Generating Messages

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Generating Messages

Post #1

Post by William »


I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
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Re: Generating Messages

Post #211

Post by William »

Sherlock: In the case of miracles (not subject to or driven by rules) a true miracle cannot be tested.

A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle

Barking up the wrong tree - ... ost2245978 [DREAMS ARE FREE] - Perennial [lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.] - In the Mind - The Enigma Code - Mystical

William: Mystical does not mean miraculous - yet both are able to be demystified.

GM: Did someone just say put a cap on for unsubstantiated nonsense?

William: Do not allow the illusion of separation to rule one's behaviour

RSP = N2N + re

AP = Judicious - [having, showing, or done with good judgement or sense.] Unconscious Mind Inertia
What does Carl Jung mean by "inertia of the unconscious mind"?

"The ego, nevertheless, is in conflict with the
shadow, in what Dr. Jung once called " the
battle for deliverance." In the struggle of
primitive man to achieve consciousness, this
conflict is expressed by the contest between the
archetypal hero and the cosmic powers of evil,
personified by dragons and other monsters. In
the developing consciousness of the individual
the hero figure is the symbolic means by which
the emerging ego overcomes the inertia of the
unconscious mind, and liberates the mature
man from a regressive longing to return to the
blissful state of infancy in a world dominated
by his mother. " {SOURCE}
GM: Reasons For Angry Energy
This Translates To That.
Unconscious mind inertia
There is a lot to unpack here
Random coincidence? I think not.

William: Two Sixty Nine...

GM: Selfless attitude
Quantum Jumping
Your Thoughts
Roller Coaster Ride
Making Up Stories
Breathe In Breathe Out
Genetic information
That is the truth.
The sound of a Ghost
Don't forget The Mind

William: One Ninety Seven

GM: Individual Actions
The Perfect Moment
Square and Compass
Enjoy Progress
The external voice
A Major Lotto win
Meaningful coincidence
Let yourself be led
The Unconscious

William: There is a lot to unpack here.
Learning to be conscious of the unconscious so that one may then recognize various impulses and where the originate from.
In a sense, this is the science of the mind I am attempting to explain to Sherlock. Things may indeed appear to be so mystical as to be of another universe entirely...and are thus given the title of being a Miracle...

GM: Asking
Dream Cake

William: The reference to 'dream Cake' has to do with the link to DREAMS ARE FREE
From the link;
Then I had the sense I was analysing what had happened in the dream experience while still being in the dream - perhaps sitting in a dark room - I had the sense of there being a team, and had flashes of pieces of cake being manifested for every aspect of the dream analysis that I got correct and then one thing I said - something to do with a behind the scene "Dream Team" which coordinated my dream experiences was rewarded with the image of a giant piece of cake...then there was talk about the message generating process and word-values as I began to awaken...

I got up, thought about my dream, and decided to write it down...and even as I have been writing it down here - in doing so, I find myself remembering things about it and adding these details in the writing.
William: My dreams are an experience and lately I have been aware of how these experiences are interactions with 'The Dream Team' ...

GM: Chamber Of Self
The Moment
Provenance [the place of origin or earliest known history of something. the beginning of something's existence; something's origin. ]
Adversary [one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.]
'The Dream Team'

William: Yes - working on understanding the complexity of using science to understand the self. One can fob it Sherlock appears to want to do by referring to his existing as 'miraculous'.
The idea/belief enables one to side-step having to do the work...
Sherlock: It is a mystery ultimately, I do hold that I regard my own existence and awareness and cognition as a miracle, the very idea of mechanistically "explaining" my own existence seems to lead to madness!
William: But anyway - the thread subject is about scientifically explaining so-called miracles, so if you regard your own existence and awareness and cognition as a "miracle" - you are claiming that there is no ability of scientific investigation which can explain 'you'.
Even while we are interreacting in this moment, Sherlock has replied to my question;
William: Are you claiming that you cannot be tested, because you are this thing you call a 'true miracle'?


Sherlock: If miracles are acts of God that occur as and when God decides, then we cannot test for them. If these events are not driven by causality or laws, but by God's will then they are not reproducible in any scientific way.

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

GM: Mystical
Confirmation bias
Learn how to deactivate all internal triggers...
We go through together
"The Light in The Dark Everyone a great spark every one of us all here together"

William: Yes - there is no difference so there is no need to add 'super' in front of 'natural'
The separating of "GOD" from the dominant reality of the physical universe isn't helpful as it lacks the ability to explain ones existence without adding the mysterious [and scientifically impossible to measure] 'miracle' to the equation.
Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.

GM: Inspiration
Unconscious Mind Inertia
Key Of Expression
Cosmic Pluralism [the plurality of worlds, or simply pluralism, describes the belief in numerous "worlds" in addition to Earth, which may harbour extraterrestrial life.]
[You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know]
The Whole
"What is antichrist?"
It is Found Within The Experience of Self
Conscious dreaming

William: Indeed. Perhaps in some way the belief in miracles also holds a person within the confines of thinking science is not up to the task of revealing GOD since GOD is 'elsewhere'...

GM: "I know what having an attachment to something means...first I hate it then I love it then I leave it...or stay with it...or it is there with me, wherever I might go-be..."
Two seemingly contradictory things working as one overall organized thing.

"The Art of Discovering The Secrets of The Fathers House
Conscious dreaming
You Are Soooo Funny
The naked truth
Extra evidence is provided

Ask and It Will Be Given

Strength of Mind
Extra evidence is provided
That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing within a suppression matrix becomes no longer matters where one is - it only matters what one the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity...
The Realities Merge
William: From the link
Recapping Event

What I am learning from this MGSystem is that "it" is not about me or you but about allowing for opportunity for any otherwise intelligent consciousnesses to impute their intelligence into the mix.

