Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

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Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #1

Post by Masterblaster »


Welcome to The Revelation Thinkathon.

Construct a cognitive tightrope across the mysterious chasm that is Biblical Theology.
Skeptics can throw water balloons, as the hard thinking theists tiptoe across the high wire of their presumtiveness. I'll take my turn.

I want to focus around an evolving theology that starts in the Psalms, gets teased out in Wisdom, climaxes in John and stops in Revelation. Let us leave Adam,Abraham, Moses, Isaiah and Jesus,etc, out of this , just to narrow the pitch.

Can you find ,a line of thought/theology that is in the Psalms continues into Wisdom and on through John to reach the end of the Book, when still distinct. If you find a line of delusion that can get across the stream using four stones without getting wet, then speak about it.

Read the rules. This is not for everyone and it is not( if played properly), a free- for- all.

Thanks...what harm can it do?
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #2

Post by Masterblaster »


What is revelation?

“Revelation” (lat. revelatio) is a translation of the Greek word apokalypsis, which means the removal of a veil so that something can be seen..

Lay this bare ,for us all!
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #3

Post by Masterblaster »

Remember the rules.
"Let us leave Adam,Abraham, Moses, Isaiah and Jesus,etc, out of this , just to narrow the pitch."

Three beeps and you are out!(metaphorically speaking)
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #4

Post by Masterblaster »


Here is one for the scholars amongst us.
I am constructing a theological narrative as per the remit of this thread... then


There is no Wisdom in KJV. Why?
I heard it through the grapevine...
"The Apocrypha WAS included in the original KJV, placed in a section between the OT and NT. And no, it was NOT in an appendix.Dishonest KJV publishers, just a few decades after printing, realised that they could sell just as many Bibles at a lower cost and increased profit by removing the Apocrypha. That is why today, the vast majority of printed KJV Bibles are censored to exclude the Apocrypha. Plus, the Protestants - the youngest sect of Christianity, who sought to edit the canon further than what had already been done - decided to label the Apocrypha as “Catholic” and reject it.,"

Is this true, scholars?
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #5

Post by Masterblaster »

Conspiracies abound, there is even a bit of Zoroastrianism thrown in there. From wiki.

"During the Apostolic Age many Jewish texts of Hellenistic origin existed within Judaism and were frequently used by Christians. Patristic authorities frequently recognized these books as important to the emergence of Christianity, but the inspired authority and value of the apocrypha remained widely disputed.[citation needed] Christians included several of these books in the canons of the Christian Bibles, calling them the "apocrypha" or the "hidden books"

Hid by who? This stuff was on the street corners in Jesus's time. I so want to run with my ideas but I'm still at the cliff edge.
Cut a lay guy some slack Please!
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #6

Post by Masterblaster »

In my innocence ,I used this Biblical quote earlier on this site
'Wisdom 3:7
" When God comes to reward the righteous, they will blaze out against the wicked like fire in dry straw. 8 They will rule over nations and peoples, and the Lord will be their king forever. 9 Those who have put their trust in God will come to understand the truth of his ways. Those who have been faithful will live with him in his love, for he is kind and merciful to the ones whom he has chosen"

I was checking the source of this when i walked into this Apocawhatever road crash. Judaism appears to be comfortable with all this. Something stinks to high heaven. I will need to empty my cognitive cache to get my head around this ' blockage '. Thanks for the help, so far!

Orthodox Jewish Bible
Wisdom 3:8-10
8 The godly will judge nations and hold power over peoples, even as the Lord will rule over them forever. 9 Those who trust in the Lord will know the truth. Those who are faithful will always be with him in love. Favor and mercy belong to the holy ones. God watches over God’s chosen ones.
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #7

Post by Masterblaster »

This stuff is important, look at how a point of theology oscillates on these two translations.
Can we deduce that God loves us from these two declarations.

"Those who have been faithful will live with him in his love, for he is kind and merciful to the ones whom he has chosen"

. 9 Those who are faithful will always be with him in love. Favor and mercy belong to the holy ones. God watches over God’s chosen ones.

Juxtapose this oscillation with the theological background of Psalm 11 and what do you get, a disjoint or an evolvement. Brain freeze!
Can you think in this Thinkathon?

Psalm 11
4The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD'S throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.
5The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
6Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.
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Re: Biblical Revelation: what did it reveal?

Post #8

Post by Tcg »

[Replying to Masterblaster in post #1]

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