Transparency and credibility of factual facts

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Transparency and credibility of factual facts

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Post by somo »

For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Matthew 5:18
The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him,
came to complete the law of the ancient prophets
Without decrease or increase
The remaining authentic verses in the Old Testament cannot be omitted

Why such variance in viewpoints? To begin with, different theological camps disagree on which books should be included in the Bible. One camp’s apocrypha is another’s scripture. Secondly, even among those books that have been canonized, the many variant source texts lack uniformity. This lack of uniformity is so ubiquitous that The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible states, “It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the NT in which the MS [manuscript] tradition is wholly uniform.”[2]

Not one sentence? We can’t trust a single sentence of the Bible? Hard to believe.

The fact is that there are over 5700 Greek manuscripts of all or part of the New Testament.[3] Furthermore, “no two of these manuscripts are exactly alike in all their particulars…. And some of these differences are significant.”[4] Factor in roughly ten thousand manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, add the many other ancient variants (i.e., Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic, Nubian, Gothic, Slavonic), and what do we have?
A lot of manuscripts

A lot of manuscripts that fail to correspond in places and not infrequently contradict one another. Scholars estimate the number of manuscript variants in the hundreds of thousands, some estimating as high as 400,000.[5] In Bart D. Ehrman’s now famous words, “Possibly it is easiest to put the matter in comparative terms: there are more differences in our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament.”[6]
How did this happen?

Poor record keeping. Dishonesty. Incompetence. Doctrinal prejudice. Take your pick.

None of the original manuscripts have survived from the early Christian period.[7]/[8] The most ancient complete manuscripts (Vatican MS. No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Syriac Codex) date from the fourth century, three hundred years after Jesus’ ministry. But the originals? Lost. And the copies of the originals? Also lost. Our most ancient manuscripts, in other words, are copies of the copies of the copies of nobody-knows-just-how-many copies of the originals.
No wonder they differ

In the best of hands, copying errors would be no surprise. However, New Testament manuscripts were not in the best of hands. During the period of Christian origins, scribes were untrained, unreliable, incompetent, and in some cases illiterate.[9] Those who were visually impaired could have made errors with look-alike letters and words, while those who were hearing-impaired may have erred in recording scripture as it was read aloud. Frequently scribes were overworked, and hence inclined to the errors that accompany fatigue.

In the words of Metzger and Ehrman, “Since most, if not all, of them [the scribes] would have been amateurs in the art of copying, a relatively large number of mistakes no doubt crept into their texts as they reproduced them.”[10] Worse yet, some scribes allowed doctrinal prejudice to influence their transmission of scripture.[11] As Ehrman states, “The scribes who copied the texts changed them.”[12] More specifically, “The number of deliberate alterations made in the interest of doctrine is difficult to assess.”[13] And even more specifically, “In the technical parlance of textual criticism—which I retain for its significant ironies—these scribes ‘corrupted’ their texts for theological reasons.”[14]

Errors were introduced in the form of additions, deletions, substitutions and modifications, most commonly of words or lines, but occasionally of entire verses.[15] [16] In fact, “numerous changes and accretions came into the text,”[17] with the result that “all known witnesses of the New Testament are to a greater or lesser extent mixed texts, and even several of the earliest manuscripts are not free from egregious errors.”[18]

In Misquoting Jesus, Ehrman presents persuasive evidence that the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:12) and the last twelve verses of Mark were not in the original gospels, but added by later scribes.[19] Furthermore, these examples “represent just two out of thousands of places in which the manuscripts of the New Testament came to be changed by scribes.”[20]

In fact, entire books of the Bible were forged.[21] This doesn’t mean their content is necessarily wrong, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s right. So which books were forged? Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude—a whopping nine of the twenty-seven New Testament books and epistles—are to one degree or another suspect.[22]
Forged books? In the Bible?

Why are we not surprised? After all, even the gospel authors are unknown. In fact, they’re anonymous.[23] Biblical scholars rarely, if ever, ascribe gospel authorship to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. As Ehrman tells us, “Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”[24] Graham Stanton affirms, “The gospels, unlike most Graeco-Roman writings, are anonymous. The familiar headings which give the name of an author (‘The Gospel according to …’) were not part of the original manuscripts, for they were added only early in the second century.”[25]

So what, if anything, did Jesus’ disciples have to do with authoring the gospels? Little or nothing, so far as we know. But we have no reason to believe they authored any of the books of the Bible. To begin with, let us remember Mark was a secretary to Peter, and Luke a companion to Paul. The verses of Luke 6:14-16 and Matthew 10:2-4 catalogue the twelve disciples, and although these lists differ over two names, Mark and Luke don’t make either list. So only Matthew and John were true disciples. But all the same, modern scholars pretty much disqualify them as authors anyway.

