Is Gandhi burning in Hell?

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Is Gandhi burning in Hell?

Post #1

Post by Beto »

The name Gandhi is usually followed by a quick strategic retreat on the lines of "I don't presume to know God's will", when the Christian God's Law seems to be pretty clear as to where Gandhi's soul is right now.

I invite Christians to argue on whether or not Gandhi is in Hell, and on whether or not they personally feel he deserves to be in Hell.

Of course I welcome arguments that show the Law doesn't say Gandhi will not enter Heaven (it's not just about going to Hell).



Post #41

Post by Flail »

The Christian rhetoric in this thread is the very reason Jesus sent his disciples into homes and communities to teach his lessons of life and living, never mentioning one word to them about Church buildings and ritual and building a religion of relics and worship...

as he said...'God does not want your sacrifices(rituals and worship) but rather your kindness'(actions)

all this figthing over who will be anointed...oh how can people be so blind...such a shame.

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Post #42

Post by OnceConvinced »

Easyrider wrote:
OnceConvinced wrote:
Easyrider wrote:Gandhi says all paths lead to God. In doing so, he's created his own theology based on a feel-good (and inaccurate) proposition. The beliefs of the great religions of this world are in many ways in direct conflict with one another, yet God is supposedly the author of this madness?
Well he's supposedly the author of much more remarkable madness: (Bible picture)
Your lack of comprehension concerning God's divine justice is duly noted.
It's not my lack of comprehension. It's my change of perspective.


Post #43

Post by Easyrider »

OnceConvinced wrote:
Easyrider wrote:
OnceConvinced wrote:
Easyrider wrote:Gandhi says all paths lead to God. In doing so, he's created his own theology based on a feel-good (and inaccurate) proposition. The beliefs of the great religions of this world are in many ways in direct conflict with one another, yet God is supposedly the author of this madness?
Well he's supposedly the author of much more remarkable madness: (Bible picture)
Your lack of comprehension concerning God's divine justice is duly noted.
It's not my lack of comprehension. It's my change of perspective.

Tell me, how many "works" does it take to get into heaven, and what kind? How do you know when you're saved? John 5:24 says that believers have already passed over unto eternal life. Apparently not so with the "works" crowd, who are arguably pacing their living room floors and sweating out in profuse fashion whether or not they're saved.

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Post #44

Post by OnceConvinced »

Tell me, how many "works" does it take to get into heaven, and what kind?
According to the bible works alone cannot get you into Heaven. It's all about accepting Christ as your personal savior.
How do you know when you're saved? John 5:24 says that believers have already passed over unto eternal life. Apparently not so with the "works" crowd, who are arguably pacing their living room floors and sweating out in profuse fashion whether or not they're saved.
That is a very controversial question. You are asking "What makes a true Christian" and that is something that not even Christians themselves can come to a consensus on. As for me, when i was a Christian, I knew I was saved when I repented and accepted Christ as my savior.

You are right if you go by the bible, that Ghandi will indeed go to hell. That's why people consider the bible a far worse madness than anything a guy like Ghandi came up with.

I know the post of mine was provocative and in hindsight I probably shouldn't have posted it as it's probably offended a lot of members here. So I apologise. But the point I was making is that what is madness to one person may not be madness to another. You say that Ghandi's teaching is madness, but really, is it even any more mad sounding than any other religious man's beliefs?


Post #45

Post by Beto »

OnceConvinced wrote:You say that Ghandi's teaching is madness, but really, is it even any more mad sounding than any other religious man's beliefs?
I also don't think Gandhi ever taught religion. He tried to teach the ways of non-violence and truth. What he said about religion when asked about his personal beliefs are not "teachings". He never tried to convert anyone.


Post #46

Post by Easyrider »

OnceConvinced wrote:
You are right if you go by the bible, that Ghandi will indeed go to hell. That's why people consider the bible a far worse madness than anything a guy like Ghandi came up with.
But then they'll have a new revelation on that when they themselves get to the Judgment (Biblically speaking).
OnceConvinced wrote:You say that Ghandi's teaching is madness, but really, is it even any more mad sounding than any other religious man's beliefs?
Like I've said before, there's nothing that says someone who shares your views is the one truly running things. Reality is who's really in charge up there? If it's the Biblical God and Christ, then that's reality and that's what people need to be paying attention to.

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Post #47

Post by Cmass »

Easyrider wrote:
Tell me, how many "works" does it take to get into heaven, and what kind? How do you know when you're saved? John 5:24 says that believers have already passed over unto eternal life. Apparently not so with the "works" crowd, who are arguably pacing their living room floors and sweating out in profuse fashion whether or not they're saved.
I wrote an OP a while back that asked if it were even possible for you to have a heavenly experience if you sat on a cloud next to your daughter's rapist and murderer. While in jail, and just before his execution, the rapist had been saved. I wanted to know if you could truly enjoy heaven as you both gazed down from your perch knowing your daughter was in hell because she had not accepted Christ. Under the rules of your organization - of heaven through salvation rather than works - this is a very plausible scenario.
In this case, Gandhi burns in hell while you, Marguerite Perrin and Ted Haggard toast wine glasses at the feet of an all-loving God.
Yep, makes perfect sense to me! :lol:

