What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Getting to know more about a specific belief

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What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #1

Post by nameless »

Hi. First post.
I know that I'm going to 'strike a (-n ugly) chord' in most here, but we can discuss!
Please leave your torches and pitchforks at home!
Thank you.

'Belief' appears to be a pathologically symptomatic virus-like infection of thought!
The symptoms that those infected with 'beliefs' consistently display are the constant need to 'defend' the belief, to 'validate/feed' the belief and to propagate (spread) the 'beliefs'!
'Beliefs' are not 'chosen', they are 'caught' and 'spread' (propagation)!
Another symptom; a belief infection inhibits cognitive and intellectual function... eats holes in the brain.
No one ever deliberately harmed another unless he hosts 'beliefs'! (defending, propagating symptoms)

Now, where shall we talk of applying Occam's Razor to the Bible?
I can trim it down to three (Universal) quotes! ;)

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The Tanager
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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #2

Post by The Tanager »

nameless wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:15 pm Hi. First post.
I know that I'm going to 'strike a (-n ugly) chord' in most here, but we can discuss!
Please leave your torches and pitchforks at home!
Thank you.

'Belief' appears to be a pathologically symptomatic virus-like infection of thought!
The symptoms that those infected with 'beliefs' consistently display are the constant need to 'defend' the belief, to 'validate/feed' the belief and to propagate (spread) the 'beliefs'!
'Beliefs' are not 'chosen', they are 'caught' and 'spread' (propagation)!
Another symptom; a belief infection inhibits cognitive and intellectual function... eats holes in the brain.
No one ever deliberately harmed another unless he hosts 'beliefs'! (defending, propagating symptoms)

Now, where shall we talk of applying Occam's Razor to the Bible?
I can trim it down to three (Universal) quotes! ;)
Is this your belief?

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #3

Post by nameless »

[Replying to The Tanager in post #2]
Ooo! A bit more creativity, please? That is old.
And the answer is no. It is my current best theory built on my research.
You can tell it is not a belief because it does not display the symptoms.
Willingness to alter the theory in the presence of compelling logic or other evidence is non-symptomatic.
Or were you just being a wit and I'm being dense?

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The Tanager
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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #4

Post by The Tanager »

nameless wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:58 pmOoo! A bit more creativity, please? That is old.
And the answer is no. It is my current best theory built on my research.
You can tell it is not a belief because it does not display the symptoms.
Willingness to alter the theory in the presence of compelling logic or other evidence is non-symptomatic.
Or were you just being a wit and I'm being dense?
I was being a wit, but also trying to see more about your definition of 'belief,' which you helped me with. I could have just asked, so thank you for answering in spite of how my terse response could have been taken.

I should have done this first, but I'll do it now: welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here! Perhaps I'll see you around on threads about specific theories and beliefs.

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #5

Post by nameless »

The Tanager wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:56 amI should have done this first, but I'll do it now: welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here! Perhaps I'll see you around on threads about specific theories and beliefs.

Thank you for the welcome!
I'd need to stay away from 'debates' though as debating is all ego. Discussion seems more profitable.
Besides, debating is you both saying that "you are wrong and I am right".
How can I possibly engage in 'debate' after discovering the;

First Law of Soul Dynamics; "For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!"

I'm sure our paths will, once again, cross!

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #6

Post by The Tanager »

nameless wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:26 pmThank you for the welcome!
I'd need to stay away from 'debates' though as debating is all ego. Discussion seems more profitable.
Besides, debating is you both saying that "you are wrong and I am right".
How can I possibly engage in 'debate' after discovering the;

First Law of Soul Dynamics; "For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!"

I'm sure our paths will, once again, cross!
I agree that cordial discussion is the way to go, but I don't think that precludes one saying "I believe I'm right about this and that you are wrong about it". I think challenging each other's views, if done with an open, kind, and humble mind, is the epitome of truly loving each other in the midst of our perspectives. Peace to you.

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #7

Post by nameless »

The Tanager wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:26 pm
nameless wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:26 pmThank you for the welcome!
I'd need to stay away from 'debates' though as debating is all ego. Discussion seems more profitable.
Besides, debating is you both saying that "you are wrong and I am right".
How can I possibly engage in 'debate' after discovering the;

First Law of Soul Dynamics; "For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!"

I'm sure our paths will, once again, cross!
I agree that cordial discussion is the way to go, but I don't think that precludes one saying "I believe I'm right about this and that you are wrong about it".
No one ever deliberately harmed another unless infected with 'beliefs'!
'Beliefs' have very different diets than critical thought. Beliefs will eat logical fallacies all day and not even belch, but when a 'belief' is threatened,... DUCK!
I think challenging each other's views, if done with an open, kind, and humble mind, is the epitome of truly loving each other in the midst of our perspectives. Peace to you.

There surely is a place in the furtherance of knowledge in the 'challenging' of an idea, a theory, a hypothesis by questioning the proposer (pro poser?), searching for the truth that is sure to be found (rather than 'attacking', like beliefs), especially considering the First Law of Soul Dynamics. Therein lies the Love, the First Law!
And unto you...

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #8

Post by The Tanager »

[Replying to nameless in post #7]

Yes, sorry, I slipped into how I normally would use the term 'belief' rather than how you are using it.

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Re: What, exactly, is a 'belief'? Here's the results of my studies;

Post #9

Post by Dimmesdale »

[Replying to nameless in post #1]

On the Etymology of Belief:

"Some say that the word "belief" can also be broken down into the words "be" and "lief". "Be" comes from the word "being", which means a state of existence, while "lief" comes from the Indo-European word leubh, which means "love". When combined, these words could mean "to be in love with"."

As someone who has, whether rightly or wrongly, cherished a number of beliefs through the years, I can attest to the fact that "being" and "love" (of said being) is definitely a crucial element here. People of course believe in all sorts of things in the realm of religion that aren't always the case... (that is, factual). But they definitely have a LOVE (or at least attachment) to said items of belief which warrants their being objects of belief.... The question is, do all such beliefs partake of love?

Well, even detectives love the truth when it comes to solving grisly murders. So in that sense you could relate Belief to Justice as well. This has sparked some thought in me. I think I will pursue it some more.
I am nothing but a speck of dust near the feet of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of Guru.

Dimmesdale: the hardest Western nut to crack of all.

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