Are we living in the last days?

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Are we living in the last days?

Post #1

Post by otseng »

JehovahsWitness wrote: From speaking with my brothers and sister, far from undermining our faith and causing confusion, the impact of coronavirus only serves to strengthen our conviction we are living in the last days and our resolve to preach the good news of the kingdom before the Lord tells us the work is complete.
For debate:
Are we living in the last days?

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Post #41

Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 38 by 2timothy316]
Hey Tim,

I didn't see your name and saw "peace and security" and thought... ha! who but us knows about that.prophecy?! The present events (and reading comments here) have really driven home how we will see things so clearly but the world will carry on as usual. Even in the face if an event like the current one with half the planet in some form of lockdown, an unprecedented event in human history its still ... "nothing to see here folks, just move along".

I used to wonder how the people in Noahs day saw wild animals peacefully walking of their own accord pairs into the ark and still they didnt stop and say "Hey... wait a minute, thats not normal" but I'm beginning to "get it now". Extraordinary events mean little if you dont know what they signal.

Amazing time to be alive,

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Post #42

Post by Clownboat »

2timothy316 wrote:
otseng wrote:
Willum wrote: There are always floods, earthquakes, plagues and religio-lunies claiming this is the end.
Likewise, scoffers will mock it is not the end.

2Pe 3:3-4 ESV - knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, "Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation."

I believe we are in the last days in several aspects, and not all of them are religious.

We are in the last days of the United States as a great nation. We are rapidly descending into socialism and into a police state. The massive debt incurred by the government, corporations, and individuals will bankrupt us. Society will soon start to collapse as bread lines get longer, grocery shelves get emptier, and more file for unemployment. Massive monetary policy will only lead to hyperinflation and kill the dollar as the reserve currency.

Things around the world are not much better. All countries seem to be racing towards the bottom of devaluing their currency and printing money with total abandon. Governments are seizing power and bringing everyone into submission. Meanwhile, millions, if not billions, are on the path of starving to death while being locked down in their homes.

Governments keep lying to the people and really have no idea how to handle all the crises that are happening. They promise solutions and when they do try to help, it only makes things worse. Pretty soon, the public will realize they are being duped by their leaders.

For years I've believed the end is near, but not publicly willing to make the claim. Now I'm convinced it's here.

All the talk about a V-shaped recovery or we'll go back to normal after COVID-19 is over or the Fed has this in control are all wishful thinking. We are entering a global super depression that history books will be talking about for thousands of years from now (if humanity still exists).
Next too look for is when people are saying, “There is peace! There is peace!� When there is no peace." Jeremiah 8:11
“Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’�​—1 THESSALONIANS 5:3.

After that false declaration of peace and security, "then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape" - 1 Thess 5:3

The word great is put in front of many words. 'Great Depression', 'Great Recession', 'Great War' etc.

The declaration of 'Peace and Security' will kick off the 'Great Tribulation'. (Matthew 24:21)

The first thing to go in the Great Tribulation will be all the world's false religions. Which will be a quick and sudden 'destruction'. (Revelation 17:1-5)

So a recap to happen next.

1. Declare Peace and Security when there really isn't any but it will seem convincing.
2. A massive attack on world religions, in the way of their property and money. People will abandon their religions and no one will be able to stop it. (Rev. 16:12; 17:15-18; 18:7, 8, 21)
3. A tribulation the world has never seen. Everyone will be affected.
4. An attack on the last remaining religion which is the true religion. (Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 8, 18; 39:4, 11.)
5. Armageddon, the war between the governments of the Earth and Jehovah's Son Jesus. Which will stop the attack on God's people. (Matthew 24:15-22, Revleation 16:14, 16; 19:11-21)
It is very empowering for people to pretend to know things that they don't.

Much like a falt earther that is convinced that they have information that escapes the rest of us. I get it, this empowering feeling feels good. I understand why some humans are drawn to it and why they cannot let it go.

Until you can show that you speak the truth though, you are no different then someone pretending to know that the earth is flat.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you are no different then someone pretending to know that the earth is flat.
Perhaps you are right and perhaps there is a global conspiracy about the earth being a sphere. Can you show that your words are true?
You can give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day, or you can teach a man to pray for fish and he will starve to death.

I blame man for codifying those rules into a book which allowed superstitious people to perpetuate a barbaric practice. Rules that must be followed or face an invisible beings wrath. - KenRU

It is sad that in an age of freedom some people are enslaved by the nomads of old. - Marco

If you are unable to demonstrate that what you believe is true and you absolve yourself of the burden of proof, then what is the purpose of your arguments? - brunumb

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Re: Are we living in the last days?

Post #43

Post by bluegreenearth »

otseng wrote:
JehovahsWitness wrote: From speaking with my brothers and sister, far from undermining our faith and causing confusion, the impact of coronavirus only serves to strengthen our conviction we are living in the last days and our resolve to preach the good news of the kingdom before the Lord tells us the work is complete.
For debate:
Are we living in the last days?
Every day is the last day of the rest of your yesterday.

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Post #44

Post by 2timothy316 »

[Replying to post 41 by JehovahsWitness]

I'm going to let the events coming up be my debate argument. I have this thread bookmarked, and if this website stays here, as we pass the milestones I'll put the dates on my post for those demanding proof. People will have to know that Jehovah is the true God at some point. Not by what I say but what the Bible says. (This is sounding more like a hailstone message.) :-s Oops!

