Is Christianity homophobic?

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Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #1

Post by AgnosticBoy »

Christians are often accused of being homophobic. So then I question why do people call themselves Christians in this day and age. I've searched the internet for a response. Of course, there are those Christians that try to make a case that homosexuality is not condemned by the Bible. But in this thread, I want to focus on those Christians that believe that being homosexual or engaging in same-sex behavior is wrong.

Here's one perspective I've found:
By Oxford Languages’ definition, homophobia can be as simple as a dislike for or as strong as a prejudice toward LGBT+ community members. While the word “phobia” implies a fear, homophobia has been used to describe everything from refusing to make a cake for a homosexual wedding to death penalties for homosexuals.

Christians are often accused of homophobia, often specifically because we stand for God’s holy design of sexual relations: one man and one woman united in marriage. It is never wrong for Christians to make a stand for biblical principle

However, true homophobia––prejudice against or hatred of homosexuals––is also sin. Prejudice is never biblical. We are never called to hatred but to love others as Christ loved us. Christians should not condone the homosexual lifestyle, but they should also not hate, degrade or condescend to those who identify as homosexual.
Source: ... omophobic/

If I'm understanding correctly, it seems the author is trying to make a distinction between disagreeing with homosexuality and "prejudice and hatred of homosexuals". In another place, the author also refers to homophobia as a "fear".

For debate:
1. Is the author's distinction correct? Does 'homophobia' involve any type of belief or action (e.g. simply saying that it is wrong) that goes against homosexuality? Or does it just involve "hatred and prejudice"?

2. Is it even possible to believe that homosexuality is wrong but not to hate it or be prejudiced towards it?
Last edited by AgnosticBoy on Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #2

Post by AgnosticBoy »

Come on, folks!. I was hoping at least one Christian would respond by now. Maybe I should play the Christian role to make it more of a challenge here. But I'd rather be agnostic and try to incorporate points from both sides!
AgnosticBoy wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:56 pm For debate:
1. Is the author's distinction correct? Does 'homophobia' involve any type of belief or action (e.g. simply saying that it is wrong) that goes against homosexuality? Or does it just involve "hatred and prejudice"?
Here are some definitions for 'homophobia':
1. irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or gay people - Merriam-Webster
2. Homophobia, stigma (negative and usually unfair beliefs), and discrimination (unfairly treating a person or group of people) against gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Keeping these definitions in mind, I would say that there's room for someone to be against homosexuality while not being homophobic. The most obvious example would be if someone had a reasonable basis to go against homosexuality. I can't imagine there being anything reasonable that goes against homosexuality entirely, but instead it would probably be something against certain aspects or expressions of the behavior, like being against same-sex marriage while not being against homosexuality itself.

Another example I can think of is if the belief is unproven either way, like if someone believes that God wants marriage to be between opposite sex couples. Is that belief irrational? I wouldn't know either way without there being evidence either way. The only way I would be against such a belief is if it conflicted with the available body of scientific evidence for homosexuality OR if Christians acted on such beliefs in a harmful way. But if they keep it to themselves, then I can personally accept that as not being homophobic.

The alternative, is labelling any and every of opposition to homosexual behavior/expression as being "homophobia" and I think that is unreasonable and would lead to censoring, in effect.
AgnosticBoy wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:56 pm2. Is it even possible to believe that homosexuality is wrong but not hate it or be prejudiced towards it?
I think it's possible. For instance, a Christian can believe that adultery is wrong but not hate adultery or adulterers. But oftentimes Christians don't show that. We find a hyperfocus on homosexuality with many of them trying to find anything negative with homosexuality. Why not also look at the positives of it?

* I'm willing to amend or abandon my view for a more reasonable one.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #3

Post by boatsnguitars »

Yes, unequivocally, absolutely, with any shred of doubt: Christianity (and all Abrahamic religions) are homophobic.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #4

Post by AgnosticBoy »

boatsnguitars wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:19 am Yes, unequivocally, absolutely, with any shred of doubt: Christianity (and all Abrahamic religions) are homophobic.
Can you offer more details explaining the how and why for your view? We can both agree that Christianity is against homosexuality, but what I question is if all opposition is a matter of "homophobia".