Good question. John being the more famous of the two, why should we disqualify him from having authored the Gospel of “John”?
Umm … because he was dead?

Multiple sources acknowledge there is no evidence, other than questionable testimonies of second century authors, to suggest that the disciple John was the author of the Gospel of “John.”[26] [27] Perhaps the most convincing refutation is that the disciple John is believed to have died in or around 98 CE.[28] However, the Gospel of John was written circa 110 CE.[29] So whoever Luke (Paul’s companion), Mark (Peter’s secretary), and John (the unknown, but certainly not the long-dead one) were, we have no reason to believe any of the gospels were authored by Jesus’ disciples

How the Bible was corrupted by Dr. Bart Ehrman YouTube
‫كيف تم تحريف الانجيل الدكتور بارت ايرمان‬‎ YouTube

New Testament of the Bible regarding Jesus by Yusha ...

هندوسية تدخل الإٍسلام بعد سؤال مترجم A hindu woman is accepting Islam

مسيحي يعتنق الإسلام في حوار مع عباس ...

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #171

Post by somo »

peace be upon him

It means respect and love for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

We also say it to the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him

We also say it to the Prophet Moses,peace be upon him

And for all the prophets from Adam to the last prophet, Muhammad, peace be uponthem

It was narrated by Anas ibn Malik that the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: ”If someone sends one prayer upon me, Allah sends ten prayers upon him, He erases for him ten mistakes, and He raises him ten degrees.”

Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased.

Praying on the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) will get us closer to him in the afterlife. The prophet said:

“The person closest to me on the Day of Resurrection is the one who sent the most prayers upon me.”

Praying for the Prophet Muhammad and saying peace be upon him

Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased.

Imagine if you said peace be upon him ten, a hundred, or a thousand times every day throughout your life

How much will you get the double reward from God? This is a gift from God (the Father) to Muslims

Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ | Deeds to Habit

نصراني يفاجئ مسلمًا بأسئلة غير معتادة ثم كانت نهاية سعيدة | محمد علي

مسلم يفحم فرنسية تتغنى بالقيم الفرنسية وتدعي أنها ليست عنصرية

نصراني سأل الله آية فحصل هذا ... | محمد علي

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #172

Post by somo »

Actually, there is NO Command in either Quran or Ahadith that it should ONLY be read in Arabic

Imagine, if you can’t understand Arabic, what would be the point of having it then?

You can read in any language you understand

Quran came in Arabic because it was best language, with maximum capacity to contain meanings and depth, thus Arabic being a biggest vessel for greatest Book is best match.

Though it is best to know Quran in original language but it is not a pre-condition. Arabic should be learnt. Most non-Arabic Muslims learn how to read Arabic, and they read in Arabic with help of side by side translations.

A Quran as Book must have Arabic text, then any translation can be given.

It is commanded to convey message of Quran to all world. It will be impossible to wait first to teach everyone Arabic then convey. Convey in their language. Learn and teach them Arabic too.

It is universal in the sense that anyone can become a Muslim. Speaking Arabic is not a prerequisite to becoming Muslim.

If a person wants to understand the Quran they can either learn Arabic (and the associated knowledge) or they can go to someone who already has.

If a non Arab wants to understanding the Quran then translations in every language are available.

Christ spoke the Aramaic language

However, you will not find the original source of the Bible as a reference for Christians in the Aramaic language, but only translations in different languages such as Greek and other languages. You do not have a reliable and original source to correct the mistakes of the writers and the incorrect translation.

Since it was written in a language that most people do not understand, which is the Aramaic language, and they claim that Christ was sent to all nations, although he was sent only to the lost sheep of the Children of Israel.

Every prophet came to convey God's message to his people according to their language

see here
You will be shocked

Debate: Dr. Zakir Naik vs. Dr William Campbell - The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science

مناظرة ملحمية!! 🤯🔥🇦🇺 أسترالي مسيحي يحاول تعليم الشيخ عثمان لكنه يندم فوراً!!

