otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmShouldn't we see faults like this?
Here is a picture I
linked earlier. I copied it to a different server to avoid hotlinking, but I embedded this time. It looks just like your first diagram. There are faults at multiple levels beneath level erosion plains that are then covered by parallel layers, themselves with later faults that in turn bisect lower strata. It's exactly what you're claiming we should expect to see if geology is correct.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmShouldn't we expect some tilting throughout history to occur? If so, it should result in something like below, that is, non-parallel layers.
Look at the above picture. Are you expecting more tilting than that? If so, why?
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmOr shouldn't we see massive erosion while the layers were being formed and not just after all the layers were formed.
We do. That's what
all of the papers I linked are telling you, particularly the parts I quoted. What do you think they mean instead? Do you think that I'm reading them wrong? That they don't apply to what you're asking? That the authors are wrong or lying? Something else?
To be blunt, you're wrong about how the Grand Canyon formed because you're wrong about how it is now.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmSome of it might go into the air, some into the rock, and some into a larger pool of water, but the energy never disappears.
Yes, the energy does not disappear. My only point is the energy is not solely transferred to heat up the water, but is transferred to other areas as well, including erosion of rock, ejection of water, movement of land mass, etc.
You're fundamentally wrong and I'm not sure how to prove it to you. Maybe
Energy is not created or destroyed but merely changes forms, going from potential to kinetic to thermal energy.
The first form is if something is lifted against gravity and
stays there. If the water were lifted high into the atmosphere and it somehow all stayed there, that would be a legitimate sink for the energy. If the water came back down, we only have the two other options. As long as something is still moving on a macro scale, that's also a legitimate sink. If the mass stops moving, the friction necessary to stop it converts the motion to heat (motion within the mass itself).
A dropped rock's worth of energy has a whole ocean to get lost in. Where did the dropped ocean's worth of energy go?
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmWe could include the entire Colorado Plateau. It doesn't really matter. The pattern would exist at practically anyplace around the world.
As far as I know, the one single sedimentary formation that's even close to worldwide is the
K-T boundary. I've been trying to avoid "prove it" arguments (even if it's made the debate a bit lopsided), but can you share any evidence at all that the stratigraphic pattern of any point in the Grand Canyon is repeated anywhere else in the world?
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmSo, to try again to narrow down exactly what question I'm answering, do you think that the Grand Canyon wasn't uplifted at all?
No, I do not believe it was uplifted. I believe a more reasonable explanation was the sea level was lowered.
That's fine. The important point is that geologists have explained why it's flat.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmDifflugia wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 11:09 am
Does your idea of "practically none" allow for these? That's not a rhetorical question.
I don't know what you mean.
Here's another way to ask it - do we see any canyon formation (or even a river formation) in the lower layers?
The search term you're looking for is "paleochannel," sometimes described more specifically as "paleoriver" or "paleocanyon." Old ones are refilled with sandstone. More recent ones are filled with subsurface gravel. Most of the ones that Grand Canyon geologists are interested in occurred after the uplift responsible for the Canyon, but
this publication that I keep linking was written by paleontologists. They're interested in older formations because they're looking at fossils that are often found in sediment in ancient riverbeds.
I can't tell if you're actually reading any of the papers I link, but that's where the evidence is presented. The kind of detail you're looking for isn't interesting to most people, so it doesn't end up in popular sources. From "Breccia-Pipe and Geologic Map of the Southwestern Part of the Hualapai Indian Reservation and Vicinity, Arizona" (
link to PDF), emphasis mine:
The Music Mountain Formation on the western Hualapai Plateau represents sediments deposited in a silt- to sand-dominated floodplain environment with scattered channel gravel bars or lenses. The floodplain was confined within the walls of an older paleocanyon, but the sediments are typical of sedimentary sequences and structures common in meandering river environments. The coarser, lighter colored sands and associated gravel lenses represent channel floor deposition, whereas the darker reddish silts and clays are sandbar, overbank, swale-fill, and slack- water deposits. Gravel clast compositions at the Milkweed Canyon type section average 22% granite, 23% quartzite, 46% schist and gneiss, 1% Paleozoic limestones, 6% chert, and 2% foreign volcanic rocks. A few red mudstone rip-up clasts, derived penecontemporaneously from the finer sediments interbedded with the gravel, are mixed in with the exotic clasts. The best stratigraphic sections have been preserved within partially re-excavated reaches of incised paleochannels that are 1-1.5 km wide and are capped by Miocene volcanic rocks.