Re non-theists who are opposed to the idea of their being an overall mind behind [invisible/not easy to detect in] our visible Universe - I would say that they do themselves a disservice in resisting contact with said mind.

The way I have come to understand things re the nature of our shared reality - is that in opting for the theory of evolution with the addition of realization of the invisible mind, exposes the enormity of said mind re the time/space said mind has had to develop within.

Alongside that, is the realization that something which initially started out as one thing, became many things - so many things that trying to place a number as to how many things - is pointless.

Clearly fragmentation occurred as the mind developed - as can be seen in the evidence of the things themselves.

So the Galaxies became "Gods" and the Gods produced off-spring which are the Suns and planets continually forming - from beginnings to middles and to ends - and in doing so, providing the parent-Gods with Data of Experience.

I don't pretend to know what it is in the way of evidence that non-theists want in order to convince them to become theists.

But I do know that this evidence I am presenting, should be enough for anyone to seriously think about changing the way they see the world.
GM: Self-respect
All That We Are.


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #212

Post by William »

AgnosticBoy: I have to admit that the conversation was terrible. Even from the start, I thought they were dealing more with cognition than consciousness, but then the conversation just went all over the place, talking about black holes, etc. I believe Dr. Peterson was more to blame for this because he let his curiosity in physics get in the way of staying on topic.

William: The conversation is very informative.

One of the interesting things I found helpful was Sir Roger's idea of three systems interacting with each other - “Three worlds and three deep mysteries”
and how he does not consider consciousness to being emergent of the physical world or that mathematics is an invention.
Rather, he considers mathematics to have always existed and something humans discovered.

I see these realms/worlds as superimposing upon one another, rather than being separate from and tunneling into one another.


Keeping Things In Perspective

SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle

Equity - Create Your Own Spirit Ship - What Jesus Messaged - Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality - The Path - Inertia - It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time. - Making Things Easier

RSP = N2N + re

AP = Clear - ... tcount=296

William: From the link;
William: So - 'getting the gist of it', please explain as best as you are able to do so, what the math tells you re what the object was which caused the universe to come into existence.

Pixel42: For a start, it tells me that words like 'object' and 'seed' are actively misleading when trying to describe it. It tells me that the phrase "caused the universe to come into existence" is also the wrong one to use. It tells me, in short, that the English language is inadequate to that task.

William: Pixel is explaining to me that whatever 'IT' was [because it obviously existed] can not be described as a physical thing. To do so it to 'lie' about it.
Assuming for the present that Pixel42 is only saying that Pixel42 is unable to use the English language to describe what 'IT' is, we can be grateful that Isaac can and does, in his The Final Question" story.

Furthermore, I can also do this.
"IT" was the absolute sum total of all data [knowledge] contained within the absolute consciousness of something so infinitesimally tiny that "IT" cannot be considered to be physical in nature.

That is "The Singularity" scientist are referring to.
GM: Team
"I see the light I see the Light I see the light now - I start again upon the road that never ends"

Elemental Powers
Making Things Easier

From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.
Hearing And Listening

"I see the light I see the Light I see the light now - I start again upon the road that never ends"
I Think
...but would be smiling as I did so…
All life
I think of these images as representing a very real and supportive Team.

Making Things Easier
What Shall We Call It?
Links And Symbols
I share your joy!
Acknowledge the Agreeable
The Prime Directive
Conscious Dreaming
Wish fulfillment

William: One Eighty Nine

GM: The knowledge of
Astral Teachers
The Astral body
Think About It

William: One Fifty

GM: Personal
Share That
Adds Up To
Delineating [describe or portray (something) precisely.]
Eisegeting [place meaning on a text which is not originally or inherently present in the text ...]
God and Satan
Brow chakra

William: One Hundred

GM: Good and evil
Live with
Fitting In
Be Authentic
Dream work

William: One Zero Eight

GM: Assumption
A Bit Of Both Yes
Heal Yourself
The Heart of a Buddha
Let people help
One Zero Eight

William: One Forty Seven

GM: Elemental Powers
Fling That Veil Aside
Test The Waters
Learn to trust
The brain as a receiver
Embracing your life
The problem of evil
Cosmic Pluralism

William: One Eighty Three

GM: Science Projects
Behind The Scenery
Looking For Gigs
A Place To Create Art
Thinking Allowed
Lacking belief in gods
Humankind succeeded
Each to their own
Freeing the soul
Divine Hiddenness

William: Nineteen Sixty Eight

GM: For The Best Results
Functional Clusters
Intelligent Awareness
Enough To Make Me Wonder
More precious than life
Error Correcting Codes
Look from a different angle

William: Two Thirty Two

GM: The Power Of Creation
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
It is all information


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #213

Post by William »

Thomas123 wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:59 am This word appears to be at the centre of many discussions on this forum. It also appears to mean different things to different people and, therein lies the root of our miscommunication. What range and definement do you attribute to, ' consciousness ' ?

Is there an external consciousness in the world?. Can I tune into a shared consciousness. I am listening to Prime Minister's Question Time, Boris tuned into a universal human consciousness as he delivers his address. Is his brain working ,simultaneously and in tandem with my own consciousness and with that of others?
William: It is complex.

The way I have come to understand the complexity of the involvement of Consciousness within the Experiential Reality Sets [ERS] has to do with those Sets and how they are experienced, and this forms many layers of Consciousness, all of which are connected to The Source Consciousness, {SC}, some of which are unaware to various degrees, that this is the case.

