Replying to otseng in post #4113]
You appear to be arguing that anything which cannot be seen (such as a voice without a body being heard) cannot be considered "Real".
Again, I would consider it to be perceptually real, but not actually real. The voices do not represent actual entities that exist apart from her mind.
Are you claiming then that anything to do with mindfulness is false?
Otherwise, why are you arguing that these are perceptually and not actually real?
Are you saying that such is not possible? For example, that unseen minds do not exist and therefore cannot interact with human minds?
Things we think in our mind can either be true or false. And things that we think in our mind can either actually exist or not exist.
"Things"? We were discussing voices in particular. We were not discussing whether what the voices say can be true or false but whether such voices should be considered not to be real.
True or False? Real or Imagined?
Different variations can be presented to "harmonize" them. For example, we can all be in a computer simulation inside God's mind.
Please explain this concept as a possible contender for consideration.
Or we can be in the Creator's mind inside a computer simulation.
How is that different from your first variation offered here?
If we are in a computer simulation, it could be we are inside an actual universe or in another computer simulation.
Please explain how we can be in a computer simulation and also in an actual universe.
I think the question is what is our immediate universe that we are in? It'd have to be one of the three options.
And I showed how believing in a creator which exists outside of the creation is similar to (2) in that (2) also has it that way.
The differences between (1) and (2) is that (2) does not make any declarations re the nature of entity mind(s) which created this universe.
Those who believe (1) have to declare their faith that any such creator is truthful, as you have done in arguinging for (1) being true. That is a necessary proviso in order to believe in (1)
That is not the point you are trying to make when you claim "if we are in God's mind, then God would be deceiving and misleading us", is it? Are you perhaps arguing that since it is not recorded that the creation spoken of in the script provided is all happening in The Creator Mind, that therein is the supposed "Deception"?
Yes, I'm making that point.
Yet clearly the Bible does not say anything about a lot of things, so your point would have to be that - for example - dinosaurs cannot have ever existed since there is no mention of them in the Bible. Either that OR, because they were not mentioned in the Bible, the God of the Bible is being deceptive.
Both what the Bible states and our intuitive perception of the world is that it is actually real.
Neither of those is contrary to position (3). (3) has it that everything which can be experienced, is real because it all exists within The Creator Mind.
If we are in God's mind, why would not the Bible state that?
The assumption might be that those reading the stories would - through intuitive perception - understand it that way.
Or it might be that people would assume that IF we are in The Creator's Mind, THEN the creator would be deceptive and the Bible is attempting to present The Creator Mind to the wayward human mind, as beyond reproach.
You see, even in your own arguments you are thinking God's mind would behave in the same manner that wayward human minds behave, and in that - declaring "if we are in God's mind, then God would be deceiving and misleading us".
As I pointed out in an earlier post....the minds of gods - while knowing good and evil - do not think and thus do not behave in the same manner that humans with the same knowledge behave.
Post #4072
Indeed. What makes you think/gives you the impression there could be anything FALSE within The Creator Mind?
Why is it that one would think in such terms about such a concept?
The Creator Mind = The Real
Anything created within said mind would be TRUE. The idea that there is even an option of "true or false" is missing the mark.
As an example of missing the mark (sin), the Garden Story offers that the Serpent lied in that it did not convey the whole truth, but only part of the whole truth, thus "lying" while speaking truth.
This is confirmed by the Creator-Character in the story...where The Serpent claimed that the human couple would "be as gods, knowing good and evil." and Creator-Character claiming (And the LORD God said), "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"
In the sense of the wording, The Creator Mind is not telling the gods that the humans are now "gods" but that the humans know the difference between a "good" and an "evil".
The difference is that the gods not only know what is "good" and what is "evil", but that they also know the optimum way forward in relation to such knowledge. They know what to do in Truth, in relation to having that knowledge.
The humans were not "like"/did not "become like" the gods in that regard, so in that sense, the Serpent lied by not telling the whole truth. The whole truth would have been along the lines of "your eyes shall be opened but you will not "be like the gods" in your knowing (of good and of evil).
Rather, I will continue with the idea that everything within The Creator Mind is - by default - Real...since it is The Creator Mind.
