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Deliberate remission of cancer.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:01 pm
by Kyrani99
I will start my discussion with my criticism of the official medical story and show the scientific evidence, which discredits the official story.

The official story is that cancer arises when “a cell� (i.e., any normal body cell) either
1. suffer damage to the genetic material in the nucleus by physical causes, e.g., sunlight or

2/ genes have been mis-copied and /or genetically inherited, which are called oncogenes, are present,

And, the argument goes, it not only takes decades to evolve but there also needs to be “environmental factors� because of course they cannot explain it only on genetic mutations.

The cancer cells is said to be an abnormal cell that the immune system normally kills but, the scientists claim, cancer cells are able to evade the immune system and hence escape being killed. And the cancer cell is depicted as a rogue cell that is out of control and which invades other surrounding tissues or gets into the bloodstream, where it might be killed by immune cells but if it survives then will migrates to distant areas of the body and there colonizes other tissues, i.e., the cancer metastasizes.

Cancer cells are also said to “masters of their own destiny� and self signal to be able to proliferate, invade and metastasize.

On looking for scientific evidence for my findings, which are totally different to the medical story about cancer, I found that the scientific evidence contradicts the cancer story and does support my findings.

Someone said: Wow 8 times and 8 remissions

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:27 am
by Kyrani99
I said: maybe I'm the 1 in 6.5 billion who has done this. I do have an "incredible track record" but it has not come accidentally.

Sure in the first instance(1992-4) I had a bad feeling about some people around me and when I left the area to go to Sydney for a second opinion. I acted on an intuition to cut my ties with everyone, mainly because there were good people too who would have been hassled to get information out of them and I didn't want them hassled. And here I was lucky that the doctors threw their hands in the air and said "nothing we can do" because this allowed my body to retain its strength and not suffer the assault of surgery or surgeries. Their main problem was that the cancer was in both lungs so they saw me as a lost case.

In the second instance some 10 years later (April 2004), some people asked some strange requests and then went on to harass me. I did not appreciate anything. I thought I just had the misfortune of getting sick again). Then when I got out of bed to make myself some coffee I looked out of my window and saw one of them violating my property and trampling on a tree seedling. I put on a jacket, because I had been sweating and feeling very sick, and went out side and confronted him.

He tried to fob me off but I got a good resolution to the issue (after all it was my property and he had no legal rights). I was very surprised that by the end of the argument I realized I didn't feel so bad and by the time I walked back inside my house from the street (a distance of about 50 meters) I was feeling completely well.

This experience made me realize that I didn't have the flu as well as cancer in the esophagus but that it was all the same problem. They were flu-like symptoms and part of the cancer. I knew then that the lump would disappear and over then next 2-3 weeks or so it did disappear and I had again been able to swallow all my food without problem.

Later that year in November I was again hassled over different issues and again developed cancer, ovarian as in the first cancer. This time however I knew the issues involved and I also had a lot of information that I was now able to apply. This is information my husband had given me about how toxic people operate, about their foul games. So I was able to do a scientific study. I used insight meditation to investigate what was happening in my body and I used a diary to record the events and the thoughts. I watched the cancer metastasize to the bowel and grow to the size of a golf ball.

I began to see a bigger picture. This helped me to deliberately effect spontaneous remission in mid February, 2005 and the cancer was gone in about 1 week. And it also game me the means by which I could overcome subsequent attacks (bowel, ovarian, esophageal, bone, pancreatic of the beta cells, skin, lung cancers). And there were more attacks after this with attempts at brain and spectacularly heart cancer, which is rare and which I know some corrupt /toxic doctors were again involved as in some of the previous occasions.

They failed because once a person understands the means they don't get caught up in the deception anymore. The body won't react as to try and defend itself when the person knows it just a cheat.

And I might say that I have spoken to some oncologists about this and none can give me any answer, let alone a satisfactory answer about many of the key issues in cancer, eg that the immune system is needed for metastasis to take place. Most of my discussion have been with doctors on sites where you pay some money and ask various doctors/ specialists questions. They won't publish my question & answer sessions so I can't give you any link to them.

However here is one blog of two cancer doctor/scientists, who both treat patients and who are involved in cancer research.
Here is the link: https://biologicallyactive.wordpress...-fight-cancer/
and you will see that their reply was feeble and when I pressed them further they have not at least as yet replied. My last response to them was back in late November 2015.

Is it the mental workings of your thinking which cure you?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:54 am
by Kyrani99
The mental working of a person's thinking does NOT cure them.

In the discussion that will follow I am going to explain the nature of the experience needed to move a person's body to spontaneous cancer remission... IF they are HUMANE because as I mentioned earlier it requires autonomy and the ability to make one's own choices. Toxic people all belong to small networks of other toxic people and they are subject to mob-rule.

There is a lot of talk about the force of one's will to make a difference and positive thinking and other general views about the mind over the body but I reject all of these.

