Christian nationalism

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Christian nationalism

Post #1

Post by Realworldjack »

I want to start out here by saying that I have been on this site for a good number of years now, as a regular contributor. However, it has been a good number of months since I have participated here on this site. The reason for this is the fact that I became convinced that I needed to begin to focus my attention, in order to debate fellow Christians. With this being said, I would like to share my response concerning a blog of a fellow Christian, who is a pastor of a large Church who has a large following which I have just submitted. I do not intend to identify who this pastor is. Rather, I would simply like to share my response to this particular pastor in order to receive feedback from both Christians, and all others as well, concerning my response. My main focus here is, what should unite all of us as, Americans. With this being the case, please pay special attention to the last three paragraphs. It is my hope that all of us as Americans can find a way to be united together, in spite of some differences we may have.

Below is my response to this pastor,
realworldjack" wrote:There are a number of issues I would like to discuss, debate, and challenge, in this, and other posts, as far as your stance concerning such things as Christian reconstruction, theonomy, theocracy, and Christian Nationalism. However, this would be long and drawn out, and would require a lot of time, energy, and space, which would cause the conversation to become bogged down. Therefore, with that in mind I want to attempt to tackle a couple of issues, in order for the issues to be fully addressed.

In your post entitled, "Free Speech in a Christian Theocracy" you refer to Paul giving us,

"explicit and free permission to keep company with idolators who would worship Aphrodite by fornicating with prostitutes at her temple."

You are correct, and I would argue this also gives us permission to associate with the Muslim, Jew, homosexual, abortionists, etc. of our day. You go on to say, we are not given this permission, "because we are now instructed to make our peace with such idolatry—far from it." Rather, according to you,

"Our mission remains the same, which is to bring every thought captive."

Here I would have to assume you are referring to the passage in 2 Corinthians chapter 10, and you must be, because just a few sentences later you actually quote this passage. You go on to tell us, our mission as the Church "is the eradication of idolatry in the entire world." Since this is a huge endeavor you ask, how are we to accomplish such a task, and refer us to the passage mentioned above, as if this passage is explaining to us as Christians, these mighty weapons we have at our disposal, and commanding us as Christians to, "take every thought captive" and by being commanded by Paul to "take every thought captive" this would include our interaction with those outside the Church.

Okay, well let us take a look at this passage in order to determine if this is what Paul was attempting to communicate to the Corinthians? If this is not in the least the message Paul was attempting to convey to the Corinthians, then there is no way we can use the passage in order to claim we as Christians are commanded to, "take every thought captive."

So then, as we turn our attention to this passage, and begin in verse 1 of chapter 10 in 2 Corinthians, what we read there is,

"Now I, Paul, appeal to you personally by the meekness and gentleness of Christ "

So, as we can clearly see, Paul is making a plea to the Corinthians. What is the plea Paul is making? Let us continue in order to discover this. Paul continues,

"I who am meek when present among you, but am full of courage toward you when away!"

What does Paul mean here? Well, as we continue on, we will discover Paul knows there are some of the Corinthians who are questioning his authority, by claiming Paul was meek in his presence, but when Paul was away he would write these bold, and weighty letters. This was Paul's way of letting these folks know that he was fully aware of what was being said about him. Therefore, Paul goes on to say,

"now I ask that when I am present I may not have to be bold with the confidence that (I expect) I will dare to use against some who consider us to be behaving according to human standards."

Now, I do not care who you are, this is clearly a warning, and it is a warning to some in the Corinthian Church, and the Corinthians would have clearly understood it as a warning. Paul continues,

"For though we live as human beings, we do not wage war according to human standards"

Okay, who is the "WE" referring too? I can assure you the "WE" is in no way referring to the Corinthians. Rather, this is a warning to the Corinthians. Paul is warning the Corinthians, "although I myself, and Timothy (Since Paul and Timothy are identified as the authors of this letter) are indeed human, we do not wage war according to human standards". Therefore, this has nothing whatsoever to do with communicating to the Corinthians that they as Christians, "do not wage war according to human standards". Nor is Paul explaining to the Corinthians they have these Spiritual weapons at their disposal. Again, it is a clear warning to the Corinthians.

