On the Bible being inerrant.

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On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #1

Post by nobspeople »

I came across a post the other day as follows:
"My argument doesn’t rely on the Bible being inerrant."
It has meaning in the context of that discussion, of which I wasn't privy. But it got me thinking:

Does (or should, if you wish) a christian believe the bible is inerrant?

There seems to be a couple camps on the subject:
1) A christian should believe the bible is 100% true and accurate in every way
1a) This seems to indicate the bible was 'god written' (by whatever means you think necessary)
2) A christian should believe the bible is capable of being wrong or inaccurate
2a) This seems to indicate the bible may or may not have been 'god inspired'
2a1) To what extent is it god inspired and when do you know it is and when it isn't?
2b) To what percentage is the bible capable of being wrong or inaccurate?
3) A christian should be able to pick-n-choose their beliefs when they fit their chosen lifestyle agenda (this seems to be a popular choice for obvious reasons)

For discussion:
Do you believe the bible is infallible or not?
Why or why not?
How did you come to this belief?

NOTE: This should be about one's belief and why, not taken as a challenge to 'prove' the bible is or isn't correct and or devoid of errors, contradictions, lies or ½ truths.
Have a great, potentially godless, day!

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #121

Post by benchwarmer »

Eloi wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:29 pm I just laugh when reading atheists talking about the Bible. They really live in a different world where verbiage pays.😇
I laugh harder when some Christians claim to understand the Bible any better. It's clear many of them haven't even read the whole thing. One such Christian even admitted to that on this forum.

What many who make these types of statements fail to realize is that many of us atheists used to be hard core Christians. In fact, many of us deconverted entirely because of our desire to be better Christians. Really looking into the make up of the Bible, it's history, and actually reading what's in it can be quite eye opening for those who dare.

But hey, if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy to think you've got it all correct, enjoy. It's pretty clear in some of these debates who has done their research (on both sides) and who hasn't. One might notice the solid Christian debaters don't make these ridiculous statements because they know better. It only seems to be the weaker debaters that have no substance to their claims that have to resort to mud slinging and claiming "those darn atheists have no clue about the Bible".
Last edited by benchwarmer on Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #122

Post by Eloi »

It's Ok ... The last one to laugh will laugh much better. We just have to wait a little more 🤓.

Anyway, even some atheists would agree that the agressivity, violence, bad behaviour and attitude of some atheists should end for the good of humanity.

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #123

Post by DrNoGods »

[Replying to Eloi in post #120]
I just laugh when reading atheists talking about the Bible. They really live in a different world where verbiage pays.
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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #124

Post by JoeyKnothead »

Eloi wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:46 pm It's Ok ... The last one to laugh will laugh much better. We just have to wait a little more 🤓.

Anyway, even some atheists would agree that the agressivity, violence, bad behaviour and attitude of some atheists should end for the good of humanity.
It'd be nice too, if we could get some of y'all theists to tell the same to some of your bunch.
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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #125

Post by benchwarmer »

[Replying to Eloi in post #122]

You've got some typos there. It should be:
Anyway, most atheists would agree that the aggressivity, violence, bad behaviour and attitude of some people should end for the good of humanity.
What I find really odd (and scary) is that some Christians think it will be funny to watch people tortured for eternity because they got it wrong. Let's say you are right and there is the Christian God as fully described in the Bible. Apparently you are hoping to be sitting in heaven laughing at those who didn't make it. Wow. If it was me in heaven, I would be crying, not laughing. Oh well, you know us darn atheists. No love at all.

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #126


Eloi wrote: Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:46 pm It's Ok ... The last one to laugh will laugh much better. We just have to wait a little more 🤓.

Anyway, even some atheists would agree that the agressivity, violence, bad behaviour and attitude of some atheists should end for the good of humanity.
O rly? :D And what are we waiting for and what will you be laughing at at when it happens, do tell?

Aggressivity, violence and badbehaviour on the part of atheists or the religious should indeed end for the good of humanity. That's the same in any field and is irrelevant to the debate. The bottom line there is not about bad apples in any barrel, or even which barrel is more rotten than another, but rather whether on evidence and reason, any one religion (name your own) is true or atheism is more likely to be correct.

In that respect (with a despairing leap back to topic) the errors in the Bible show that it is the work of (very) fallible men rather than reliable (never mind inspiration), the religions based on it are really unlikely to be any more than man -made belief -systems like any of the others, and thus whatever Event you promise is going to happen if we wait a 'little more' is unlikely to happen. Sorry O:)

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #127

Post by Avoice »

[Replying to benchwarmer in post #16]

The Christian Testament itself knows it screwed up. Somewhere in their testament it says to pay no attention to senseless genealogies which minister questions.

Yeah...they sure do minister questions. So let's just ignore them. Haaa

Also, notice in the same list that names the generations it says:
David THE King
And when it gets to Jesus it says:
Who IS CALLED Christ

It doesn't say he IS Christ . Just that's what he is called.

Also notice in one if the genealogies it names
women. Not all the women. ONLY a few of them. Why THESE women only? THEY ALL HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON. ALL WERE GUILTY OF SEXUAL SINS. So why is Mary on the list? For some reason they highlighted only the women who were 'bad girls'

Tamar: dressed like prostitute to trick father in law to sleep with her so she could produce an heir because her husband was dead

Ruth:. Just went in and layed down in Boaz's bedroom

Rehab: prostitute

Bathsheba: slept with David awhile married to another man

Mary:. Why is she listed with these women? What are they trying to tell us?

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #128

Post by Avoice »

[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #17]

Both genealogies given don't prove Jesus is the messiah. They prove he is not the Messiah

One genealogy says he cones from David's son Nathan. This automatically disqualifies Jesus. The royal line is through David's son Soloman

The other genealogy gas jechonias in the linem. God cursed jechonias and said none of his descendants would prosper on the thrown.

Christians go all which ways to try and explain this away. As always their acrobatics are tiresome and torturous

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #129


I agree. The genealogies are two separate (and contradictory) efforts to legitimize Jesus as Messiah and King of the Jews through lineage, but as you point out out, one is through Nathan and the 'line was broken, the other Zerubbabel and is thus suspect.

Not that is mattered because Jesus was son of David, King of the Jews and concurrently High Priest and owner of the King David hotel through the order of Melchizedek which effectively means 'God said so' and never mind the election.

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Re: On the Bible being inerrant.

Post #130

Post by Avoice »

One can not be both priest and king

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