I tried to make the point that it would depend on the basis for the opposition and how it is expressed. Is it based on fear? Hatred? Or does it lead to either of the two?

I'm not trying to be naive here because I'm well aware that there are lots and lots of Christians that hold homophobic beliefs and act accordingly, like when they try to look for any negative to use against gay people. But I'd like to think that the billions of Christians can't all be homophobic, and that there is a group of rational Christians that are not hateful, fearful, and they try to be reasonable. I think the ones that express that homosexuality itself is not a sin, or the ones that are willing to explore biblical interpretations that support same-sex relationships is a good example.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #5

Post by boatsnguitars »

AgnosticBoy wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:17 am
boatsnguitars wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:19 am Yes, unequivocally, absolutely, with any shred of doubt: Christianity (and all Abrahamic religions) are homophobic.
Can you offer more details explaining the how and why for your view? We can both agree that Christianity is against homosexuality, but what I question is if all opposition is a matter of "homophobia".

I tried to make the point that it would depend on the basis for the opposition and how it is expressed. Is it based on fear? Hatred? Or does it lead to either of the two?

I'm not trying to be naive here because I'm well aware that there are lots and lots of Christians that hold homophobic beliefs and act accordingly, like when they try to look for any negative to use against gay people. But I'd like to think that the billions of Christians can't all be homophobic, and that there is a group of rational Christians that are not hateful, fearful, and they try to be reasonable. I think the ones that express that homosexuality itself is not a sin, or the ones that are willing to explore biblical interpretations that support same-sex relationships is a good example.
Most religious people aren't as religious, devout, zealous, as their religion requires of them - thankfully. Luckily, people are better than their religious books tell them to be.
A great example is Islam: most Muslims are decent people, despite their religion being misogynistic and violent.

People are who they are, but religion - when it codifies violence - 'gives otherwise good people reason to commit evil'.

With the calls for capital punishment for gay people, homophobes wouldn't be able to support their views by citing the Bible - by claiming God Himself wants gays to die.

Not all Christians are homophobic, but the Christian religion most definitely is. There is nothing in the Bible that changes the sentiment in the OT, and the OT was written by men so ignorant, so fearful of homosexuality, that we can't take them seriously. We will never meet people so ignorant as the writers of the Bible, thankfully. Sadly, we will meet people as homophobic, and they will often cite the Bible to support their views.

But, the point is:
Christianity is homophobic, but, not all Christians are homophobic.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #6

Post by AgnosticBoy »

boatsnguitars wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:00 am Most religious people aren't as religious, devout, zealous, as their religion requires of them - thankfully. Luckily, people are better than their religious books tell them to be.

People are who they are, but religion - when it codifies violence - 'gives otherwise good people reason to commit evil'.
That can go both ways. At times, Christians can be the problem and not Christianity. I believe this is what Mahatma Gandhi meant when he said the following, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” An example of Christians falling short of following the Bible is when they have abused or misused it to justify anti-semitism (Hitler and the Nazis?), racism, forced slavery, etc.
boatsnguitars wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:00 amWith the calls for capital punishment for gay people, homophobes wouldn't be able to support their views by citing the Bible - by claiming God Himself wants gays to die.
Well again, is it certain Christians that are the problem here or is it Christianity? As was brought up in the article in post #1, the Bible does not say "to hate, degrade or condescend to those who identify as homosexual." So the obvious question then is if God doesn't want his followers hating and degrading homosexuals, what's the reason to kill them? The reason is that same-sex sexual acts are wrong. Before, I call that "homophobic", I would want to know why he calls it wrong or the validity behind that. The closest answer we're given for that is in Romans 1 and some remarks made by other Jewish writers, like Philo of Alexandria and Josephus. They brought up same-sex acts as being against nature. If that is wrong, then it doesn't have to be due to "homophobia" but rather it can be due to having the wrong understanding of nature.
boatsnguitars wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:00 amNot all Christians are homophobic, but the Christian religion most definitely is. There is nothing in the Bible that changes the sentiment in the OT, and the OT was written by men so ignorant, so fearful of homosexuality, that we can't take them seriously. We will never meet people so ignorant as the writers of the Bible, thankfully. Sadly, we will meet people as homophobic, and they will often cite the Bible to support their views.
You are quick to call them ignorant but this is an open matter to me. How do you know they are wrong on God? Science only tells me that homosexuality does not cause harm to the individuals. But is not being harmful all that's involved for something to be moral? Is there more that God expected (reproduction?) and if it doesn't meet his expectations completely then it's wrong? Until you can prove or disprove these matters then it's all speculation, meaning you can't call it "unfair", "ignorant", etc.