That's an ancient riverbed inside of an ancient canyon that was filled in sometime before about 20 million years ago.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmProbably a combination of the surface soil of the Great Plains and into the ocean off one of the coasts. If, as I suspect, this is a rhetorical question based on the assumption that the sediment is "missing" in a way that geology can't account for, then the assumption is without merit.
Note all the layers that have been formed was under water.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmSo, when they were eroded, they were also underwater.
No. The layers were laid down underwater, but they're not continuous. There were multiple periods of submersion during which the layers were laid down, separated by erosion plains created during dry periods. Those are the "erosion unconformities" mentioned in the papers I linked.
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmSo, the present day coasts as we see it now did not exist when the layers were eroded. Also, the erosion from the layers resulted in a flat surface plane. What mechanism can achieve that?
First, the shallow seas that covered the western part of North America were shallow enough to be affected by sea level changes prior to the Laramide uplift responsible for the Rocky Mountains. Second, the erosion surfaces aren't in "flat surface plane[s]" on the scale that you seem to be asserting.
Since I keep linking papers that disconfirm what you're saying, but you keep repeating the claims anyway, I think it's your turn. Can you give us a source that affirms the claim you're making?
otseng wrote: ↑Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:22 pmNote that in the United States, the thickest soils are just outside the areas we're talking about. I suspect that's not a coincidence.
"Total Sediment Thickness of the World's Oceans and Marginal Seas" shows that the sediment layers off the east coast of the Americas and west coast of Africa are over five miles thick in places.
Definitely not without coincidence and I believe more easily explained by the FM.
As you keep repeating, the "FM" isn't what we're discussing right now, but "SG." You asked where the sediments are, as though they had no place to go. There they are.
otseng wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:29 amWhat mechanism could erode it so every spot has same amount of sediments removed so that it resulted in a flat plane?
The premise behind this question is false, at least literally, which is why I asked you to avoid hyperbole and rhetorical questions.
I'm not intending for any of my questions to be hyperbolic or rhetorical. When I refer to "same amount of sediments" or a "flat plane", it's not meant to mean
exact same amount of sediments or
perfectly flat plane. But since we see parallel layers, they must form a relatively flat plane. Also they are not rhetorical questions because I will be answering the questions I've posed when I present the FM.
The layers are as flat as the floor of a series of shallow seas covering the area with intervening periods of erosion, which is what the papers I've linked say. Are you claiming that it's flatter than that? If you are, do you have a source that shows why those papers are wrong?
otseng wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:29 amCan you provide a visual so we can see what it is referring to?
paper I quoted from included one: "Figure 5" on page 7. The larger section from which I quoted ("Early Miocene proto-Grand Canyon?") explains the significance of the photograph. If you already saw it when you read the paper and you mean other than that one, then no, I don't.
otseng wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:29 amI'm not asking what is the theory on strata formation. I'm asking something very specific about the strata, that is the pattern exhibited by the strata. Again, the general pattern is parallel layers (which indicate little geologic activity during the formation of each layer) and then massive erosion after all the layers have been deposited.
I keep telling you (and supporting) that that's not the pattern, though. The pattern is a repeated sequence of deposition followed by erosion, which is what you're claiming we should see if geology were true. We do. If you're going to keep insisting otherwise, you need to start supporting that.
At this point, your premises seem false, rendering your conclusions invalid. If you have a source affirming that there isn't a pattern of erosion surfaces in between depositional periods, please share it.
otseng wrote: ↑Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:29 amThe make up other strata being washed into seas or lower ground.
Yes, it would go to lower ground. But, all the layers are flat. What lower ground is there?
The lower ground completely surrounding the Colorado Plateau, like the
Great Basin.
otseng wrote: ↑Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:33 amRegarding subduction of the North American plate, even according to SG it is not occurring except for a few spots on the opposite side of the continent.
You're reading that wrong. The North American Plate isn't being subducted because it's the one on top. The
Pacific Plate is the one currently subducting under the North American Plate following the near-complete subduction disappearance of the
Farallon Plate that occurred during the time period corresponding to the sedimentation you're looking for.