As we continue Paul says,

"for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds."

The question here is, who is the "OUR" referring too? It cannot be the Corinthians, since they are not included in the "WE". In other words, this has nothing to do with teaching the Corinthians they as Christians possess these powerful Spiritual weapons.

The problem we have here is, this passage has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul teaching the Corinthians they had these powerful weapons at their disposal, and it certainly had nothing at all to do with commanding the Corinthians to, "take every thought captive" and this is very easily demonstrated by a simple reading of the text. The Corintians would have clearly understood it as a warning, and the Corinthians could not have possibly understood it any other way. If I am correct, (and I clearly am) then this passage cannot be in any way used as a command to Christians to, "take every thought captive" since it was not a command to the Corinthians.

Paul continues,

"We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God"

And this brings us to the very phrase we are dealing with,

"and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ."

So again, who is the "WE" in this passage referring too? Does it include the Corinthians? Or, is this a warning to the Corinthians? Well, it becomes extremely clear in the very next sentence.

"We are also ready to punish every act of disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete."

It is absolutely clear here! The Corinthians are not included in the "WE", therefore we cannot include us as Christians in with the "WE". Rather, the Corinthians are identified with the "YOUR" making it abundantly clear this is a warning to the Corinthians and is therefore not in any way a command to the Corinthians, nor us as Christians to "take every thought captive". This has nothing to do with Paul's train of thought, and the Corinthians could have never come away with such an idea. However, it continues on, making it even more evident. In verse 7 Paul writes,

"You are looking at outward appearances."

Who is the "YOU" referring too? Clearly it is the Corinthians, and since this is indeed the case the Corinthians were in no way included when Paul said, "we take every thought captive". The fact of the matter is, it was not a command to the Corinthians to, "take every thought captive." Rather, it was a statement of fact that Paul and Timothy had the authority, and power to come into the Corinthian Church and "take every thought captive".

The fact this whole passage was not in any way a command to the Corinthians, but rather a warning is demonstrated clearly in verses 10, and 11 where Paul says,

"because some say, “His letters are weighty and forceful, but his physical presence is weak and his speech is of no account.” Let such a person consider this: What we say by letters when we are absent, we also are in actions when we are present."

How in the world anyone can read this passage and come away with the idea this is a command to Christians to, "take every thought captive" is beyond my ability to understand? What is even more baffling is how one can come to the conclusion this would have anything to do with us as Christians engaging those outside the Church, when it is clear Paul is dealing with those inside the Church, and had only those inside the Church in mind as he wrote? In other words, in order for one to claim Paul was talking about anyone outside the Church in this passage, one would have to force in a meaning which clearly is not on the mind of Paul. And this brings us to the next issue concerning a passage we have already brought forth, which is the passage in which you tell us, Paul gives us,

"explicit and free permission to keep company with idolators who would worship Aphrodite by fornicating with prostitutes at her temple."

Again, you would be correct. However, giving us as Christians this permission was not at all the intent of what Paul was attempting to communicate. In other words, it was not Paul's intent in this passage to give the Corinthians this permission. This was not at all on his mind. Rather, what was on the mind of Paul as he wrote this passage was, gross immorality inside the very Church he is now addressing. Therefore, Paul refers to the former letter and says,

"I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. In no way did I mean the immoral people of this world"

Paul goes on to say,

"But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who calls himself a Christian who is sexually immoral, or greedy, or an idolator, or verbally abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person."

So then, as we can clearly see, Paul's whole mindset, and focus here is to deal with this immorality inside this very Church. It had nothing whatsoever to do with giving the Corinthians, and us as Christians "explicit and free permission to keep company with idolators", even though as you say we can certainly draw this from what was said. And yet, you have Paul using this permission as some sort of, "strategy of attack." Not only is this nowhere in the text, but one also cannot even draw this conclusion from what is said, in the same way one could naturally draw the conclusion we as Christians are free to associate with immoral unbelievers. There is no way anyone can draw such a conclusion. Rather, it has to be inserted.