بريطانية حاقدة تزعم أن الإسلام يحتقر المرأة | محمد علي

محمد علي يفحم منكرًا للسنة يريد أن يُعلم المسلمين دينهم

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #173

Post by somo »

Muhammad was born c. 570 CE in Mecca. He was the son of Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. His father, Abdullah, the son of Quraysh tribal leader Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim, died around the time Muhammad was born. His mother Amina died when he was six, leaving Muhammad an orphan.

Our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is the noblest of the children of Adam in descent and lineage, on both his father’s and mother’s sides, as is well-known and well-established among the scholars, both their elite and their rank and file.

Muslim (2276) narrated that Wathilah ibn Al-Asqa` (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “Allah chose Kinanah from among the children of Isma`il, and He chose Quraysh from among Kinanah, and He chose Banu Hashim from among Quraysh, and He chose me from among Banu Hashim.”

The Prophet Muhammad was the result of a legal marriage

But Mary, the mother of Christ, was accused in your book of adultery

The lineage of Christ is doubtful

Not to mention your scandal, as you worship a god of doubtful origin

Is this your book, in which there are many questionable accounts of Christ’s lineage?

This means that he is the product of Joseph’s forbidden marriage to Mary. How can Jesus be of honorable and pure lineage when he is the product of a forbidden marriage?

Only The Qur’an alone declared Mary innocent of adultery

Do we believe your book, which did not exonerate her from the accusation of adultery?

It permits adultery, drinking alcohol, usury, incest,

Or do we follow the Qur’an, which forbids adultery, drinking alcohol, usury, and incest,?

Therefore, God sent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, with the Qur’an to correct the previous books

نسب يسوع عثمان فاروق

The lineage of Jesus

نصراني يدعي أن الكتاب المقدس ليس فيه تناقضات ففاجأه ش.عثمان بن فاروق
A Christian claims that the Bible does not contain contradictions, but Uthman bin Farouk surprised him

The Prophet's Most Noble Lineage

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #174

Post by somo »

معتنق يروي قصته! Speaker's corner

فتاة يهودية تتهرب من الحديث عن قتل الأطفال في الكتاب المقدس

منصور يغير قناعات مسيحي محترم عن ألوهية المسيح

انتو المسلمين تجندون الأقلية لنشر الإسلام Speaker's corner

قسيس من المكسسيك آتى خصيص لمناظرة مسلم فماذا فعل ؟

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #175

Post by somo »

Astonishing as it may sound, it is an admitted fact that prior to the sixteenth century, the word “Jehovah,” was unheard of. Whenever the origin of this word appeared in its true Hebrew form in Jewish Scriptures (read from right to left as in Arabic) Yet, Huh, Wav, Huh; or YHWH. these four letters were preceded by a substitute word “Adonai,” to warn the reader that the following word was not to be articulated. The Jews took meticulous care in repeating this exercise in their “Book of God” six thousand, eight hundred and twenty-three times - interpolating the words “Adonai” or “Elohim.” They sincerely believed that this awesome name of God was never to be pronounced.

This prohibition was no ordinary affair: It called for a penalty of death on one who dared to utter it, and this taboo has been more successful than all the “DO’s” and “DON’T’s” of the Ten Commandments put together.

If Jehovah is the name of God, and if the 27 Books of the New Testament were inspired by Him, then it is an anomaly of the highest order, that He (Jehovah) signally failed to have His Own Name recorded in “His Word” (N.T.) the Christian addition to the Jewish Bible. The Christians claim that they have in their possession over twenty-four thousand so-called “originals” of their Holy Writ in the Greek language, and yet not a single parchment has “Jehovah” written in it. Curiously this “name of God” (?) has been sacrilegiously replaced by the Greek words kyrios and theos’, which mean ‘Lord’ and ‘God.’ Yet, miracle of miracles - Alleluya! - no devil or saint has been able to eliminate the word “Allah” from the so-called New Testament of the Christians.

The “Tetragrammaton”
Why not for a change ask him, a question or two. Ask him where he got the word Jehovah from? He will surely reply - “From the Holy Bible.” What does it say? Does it spell out the word Jehovah? “No,” he will reply. “There is a ‘tetragrammaton’ in the Bible from which the word Jehovah is derived.” What is a tetragrammaton?

No one seems to have heard this highly mystical term. In the University of Illinois in the U.S.A. I asked a gathering of students and lecturers whether any one had heard this jaw-breaker! Not one of them knew its meaning! But every Jehovah’s Witness seems to know, even the commonest of them. They have really specialised - ours is a world of special is at ion. They are Professors of the one word - Jehovah.

