The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

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The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #1

Post by Penitent_Sentinel87 »

Please be advised:

The true identity of the antichrist is robert kendall goff according to the English Gematria system. He is a lawyer, diplomat, and motivational preacher. He secretly runs the Freemasons and Illuminati secret society cults as is signified by the “g” in the middle of the Freemasons logo which is the initial of his last name. I also believe that the true origins of the secret Freemasons cult were documented in the Bible as the “Synagogue of the Freedmen;” those Pharisees who stoned the devout believer Stephen for his testimony of Jesus during the gospel’s early evangelism. Jesus refers to people like this as the synagogue of satan. bob goff is the prophesied worthless shepherd in Zechariah 11, the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3, the beast of the sea in revelation 13, and the king of the north in Daniel 11:36.

The beast’s countries (heads with blasphemous names) that make up the beasts anatomy (Rev. 13) are America (work-ruler/slaver), Mexico(City in the navel of the moon which is idolatry, think Tower of Babel), Britain(Pretani meaning the tattooed or painted folk in reference to war paint), Ireland(from the Irish goddess Eriu), Germany(meaning “warrior” and previously known for the atrocity of the holocaust), Portugal(from Portus Cale, meaning Port of Cala, the Celtic goddess of winter), and Belgium(from Belgae, which means to burn with battle, fury, or rage). Just search the country name followed by “etymology” to learn the meaning of a country’s name, sometimes you will have to research 2 translations deep to find the answer. This also counts for 7 out of 10 horns (kings) being presidents of their respective countries (heads) as described in Revelation 13. The Pope is also one of his horns (or kings) but without a “head” (country) as he is the leader of a sovereignty apart from Italy: Vatican City- that and he also governs the entire religion of Catholicism. This became more apparent when the Pope placed the moloch statue, an ancient canaanite idol to child sacrifice in the coliseum, and the upside down cross gesture many Catholics commonly motion from forehead to sternum, shoulder to shoulder without even realizing it. There are two other horns without heads that I have yet to discover, but figures like Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and global progenitor of Starlink and Neuralink satellite missions might be someone else to consider, as his launches bear tribute to the dragon in no uncertain terms. The identity of the beast himself was coded as a number because the name of the antichrist is in a language that had yet to exist when the Bible was written: English. This is so that his identity could be discovered across the succeeding time and language barriers. The calculation system is as follows:

English Gematria:
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9

J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90

S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700 Z=800

robert kendall goff=666

This calculation system translates directly from Hebrew Isopsephy, which is the original alphanumeric calculation system used to calculate letters to numbers in the Bible. The values assigned to each letter translate directly to Greek which is called Gematria, and then further to English which is also Gematria.

The day of the Lord draws near. The first horseman is Vladimir Putin crowned in the year 2000 AD (which makes the first seal of revelation precisely 2000 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection) and his “bow” is digital sabotage, a vehicle most often suspected for wide area and long range election meddling, which google search results can properly quantify in terms of scope. Russia is also the first foreign nation to hack our nuclear facilities circa Dec. 2021. The second horseman is Ali Khamenei the supreme leader of Iran and handler of most Islamic divisions and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, suspected of orchestrating the September 11th attacks, an event that qualitatively “took peace from the land.” The third horseman may be the president of South Sudan or someone in South America. The 4th seal has yet to be broken (statistically, there is yet to be any quadrant that indicates an abrupt influx of animal-caused homicides indicative of two major figures with the power to generate them)

The primary weapon of the first horseman, bent on conquest, is a “bow,” for long-ranged efficacy:

The weapon of the 2nd horseman, war, is a sword and he has the power to generate lethal divisions amongst people. Notice how all related countries are neighboring, to indicate a more melee-like spread:

The 42 months the beast tramples the holy city to conquer God’s holy people occurs during the 6th trumpet, when the two fire-breathing witnesses give their testimony in Revelation 11. 22 years have passed for 3 seals to break, and with the signs we are getting on earth and in our solar system, this may be the year for the 4th seal: a rider named Death followed closely by Hades (a name given to the dragon or satan). Given that the United States is the primary dwelling of the dragon, it is more than likely that the Northwest quadrant of the world map, which includes all of North America, the northern tip of South America, western Europe, and the west tip of North Africa, will be the designated territory for Death and Hades. The beast is 60+ years old, so it stands to reason that we may have up to another 20 years before the 42 months occurs.