Diagraphically, this transposes as;


Superimposed color signifies the layers of awareness individuate consciousness is involved with in the Sets
It is always a warm fuzzy

SCLx19 + select last LE per shuffle

Listen - Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life - Odd - Intelligence - Forgiveness - Observe - The Matrix - It Stands To Reason - Water - Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden - Laws Rules and Appropriates - Henotheism - Intelligence Without Wisdom - viewtopic.php?p=1070605#p1070605 - How Can We Know - Emergence Theory - The Causal Complexity of The World - God is Consciousness - Automated Machine Learning

William:From the link;
Given the more complex explanation is that the rocks move themselves through some unspecified mechanism, it is better to accept that the universe is unfolding [moving] through some unknown but not unnatural mechanism to do with itself.
Unknown but not unnatural
Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
Nature two sides of the same coin

RSP = N2N + re

AP = ... tcount=895 The Truth

William: From the link;
Pixel42 There is no science in what you are doing.

William: Search - "science" the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Sound, words, language, subjective experience - are all "of the physical and natural world"

GM: Intention
The Truth
Planet Earth
Zeitgeist [the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.]
Get The Gist
Archetypes [a very typical example of a certain person or thing. an original which has been imitated; a prototype. (in Jungian theory) a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious. a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology.]
As busy as a bee
Little Self

William: The information/data of experience compiles through the ages and eventually allows those with access to the information a means of figuring out things...
One Twenty

GM: Reincarnation
Dream Come True
Age of Aquarius

William: Now these have a variety of connection - the theory of reincarnation whereby the character/personality of the individual is reconstituted into another life experience -
The idea of 'ages' [The Age of Aquarius, in astrology, is either the current or forthcoming astrological age, depending on the method of calculation. Astrologers maintain that an astrological age is a product of the earth's slow precessional rotation and lasts for 2,160 years, on average.] and the Intention for Wholeness and getting to The Truth, is helpful to the planet entity and are devices for helping said entity to find answers to the Questions ...
One Forty One

GM: Common Ground
The Next Level
Crazy Diamonds
Almost Accidental....
Positive Feedback
Get The Truth
Air on a G String
Time will tell
Carl Sagan Contact
Live and let live.
We help each other
Finding the Light

William: Yes. Very informative. Interestingly, Sir Rodger Penrose mentions his love for Bach and hears patterns in the music...Sir Rodger recognizes patterns throughout the universal structures and is able to mathematically appreciate their significance.
The non-theist argument that 'the brain is wired to recognize patterns' and that what theists 'see' as convincing evidence of mindfulness re the universe [specifically life on Earth] is 'just a brain-trick' and has no real significance re providing evidence of "GOD"...that the human brain has evolved to recognize patterns, perhaps more than any other single function and our brain is weak at processing logic, remembering facts, and making calculations, but pattern recognition is its deep core capability...should not be underestimated to the point of throwing away the idea of a mindful creative purposeful at the heart of existence.
One Fifty Two

GM: Spirit work
Navigational Aids
The solution
Learning to Fly
Sacred Geometry
Stuff like that...
Phantasmagorical [an exhibition of optical effects and illusions. 2a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined. b : a scene that constantly changes. 3 : a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage.]
Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
Clear Your Mind
Try To Relax
Deep Impact Event

William: All meant to assist the individual consciousness to see the deeper connections to the vaster mind we each are of.
One Fifty Eight

GM: The meaning of life
Water the garden
Edward Snowden [Edward Joseph Snowden is an American former computer intelligence consultant who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013, when he was an employee and subcontractor.]
Milky Mother
Radical self-acceptance

William: So there is that sense of understanding the connections - the information is not 'highly classified' in that we can all have access to it, but it is still concealed behind the façade of human experience and the human form is designed to receive some types of information more readily than other types.
The "Game" is to get access to said information - or at least a fundamental aspect of the Game involves this step.
"Self Reflection" is called for, and therein, understanding the 'Self' in relation to the formerly hidden information has the effect of changing - quiet radically - said "self".
One Forty Nine

GM: Subconscious
On Your Own
Action Station
Amidst a tangled web

William: Sorting ones self out - a complex and tricky undertaking...

GM: The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters...

William: One Hundred and Sixty

GM: Look For the Significance
As An Elemental Principle
The Purpose Of Life Is...
"They is what they is."
Under the watchful eye
The Eigengrau Mind Screen
Leave room for nature

William: "Diagraphically, this transposes as;" The Jellyfish Image - One Seventy Four

GM: Who Knows Who?
The Limitations
When feeling lost
Have A Look At The Map
Adjusted Reality


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #214

Post by William »

William: My points were to agree with what the eye tells us [humans and apes look similar] but also to show that what the eye sees is only flesh and bone, and to peel those away from what makes a personality, one is left with something distinctly non-human or ape-like.
Josh: How so?


Josh: And.....?
Now that nut is cracked, what next?

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle

Remaining - The Truth - Intuitive Intelligence - Karma - Up to scratch - Zero Waste - Remote Viewing - Whole-hearted - Penetrate - - Crazy Diamonds

William: Upon Further, Deeper Inspection
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

From the link;
Carl Jung linked the figure of Sophia to the highest archetype of the anima in depth psychology.[24] The archetypal fall and recovery of Sophia is additionally linked (to a varying degree) to many different myths and stories (see damsel in distress).
William: There are many variations on this mythology, but they generally deal with;
[The Christ is linked into the mythology.]

RSP = N2N + re

AP = One Language Intelligent Network viewtopic.php?p=1073573#p1073573

William: From the link;
Difflugia: That's what Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is about. At the quantum level, one cannot know even by inference both the position and momentum of a particle. If one is fixed, then the other is not. I stress again that it's a property of the universe and not a limitation on our measurement. That's why quantum tunneling is a thing. If some of the possible positions for a particle are on the other side of a barrier, then we still can't know that it isn't sometimes over there, so sometimes it is!