This is as far as I go justifying the Christian position as I would never justify killing gays or anyone else based on some unproven matter (God's plan or purpose).
boatsnguitars wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:00 amBut, the point is:
Christianity is homophobic, but, not all Christians are homophobic.
My conclusion is that many Christians are homophobic, but Christianity has not been shown to be such.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #7

Post by boatsnguitars »

AgnosticBoy wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:13 pm the Bible does not say "to hate, degrade or condescend to those who identify as homosexual."
Romans 1:26-27
New International Version
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Corinthians 6:9
New International Version
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a]

1 Timothy 1:10
New International Version
10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #8

Post by Miles »

AgnosticBoy wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:56 pm Is Christianity homophobic?
Too a good degree Yes, but it is becoming more accepting, at least it was up until 2014.

.................... Image

While Catholics as a whole are far more accepting of homosexuality than other Christians, the increase of acceptance from 2007 to 2014 was only 20% whereas Mormons, who presently have a fairly low acceptance, made the greatest strides, increasing their acceptance by 50%. :approve:

Here are the acceptance percentage increases from 2007 to 2014.

Catholic .................................. 20.6%
Mainline Protestants ................ 17.8%
Orthodox Christians ................. 29.2%
All Christians ........................... 18.5%
Historically Black Protestants .... 30.7%
Evangelical Protestants ............ 38.5%
Mormons ................................ 50.0%
Jehovah's Witnesses ................ 33.3%

Christians are often accused of being homophobic. So then I question why do people call themselves Christians in this day and age. I've searched the internet for a response. Of course, there are those Christians that try to make a case that homosexuality is not condemned by the Bible. But in this thread, I want to focus on those Christians that believe that being homosexual or engaging in same-sex behavior is wrong.

Here's one perspective I've found:
By Oxford Languages’ definition, homophobia can be as simple as a dislike for or as strong as a prejudice toward LGBT+ community members. While the word “phobia” implies a fear, homophobia has been used to describe everything from refusing to make a cake for a homosexual wedding to death penalties for homosexuals.

Christians are often accused of homophobia, often specifically because we stand for God’s holy design of sexual relations: one man and one woman united in marriage. It is never wrong for Christians to make a stand for biblical principle

However, true homophobia––prejudice against or hatred of homosexuals––is also sin. Prejudice is never biblical. We are never called to hatred but to love others as Christ loved us. Christians should not condone the homosexual lifestyle, but they should also not hate, degrade or condescend to those who identify as homosexual.
Source: ... omophobic/
Material from a biased source, in this case the evangelical centered Bob Jones University, is always questionable, and in this case it's Biblical leanings do show through: "Homosexuality is a sin," although this is highly likely to be the reason so many Christians don't accept homosexuality. (Just to note that the Bible says nothing about the sexual orientation of homosexuality, only homosexual behavior.)

For debate:
1. Is the author's distinction correct? Does 'homophobia' involve any type of belief or action (e.g. simply saying that it is wrong) that goes against homosexuality?
I don't believe "any type" is accurate, but homophobia does involve an aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or gay people, and it can certainly also involve hatred and prejudice.