This is circular logic.
I agree but also point out that I am using your premise that The Creator Mind is not deceptive (always true/speaking the truth) and applied this to assert that everything within The Creator Mind must be true and real.
If someone also claims that the Bible is the word of God therefore everything within the Bible must be true and real because the premise is that God is not deceptive (always true/speaking the truth) that is circular logic too...
Such is circular if it relies solely on the premise (such as the Bible is the word of God) to assert the truth and reality of everything within it. This argument would be circular because it presupposes the truth of the Bible in order to establish the truth of its contents.
As I have said already mentioned (in response to this observation) the similarity between (1) and (2) is not to do with the idea that everything is false, (2) but with the idea that some mind outside of the universe is responsible for creating said universe. (1)
That similarity has yet to be properly addressed by you in response to my showing said similarity and how your view currently goes along with that particular aspect of similarity.
Don't know what you're asking for.
I am asking for honest understanding.
For starters, I have revised your list in order to make it more acurate.
1. Real Created Universe Theory: Our universe is considered to be actually real and exists as an entity created by a creator outside of our universe.
2. Simulated Universe Theory: Our universe is running inside a simulation, possibly created and maintained by advanced beings or technology.
3. Everything Exists As Real Within The Creator Mind Theory: Everything exists entirely within The Creator Mind and everything that exists is real.
(These descriptions succinctly capture the essence of each theory and their respective perspectives on the nature of reality and existence.)
I am pointing out that both theories (1) and (2) involve the concept of an
external creator mind shaping the universe, despite their differences in other aspects and you are avoiding addressing that similarity, other than making the claim that God is not deceptive (always true/speaking the truth, which (3) also assumes to be the case.
Are you being non deceptive and true/speaking the truth by saying that you don't know what I'm asking from you? I hope that isn't the case and that you will acknowledge my argument about (1) and (2) being similar, as valid and (3) as being understandable enough that one considers it possible/possibly true.
Quantum String Theory is also hard to understand. Does this signify that you therefore think it belongs under the heading "unlikely to be true"?
Your theory is not equivalent to quantum theory or string theory.
Which is easier for you to understand - Those theories or the Everything Exists Within The Creator Mind theory?
Both are widely researched and accepted theories.
Well funded, yes.
I hope you are not using argumentum ad populum as your basis here...
The problem you appear to be having isn't in understanding it, but in the veil/curtain you have placed between you (the human personality) and your understanding (mindfulness) of it, in the belief that anything within the mind - including The Creator Mind - is "false".
Wouldn't that be the case for everyone except you?
You may be incorrect in asserting that I am the only person who thinks (3) is true.
Given the argument that (3) is complex and hard to understand, one can reason as to why it was not specifically worded in the bible that we exist within The Creator Mind.
However, that does not mean the Bible specifically claims otherwise or that things the Bible does say, do not point us to that conclusion.
In essence, I am suggesting that while the Bible may not overtly endorse theory (3) in its exact formulation, there may be elements within its teachings or narratives that can be interpreted to support or align with this perspective, even if they require deeper exploration and understanding.
One of many examples I can produce from the Bible in support of (3) is
Colossians 1:16-17 (NIV):
"For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
Also the verse you previously used to support (1)
Rev 21:1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
Isa 65:17
For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
2Pe 3:13
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Let's evaluate how theory (3), the "Everything Exists As Real Within The Creator Mind Theory," might interpret these Bible verses.
In theory (3), which posits that everything exists as real within The Creator Mind, these verses would likely be interpreted as affirming the reality of the new heavens and earth within the consciousness or mind of the Creator. Rather than viewing them as symbolic or metaphorical representations, theory (3) would see these descriptions as reflecting an actual transformation or renewal of reality within The Creator Mind to do with/in relation to how human minds "see/experience" things.
In this interpretation, the "new heavens and a new earth" described in Revelation, Isaiah, and 2 Peter would be understood as concrete manifestations of the Creator's will or intention, existing as real within The Creator Mind. This aligns with the overarching premise of theory (3) that everything within The Creator Mind is real and tangible, including any renewal or transformation of reality described in religious texts.