Please hold fast to your Christian faith and do not follow the antichrist’s near-Christian teachings. If you have already associated with their pastoral circles, please repent or else you will not be able to resist the intense delusion from Jehovah God (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) by the time the beast of the earth rises, I can’t be sure and I say this with great fear and trembling and as a warning that some elements *could possibly* already be in motion, and I say this on account of how many expansive difficulties and failings I’ve experienced figuring everything out myself with a lifetime of dedicated study on Biblical fidelity. Please Father God, Lord Jehovah in the heavens above the universe, forgive and correct me if there is any error in the previous statement, because it may be too early for the intense delusion you speak of, and the current signs in the heavens and solar system that do come from you (like solar flares and their dates, times, and earthbound orientation) may have no room for misinterpretation. In the off chance that His delusion to judge and test the world (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) comes as a swift surprise to the unwitting and unprepared or is even already in progress, it is extremely important for all Christians, especially those less-knowledgeable to conglomerate and muster all the Bible study, the application of knowledge therein, and faith you can generate for the future.

**Read all of 2 Thessalonians 2**

2 Thessalonians 2:9

“9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,”

The Island of La Palma, which erupted last year on 9/19/2021 following swarms of earthquakes on 9/11/2021 contains a manmade and terraformed Biblical image cultivated into the island for the purpose of deception. I believe both the earthquakes and the eruption were timed and generated using industrial drills and pumps to agitate and excite the magma chambers beneath it, causing earthquakes and even a controllable lava flow. There were also other events coordinated by NASA and SpaceX during the duration of the eruption used to fake a divine origin.

Keep yourselves far, far and away from apostasy and gird yourselves in Truth. Prepare each other doctrinally and behaviorally for the times ahead, these times are NOT meant to be handled alone. Secure your headcounts and keep each other prayerfully in the sheepfold. HIS SYSTEM IS SHROUDED IN SECRECY AND PICKS OFF STRAGGLERS AND PAINFULLY DROWNS THEM WITH IT. Thank you. Please see attachments for useful visual references.

-Paul Victor Narcisse II

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

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Post by otseng »

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #3

Post by Penitent_Sentinel87 »

With all due respect, did you read the post? The evidences provided not only argue, but reinforce the Bible’s validity through fulfillment of Revelation’s prophecies in real time. Which is even more definite than deducing catastrophic plate tectonics for Walt Brown’s hydroplane theory on the ancient global flood, and his science is very salient. I wouldn’t write this off as random or rambling. That’s pretty insulting. At the very least it would qualify as biblical theology, or modern, as opposed to ancient proof of the truth of the Bible verifiable with respect to real people and real events who fit the descriptions in no uncertain terms.
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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

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Post by otseng »

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #5

Post by Penitent_Sentinel87 »

Ah. Well then perhaps I should have presented differently then. This topic almost always sparks a debate, but even so, the far-reaching impact and implications of this post should be ringing bells across all christianity instead of being dismissed, marginalized, or recategorized to a less popular channel. Surely even as a moderator of a formal debate discussion forum, the information presented should supersede what category it falls under if you happen to be a Christian who takes the Bible as seriously as any apologist or scriptural fundamentalist. I do understand the actions taken, and truly hope this message will reach people who aren’t ready for what I just had to go through for the past 4 years.