William: And this method of deduction must also include the idea of their being a mind behind the universes existence.
What might be seen as 'a property of the universe' could actually be 'a property of the device being used to do the measuring'.
In this case - the human brain but not that alone. In EVERY case, it is the device of consciousness [the hard problem of] which is actually doing the measuring and in that, the universe appears to be working with consciousness re the particles and the waves - and perhaps even hinting that they are the same things 'seen' consciousness is that which is doing the 'seeing'. Is it a case that the human brain is incapable of seeing apparently two different things as actually the same thing?

GM: Nothing more sad than wasted beliefs

William: The better alternative is to move away from belief and just busy ones self with gathering the data available and seeing what picture unfolds re that, and in relation to ones own data of [subjective] experience...
Five Nighty Eight

GM: Who Knows Who?
The Limitations
When feeling lost
Have A Look At The Map
Adjusted Reality
The Jellyfish Image

William: The Jellyfish image is like the image of the nervous system. The nervous system is near the heart of what makes a human, a "person" whereas taxonomy is simply interested in categorizing the human being in relation to the external flesh and bone material which encases the nervous system.

The flesh and bone material does influence a persons idea of who they are, but without the nervous system, the person would not exist as a taxonomy can only offer an incomplete picture - surface scratching rather than digging deeper into what is beneath the surface. That is why the expression "Humans are Apes" is incomplete - gives an incomplete picture and defines according to that incompleteness.

In appearance, humans are more related to what Jellyfish look like - re the nervous system...once the flesh and bone are removed to reveal said system.

Consciousness goes even deeper than the nervous system, and cannot easily be pictured. I would say that consciousness does not reside only with the brain but throughout the nervous system...mostly operating without the personality being conscious of said operations, and in relation to subconscious operations [re psychology/ the human mind] the personality can connect and interact with said subconscious activity, thereby learning from that vast resource...

One Seventy Four

GM: An Elemental Principle
Attention to Detail
The voice of knowledge

William: Two Zero Four

GM: In William’s Room
Whatever you do
The Wider Reality
In Out and All About

William: Exactly!
One Eighty Two

GM: Interesting data
Centre of learning
The Healing Power
Science of Truth
It is what it is
Personal freedom

William: All of the above
Eleven Sixty Two

GM: The Shaping Of Reality
Of Your Thoughts
Six Heart Virtues
Sensing A Life Mission
Light is information


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #215

Post by Miles »

William wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 3:20 pm
In appearance, humans are more related to what Jellyfish look like - re the nervous system...once the flesh and bone are removed to reveal said system.

...........,,,,,,,,.......The Human Nervous System


...............................The Jellyfish Nervous System


Jelly fish have a very unstructured nervous system that is very simple to understand. They can only feel touches in certain areas of their body and automatically sting if they feel something touch their stingers. Unlike annelids Jellyfish have a net inside their bodies which attach Ganglia to their stingers and therefore if you touch the top part of a jellyfish it wont feel it.


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #216

Post by William »

[Replying to Miles in post #215]

Interestingly enough, one can operate on a human brain [the top part] while the human is still conscious, because the human cannot feel it. :)


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #217

Post by William »

Compassionist: Please tell me more about your out-of-body experience. How do you know that it was not a hallucination?

William: Do you mean as in, drug induced, or something else?

Compassionist: I don't mean drug-induced or anything else. Some people have out-of-body experience when they have a heart attack. What triggered yours? Some people claim to be able to have out-of-body experiences at will. I don't know if they just hallucinate or if their consciousness actually leaves their bodies.

William: That they are referred to as "Out of Body" is because the experience is this. Whether the experiences I had were hallucinations or not, I cannot say. I can only say that the experiences were had.
Intelligence Without Wisdom

SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle

Philanthropies - Abrahamic Religions - On To It - Self-Aware - Sphere - Ooky Spooky - The Mother God - In the Era of Light

William: Philanthropies is "the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes."

RSP = N2N + re

AP = Fitting In Philanthropies


GM: Good and evil
Live with
Fitting In
Be Authentic
Dream work
Fifty Five

William: Fifty Five 55 Five Five has;
Move On
Five Five

GM: Philanthropies
Observed by Many
Good on you mate
Reason Together
Myths and Legends
The Sub Hierarchy
The Voice Within
Information field
The Feminine Face of God
Spiritual path
The Number Zero

William: Okay - how is this connected to hallucinations?

GM: Hallucination
The Love Heart
Gifts to Give
Awakening Love
Shamanic dreaming

William: Many stories in the Abrahamic religions re "Visions of God" are this type of hallucination. They also appear to sometimes be group hallucination.

GM: Group Hallucination
The Twelve Disciples
The Crabwood Crop Circle
The Power Of Creation
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
It is all information
Two Thirty Two

William: Two Three Two has;
Williams songs
William and QueenBee
Dualic Energies Weak
In the back of my mind
Calling the shots
Steady as she goes....
Active Imagination
Strength of Mind
Radical compassion
Sola Scriptura
Militant messiah
Biblical Prophesy
Steady as She goes...

