Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

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Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #1

Post by The Tanager »

In another thread, William and I were talking about morality and we got off on some topics like the one above. We decided to have that conversation here. This is the first question I'd like to look at. I do think life on earth is only ultimately explained via some kind of mind (or personal agent or creator). I think this belief is rationally supported by various arguments such as the Kalam cosmological argument, the fine-tuning argument, the moral argument, the applicability of mathematics, and the argument from consciousness. I do not think these arguments lead us to the conclusion that a sentient Earth is the ultimate mind behind it all or that it is a mindful link in the chain of creation. I don't think these arguments necessarily rule out a sentient Earth either (although I haven't given this point more than a surface consideration). But logical possibility is not a deciding test of truth, so we need to go further and find reasoning to lead us to the planet actually being mindful. Currently, I see no good reason to believe our planet is mindful.

So, William, I'd love to hear why you think we are rationally warranted in asserting that the planet is mindful and at least part of the chain of creation that led to us. In that other thread you seemed to just assert the Earth as a mindful example and thought that I was doing the same with the immaterial Mind behind creation. If I was that would certainly be a double standard, but I think the above arguments support an immaterial Mind behind creation. What arguments do you think support a sentient Earth?

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #71

Post by William »

[Replying to Waterfall in post #70]
Namaskaram Waterfall
I like your way of thinking (a "room" in the "house") but why do you think there are many universes? If there are 2 universes then why not 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on?
As I currently understand things, there is one house (The Creator Mind) and the many rooms represent the events that folk experience re the reports of those who have NDEs and other related ways in which "alternate" experiences occur.

In that sense - yes there is only one overall universe, and that is what I think the mystic Jesus was referring to in regards to John 14:1-3.
But what would be the point/meaning with many universes?
I think the point has to do with the individual human personality and their beliefs. Often the reports mentioned include the perception that what the individual mind is experiencing is something to do with a reality they have had a hand in creating.
Where is the Kingdom of God?
Within. Specifically - within the individual mind which is a mirrored effect of being within The Creator Mind.
Why are we not in Heaven?
Symbolically the earth is (and always has been) in heaven (re "heaven" being associated with the sky, stars et al).

I think you are asking why we are not in the heaven universe? Do you believe that The Creator has form and exists outside of this universe of ours, and created this universe of ours outside of The Creator Mind?

One reason I do not accept that mythology is because it is the same as saying we exist within a simulation, (Simulation Theory) created by an entity/entities who placed minds into that created thing, but those entities/that entity creator(s) remain outside of that experience.

I am open to anyone explaining to me why such should be believed, but so far no one has provided any sensible reason as to why they believe what they do about that...

Until then, it seems to me more appropriate to accept the idea that we exist within The Creators Mind, and we are mind rather than the bodies we are experiencing and as mind we are directly and incontrovertibly related to/are "children" of - The Creator Mind

I have many reason for accepting this concept, which I am happy to discuss with you (and anyone) who might be interested.
I think God wants us to know the truth so why have we not known it?
If it is the truth that we exist within The Creator Mind, then why we have not known it involves many reasons - primarily because if we believed we were kindred to The Creator, rather than separate from, unworthy of etc, we would not be so beholding to those who teach us otherwise. We would more likely be self empowered, see one another differently (as family) and so the truth is concealed from us by those who want to remain in controlling positions and said truth may well not even be something they themselves are fully aware of. The truth still exists (because it cannot be destroyed) but it can be hidden.

We can even assist in the deception by wilfully remaining ignorant (not wanting to know the truth or insisting we already know the truth we are told) but I think the truth is that we intuit it... deep inside we all know what the truth is...but that is deep inside, and most prefer the shallows...
Who has prevented us from knowing it? The fallen angels? Has there been a fight between the power of Light and the power of Darkness?
I think this happens only within our own psyches (re the Jungian Archetypes). All such things are taking place within each of us minds to one degree or another. We then express those inner realities into our external reality and together make the world as it is currently being experienced.