What then is a “tetragrammaton!” The Jehovah’s Witness replies, “Y H W H!” “No!” “What I want to know from you is, what does the word tetragrammaton mean?” You will find him most reluctant in explaining. Either he does not really know, or he is feeling embarrassed in replying. “Tetra,” in Greek means four, and “grammaton,” means letters. It simply means “a four letter word.”

Can you read into Y H W H the word Jehovah? I cannot. “No!”, says the Jehovah’s Witness, “we ought to add vowels to these four consonants to produce the sound. Originally, both Hebrew and Arabic were written without the vowel signs The native of each language was able to read if even without those vowels. Not so the outsider, for whose benefit the vowels were invented.

The “J” sickness
Let us add the vowels as the “Witness” suggests. YHWH becomes YeHoWaH. Juggle as you like but you can never materialise Jehovah! Ask him, from which hat he drew his “J”. He will tell you that “this is the ‘popular’ pronunciation from the 16th century.” The exact sound of the four letters YHWH is known neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles, yet he is ramming Jehovah down every ones throats. The European Christians have developed a fondness (sickness) for the letter “J” They add J’s where there are no Jays. Look!

Yael > he converts to Joel
Yehuda > he converts to Juda
Yeheshua > he converts to Joshua
Yusuf > he converts to Joseph
Yunus > he converts to Jonah
Yesus > he converts to Jesus
Yehowa > he converts to Jehovah

Top Bible scholar leaves Christian

Wheres Yahweh!? Hashim Vs Bob? Speakers Corner​

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #176

Post by somo »

جندي اسرائيلي يعترف بذنوبة و يعتنق الاسلام مع محمد علي #dawateislami
An Israeli soldier confesses his sins and converts to Islam with Muhammad Ali #dawateislami

محمد علي يشرح لثلاث نصارى عنيدين لماذا لا يمكن الاعتماد على الكتاب المقدس #dawateislami

Muhammad Ali explains to three stubborn Christians why the Bible cannot be relied upon #dawateislami

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #177

Post by somo »

If a person is given a chance to examine the biography of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) comprehensively from all aspects, while breaking free from the fetters of personal bias, he will definitely conclude that such a great man cannot be but a Prophet who received revelation and a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.

This comprehensive examination can be done by two means:

First: A detailed exploration of his sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) biography, probing into his life at times of peace and war, prosperity and distress, health and sickness, residence and travel, his private domestic life and public social life ... etc.

Whoever probes deeply into these vital aspects of his life, assuming the role of a vigilant observer while considering the subsequent events, will inevitably conclude his Prophethood and deduce that he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) was not merely a great man but rather a true Messenger of Allah entrusted with the divine revelation.

Second: Reflecting on some of the abundant signs and miracles with which Allah, the Exalted, aided him and which could only be possible by some form of divine intervention in violation of cosmic laws and norms.

It was narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas‘ood may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Adhere to truthfulness, for truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise, and a man continues to tell the truth and persistently adheres to truthfulness till he is recorded with Allah as a truthful person. Beware of lying, for lying leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to Hellfire, and a man continues to tell lies and persistently adheres to lying till he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” [Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim]

Testimonies of some unbiased orientalists and others

Let us ponder over some examples of such testimonies, briefly highlighted below, to clarify this point.

Washington Irving the well-known American writer and hi said: “The actions of the Messenger after the triumphant conquest of Makkah clearly indicated that he was a sent Prophet rather than a victorious military commander!”

Régis Blachère the famous French orientalist and Quran translator who said: “There were interrelated reasons for the triumph of Islam, the foremost of which were the Quran, the Sunnah, the religious situation of the Hijaaz then, and the truthfulness, honesty, and trustworthiness of the man who was sent to communicate the message that was revealed to him.”

Marcel A. Boisard the well-known Swiss diplomat and intellectual said: “Muhammad was a Prophet, not a social reformer. His message triggered fundamental changes in the existing Arab society then and their effects are still perceptible in the contemporary Islamic society.”

Emile Dermenghem the famous archivist and journalish who said: “Muhammad had a son with Mariyyah Al-Qibtiyyah (the Coptic), and his name was Ibraheem, who died as a child. The bereaved father was deeply saddened by his death. He buried him with his own hands and wept over him, and the sun eclipsed on that day. So, people said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibraheem, but Muhammad graciously refuted their claim and said: ‘The sun and the moon are two signs from amongst the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse for the death of anyone.’ Such a statement cannot be made by a lying charlatan.”

