what I'm saying is projected from someone overly religious and overbearing!

I believe the bible is teaching principles alot simpler than some of these cultish believers.

The bible says to make things plain. If alot of churches would that I believe alot more people could benefit from the truths of the bible.
Where does the bible define what a marriage is, apart from a personal agreement between two people to shack up together?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:29 pm
by ttruscott
The physical is similitude of the spiritual. Marriage is the symbol for unity between GOD and HIS Church and sex is the symbol for the unity between GOD and Man. These unities are symbolic of the Unity of Deity between the three divine members of the Trinity. All expressions for the breaking (or ignoring the meaning) of that bond are therefore symbols for idolatry and choosing sin over holiness whether adultery or promiscuity.

There is no sociological or psychological meaning to these laws.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:52 pm
by Logicaloutreach
[Replying to Clownboat]

I keep replying and my post just gets deleted.

Im not referring to your relationship.

I'm talking about chemistry.