What does it mean to fall in love with God?

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What does it mean to fall in love with God?

Post #1

Post by arunangelo »

God is love. Therefore, to fall in love with God is fall in love with love. This means that our whole being is consumed by a desire to help others; we become merciful, compassionate and forgiving; and we bring healing to our offenders through our acts of sacrifice for them. Furthermore, we will not give up on them even if they continue to hurt us. It is also to have complete trust in God and know that love is the only solution to all the problems in life.
The desire to love is the inner longing in every human heart; because, we are created in God’s image and his spirit is imprinted on our heart. Unfortunately, because of sin in the world we often get side-tracked and pursue our own selfish goals; which makes us hateful, jealous, conceited, revengeful, rude, boastful, greedy, paranoid and lustful. These take away peace from our heart.
To fall in love with God we must know him and choose him over what the world offers. We cannot choose both because they are contrary to each other. We must remember that the world is selfish. It will therefore, abandon us when we are in trouble. We must trust God because, in his love for us, he died for our sins. Furthermore, we must trust him enough to abandon our own desires and say, “may it be done unto me according to your will�. This will bring us tremendous peace and allows God to do what is best for us.
To fall in love with God we must also keep His commandments. We must keep his commandment out of respect and trust; and not out of fear or to gain heaven. His commandments are all about love; and is written on the cross by the blood of Christ. It says, “love one another as I have loved you�. Therefore, when we keep his commandment, we enter the spirit of love, who is God; and have close encounter with Him. This enables us to fall in love with him.
When we fall in love with God, we will become aware of our sins and repent for them; and make a firm resolve never to sin again. We will listen to his voice in the quiet moments of day and meditate on the unconditional love Jesus expressed for us on the cross. We will visit him in the eucharistic adoration and listen to his voice deep within our heart.
If we have true love in our heart, we will never give up on another human being, even if we are convinced beyond any doubt that the person is a total failure; and may one day harm us. Jesus knew that Judas would be a failure and betray him. He still took him into his inner circle; because God never gives up on us.
Those who accept love as their life; love their enemies and sacrifice their own interest to heal them. Offer the other cheek if slapped on one. Respect every human being as a child of God and serve them as we would serve God. True love frees us of worry and anxiety; because it takes away our focus on our own comfort or pleasures. True love is forever, because it has no conditions attached.
Those who live a life of true love will be willing to accept difficulties, hurt, hatred and suffering in order to serve others; trust God completely; and not worry about their future. They will love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. They will not fight evil with evil. Offer the other cheek if struck on one. Give to everyone that asks; and give them more than what they ask.
True faith is to trust God completely to solve our problems, without using violent or legal means. It is also to accept God’s will without knowing what it is. Furthermore, since God is love, to have faith is have true love in our heart. If we accept true love, we can never lose it; because it is unconditional. Therefore, if we have true love in our heart, we can never lose faith. True faith requires humility, total trust in the ways of love and rejection of ways of the world (which include: self-interest, greed, hate, anger and revenge). Since love is the spirit of God, it can never be taught by words; it is imparted through acts of love. The ultimate expression of love is seen on the cross.
If we expect something in return for our good acts, it is not love. Such acts may make the world think that we are generous; but it won't bring us peace; because it has selfish motive. This form of goodness will vanish if the other party hurts us. On the other hand, if we act out of true love, betrayal or hurt will not deter us from helping the other party. In fact, it will increase our love for them because in their behavior we will see the hurt within their spirit.

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