The problem with attempting to insert this idea that Paul was allowing us to associate with immoral unbelievers as some sort of "strategy of attack" against their idolatry is the fact that Paul actually gives us the reason we can associate with the immoral unbeliever, as opposed to the immoral believer, and that is the fact that Paul says, "For what do I have to do with judging those outside?" So then, you have Paul giving us the permission to associate with immoral unbelievers as some sort of "strategy of attack", while Paul says it is because we have no business judging those outside the Church. Therefore, it seems to me you are interpreting these passages any way you wish in order to support a certain agenda, while ignoring the plain and simple meaning Paul had as he wrote these passages.

With all the above being said, allow me to address the divisions we now have in these United States. Your answer seems to be, Christian reconstruction, theonomy, theocracy, or Christian nationalism. It really does not matter what you call it, the idea is the same. In other words, your answer seems to be we need to, and MUST, infuse God's moral law into our civil law. While it would be great if all of us as Americans were united in our theology, I am afraid this is not the case. I am also afraid it has never been promised to us this would be the case, which is exactly why Paul can tell us we can associate with the immoral of the world, otherwise we would have to leave the world. This seems to make it perfectly clear that Paul did not envision a time when there would be no immoral unbelievers in the world.

What unites us as Christians here in the U.S. in our Churches is Jesus Christ, and the Gospel. What unites Muslims in the U.S. in their Mosques, is Mohammad, and the Koran. What unites Jews in the U.S. in their synagogues, is the Torah. What unites homosexuals in the U.S. is their belief the lifestyle they lead is perfectly normal. What unites atheists is..........? Well, I am not sure the atheists even care to be united. The point is, all these groups have different things which unites them together. The problem is, all of us as Americans need to find what it is which unites us as Americans, no matter our religion, lack thereof, sexual orientation, etc. What it is which should unite all these groups together as Americans is, FREEDOM!

You see, as a Christian here in the United States, I have the freedom to freely express that I am convinced Islam is a false religion, and that Christianity is the Only One True Faith. I am free to proclaim homosexuality as a sin. I am also free to spread the Gospel to all those who are willing to listen. In other words, all of us as Americans, have the freedom to have a rigorous robust debate, exchange of ideas, and beliefs, but at the end of the day we can all embrace each other, being thankful for the freedoms we have to disagree, and still be united in some way. You would think we as Christians would be leading the way in this area. However, it seems as if we as Christians are actually leading the way in causing more division. One way or the other we better figure this out before it is too late. Or we can continue to insist that all must, and have to be united based upon our theology as Christians, and see where that will lead? I can tell you this, I am convinced this country is heading for a complete collapse, and it is not the homosexuals, abortionists, atheists, nor the left which will be the cause. Rather, it will be, Christian nationalism, and or, Christian reconstruction. But hey! As a postmillennialist a complete collapse of our society would be the aim. Correct?

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #81

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Realworldjack wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:07 am It is absolutely amazing how you can think you know what someone else is doing?
I don't know... I am asking. You dont want to share, fine not a problem. Let us not get personal: you accuse Jehovahs Witnesses of not "getting their hands dirty" an insination that our beliefs negate taking positive action to counteract what can be percieved as a dangerous ideology. Fine, lets look at that. Without getting personal I outlined what we do and asked what actions specifically come under the umbrella of "gettijg ones hands dirty" in the fight against Christian Nationalism. You refuse to answer.