This explains to you why people embraced Islam and entered into the true religion of Allah in multitudes, and many of them did not even ask the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) to bring forth special proofs and signs, but simply listened to what he sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) had to say, or observed his actions, or learned about his life, or witnessed firsthand his blessing, and they were accordingly guided by the shining signs of truth that illuminated their path

. Islam Web site

إمرأة من الهنود الحمر تستفسر عن الاسلام فتفاجأت مما كان يؤمن به اسلافها

لماذا خلقني الإلهُ معاقًا؟ | نصراني يسأل محمد علي

الشيخ عثمان يحرج رجل يدعي انه يعلم الكثير عن الاسلام #dawateislami

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #178

Post by somo »

Christmas is the Pagan ritual entered into the religion through the church in 325 AD by Constantine in Constantinople.

The birth of Jesus was in mid-summer rather than winter of solstices which was the invention of the Pagans to worship “SUN” being born (raised) on 25th December, as they worship Sun so they thought that Sun has died on 23rd December because of shortest day, suddenly when sun was lifted up on 25th December they overjoyed and believed that the “SUN” has born on 25th of December and from that day this cult was entered.

Two verses from the Quran and Bible show that the birth of Jesus was in mid-summer not in winter Solstices.

The Quran says in chapter Maryam 19:25:

And shake the trunk of date-palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you.

In this verse, Allah was commanding Mary, mother of Jesus, through an Angel to go to Palm tree and shake the trunk and dates will fall thereof then eat them and get refreshed in your pangs and throes.

Now if you meet any horticulturist he will tell you that the dates always fall in mid-summers.

Now let us analyze the Bible.

Luke 2:8

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.”

Ask these Christian missionaries why were shepherds looking at their flocks in 25th December at night time? When at that time it happened to be much cold in the open field that the flocks could freeze to death. Those days were not like these days as there was a city heat of vehicles and industries.

Then we are told that when Jesus was born three kings came to visit the child by following the star from the east. How come in the winter nights stars can be seen? As we know that the mist, fog and smoke cover the sky in winters.

So we can conclude that Bible is not giving the specific date neither the Quran but the hint is there that it was summer time not winter.

The tradition was added by the Church in 325 AD regarding the names like Easter Day, Eucharist and Christmas etc.

القس المعمداني يعترف بأن الكريسماس إحتفال وثني! - الشيخ عثمان فاروق

محمد علي يشرح لثلاث نصارى عنيدين لماذا لا يمكن الاعتماد على الكتاب المقدس #dawateislami

when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube

شمسي يرد على التهنئة بالكريسماس

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #179

Post by somo »

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) VS Joseph Smith of The Mormon Church

Why Jay Left The Mormon Church and Accepted Islam (What They Believe)

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Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

Post #180

Post by somo »

the Qur'an cannot come from Satan because he is cursed, despised and condemned outright to hell. In addition, Allah asks Muslims to seek protection from Satan at all times and even to ask for this protection when starting to recite the Quran.

According to the principle of Jesus (pbuh): How can Satan cast out Satan? Any kingdom divided against itself is devastated, and any city or house divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

According to this principle straight out of the mouth of Jesus (pbuh) in the Bible, Satan cannot cast out Satan and therefore the Qur'an which drives out Satan cannot come from Satan.

Besides, would Satan be so stupid for:

1 - put an end to polytheism in the region?
2 - to develop a religion which imposes the worship of God the One?
3 - make the disciples of this religion believe that he is the number 1 enemy of Humanity?
4 - force believers to recognize one God, give alms, pilgrimage, impose the release of slaves as well as alms for all the faithful?

Would Satan be a donkey to destroy his own kingdom on his own? The devil would really have to have been a totally failed and finished idiot to invent a monotheistic religion which castigates him as being the worst enemy of humanity, which curses him and which, above all, puts an end to polytheism in the region by imposing worship of the One God.

In other words Satan cannot dig his own grave let alone bury himself. It is therefore illogical and pretentious to argue that Islam is the work of the devil.

ما هي الطرق الرئيسية في الاسلام في اختيار الزوج/ة؟ مهم للعزابين

فتاة إنجليزية تعتنق الإسلام عبر الهاتف
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القصاص في الإسلام غير عادل؟ | هاشم في حوار مسيحي

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