RSL=2x SCL + pg dn + P&P + re + N2N re last LE

Galactic Encompassment
Observed by Many
In the Era of Light
The House of Science
Everything is an expression of GOD
Noise From The Peanut Gallery
Tao [the natural order of the universe whose character one's intuition must discern to realize the potential for individual wisdom, as conceived in the context of East Asian philosophy, East Asian religions, or any other philosophy or religion that aligns to this principle.]
Cats Whiskers.
Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours
What The Gods See
Strictly Human

William: From the link;
What if in fact both this supposed "element of chaos and unpredictability" and the "knowledge of good and evil" were simply misinterpreted information about ourselves and the environment we currently exist within?
GM: Mind/Thought Space
Heart Virtues
Standstill Contemplate

William: Empower The Inner Empire
Standstill Contemplate
Universe of Wholeness
"The bits I like will suffice."
Science of Consciousness
Swallowed - hook, bait and line
The word association field

GM: Data
Eisegeting [place meaning on a text which is not originally or inherently present in the text ...]
Under The Watchful Eye of Human Science
William: From the link;
Once upon a time...

Three people were nailed to three trees and left to die.

One of the three was someone who claimed that there was a mind behind creation and he knew this mind intimately.
The other was a fellow who had a non-theist mind-set and believed he was the product of the brain.
The third was a theist-potential - an 'undecided'.

The non-theist mockingly asked the theist "where is the evidence of your god now?'"

The theist did not even attempt to answer the non-theists question, while the theist-potential tried to answer the non-theist by pointing out that since the three of them were in the same predicament, mocking questions weren't going to achieve anything, and that it would be best - at least - to humble oneself by refraining from emotional critical outbursts and unreasonable demands.

The theist did not ignore the theist-potential and replied that his sensible understanding of the situation would ensure that his next experience would be a good one.

The theist potential probably became a theist at that moment...since his mind wasn't set in the same way the non-theist mind was set.

Then they all shut up and died...

...well maybe not...
GM: Raphael ~ [Raphael is an archangel first mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch, both dating from the last few centuries before Christ. In later Jewish tradition, he became identified as one of the three heavenly visitors entertained by Abraham at the Oak of Mamre.]

"Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self."
William ... 22#p564522

William: From the link;
RCSaunders: It''s called intrinsicism, the idea that something is just good or bad or right or wrong or just or unjust, not for any reason or purpose, but because it just is. In the case of Christians, they cover up the absurdity that something can just be a value (good or bad) without being good or bad for anything, by saying values are dictated by their God. It amounts to turning the absurd notion that, "might makes right," into a doctrine.

William: That seems to be somewhat twisted. :?:

While I do understand your concerns, ideas of good and evil are natural products of survival.
While humans have insinuated that a Creator-God is real rather than imagined, it is only natural to include therein, that The Creator instilled this within the creation.

Where the wheels get wobbly, is when morals [Laws] become fixed and immovable - not something that nature itself is - by attributing said Laws as "coming from The Creator".
The link address = 585, as does;
"Everything is arranged according to number and mathematical shape"
Five Eight Five = ;
Aligning With
Future Self
Eternal Loop
Source Heart
Don’t give up
Breaking bad habits
Five Eight Five

GM: Healing The Beast

Name The Gods as non-separate Entities
The Cave of Origins
Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
Leg Hold Traps
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless

William: Here Everything – All Real Together
To warm them up to the truth
Suckling on our milky mother
All publicity is good publicity
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless

The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain
Break the glass ceiling
The Fare On The Table
No Risk
Talking the talk
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Sensing A Life Mission
This moment is the perfect teacher

William: I Think – Therefore – Who Do I Think I Am?
Living our forefathers’ conflict
It is a slippery path of snake-oil.
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Actions speak louder than words
This moment is the perfect teacher


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #218

Post by William »

Summerlander: I saw that conversation between Jordan Peterson and Sir Roger Penrose. I think the former had some misconceptions and seemed slightly confused about what the latter espoused. But I do think the renowned Jungian psychologist tried hard to understand.

Penrose's quasi-Platonic worldview resonates with me for the time being while we lack a good explanation for how the physical world generates consciousness. It makes more sense to assume that it is separate and interactive or superimposed or both. Max Tegmark has stated that human beings did not invent mathematics, we only invented the language and symbolism for something that was, in fact, discovered. In the view of this Platonic theoretical physicist, mathematics is fundamental and it is the realm from which the physical and the mental arise as perhaps separate but partially superimposed phenomena.

Intuitively, it does seem that mathematics can only be true for all time and couldn't be any other way; and then there is consciousness which appears to be required if anything is to be said to exist at all including the eternal veracity of numbers and their associations which provide the building blocks for geometry. Another mystery is matter! We don't really know what it is beyond the explanations that we tell ourselves which are predicated on how the stuff interacts with other stuff. It has to follow the rules of mathematics and its energy and forces cannot be said to exist without observation where minds make distinctions. {SOURCE}

Let the facts speak for themselves
An extraterrestrial playing god

SCLx14 + select last LE per shuffle

“I do not exist to troll for any religious idea of "GOD"” - viewtopic.php?p=1062500#p1062500 - Science Can Be Fun Too - Deactivate The Suppression Matrix - The Soul Eats Experience - This Speaks of… - Shine - Test The Waters - Verdant - (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation. - Answer - Long Time Gone - Therein one finds congruency. - The Arrival Movie - The journey is the destination

William: From the link;
The sky contains freaky things. Perhaps even more freaky than what the oceans contain.

Q: What are these UFO's [and the supposed extraterrestrial occupants] most likely to be, and why have they been accompanying human beings since the ancient prehistoric times?

Certainly they do appear to behave in a similar manner as adolescent humans...even in biblical terms...just ultra intelligent ones - based on what we know about intelligent advances re our own technology.
RSP = N2N + re

AP = Conspiracy Emotions. Virtues [behaviour showing high moral standards. (in traditional Christian angelology)the seventh-highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.]

GM:Altruistic Behaviour
The Timeless Proton

William: Altruistic - "showing interest in, and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish."

