'America...a Democratic, Communist Nation Under God.'

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'America...a Democratic, Communist Nation Under God.'

Post #1

Post by vfr »

From another forum...

"Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Is it "patriotism" when it happens at home and "nationalism" when it happens abroad? Here's what the good ol' O.E.D. has to say:Advocacy of or support for the interests of one's own nation, esp. to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. Also: advocacy of or support for national independence or self-determination.The O.E.D. also adds this note:

Whereas patriotism usually refers to a general sentiment, nationalism now usually refers to a specific ideology, esp. one expressed through political activism. In earlier use, however, the two appear to have been more or less interchangeable. The quality of being patriotic; love of or devotion to one's country.That's how the distinction looks on paper. How has it worked out in practice?"


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

V writes:

Don't know.

But I will say I am writing a post called:

'America...a Democratic, Communist Nation Under God.'

I think that will be our future.

And maybe I am using the wrong word with communism?

Maybe it should be Nationalism? Socialism? I don't know since I have little interest in politics.

As far for what I means, it could be compared somewhat to Plato's Republic. Where the republic came first and people came second. But with the US, the injection of Democratic values as well as a spiritual foundation that supports our country would 'hopefully' separate us from the atheist based communists that have been run as dictatorships.

Am I as Christian zealot?

No, I am an agnostic freethinker.


http://jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ ... ?topic=4.0

http://jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ ... opic=470.0

But we also need spiritual values to be at peace. (or a semblance of peace.)


http://jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ ... opic=509.0

http://jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ ... opic=543.0

As for why I have come up with such a bold statement as 'America...a Democratic, Communist Nation Under God?'

Until I can write that post:

See this DVD

1940's House PBS (albeit our enemy is not Germany...it is energy) And witness something along the lines of a 'Democratic, Communist Nation Under God.'

See this book:

See my 2 posts


(See OP):

http://groups.google.com/group/alt.athe ... 3d1ef7f1ed

Add it all together and you have 'America...a Democratic, Communist Nation Under God.' as the 'best fit ' equation.

And for dessert add 'politics as usual' and we can see nothing substantive will be done in the US to fix our energy woes until it is too late. (Really it can't be fixed, we can only slowed down the inevitable at this point.)


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed ... ric_Car%3F

BTW, do I like communism?

No, I like things EXACTLY as they are.

But what I like doesn't matter...neither does what you like matter.

That's the point, for the US to survive, we must put 'what matters to our country' on the front burner.

And as our country survives so do we survive.

Alan Watts used to say, it doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter what you like, it doesn't matter what you hope for...all that really matters is what IS.

Sure we keep our treasured paper money, our guns, and what have you. The atheists can still be atheists and the Christians, Muslims and Jews can still worship as they like...that is why we would be a free democracy...of sorts.

But the difference is, instead of the ego based decisions that politicians and the titans of business get sucked into, they will put the long term viability as top priority over personal profit. We must all pull together and stop pulling in counterproductive directions.

The gov needs to cut the fat and stop all this foolish sickness that they are addicted to in Washington. Hire yourself some truth based philosophers as Socrates suggested in the Republic as an oversight committee to keep you guys on track. And if you want someone that 'stinks of truth' get my verdict on the subject. Does that mean I am perfect and live a perfect life? No, but the contemplative life finds it joy in discovering truth and I do the best I can.

One important thing would be to add an addendum to the constitution or bill oof rights or whatever other documents that outlines what we are 'now' all about...something that is clear advice that we can all look to and not the 1000 page BS that politician use to hide their sickness. Yes,...hiding behavior is a signpost of die-ease. And put it right upfront in the addendum as to why things changed...we were energy whores and had no other choice.

But realize this, throughout history many great nations that once were are not around any longer. Hopefully the US will understand this and start accepting the truth that something has to give and it can't be business as usual. it doesn't matter what you like, it doesn't matter what you hope for...all that really matters is what is.

Post script;

I have been accused of spamming 'Jesus Never Existed' website in my posts as a link source.

Not true.

Why do I use them so much?

Very simple.

I've been at over 300 forums in the last 10 years. I have been banned form 90% of those forums. The Christians banned me after 1 or 2 posts, the Buddhists banned me after a few weeks or months, the atheist banned me just like the Christens did and all the other forums banned me within hours of weeks.

JNE forum never bans me or hassles me about what I say, so I use them as my archive link for my posts...it is that simple...nothing roe nothing less...a symbiotic relationship.

Did Jesus exist?

I don't know....you figure it out? As I've said I am an agnostic freethinker. And if you can't fugue it out, that may shed some light on agnostics for you.

And why do I get banned so much from online forums?

For nothing more that writing posts like this that rub sick ego based man the wrong way.

They look not at what is said but at who says what.

And I guess that is why politicians have to lie to us...for the mass of our country cannot accept truth and discuss a subject rationally and without injecting their ego into the equation.

The Greek philosophers knew that when passion rules the mind, that the only job left for reason is that of the subservient task to find cleaver ways to satisfy the passions.

I'll leave you with one last tidbit that underscores this point.

'Throughout history, when were tyrants ever satisfied with just one death?'

http://groups.google.com/group/alt.phil ... 12a06f9ddf

Take care,

V (Male)

Agnostic Freethinker
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tyranny is tyranny

Post #2

Post by r~ »

I think I understand your boots. Most forums require a clear question for debate. Please forgive my sharp and blunt words, but your post is a waste of space and time.

If there is indeed a question for debate hidden somewhere in this stream of consciousness, please ask it again in fewer than 50 words. 25 would be even better.

BTW You may assume that no one will take the time to read your whole OP.

Again, please forgive.


Tyranny is tyranny; no matter it is the tyranny of the majority or the tyranny of the communists.

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Post #3

Post by McCulloch »

We welcome your opinions and your participation. But we do have some rules. Please take the time to review them. Notice that there is no statement of faith and that the rules are not applied differently to those of faith or those with no faith. Even our moderating is a mix of theists and non theists.

I have to agree with R~ that this post does not contain a clear question for debate. So I have moved it to a discussion rather than a debate forum. Might I suggest that you participate in a few of the debates before you attempt to start one?

Debate Forum Intro and Rules
Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
First Epistle to the Church of the Thessalonians
The truth will make you free.
Gospel of John

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