So, without getting personal let me ask ...
When you speak about " getting ones hands dirty" ie getting involved in actively fighting Christian Nationalism what positive actions (as opposed to attitude or "focus") would you recommend that would constitute "joining in the fight" in your opinion.
I seem to have misunderstood by presuming you mean joining a polical movement (aparently that is not what you mean). You evidently don't mean joining an organised movement for social justice (like BLM or the "MeToo" movement) , you don't mean (correct me if I am wrong) joining or supporting an armed or military campaign, you evidently don't mean running for political office or lobbying Congressmen/women, and I dont think you mean joining a group or church that does have this problem and grapping to overtake or reeducate its leadership. You can't mean (correct me if I am wrong), you cant mean reaching out to church members individually (whether leadership or not) that hold to this thinking and trying to convince them to think otherwise because thats what Jehovahs Witnesses do, yet you say we don't "get our hands dirty" in the trenches ... so I just want to know, (and I think I am not alone ) : what you DO you mean? What ACTIONS would consitute "joining the fight against Christian Nationalism"?

Last edited by JehovahsWitness on Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #82

Post by The Nice Centurion »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm
Realworldjack wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:16 am... while I believe the teachings of JW to be dangerous, I dismiss them as being a very small to the point of being non-existent ...
I have no problem with my religion being dismissed by opponents as being small and uninfluential. David was small when he faced Goliath,
Modern medicine states that a giant human is relatively weak and has weak health.
The Philistines seem to have put him into heavy armor for show, which having to wear would have made him even weaker. And thus under the desert sun would have put Goliath near death.
David was an absolute coward who slew a defenseless cripple.
But, Oh yes, Jehovah hates the handycapped.
JehovahsWitness wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm the Israelites were small compared to the nations they they displaced
Propaganda or at least attestable by scripture?
JehovahsWitness wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm and of course the tiny, unsophisticated little band of fishermen, washer-women and people of questionable backgrounds following an unschooled carpenter from the hill country were far from impressive.
Oh I dont know about that.
Self assured enough to destroy Annanias and Zephyrah!
JehovahsWitness wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm God only saved 8 people from the flood, that shows how much he cares about numbers. Those that dismiss the small do well to revise their history.
Bible god also wizarded Noahs son ham into a negro as a curse, stating with that action negros as subhuman.
That shows how much he cares about racial purity!
JehovahsWitness wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:06 pm

"Indeed, who despises the day of small things? "


That said there is nothing dangerous about the teachings of Jehovahs Witnesses.

Expect for little kids, but then who cares for them?
The system of Jehovahs Witnesses provides a safe haven for pedophilians. The court rules all over the world can attest that!
When confronted with that, the Boss of council dodged the theme and instead gave a fiery spiteful speech against homosexualists. Video is all over the net.

Why is that so ?

But as always I wont get an answer JehovahsWitness !

I suppose that is because JehovahsWitness has no answers he would like to give !
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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #83

Post by Realworldjack »

[Replying to JehovahsWitness in post #81]
I don't know... I am asking.
Oh really? Well, let us see?
You are not leaving your house, you are not seeking to speak directly with these people, you are not actually doing anything but type type type on a forum where none of the people to my knowledge actually hold these views.
That is not a question. That is stated as if it were a fact.
you accuse Jehovahs Witnesses of not "getting their hands dirty"
You continue to accuse me of saying things, I have never said. What I am saying is, you are apparently tied to some sort of law which will not allow you "to become embroiled in socio-political struggles" because if you do you will be stained, not with actual dirt, but rather with sin. So then, to keep you from becoming polluted like the rest of us "whores", you must stay out of this issue, so as not to pollute yourself. So please do not take me as saying you are not filled to the brim with many good works. We all know that you are, because you have told us so.
Fine, lets look at that. Without getting personal I outlined what we do
And that is the problem. You continue to talk about "WE". I am not asking JWs to get involved. You see, I am speaking to individuals. If you could simply speak to me as an individual that would be one thing. However, I cannot simply speak to you, rather, I have to talk to a JW. When I talk to other fellow Christians I do not have to talk to the Church they attend, rather I can speak to them as an individual. Moreover, you have already explained to us you all do not have this problem, so let's just leave the JW out of this one.

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #84

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Did you answer the question?