We could just as easily bring the "Kingdom of God" to the surface and build it into the external reality, if not for how we have been taught to self-identify and our ease of accepting such as true...but their are signs that this is slowly changing as one by one we question the "truth" we have been taught, have experiences which show us a different way of looking at ourselves, one another and our world and learn to treat one another with the lovingkindness we respectfully all deserve.

What are we seeking...

The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #72

Post by Waterfall »

[Replying to William in post #67]

Namaskaram William

I think Yahweh is a problem = he is not completely Light. That makes him a two-headed God (Light and Darkness). Is our consciousness polluted? How do you understand this...
But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Everything must be in accordance with love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Is that not what Jesus is saying? My religion is love :hug: I found this about Yahweh...

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #73

Post by Waterfall »

[Replying to William in post #71]

Namaskaram William

I think the question we must ask each other is - what happens when we die? Where do we go from here? To another planet in the universe? Or something like this... ... ha-located

Is this universe/cosmos real...

What do I think...

I think we leave this world and go to another world inside God/TCM. I think we are spirits/minds (somehow) connected to these physical bodies. Maybe you will find something interesting here...

God is great :hug: Let us inspire our brothers and sisters...

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #74

Post by William »

[Replying to Waterfall in post #72]
I think Yahweh is a problem = he is not completely Light. That makes him a two-headed God (Light and Darkness). Is our consciousness polluted? How do you understand this...
I think that the nature of this room is indeed a duality, (binary operating system) so any gods humans concieve through their experience of the room are going to reflect this, and YVHV is no exception and nor does YVHV hide that fact - given that YVHV proclaims he is both the source of what humans think of as good and of as evil.

As the lady in the video you provided points out - there is a lot of finger-pointing and hypocrisy and holier-than-thou goings on and the very nature of the room allows for this to occur - but also does not prevent or disallow other more loving and understanding attitudes to also occur.

As such, while it can and does act as a "pollutant of consciousness" it is not the room which has the power to do this, but the mind experiencing the room which allows or does not allow their mind to be polluted.

Therein, we also are faced with the reality that we enter the room completed ignorant. We do not (ordinarily) possess any memory of a prior alternate room we have experienced. So the chances of being polluted are better than the chance of not being, due to our having to initially rely upon knowledge being taught to us (under the impression that said knowledge is truth) and if we simply unquestionably accept the knowledge being taught as truth to us, we minds are more likely to be polluted and we would be none the wiser if indeed we were to discount that deeper "knowing" I mentioned in my last post...where is wrote "We can even assist in the deception by wilfully remaining ignorant (not wanting to know the truth or insisting we already know the truth we are told) but I think the truth is that we intuit it... deep inside we all know what the truth is...but that is deep inside, and most prefer the shallows..."

So we each have to peer deeply into our psyches in order to come to the realisation of truth...and part of that self-empowerment is in the acceptance that not only did we help build the room we are experiencing, but we willingly knowingly agreed to participate in the experience of said room even that we also knew the knowledge of this prior state of being would be hidden from our immediate awareness, once we were within the experience of said room. We knew that the knowledge would be accessible to us, but that if we wanted said knowledge we would have to go deep within to access it.

The idea that we willingly agreed to enter the experience of the room is what empowers us, for if we believed that we were given no choice to experience this room and only given free will after we entered the room, we would be disempowered by that lack of not been given the option to enter or not to enter said room.

Further to that empowerment, if we understand that we helped build the room, we can trust that we had good intentions for ourselves by willingly entering said room in order to experience it.
The lady in the video giving her observations likely hasn't reach that awareness re her prior self, which is why she can only give a narration based upon observing the hypocrisies et al Christians (who likewise are unaware of their prior existence) exhibit.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #75

Post by William »

[Replying to Waterfall in post #73]
I think the question we must ask each other is - what happens when we die? Where do we go from here? To another planet in the universe? Or something like this...
The pattern doesn't change. We exist within The Creator Mind (which is infinite and eternal) and so we each "go" where our beliefs take us, which is why so often with astral travel and NDE reports there is this impression/recognition that what is being experienced is (at least in part) created by the one having the experience.