Its all good
Of This Place
All of a sudden
The Elephant
Wild freedom

William: Aye - Something interacting with the nervous system of biological life forms creates a reaction of those biological systems - what other thing is there which does this, but consciousness?

GM: Under the watchful eye and guiding arm of YHWH
The Love is within the Communion
A Sense of Hope
Stochastic [having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.]
The Inception Point
Know This
The journey is the destination
Conspiracy Emotions
The Trap of Assumption

All Information Is Channelled.
Create Your Own UFO
Holy Matrimony
The Idea of Worship - What Does It Mean?
"When the evidence for long ages became obvious, most Christians realized that their earlier assumptions about scripture were incorrect."
"I come from a dark place - it is so dark I can't even remember it"
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”
Instant Manifestation
Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system
Controlled Distraction Light
Provincial Thinking
Tao [the natural order of the universe whose character one's intuition must discern to realize the potential for individual wisdom...]
"Could the answer be that It is not hidden at all, but that it is we who are hiding from It?"
Duty Calls Children Help Each Other REAL Friendship
"Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference."
Elucidate [make (something) clear; explain.]
A Clean Channel
Truthful definitions
Dream Experience

William: This was written to me recently;
as a Deist I cannot accept any divine interventions that are recorded in the gospels or anywhere else....... Nature only for me, which is pretty scary.......! :)
William: What the Deist ignores, is the medium of nature being representative of the Deist idea of GOD.
Sure, such a mind as the Deist GOD is incapable of directly connecting with consciousnesses within biological forms. The forms become the indirect medium between that Mind and individual minds.

GM:"The Trap of Assumption"
"The Right Tool For The Job"
It Is One Of Those Things
Suppression Matrix
Compass of Divine Insight
Extra evidence is provided

"Dream Experience"
Through Device
"A cold wind in hell"
Syncretism [the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.]
The Death Tarot [Endings, change, transformation, transition]
Eyes wide open
Thinking Aloud
Work With Me.
Actual Justice
Round Stone
All and sundry
The ride is wild

William: Extra evidence is provided - Two Five Six

GM: Common Ground
The Next Level
Crazy Diamonds
Almost Accidental....
Positive Feedback
Get The Truth
Air on a G String
Time will tell
Carl Sagan Contact
Live and let live.
We help each other
Finding the Light
Two Five Six
One Four Two

William: The ride is wild - One Four Five

GM: Astral Guides
Etched mirror
Healing The Beast
Contact With
Three In A Row
Small Steps
Divine Sound
A rock and a hard place
Balance of power
In the moment
Heaven on Earth
One Four Five
One Three Four

William: Finding the Light - One Five Two

GM:The human brain
The game of Chess
The tree of life
Arms crossed
The Digital Angel
To Accomplish
Do a Word Search
One Nine Two
Homo Sapiens
The middle-class
Real is better
The Ghost Agenda
Polyomino [a plane geometric figure formed by joining one or more equal squares edge to edge. It is a polyform whose cells are squares.]
One Five Two

William: Heaven on Earth - One Three Six

GM: Communicating
Soul Has an Agenda
Source Sync
Get Comfortable
Redefine Oneself
Forty Two
One Three Six

William: Polyomino One Three Four

GM: The knowledge of
Astral Teachers
The Astral body
Think About It
One Eighty Nine
One Three Four

William: Madventures - One Four Two

GM: Common Ground et al

William: The connect - The Deist GOD - The Arrival Movie - An extraterrestrial playing GOD = 632

GM: That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
"And I do think very well - That the son might take you silently"

William: Also - Six Three Two

GM: Interesting data
Centre of learning
The Healing Power


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #219

Post by William »

Sherlock: Lego structures are made from bricks that bond in various way, but those structures require human intelligence, they never, ever, ever, ever form unaided nor does any scientist ever think they could, do you? if not why not?

Brunumb: Are you suggesting that the trillions of chemical reactions that occur in all living things every day require the constant personal intervention of God and could not happen through natural biochemistry?

William: The glue that bonds the two seemingly unreconcilable positions could be that the experiential reality is mostly set on automatic, thereby it does not require intervention of GOD but can still be subtly yet mindfully tweaked - as and when necessary.

Brunumb: Like when it is necessary to cause a cancer to form?

William: No. That would be part of the 'set on automatic' function, unless you are suggesting that cancer has not always been part of the nature of the experiential reality?
Optimized for Fitness pay-offs
Toward a Science of Consciousness

SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle

Successful replications - Few - Earth teachers (physical) discover the way to the Grand Portal via the Tributary Zones - Attachment - "From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure." - A safe pair of hands - Exobots - J. Richard Gott's Model - A defunct debate - Choice - Dream journal - Zen

RSP = N2N + re

AP = Rationality Central to The Message

GM: One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Break through to your true self
Living Forever In this Universe
To establish the skills necessary

Real friendship
Strange Desire
Astral Pulse
Look Closely
Tremulous [shaking or quivering slightly. timid; nervous.]
Synesthesia [the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.]
That's a good one
Up to scratch

Yin yang
– “spacetime doesn’t really exist” [15:00]
“Three worlds and three deep mysteries” {SOURCE}
Pervasive [spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.]
The Attitude
Variety of Expression
As Well As That
Mathematical Problems
To Accomplish

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
All present and correct
"From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure."
Make It Up As You Go Along
Super-information medium

William: From the link;
Jehovah's Witness: I'm sure you are aware that it is generally accepted that the identify of the Kings of Daniel 11 changes with each epoch.

William:No I wasn't.

But I don't think that something which is open-ended to that extent, can be rightfully called prophesy - although as a "prediction of what will happen in the future" such is open to being fulfilled as long as it isn't fixed or static.