2. Is it even possible to believe that homosexuality is wrong but not to hate it or be prejudiced towards it?
Sure. I would imagine there are all kinds of attitudes toward it including those who see it as wrong, but not to the extent of hating it or being prejudiced against those who are homosexuals.


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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #9

Post by boatsnguitars »


Yes, Christianity and many Christians are homophobic.

Notice that when Christians talk about homosexuality, even the ones who aren't against people being gay talk about "hate the sin, not the sinner", or, "it's unnatural, but I'm ok with it".

That is, they rarely say: " why would I have a problem with who loves who? Love is great. I think it's great when two people find a partner to love and cherish."

You will always get expressions of disgust, negative comments, it's a sin, it's not Biblical, it's like other prohibitions, it's all about the act of sex - but they don't do the same with breeders, etc.

It's never about Love.

Because Christianity doesn't teach that. It's homophobic.
There is no question.
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Re: Is Christianity homophobic?

Post #10

Post by Wootah »

AgnosticBoy wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:56 pm Christians are often accused of being homophobic. So then I question why do people call themselves Christians in this day and age. I've searched the internet for a response. Of course, there are those Christians that try to make a case that homosexuality is not condemned by the Bible. But in this thread, I want to focus on those Christians that believe that being homosexual or engaging in same-sex behavior is wrong.

Here's one perspective I've found:
By Oxford Languages’ definition, homophobia can be as simple as a dislike for or as strong as a prejudice toward LGBT+ community members. While the word “phobia” implies a fear, homophobia has been used to describe everything from refusing to make a cake for a homosexual wedding to death penalties for homosexuals.

Christians are often accused of homophobia, often specifically because we stand for God’s holy design of sexual relations: one man and one woman united in marriage. It is never wrong for Christians to make a stand for biblical principle

However, true homophobia––prejudice against or hatred of homosexuals––is also sin. Prejudice is never biblical. We are never called to hatred but to love others as Christ loved us. Christians should not condone the homosexual lifestyle, but they should also not hate, degrade or condescend to those who identify as homosexual.
Source: ... omophobic/

If I'm understanding correctly, it seems the author is trying to make a distinction between disagreeing with homosexuality and "prejudice and hatred of homosexuals". In another place, the author also refers to homophobia as a "fear".

For debate:
1. Is the author's distinction correct? Does 'homophobia' involve any type of belief or action (e.g. simply saying that it is wrong) that goes against homosexuality? Or does it just involve "hatred and prejudice"?

2. Is it even possible to believe that homosexuality is wrong but not to hate it or be prejudiced towards it?
I am Christian. I think homosexuality is a sin. I don't think I am homophobic. If there is a phobia for homsexuality I imagine religion is not a factor like most phobias would not have religion as a factor.

1 . Judge not lest ye be judged. So I think prejudice would be wrong. I would not hate on anyone because of their sin. I would not also condone their sin and would act differently around them as appropriate to their sin.

2. Personally I think homosexuality is a mental illness. Not in a hard-wired way but some sort of deep-seated 'cope way' that it gets to a point where people just want to be accepted as they are rather than deal with it. I can see that in other areas of life for my immediate family who don't want to revisit old wounds and be healed but want you to believe they are who they are. I can see that for myself. There are aspects of me that I know God wants to change but I still say to God come on man, not that as well.

Personal identity is a taboo topic and I expect that is why I will get called phobic. But I believe that when an identity has served its purpose we can change from it and I also believe that a lifetime can be too short for a person to see that their identity is just a coat they can put on and off and they can choose another. Sunken cost fallacy I guess. ... t-fallacy/

I found that basing my identity on external things, or internal things failed me. The only rock I have found that I can rely on for my identity has been Jesus. When God died for me on the cross no matter what my mind might say I know that I have value because God was willing to die for me. But even for me, how many times can I change my personality again? So I get it for others and is why I pray.
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