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Post #45

Post by JehovahsWitness »

2timothy316 wrote: [Replying to post 41 by JehovahsWitness]

I'm going to let the events coming up be my debate argument. I have this thread bookmarked, and if this website stays here, as we pass the milestones I'll put the dates on my post for those demanding proof. People will have to know that Jehovah is the true God at some point. Not by what I say but what the Bible says. (This is sounding more like a hailstone message.) :-s Oops!

Good idea but I doubt by the time Babylon goes if we'll have the internet. In any case if we live an unprecedented event such as we have now and nobody (or few) see anything significant, I do believe Babylon will fall and they will see that as business as usual as well. You missed "the sign of the son of man" on your list and in the end its only that that will get the worlds attention. We are witnessing (imo) the biggest power grab the world has ever seen and its quite possible when thats all locked down they will annouce P&S... we dont know but events are moving so fast it will be sudden even for those of us that are expecting it.

I was talking to my brother the other day and he put into words what I was thinking... we're seeing scripture being fulfilled before our eyes and still its hard to believe our eyes.

Stay strong, not long now!

INDEX: More bible based ANSWERS ... 81#p826681

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Post #46

Post by Tcg »

[Replying to post 44 by 2timothy316]

You can start with theses dates:

October 1874 - Christ's invisible return.

October 1914 - "...a climactic multi-national attack on a restored Israel, worldwide anarchy, and the sudden destruction of all world governments in October 1914."

October 1914 - The beginning of Armageddon.
  • Charles Taze Russell

    Theology and teachings

    Christ's Second Coming. Russell believed that Christ had returned invisibly in October 1874, and that he had been ruling from heaven since that date. He believed that a 'time of trouble' began then that would mark a gradual deterioration of civilized society leading up to the end of the "Gentile Times" with a climactic multi-national attack on a restored Israel, worldwide anarchy, and the sudden destruction of all world governments in October 1914. After the outbreak of World War I, Russell reinterpreted 1914 as the beginning of Armageddon. ... _teachings
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Post #47

Post by 2timothy316 »

[Replying to post 46 by Tcg]
2 problems with this post.

1. There is a difference as what you're arguing and what I will be doing, if you will actually read my post. I will be posting the dates AFTER they happen and not before. That is assuming I have internet or this site still exist when those things happen. So your post is a strawman.

2. The dates you're pointing to where man's attempts at prophecy. The dates were not gleaned from the Bible. What I'm posting are the Bible's prophecy. Again if you will read my post, I have given no dates. Only that they will happen not because I said so but because the Bible says so. If you don't believe the Bible is accurate so be it and we if this site is still available to me and I am still alive I will come back to this very post and prove not my words but the Bible's words.

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Post #48

Post by William »

2timothy316 wrote: [Replying to post 46 by Tcg]
2 problems with this post.

1. There is a difference as what you're arguing and what I will be doing, if you will actually read my post. I will be posting the dates AFTER they happen and not before. That is assuming I have internet or this site still exist when those things happen. So your post is a strawman.

2. The dates you're pointing to where man's attempts at prophecy. The dates were not gleaned from the Bible. What I'm posting are the Bible's prophecy. Again if you will read my post, I have given no dates. Only that they will happen not because I said so but because the Bible says so. If you don't believe the Bible is accurate so be it and we if this site is still available to me and I am still alive I will come back to this very post and prove not my words but the Bible's words.

William: And if these things do not happen, will you be able and willing to explain to us why you got it wrong?

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Post #49

Post by 2timothy316 »

William wrote:
2timothy316 wrote: [Replying to post 46 by Tcg]
2 problems with this post.

1. There is a difference as what you're arguing and what I will be doing, if you will actually read my post. I will be posting the dates AFTER they happen and not before. That is assuming I have internet or this site still exist when those things happen. So your post is a strawman.

2. The dates you're pointing to where man's attempts at prophecy. The dates were not gleaned from the Bible. What I'm posting are the Bible's prophecy. Again if you will read my post, I have given no dates. Only that they will happen not because I said so but because the Bible says so. If you don't believe the Bible is accurate so be it and we if this site is still available to me and I am still alive I will come back to this very post and prove not my words but the Bible's words.

William: And if these things do not happen, will you be able and willing to explain to us why you got it wrong?
Than the Bible is wrong if these things don't happen before humans kill themselves off. Now the question back is what if they do happen? Will you be able and willing to explain why you got it wrong? BTW you will not be explaining it to me.

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Post #50

Post by bluegreenearth »

[Replying to post 49 by 2timothy316]

Sorry, I'm arriving late to this discussion. Are these the Biblical prophecies you are referencing?

1. Declare Peace and Security when there really isn't any but it will seem convincing.
2. A massive attack on world religions, in the way of their property and money. People will abandon their religions and no one will be able to stop it. (Rev. 16:12; 17:15-18; 18:7, 8, 21)
3. A tribulation the world has never seen. Everyone will be affected.
4. An attack on the last remaining religion which is the true religion. (Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 8, 18; 39:4, 11.)
5. Armageddon, the war between the governments of the Earth and Jehovah's Son Jesus. Which will stop the attack on God's people. (Matthew 24:15-22, Revleation 16:14, 16; 19:11-21)

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