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Head-to-head subforum request

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:08 pm
by otseng
If you would like to debate in a head-to-head debate, find an opponent and agree on a topic. Then both of you must post here with the topic title you two have agreed on and then send me a PM with the link to your request. You two should also agree beforehand the format of the debate. I'll then give you both membership to the usergroup. You are then free to create the topic and debate.

After the debate is over, PM me and I'll lock the thread and remove you from the usergroup.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:17 pm
by Divine Insight
Wolfbitn wrote: Split the difference

15 posts EACH... under the rules I originally posted, 2 closing arguments EACH , each one taking proper turn in responding. Now new information can be entered into closing arguments aside from references and quotes to further back a topic that was previously addressed directly.
Ok, I'll give you the extra 5 posts and extra closing arguments.
[mrow]Post Counter[mcol]Allotted[mcol]Current [row]Wolfbit'n Opening[col]1[col] [row]D. I. Opening[col]1[col] [row]Wolfbit'n Debate[col]15[col] [row]D. I. Debate[col]15[col] [row]Wolfbit'n Closing[col]2[col] [row]D. I. Closing[col]2[col]

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:23 am
by Wolfbitn
[Replying to post 81 by Divine Insight]

Its a deal. Do you have access yet? And who would like to moderate? Im good with any 2 who volunteer

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:29 pm
by Nickman
So I need to know what we are doing here? Set the debate up and I'll be there.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:32 pm
by Wolfbitn

Re: Head-to-head subforum request

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:47 pm
by ToKnowHim
McCulloch and I have agreed to debate "Whether the KCA can be logically constructed to present a valid argument".

Re: Kal�m Cosmological Argument

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:32 pm
by McCulloch
ToKnowHim wrote: McCulloch and I have agreed to debate "Whether the KCA can be logically constructed to present a valid argument".
How did we do?
Poll here: ... hp?t=26332

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:22 pm
by DanieltheDragon
Stcordova and I have agreed to debate

"Whether or not Young Earth Creationism can be proved."

the topic question might further be refined upon agreeing to the precise terms this description should suffice for now.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:24 pm
by stcordova
I've agreed to the debate with DanieltheDragon pertaining to YEC. I'm new to the forum so I will defer to Daniel to work out some of the administrative details to get things going.

I've suggested the following:
Suggested debate question: "Is believing YEC a good bet?"

The format:

Round 1: introduce ourselves, what our position on the issues is, what we believe, and what claim we'll be defending.

Round 2:
State the process of how we are personally convinced an idea is true. What is our criterion for deciding something is true or worth betting on. For example, I don't necessarily give much weight to certain peer-reviewed papers nor scientific consensus. It would be good to state what we believe counts as facts or reasonable guesses.

Round 3:
State the primary reasons for believing or not believing a creator in general. This is probably relevant because if one does not believe in creator, one won't believe in YEC.

Round 4:
State the main reasons one believes the fossil record is old or young

Round 5:
State the main reasons one believes the Earth is old or young

Round 6:
State the main reasons one thinks the solar system is old or young

Round 7:
State the main reasons the universe is old or young

Round 8:
Summarize all arguments as succinctly as possible.

FREE FORMAT ROUNDS: any additional discussion either party wishes to put on the table. The exchange will end when one party calls for an end. The party calling for an end of the debate will also have the benefit of the last word.

I'm happy to go first in each round. The length of the posts for each of the structured rounds should be no more that 1 1/2 pages.

Re: Head-to-head subforum request

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:59 pm
by fred barclay
[Replying to post 1 by otseng]

Divine Insight and I have agreed to debate the topic, "Does the Existence of Conscience in Humans Prove Absolute Morality?"

Re: Head-to-head subforum request

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:29 pm
by Divine Insight
fred barclay wrote: [Replying to post 1 by otseng]

Divine Insight and I have agreed to debate the topic, "Does the Existence of Conscience in Humans Prove Absolute Morality?"
I confirm agreement to have this debate.