It requires one to be specific. For example if a person notices a negative idea and replaces it with a positive idea then they will be able to overcome the problem created by that idea in the body. There is a stumbling block though and that is that one needs to realize that the ideas that cause problems are beliefs and as beliefs they have been attributed value. That means that they have been considered to be real or true when in reality they were false. We may find it hard to accept that we have made this mistake and there is good reason why we feel that way. So in the next post I will set out some discussion about this.

Having been cheated is hard to accept for good reason.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:05 am
by Kyrani99
It is very hard to accept that someone has cheated us somehow as to cause us to believe something, which is only a hateful suggestion. It is hard, not because of some arrogance or egoism, but for a very practical purpose. To be healthy we need to have resting metabolism when we are not active. This means that we need to feel safe. To feel safe we need to have confidence in ourselves that we can keep ourselves safe.

Accepting that we had been cheated is accepting that we tripped up and didn't notice the danger and fell into a trap. It challenges our sense of security and peace. The reality though is different to what we would like to believe about ourselves. I have seen toxic people, who are well trained in how a person may be cheated, fall into those same traps themselves. So it is very important to be good to ourselves, to not be harshly self-critical when we find we have made some mistake. Being kind to ourselves we can then go on to discover all the territory of the cheat. What did it entail? That way we may hold in memory and in consciousness the information we need to avoid a similar danger in the future.

If we accept that we can be mistaken sometimes then we have a better chance of keeping ourselves safe because we learn from our mistakes and become more awake to the cheats and thus much better at keeping ourselves safe and the others around us who are humane and worthy of relationship.

There is no manual to life, we sometimes tread new territory and don't realize it. This happens when we meet toxic people. They are two faced and often hard to detect. So we may make some mistakes and that is human.

Roles played by emotions & mirror neurons wrt cancer.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:23 am
by Kyrani99
I found that emotions play a number of very different roles in cancer. Toxic people almost always use emotions in combination with general suggestions and subliminal mental images to cause a person to fall into a trap.

Emotions play key roles in cancer and to my knowledge there are three key areas.

1. Fear (as a result of a concealed threat) used in manufacture belief.

2. Anger is used to cause a person to fight more aggressively but unfortunately as they perceive a theatre of war in the body, rather than in the interpersonal –mental environment, their fight only leads to more aggressive cancers.

3. To facilitate activity is some part of the body in order to trick the body into believing there is a problem of some sort, which of course is only a part of the deception.

The hateful images used are not easily discernible. They are subconsciously perceived. When we perceive some image or event that relates to the body, be it our own or someone else’s it will trigger mirror neuron activity. I know many people are not scientists so I give the link below about mirror neurons.

What I saw happen was that mental images cause reactivity in some part of the body that is depicted by the mental image. However the body is smart. It says "yeah there is activity (owing to the action of mirror neurons in the brain) but it is due to this image". That is because there are sensory neurons, which take information from the body to the brain. So if you were actually touched then the sensory neurons would take that information to the brain.

So if you see someone having their shoulder stroked you will have mirror neuron activity and some sense of the action on your own shoulder but you won’t consciously feel sensation in your shoulder because there is no sensory neuron information. If however your shoulder was numb then your body would be fooled and you would feel the sensation of having your shoulder stroked when you see it in the other person.

You can see this explained here simply here:

This video is about mirror neurons, ( just 8 mins), by a famous neuroscientist, who works at the University of California. This is a ted talk. And in it he talks about how one can feel another's experience if the body is numbed and thus confused. He talks simply and easy to understand even if you never studied science.

In cancer the situation is similar but not due to numbing. What happens is that some issue is created so that there is some particular type of emotional reactivity in the body. Then when the image is presented and subconsciously perceived and the mirror neurons are activated, the body says.. mirror neuron so.. ah, but there is activity in that part of the body so it must be real! The body is confused because it is getting the sensations that it would get if there really was the activity happening as is presented mentally in the hateful image.

I found that esophageal cancer was associated with worry. When we worry, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. The reason is because to do serious thinking the brain does not want to be competing with the musculature for fuel. However the parasympathetic nervous system also stimulates digestion, so the mouth, esophagus and down to the stomach are all activated. Not as much as when you eat something but enough to fool the body into believing the hateful mental images and thus react when there is no need to react.

In bowel cancer grief is the associated emotion and in lung cancer sadness. In this case it has to do with metabolic housekeeping. In both of these situation water metabolism is involved. Both the lungs and the bowel are involved in the preservation of water so that no unnecessary excess water is lost. The kidney is also an excretory organ but it is more affected by fear.

A pictorial view of what I have said above

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:27 am
by Kyrani99
To give a pictorial view of what I have said above about emotions causing activity that fools the body when hateful images are presented, with these two images. ... ningly.jpg ... -grief.jpg

Re: Deliberate remission of cancer.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:36 am
by fncbear
You're right, Many people feel emotions in certain parts of their bodies–stress in their neck or anxiety in their stomach, maybe happiness in their chest.