That is why some also experience hellish rooms - not just heavenly rooms.

I think that prior to Jesus, most who died created for themselves hellish environments and were under the impression that they had nothing to do with the creation of the rooms (they had no realisation that they were creating such rooms for themselves) and that they were simply in these hell's (in "Hell") due to their behaviour as human personalities prior to dying and that there was nothing they could do about their predicament because "God was punishing them".

"God" was not punishing them. They were punishing themselves.

This is one reason why there are so many reports from NDEers which involve meeting with Jesus (or experiencing a hellish environment before meeting with Jesus) - Jesus is the common denominator as he is the principle mechanism through which the allowance for realisation becomes apparent to those who have died and immediately experience their next room. The idea/goal is to eventually expel all hellish rooms from the process, but this is dependant upon the mindful attitudes of those whos' bodies expire and how they had used their time and behaved while in the room giving them a human experience.

This is why Jesus entered the room in the first place - to impart knowledge on the best way humans can act - being an example which up to that time - YVHV could not successfully achieve - Jesus in that role, is YVHV, being a human example.
Is this universe/cosmos real...
Everything is real. This is because everything is within The Creator Mind.

If one is asking "can we think of something as being really "real" if it is only temporary then the answer would be along the lines that as long as it exists (as any room within the house) it can be experienced as real. Once it no longer exists, then it no longer can be experienced as anything.
Further to that idea, what is real in the absolute sense, (is absolutely real) is The Creator Mind (the house) and by that default, all minds/mindfulness, which is why rooms can be experienced as real - because that which is experiencing said rooms is absolutely real.

In contrast, those (generally atheist/materialists) who believe that this universe is absolutely real but that human minds/mindfulness are simply simulations of brain activities and not absolutely really real, have allowed their teachers to influence them that what the teaching say's is "the truth" and consequently believe that they (as minds) are simply brain simulations (which is what my profile signature beneath my posts is referring to...
God is great :hug: Let us inspire our brothers and sisters...
Indeed. It is important and productive to actually interact in deeply meaningful manners. :hug:
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #76

Post by Waterfall »

[Replying to William in post #75]

Namaskaram William :hug:

What exists? Thought (feminine) and Will (masculine) and Light (good) and Darkness (evil). These 4 "things" existed from eternity. We could call it a beginning or a starting point. How do we get to another state of cosmos? Thought (feminine) and Will (masculine) and Light (good) had to unite? God had to realize himself? God is Light and not Darkness? I would like you to read this and tell me what you think... ... the-light/

Do we have a mission...

Let us inspire our brothers and sisters...

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #77

Post by William »

[Replying to Waterfall in post #76]
I would like you to read this and tell me what you think...
It doesn't appear to contradict the idea that we exist within The Creator Mind or that the earth is a self aware creative intelligence.
The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #78

Post by Waterfall »

William wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 9:16 pm [Replying to Waterfall in post #76]
I would like you to read this and tell me what you think...
It doesn't appear to contradict the idea that we exist within The Creator Mind or that the earth is a self aware creative intelligence.
I like the idea, but what makes you think that the earth is a self aware creative intelligence...

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #79

Post by William »

I like the idea, but what makes you think that the earth is a self aware creative intelligence...
Because of the clear indication that mindfulness exists within the earth's creatures and is most likely sourced locally.
Also because it explains all other phenomena theists generally speak of as "of God" and even that they argue over those differing beliefs they have about God, the inspiration they speak of, can be sourced locally in the idea of the earth being a mindful entity.

The Vain Brain is meat headedness having no comprehension of the mind which uses it, refusing to hand over the helm to that mind and refusing to assume its placement as subordinate to the mind. Post #36

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Re: Sentient Earth - Is the planet mindful and would this explain why there is life in earth?

Post #80

Post by Waterfall »

[Replying to William in post #79]

Namaskaram William :hug:

Are you saying that the earth is our God? Or something like that...

Your friend forever

Love is the salt of life. It takes a moment to understand and eternity to live.

Carsten Ploug Olsen

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