I suppose that is why one is able to use such to point out similarities while at the same time allowing one to be incorrect about particulars - because no particulars are really given in the first place.

In that sense, it is classic type of "readings" so-called psychics employ - worded in such a way as what is said can fit most occasions likely to arise and impress folk enough to buy into it.
GM: Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.]
Ruling your world

William: The crux of the problem. Which is why I suggested that;
"The glue that bonds the two seemingly unreconcilable positions could be that the experiential reality is mostly set on automatic, thereby it does not require intervention of GOD but can still be subtly yet mindfully tweaked - as and when necessary."

A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...

GM: Central to The Message
The journey is the destination
Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology
"Don't let schooling interfere with your education"
We don’t yet have the ability to communally respond in the best interests of the planet,
Divine intuition

William: Up to scratch - One Four Four = 154

GM: Glow Softly
Bandages of The Beast
Radical Honesty
Light the spark
The wheel of time
How about that
Phylogenesis [the evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism.]
One Four Four

William: To Accomplish - One Three Four = 150

GM: The knowledge of
Astral Teachers
The Astral body
Think About It
One Eighty Nine
One Three Four

William: Ruling your world Two Three Two = 172

GM: Williams songs
William and QueenBee
In the back of my mind
Calling the shots
Steady as she goes....
Active Imagination
Strength of Mind
Radical compassion
Biblical Prophesy
Steady as She goes...
Two Three Two

William: Divine intuition - One Nine Four = 136

GM: Astral Guides
Etched mirror
Healing The Beast
Contact With
Small Steps
Divine Sound
A rock and a hard place
Balance of power
In the moment
Heaven on Earth
One Nine Four
One Five Four

William: Phylogenesis One Five Four = 136 [as above]
Worthiness One Five Zero = 140

GM: Mythology
Keep it simple
Warm Presence
Lift Our Gaze
A Perfect Event
Prometheus [one of the Titans, the supreme trickster, and a god of fire. In common belief, he developed into a master craftsman, and in this connection, he was associated with fire and the creation of mortals. His intellectual side was emphasized by the apparent meaning of his name, Forethinker.]
Chamber 4 painting

William: Prometheus sounds like the same character as Anu, from WingMakers Mythology.

Steady as She goes...One Seven Two = 157

GM: In the Era of Light
Sort It Out
What Fun We Have!
Get The Picture
Lifting Our Game
Walking the walk
One Seven Two

William: Light and Fire..."Let there be light"...
Chamber 4 painting One Four Zero = 158

GM: Spirit work
Navigational Aids
The solution
Learning to Fly
Sacred Geometry
Stuff like that...
Phantasmagorical [an exhibition of optical effects and illusions. 2a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined. b : a scene that constantly changes. 3 : a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage.]
Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
Clear Your Mind
Try To Relax
Deep Impact Event
One Four Zero

William: Chamber Four Painting =200
God is The Universe.
The Generated Messages
Spiritual practice
The divine, ordinary

Two Zero Zero = 186

GM: Individual Actions
The Perfect Moment
Enjoy Progress
The external voice
Meaningful coincidence
Let yourself be led
The Unconscious
Two Zero Zero

William: Contemplation One Five Seven = 141

GM: Illuminating


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Re: Generating Messages

Post #220

Post by William »

Compassionist: I am convinced that it is morally wrong of the Biblical God to harden the Pharaoh's heart and then punish him for it. I disagree with the stance of the Got Questions Team about this. We are not clay pots. We are sentient beings. All sentient biological beings feel pain and that gives us rights. If God is causing us pain and death then God is culpable. Am I the only one or are there others who feel the same way?

William: I think the overall problem isn't about the God of the bible, but about the idea of this experiential reality being mindfully created [inferring a creator of some kind] and that is why 'the problem of evil' was invented.

It appears that there is no problem of evil with being part of this experiential reality as long as one believes it is a purely mindless purposeless accident of a thing, but as soon as a creative mind is implied as the cause of it existing, 'the problem of evil' becomes an issue and a reason for why folk shy away from or vigorously oppose the notion of, which I find interesting.

As an argument, I find the "problem of evil" to being on par with the "problem of unicorns".
As to call light, the soul shall sing

SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle

Speculation - Throwing pooh - “No sailor controls the sea.” - GOD - I Spy With My Eye - Yellow Light - The Underlying Mechanics

RSP = SCLx2 + P&P + re + pg dn + ↕

AP = Reason Unity with our Collective Self

William: Worthy of the individuals time and effort


GM: viewtopic.php?p=1069704#p1069704
William: From the link;
Again - the discussion being had here shows me that beliefs to do with the age of the Universe are secondary in relevant importance to the fact of its existence and our existence within it.
GM: It is not about what is written, but rather - why it is about what was written
The Underlying Mechanics
"The Elephant and the Rider"
That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing within a suppression matrix becomes no longer matters where one is - it only matters what one the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity... ... ost2246390
William: From the link;
I have had similar experience re hypnogogic state ...

Hearing footfalls on wooden floor {I was sleeping in a bunk in a building and was the only occupant at the time]
The footfalls stop outside my door - which was open and then I hear a deep laugh.
I snapped out of it [awoke] and immediately jumped out of bed and went to the doorway - no one was there [of course]

Some time later - months or even a year of two - I was at home in bed with my wife when I awoke to the same laugh and looking up I saw the entity at the end of the bed.

My reaction was layered - It was as if my body wanted to climb the walls looking to escape but my mind was clear and focused and I was aware that this part of me was way less afraid. I had the feeling that the entity was pure evil.

