Replying to post 23 by otseng]
The problem is that religious people have been incited to do terrible things in the name of God. Why didn't religious people object when women were being burned at the stake as witches?
Instead they were probably contributing to inciting the mob.
Where they evil people? Or were they as "
righteous" as they believed themselves to be?
A lot of atrocities were done in the name of religion, Jesus, and God. Including horrific acts in America against black slaves. Were the Bible-toting people who did those things "
Why bring up Hitler and the Nazis when Christians have committed similar atrocities in the name of Jesus Christ?
I'm not so sure that people in those situations were necessarily responsible for their actions.
What would Jesus have to say about this?
Well, we all know exactly what he would say. He would say:
Forgive them for they know not what they do".
I'm sure this would apply equally well to many of the Nazis, slave owners, and mobs that incited the burning of witches at the stake.
People make mistakes. And they often regret them later and wish they could go back in time and erase what they had done.
I'm not convinced that making those kinds of mistakes qualifies a person as being "
evil". A better description of them would simply be "
stupid". And I think we have all been stupid at one time or another in our life.
Does being stupid qualify as being evil?
And if so, then why did our creator create us with such stupid brains?
We could hardly be blamed for that.
While I have never done anything as bad as torturing someone, egging on a crowd to burn someone alive, or beating a slave for trying to run away, I can't say that I would be immune to any of these things had I been raised within a family or culture where I was taught to think like that.
In fact, there was a time when I was younger when I contributed to the mocking and degradation of homosexuals. They weren't referred to as "
gays" back then. And in the culture I lived in it was common place to hear people refer to anyone who was gay as a "
faggot", or "
It was ignorance. And I had been raised in a religious community that openly embraced that kind of ignorance. Fortunately I was able to grow beyond that culture. Although I have to say that this was largely due to gays "
coming out" and information about being gay was made available. I now realize that the previous things I learned from my culture was nothing more than pure ignorance.
I think we need to realize that much of this also applied to the Nazis who had been taught by their own societies, doctors and scientists that the Jews were an "
inferior race". When your own culture teaches you these things you don't normally reject what your culture is telling you.
Same thing goes for the Christians who supported the burning of witches or the enslavement of the "
Negros". Their own Bible told them that their God not only condones slavery of other cultures, but also condones the beating of slaves to within an inch of death. As long as you don't kill them, is all "
That's what the Bible teaches.
So no need to point to the Nazis if you want to find the source of evil teachings. Just open up a Bible and it's right there in "
God's Word". Beat your slaves to near death if you want, and suffer not a witch to live.
And how do you kill a witch? Well, I don't know if it came from the Bible but religious people seemed to accept the superstition that the only way to kill them was to burn them alive! How disgusting is that?
By the way, if you take words attributed to Jesus seriously, then you should really think long and hard about his quote:
Forgive them for they know not what they do".
This tells you right here that, according to Jesus, it's not what a person does, but rather why they are doing it. If you do bad things without realizing that what you are doing is actually a bad thing, then apparently Jesus will forgive you right there on the spot. No need to even ask him to forgive you. He already knows that you are stupid. After all, he's the one who created you, right?
If Jesus forgives everyone who's stupid I would guess that the overwhelming majority of us are guaranteed a place in heaven.
But then there's the question of why he wasn't better at designing our brains? Right?