boatsnguitars wrote: ↑Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:33 am
At this point I really have to wonder about you. You seem to be overly convinced by your own arguments, as if you've solved everything. There is no reason for me to continue to speak to someone who thinks they are the only person in the world who knows the truth about so much.
Instead of answering any of my questions, you just make personal comments about me. This is an indication you have no rational response to the debate.
Only Theists tend to claim they know all about them, as if they can read God's mind. Not only do I not believe they can read God's mind, but I don't believe there is a God, and they haven't shown that there is.
Baseless accusation. No theist, including me, is claiming to know all about them or to read God's mind.
Do you have any justification for your belief there is no God? If you do, why are not willing to present it? Should we create a head-to-head debate for you to present your case?
Theists claim they've made the argument, as if making an argument makes it true. This is preposterous.
This is a debate forum. This is what we do here, to defend our position. Just because a person defends their position, it's not making the argument true.
Even if the only argument in the world, without rebuttal, was made by Otseng in favor of a God wouldn't mean a God exists. He thinks it does, or so it appears he is trying to convince people of something like this (claiming that if I don't rebut his argument for God means I lose the argument and he wins it.)
If there is no rational counter by the skeptics to my arguments, then it shows my position is more rational.
2. Moral values are shared among humanity, so when he asks if I agree with the moral values we've come to decide are common to us, he seems to think this is an argument for Objective Moral Values.
I'm simply providing examples of objective moral values. If you disagree with them, you are free to do so.
Let him ask, "Do you believe gay people should be killed, and slaves can be beaten?" and we will come to the opposite situation where he will have to defend the God of his moral values.
No, I do not believe gay people should be killed or slaves should be beaten. So, these are examples of subjective moral values. The question though it not subjective moral values, but do objective moral values exist?
There are many moral values, and just because he has chosen a few that we agree on doesn't make them Objective Moral Values.
Of course there are many moral values. At a minimum there are subjective moral values and objective moral values.
He seems to think they do, otherwise, why does he keep asking?
Have you even answered my questions? You can simply answer a yes or no to them. Then we can continue to discussion of why you think they should not be considered objective.
3. To continue from above, even if we agreed on some moral values, all I can honestly say is that we seem to be in agreement.
Why do you have to hypothetically answer the questions? Or are you hesitant to admit objective moral values exist?
He seems comfortable extrapolating and deciding that this must mean OMVs exist. However, again from above, if he asked me 2,000 years ago if slavery was good, we both might answer "yes." He's presume from that, that OMVs exist!
I'll clarify my position on slavery in a separate post.
The fact is, he can't know OMVs exist anymore than he knows what caused the BB. He's arguing from ignorance. True ignorance.
Ignorance is if someone does not offer a viable rational justification for something. In the case of the origin of the universe and objective moral values, I have offered them.
4. He keeps claiming I have to prove God doesn't exist to argue about moral values.
I've never claimed you have to
prove anything. I'm asking you to present your arguments that no Gods exist. Why are you not willing to do this?
He has conceded that if Atheism is true, then Moral Values are subjective.
Yes, I concede to that. Are you also willing to concede if objective moral values exist, then God must exist?
"Atheist philosopher J. L. Mackie accepted that, if objective moral truths existed, they would warrant a supernatural explanation."
He can't prove a God exists, and he's the one making the claim.
Nobody can
prove anything, whether it is God who exists or God does not exist. But, what we can do is present our arguments and evidence. And like I said, I've already done that in the topic of cosmology and now doing that with the topic of morality.
I only claim that humanity exists and we develop moral values. He's annoyed by this, but that's on him.
Who's the one being annoyed? But I will point out to readers that the issue is not moral values in general, but
objective moral values. So it is simply a diversion to say humanity exists and we develop moral values.
5. However, I don't feel a need to argue that I am right - like he feels the need to.
This is a debating forum. If you make a claim, you need to back it up, otherwise it is just an unsupported opinion.
I accept that there are things beyond my knowledge set. I accept that while I believe certain things (some with greater or lesser confidence), I still know a lot less.
That's fine. But don't then go on accusing me of not knowing about morality when you are not willing to present your justifications while I've been presenting mine.
boatsnguitars wrote: ↑Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:20 am
edit: I've said it before, and will continue to say until it isn't true: Theists don't understand morality.
Moral values are tricky. They do seem to vary over time, they do seem to only exists in some species. (He'd argue that only humans have moral values, I imagine, whereas I don't think moral values are so precisely defined.)
Of course, subjective morals do exist.
I grant animals might have subjective moral values, but they do not have objective moral values. Objective morality would only apply to people.
I've made many arguments, provided articles and videos for why people believe OMVs can obtain in an Atheistic world. I have gone into great depth. Otseng doesn't understand. I can't help that.
Yes, I don't understand your point, especially since you've stated, "if Atheism is true, then Moral Values are subjective." You can help by having a consistent position and argumentation.