[center]Gandhi is a dark sided gargoyle!!! He's not a Christiannnnnnna!![/center]
"He whose testicles are crushed or whose male member is cut off shall not enter the assembly of the Lord." Deuteronomy 23:1 :yikes:


Post #48

Post by Beto »

Easyrider wrote:You're making him out to be a perfect individual who never sinned.
That's the impression you got from what I wrote. Curious...
I've never met a perfect individual amongst mortals, so I'm not buying his being a saint according to his own perceived sense of righteousness.
I know what some saints have done, and trust me... they're no Gandhi.
As for his works, God will certainly take those into account, but you cannot earn salvation in God's economy.
It seems to me you're backing up on your convictions here.


Post #49

Post by Easyrider »

Cmass wrote:Easyrider wrote:
Tell me, how many "works" does it take to get into heaven, and what kind? How do you know when you're saved? John 5:24 says that believers have already passed over unto eternal life. Apparently not so with the "works" crowd, who are arguably pacing their living room floors and sweating out in profuse fashion whether or not they're saved.
I wrote an OP a while back that asked if it were even possible for you to have a heavenly experience if you sat on a cloud next to your daughter's rapist and murderer. While in jail, and just before his execution, the rapist had been saved. I wanted to know if you could truly enjoy heaven as you both gazed down from your perch knowing your daughter was in hell because she had not accepted Christ. Under the rules of your organization - of heaven through salvation rather than works - this is a very plausible scenario.
If the daughter shuns Christ then she has made her own bed. And, if the rapist repents and turns his life around in Christ, then I have no problem with him being saved.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, rapist and victim alike. There's going to be a lot of people's grandmothers in Hades.
Cmass wrote:
In this case, Gandhi burns in hell while you, Marguerite Perrin and Ted Haggard toast wine glasses at the feet of an all-loving God.
Yep, makes perfect sense to me! :lol:
Tsk tsk...

A lesson for the confused:

Parable of the Wedding Feast - Matthew 22:1-14

2"The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. 4"Then he sent some more servants and said, `Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.' 5"But they paid no attention and went off--one to his field, another to his business. 6The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
8"Then he said to his servants, `The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.' 10So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12`Friend,' he asked, `how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' The man was speechless.
13"Then the king told the attendants, `Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
14"For many are invited, but few are chosen."

In this Parable:
1. The King = God the Father
2. The Son = God the Son, Jesus Christ
3. The first group that was invited = The Israelites who declined
4. The second group that was invited = The Gentiles and those Jews who accepted
5. The servants = those who preach the Gospel of Christ’s salvation

Explanation of the Parable:

God's chosen people, the Jews, were the first to receive the invitation to receive their Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God whom they rejected. The Wedding / Gospel invitation was then given to others (the gentiles - note Romans 1:16, etc.). In short, everyone had received an invitation, but not everyone accepted the invitation.

Note that the Book of Revelation describes a future marriage of the Lamb (Jesus - John 1:29) and His Bride (Revelation 19:7).

The guest who was not arrayed in the proper wedding attire was one who had declined God’s gift of salvation and righteousness - a robe of righteousness that comes not from man, but from God only:

Isaiah 61:10, “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.”

Note that in Genesis 15:6, this righteousness comes through faith in God: “Abram believed (had faith in) the Lord, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Also note Ephesians 2:8-9 in the New Testament.

Believers are covered with God’s garment of righteousness / salvation. When God looks at the repentant sinner He does not see the filthy attire of sin, but the robe of righteousness obtained by Christ's perfect obedience to the law. There are none righteous apart from this God-given righteousness. A perfect example that this righteousness is not obtained by man’s own inherent “goodness” is found in Zechariah chapter 3:

3 Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. 4 The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."

Filthy clothes = sin in the above scripture, while a robe of righteousness = a garment of salvation in Isaiah 61:10.

From the New Testament we find:

Romans 13:14 - “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ...”
Philippians 3:9 - “..not having a righteousness of my own that comes from (keeping ) the law, but that which is through faith in Christ...”

Also note that in Matthew 22:10 - “...the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.”

Here we see the illustration of those gathered off the streets - people who may well have not been able to afford special wedding garments on such short notice. Also note that those gathered were both “good and bad,” so that the invitation was not based on works alone, otherwise just the “good” would have been invited. So the wedding garments - the garments of salvation - were God’s gift to those who accepted the invitation to the Son’s (Christ’s) wedding to his bride - his church of true believers.

In the end, those without the God / Christ-given robe of righteousness / salvation were cast into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

“For many are invited, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14

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Post #50

Post by Cmass »

Easyrider wrote:
Tsk tsk...
A lesson for the confused:
Parable of the Wedding Feast - Matthew 22:1-14

2"The kingdom of heaven is .....
How the hell do you come up with such large volumes of this stuff so quickly?
I am truly impressed.
"He whose testicles are crushed or whose male member is cut off shall not enter the assembly of the Lord." Deuteronomy 23:1 :yikes:

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