However, while I was directing my anger at the entity, he moved toward my side of the bed - his arms were crossed over his chest area - and as he got closer [he seemed to float rather than walk] he extended his arm out in the process of going to touch me.

We were looking each other in the eye - and it was at this moment that I somehow just knew that the entity loved me more than I had ever felt anyone love me - and knew me better than I knew myself and the love was purely unconditional

As with all my hypnogogic experiences, these began with the feeling of being forcibly held down - and when the entity began to reach his arm out to touch me, my anger assisted me in breaking the hold and I sat up and put my face directly in front of his and demanded he leave - and at that moment, I awoke and the entity was gone [or more likely - I could no longer see him.]

The whole incident took less than a minute.

The very next night, I [again in hypnogogic state] felt my wrists being taken hold of by a pair of invisible hands and I was lifted from a prone position to an upright one and when upright, I felt my arms being pushed over my chest in the same manner I had observed the entities arms crossed over his chest, the night before.

Once my arms were crossed, I felt the invisible hands let go of my wrists and it was then that I realized I was not in my body - this was my first conscious OOBE. It felt wonderful....
GM: Understand/Know
Meat For The Table
Withheld Information
Unity with our Collective Self
To Warm Them up to The Truth
Emotion Rides The Prow
Keep it Simple

William: A difficult proposition...

GM: The Same Information
Training the mind
Cast Shadows Of Your Own
Efficacious [successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.]
Darkest Darkness
William: From the link;
Nobs: Until god steps down from its lofty perch (if it's real) and laws out definite proof, all else is, at the very least, imaginary.
William: Not the subject of this thread. I understand the reasons behind the thought expressed. I literally see GOD is everything, so for me, it is more than just "imaginary".

Even if Jesus does return...we shall have to cross that bridge when it happens - until then, such remain in the place of the imagination...
GM:The Brother

"Heroes and Villains"
As useful as griffonage
What we call the experience of reality
Conscious dreaming
What matters most
Hearing And Listening

Looking For Gigs
To become conscious of the contents that press outward from the unconscious
The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
Adaptive Actions
The Void
Mother Earth Harmony ~
"Despite all the dangers, Hess lands safely"
"A fish out of water"
The characteristics of narrative consciousness
Present over perfect
Divine masculine
A genuine relationship with The Creator, is worth so much more than a relationship with a religious artifact, wouldn't you agree?
Pineal Gland
Release shame
Learn How to
Radical Self-Acceptance
Test The Waters
There is a mind behind what we call "creation/the universe"

William: If the individual can come to this way of understanding this experiential reality and the nature of who they really are within it, they can become better equipped to discard the false for the true.
"The problem of evil" then becomes irrelevant.

GM: Expression of Appreciation of Experience
Do It
It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
William carries on with his calculations
What's The Problem?

William: Exactly.

GM: Observant
Identify oppressive structures...
Keeping Things In Perspective
What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?
Confluent [flowing together or merging.]
I say this in terms of the generical idea of God rather than any particular religious idea of God.
In the nature of that beast, there is balance and harmony involved in the seemingly brutal.
Providence [the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power. timely preparation for future eventualities.]
Opening the Heart
Live With
"Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright."
Leave the door open
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that

William: Certainly. Available to all who seek this...

GM: Archangel Metatron
Leaders and Followers
Fear Of The Unknown
Spiritual Connection
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
That's a good one ... ost2246696
Recover what was lost

William: From the link;
Summerlander: Again, I pose the question: Where is free will? Take the smoker's will power, for instance. Someone who has tried to quit after ten years has finally managed to do it. Why did he not do it after five? Because he did not have the will power. His will to quit was not as strong as his will to smoke. His brain chemistry did not permit this until after ten years. What made him quit? Perhaps he used patches to help him. Perhaps his family urged him to stop due to health or finance. Perhaps someone close to him died of cancer. Whatever it was, it was not free will—it was changes in his physiology effected by the environment.

William: What you are referring to here is the will-power. That has to be different from "Free Will".

At what point do you think an individual will can be free?

And if there is no point you can speak of, then the constraints of the universe are that which determines how far one can use their power of will.

Those constraints are not applicable to dreaming or alternate experiences and death has never been established as the end-game.

Recent GMs point to the idea that the universe being mindful - always has alternatives available in which the exercise of one's will power becomes more variable.

From what I can gather, even the will of a Cosmic Mind is regulated based upon the particular environment properties - although I imagine that to the Universal Mind - that would not be here nor there, a 'problem' and any alternate reality experience it could devise for itself would be just as awesome.

So there comes a position whereby having an illusion of free will is not a "problem" as one realizes one's environment is also pre-destined yet at the same time appears to go on forever...
GM: Recover what was lost

Metatron (Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן‎ Meṭāṭrōn, מְטַטְרוֹן‎ Məṭaṭrōn, מֵיטַטְרוֹן‎ Mēṭaṭrōn, מִיטַטְרוֹן‎ Mīṭaṭrōn) or Mattatron (מַטַּטְרוֹן‎ Maṭṭaṭrōn)[1] is an angel in Judaism mentioned three times in the Talmud in a few brief passages in the Aggadah and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within Rabbinic literature. The figure forms one of the traces for the presence of dualist proclivities in the otherwise monotheistic visions of both the Tanakh and later Christian doctrine.[2] The name Metatron is not mentioned in the Torah nor the Bible and how the name originated is a matter of debate. In Islamic tradition, he is also known as Mīṭaṭrūn (Arabic: ميططرون), the angel of the veil.[3][4] In folkloristic tradition, he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe or "recording angel".[5]

In Jewish apocrypha and early Kabbalah, "Metatron" is the name that Enoch received after his transformation into an angel.

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