So, without getting personal let me ask ...
When you speak about " getting ones hands dirty" ie getting involved in actively fighting Christian Nationalism what positive actions (as opposed to attitude or "focus") would you recommend that would constitute "joining in the fight" ?

As I said ...

I seem to have misunderstood by presuming you mean joining a polical movement (aparently that is not what you mean). You evidently don't mean joining an organised movement for social justice (like BLM or the "MeToo" movement) , you don't mean (correct me if I am wrong) joining or supporting an armed or military campaign, you evidently don't mean running for political office or lobbying Congressmen/women, and I dont think you mean joining a group or church that does have this problem and grapping to overtake or reeducate its leadership. You can't mean (correct me if I am wrong), you cant mean reaching out to church members individually (whether leadership or not) that hold to this thinking and trying to convince them to think otherwise ... so I just want to know, (and I think I am not alone ) : what you DO you mean? What ACTIONS would consitute "joining the fight against Christian Nationalism"?
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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #85

Post by Realworldjack »

[Replying to JehovahsWitness in post #84]

I have answered these questions in an earlier post in response to one who asked similar questions. However, instead of me referring you to that post, allow us to see if we can take small baby steps to begin with? In that post I talked about how we all need to put our differences behind us for a time, in order to stand up to this threat I believe we all now face. With this being the case, I as a Christian have to leave my Christianity to the side, because Christianity is not what is going to unite us. Rather, Christianity will divide us. In the same way, anyone who adheres to any religion at all will have to leave that religion aside because it will not be any one religion which is going to unite us. Moreover, atheists will have to leave their atheism aside, because atheism is not what can unite us. We will have to place politics aside as well, because our politics does not unite us. What should unite all these different groups together as Americans, is the fact that we all have the freedom to have these disagreements, and stand up to protect our rights, along with the rights of those who disagree with us.

What this means is, you as a JW, would have to set JW aside, because JW is not what is going to unite us. Rather, JW would be one of the things which would divide us. The thing is, I do not know if the JW would, or even has the ability to set JW aside, because JW seem to be under the impression that JW has the answer to everything, because JW is the solution to everything. However, there are those of us in the "real world" who understand that even if JW has the answer to everything, because it is the solution to everything, it is not going to be the answer to this threat we face, because very few folks pay any attention at all to what the JW has to say. Therfore, I do not see how the JW would be of very much help.

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #86

Post by Diogenes »

Realworldjack wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:14 pm I as a Christian have to leave my Christianity to the side, because Christianity is not what is going to unite us. Rather, Christianity will divide us. In the same way, anyone who adheres to any religion at all will have to leave that religion aside because it will not be any one religion which is going to unite us. Moreover, atheists will have to leave their atheism aside, because atheism is not what can unite us. We will have to place politics aside as well, because our politics does not unite us. What should unite all these different groups together as Americans, is the fact that we all have the freedom to have these disagreements, and stand up to protect our rights, along with the rights of those who disagree with us.
I agree with this, but there is a faction in America today that is anti factual, anti truth; a faction that spreads lies. This faction is not necessarily allied with a particular religion or political party. You complained when I labeled Donald Trump as part of this anti truth party. Alex Jones and others are examples of people who spread lies. I have no problem with honest disagreement about religious or political ideology, but surely we can unite along the lines of truth and honesty and shun shun the Trumps, the A. Joneses and others who push lies.

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #87

Post by Realworldjack »