This may be the only chance for lukewarm or less knowledgable Christians to bolster their faith and prepare themselves before God himself pushes the delusion on the world rendering them hopeless. Trust me the enemy’s deceptions alone it hit me like a whirlwind, which means the delusion from Jehovah God himself must be insurmountable by comparison to any conventional or worldly means of resisting it save a proper and true faith.
Last edited by Penitent_Sentinel87 on Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #6

Post by Diagoras »

Penitent_Sentinel87 wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:00 pm Please be advised:

The true identity of the antichrist is robert kendall goff according to the English Gematria system. He is a lawyer, diplomat, and motivational preacher. He secretly runs the Freemasons and Illuminati secret society cults as is signified by the “g” in the middle of the Freemasons logo which is the initial of his last name.
It seems rather odd that someone who could successfully run not one, but two secret societies would give away a clue like that.

The beast’s countries (heads with blasphemous names) that make up the beasts anatomy (Rev. 13) are America <...>
And Belgium, eh? Are you quite sure about that?

Here's an interesting essay on how to read the Book of Revelation. It might put your mind at ease, but then again, maybe not.

There are two other horns without heads that I have yet to discover, but figures like Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and global progenitor of Starlink and Neuralink satellite missions might be someone else to consider, as his launches bear tribute to the dragon in no uncertain terms.
Elon Musk in your Gematria system is only 605. Add his middle name (Reeve) and you get 1110. Is that significant? It's 14 in binary, which is only one more than an unlucky number... probably needs some further analysis here, to be honest.

Why not two other countries, by the way? And shouldn't we be looking for country names in the Gematria system? Does it only work with people? How about animals' formal Latin names? Maybe the 'Beast' can be found that way?

The identity of the beast himself was coded as a number because the name of the antichrist is in a language that had yet to exist when the Bible was written: English. This is so that his identity could be discovered across the succeeding time and language barriers.
Truly astonishing! Whoever arranged for English to match up to the code was a genius. At first, I thought it might have been Gian Giorgio Trissino, but his name codes to 927. You probably shouldn't rule him out though.

The day of the Lord draws near.
We've had a few threads on that theme here. And experiencing concurrent Russian state aggression and a global pandemic doesn't exactly help to keep a clear perspective. Try focusing on some positive things in your life.

The third horseman may be the president of South Sudan or someone in South America.
I'm curious as to how you can be sure that it's either someone very specific, or one of over 400 million people? What kind of clues lead a person to those answers?

The 4th seal has yet to be broken (statistically, there is yet to be any quadrant that indicates an abrupt influx of animal-caused homicides indicative of two major figures with the power to generate them)
I'm not sure which 'statistics' you're using here, nor what methods are being applied to analyse them. To be honest, how you're using many of the other words in that sentence is just as confusing.

The 42 months the beast tramples the holy city to conquer God’s holy people occurs during the 6th trumpet, when the two fire-breathing witnesses give their testimony in Revelation 11. 22 years have passed for 3 seals to break, and with the signs we are getting on earth and in our solar system
<bolding mine>

Can you please share which signs have been in the solar system that point to "the year for the 4th seal"?

Given that the United States is the primary dwelling of the dragon
Primary dwelling? Does the dragon have a holiday home as well?

The beast is 60+ years old, so it stands to reason that we may have up to another 20 years before the 42 months occurs.
So the Beast was probably born in America in the 1950's or 1960's, right? When and where was Bob Goff born? Is the Beast a dragon?

Oh, and I thought twenty years was 240 months? You seem to be confusing months and years here.

Please hold fast to your Christian faith and do not follow the antichrist’s near-Christian teachings.
Will non-believers be safe, though? We're definitely not following any antichrist.

If you have already associated with their pastoral circles, please repent or else you will not be able to resist <...>
Have no fear on that front. I definitely don't associate with any pastoral circles, so there's no danger of being drawn into their "intense delusion".

I can’t be sure and I say this with great fear and trembling and as a warning that some elements *could possibly* already be in motion, and I say this on account of how many expansive difficulties and failings I’ve experienced figuring everything out myself with a lifetime of dedicated study on Biblical fidelity.
<bolding mine>

What were those 'difficulties' like? Could they have been kind of like looking for patterns and meanings that weren't there?