[Replying to Diogenes in post #86]
You complained when I labeled Donald Trump as part of this anti truth party.
First, I do not recall you labeling Trump in this way. If you did, I cannot imagine I would have complained. In other words, I am not at all under the impression Trump is an up standing honest guy. I mean GOOD GREIF, anyone who is under such an impression is not at all in touch with reality. Therefore, I did not vote for Trump because I was convinced, he was an up standing honest guy. Rather, I voted for Trump because I believe in protecting the borders, looking out for the United States best interest, smaller government, along with believing he would do a far better job as far as the economy. But the thing is, if I had the mindset to vote only for those I believed to be up standing, honest folk, Trump would certainly be eliminated from the equation, but who would be left? Hilary? Biden? Surely you are not going to attempt to persuade me you believe either of these folks to be upstanding honest folks. Moreover, if we were to compare the 3 as far as honesty goes, I have no idea in the world why it would even matter which would come out ahead. I hope you are not attempting to tell me you voted for Hilary, or Biden because you are convince, they are up standing honest folks, nor even that they were better off in that category than Trump. In fact, I would suggest all 3 of them should be behind bars for one reason or another. The fact of the matter is, in my lifetime I cannot imagine anyone claiming they were voting for a particular candidate because they were convinced of that candidate's honesty, besides maybe Jimmy Carter. But hey! Jimmy Carter brings me back to Martin Luther who said, "I would rather be governed by a wise Turk, than a stupid Christian". So then, I am not going to complain if you place Trump in the "anti-truth party", as long as you agree that Hilary, and Biden, belong there as well.

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #88

Post by Diogenes »

Realworldjack wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:22 am [Replying to Diogenes in post #86]
You complained when I labeled Donald Trump as part of this anti truth party.
I voted for Trump because I believe in protecting the borders, looking out for the United States best interest, smaller government, along with believing he would do a far better job as far as the economy. But the thing is, if I had the mindset to vote only for those I believed to be up standing, honest folk, Trump would certainly be eliminated from the equation....
This is asad thing, on several levels. Trump is a profound and inveterate liar. I do not understand how anyone who holds the the principles that Jesus taught could vote for a man who is a liar, a serial sexual predator, a hypocrite, and who demeans others because of their race, gender or place of origin. If you really want to be one who unites, then forget partisan politics and vote for someone with character, someone who does not call Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. Rather, consider Jesus' words about the good Samaritan.

You have been fooled by Trump's lies and rhetoric about protecting the border. All on both the left and right are for secure borders, for honest law enforcement, for race neutral politics, for fairness, for kindness. Donald Trump has been successful because he has fooled much of the American 'Christian' community while acting as exactly the antithesis of Jesus. He appeals to hate and fear.
If one cannot see that, no argument, no amount of facts will change the mind. This is the face of Trump and it is revealing:
Until you can repudiate Trump and the partisan politics of nationalism and hate, your efforts to unify Christians around the the teachings of Jesus are doomed to failure. You have to ask yourself, are you a disciple of Christ or a Christian Nationalist? Trump is the poster boy of Christian Nationalism, hatred, and American First ideology.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

_ Matthew 7
Trump has brought forth rotten fruit... divisiveness, hatred. I cannot think of anyone who is more the polar opposite of Jesus of Nazareth. I understand that that many 'Christians' like Trump's politics, but true Christians have a choice between their personal politics and the words of Jesus.

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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #89

Post by JehovahsWitness »

Realworldjack wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:14 pm JW, would have to set JW aside, because JW is not what is going to unite us.
Okay, now you have told me what you believe is necessary to do to other nominal christians that do not hold these extreme views. That leaves you (plural general "you") nice and clean*, not actually in the trenches with the "enemy" so ...Now lets get to the fight: what needs to be done in the offensive?

*unless you consider putting your Christianity aside "getting your hands dirty in the fight"
When you speak about " getting ones hands dirty" ie getting involved in actively fighting Christian Nationalism what positive actions (as opposed to attitude or "focus") would you recommend that would constitute "joining in the fight" in your opinion.
Would you like to address this point above? Do you know ?


Realworldjack wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:07 am... I simply shared a post I sent to a certain pastor who adheres to Christian nationalism.
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Re: Christian nationalism

Post #90

Post by JoeyKnothead »

JehovahsWitness wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:44 am ...
What ACTIONS would consitute "joining the fight against Christian Nationalism"?
Do the JWs vote?

It could help if they vote against the danger that is Christian nationalism.

But I ain't trying to say yall're bad if ya don't vote.
I might be Teddy Roosevelt, but I ain't.
-Punkinhead Martin

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