Please Father God, Lord Jehovah in the heavens above the universe
<bolding mine>

Surely you mean 'outside', not 'above'? It would still be ridiculous and wrong, but if you're relying on 'signs in the solar system', then it's better to at least have a rudimentary grasp of astronomy.

the current signs in the heavens and solar system that do come from you (like solar flares and their dates, times, and earthbound orientation) may have no room for misinterpretation.
I missed this before. Having 'no room for misinterpretation' seems pretty definite to me. I eagerly await the evidence.

The Island of La Palma, which erupted last year on 9/19/2021 following swarms of earthquakes on 9/11/2021 contains a manmade and terraformed Biblical image cultivated into the island for the purpose of deception. I believe both the earthquakes and the eruption were timed and generated using industrial drills and pumps to agitate and excite the magma chambers beneath it, causing earthquakes and even a controllable lava flow.
I can see how someone might believe this.

In order to get all that drilling and pumping equipment onto a small island off the coast of West Africa and up the access road to the volcano, the Deceptors (my term) would have to pass the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory. There's no way that the astronomers would have not seen such activity, unless they were involved and pledged to secrecy.

And obviously, they were the ones who first saw the signs in the solar system with no room for misinterpretation!

There were also other events coordinated by NASA and SpaceX during the duration of the eruption used to fake a divine origin.
This clearly needs some secret global coordination. Do you have any more clues that lead to the Illuminati, or perhaps the president of South Sudan?

Keep yourselves far, far and away from apostasy
I'd have to have a religious belief first, before I renounced it. I'm further from apostasy than you, even.

and gird yourselves in Truth.
Well, I do try. Scientific naturalism and applying critical thinking have served me well so far, but it pays to avoid complacency. I will continue to look out for any cognitive biases creeping into my way of thinking.

these times are NOT meant to be handled alone.
The most sensible thing you've said.

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #7

Post by William »

[Replying to Penitent_Sentinel87 in post #1]

English Gematria:
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9

J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90

S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700 Z=800
There is no requirement to have English language symbols to represent numbers in the 10s and 100s. as there are English words which do this.

Rather, use the most simple code possible, which is A=1...Z=26 so in that;

K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18
S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26
Please Father God, Lord Jehovah in the heavens above the universe, forgive and correct me if there is any error...

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #8

Post by William »

[Replying to Diagoras in post #6]
Elon Musk in your Gematria system is only 605. Add his middle name (Reeve) and you get 1110. Is that significant?
In the simpler coding [A=6...Z=26]
Elon Musk = 110
Elon Reeve Musk = 165

To get the number 666 using A=1, one would have to punch in a sentence at least as long as the following;

There is no merit in the belief that the Universe was a mindless accident

At that rate one might start with the word-string;

"The Antichrist is..."

The Antichrist is... = 182

666 -182= 484

The Antichrist is... Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
The Antichrist is... One Thirty Seven Fine-structure constant

Sounds counter intuitive.

The Antichrist is...Love disclosure of knowledge unconditionally
The Antichrist is...Let yourself be taught disclosure of knowledge
The Antichrist is...Let yourself be taught love, unconditionally

Not exactly how Christian teachings portray what it is to be the above word-strings these may be taken as a finger pointing to certain things which require being done in order for the answer to be revealed.

"The Antichrist is"... appears to be 'not the right question to be asking' re Six Hundred and Sixty Six.

However, if memory smw, there is also contention re the interpretation of the passage in Revelation which speaks of the number in association with the antichrist...

I *think of it as "The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing..." *which derives from a pragmatic realization precipitated in ones mind

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #9

Post by Diagoras »

[Replying to William in post #8]

I don't see how changing the code will help, since the OP clearly states that the signs he's already seen leave "no room for misinterpretation".

Surely that's better evidence than your own code which
may be taken as a finger pointing to certain things which require being done in order for the answer to be revealed.
Maybe try putting the entire OP through your 'message generating system' and see what transpires?

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Re: The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

Post #10

Post by William »

[Replying to Diagoras in post #9]
I don't see how changing the code will help, since the OP clearly states that the signs he's already seen leave "no room for misinterpretation".

Surely that's better evidence than your own code
Are you saying that you agree with the OP that

"The true identity of the antichrist is robert kendall goff"


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