what is a holocaust denier?

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what is a holocaust denier?

Post #1

Post by mazzaroth »

is it someone who believes the jews were not put in camps ?

or people that question WW2 and the 6 million dead jew number?

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Re: what is a holocaust denier?

Post #21

Post by mazzaroth »

Wyvern wrote:
6 million jews died?
post some pics of jews being mistreated while working....PICTURES not drawings.
Just go to youtube and type in holocaust, there are literally hundreds of videos many of which have documentary footage, if you have seen nothing but drawings you either have you head in the sand or haven't tried.

hitler invaded poland cuz his people were being massacard
Hitler invaded Poland after making an agreement with the soviets to split it into two even though Britain warned that it would lead to a declaration of war. Your explanation is exactly the same one given by Russia in the recent conflict in Georgia, and about as true.
jews in germany declared a boycott on ALL german goods and services just before ww2.
Was this before or after kristalnacht? Even if what you say is true does it justify gathering jews into concentration camps and murdering them?

my wife is half jewish...my son is part.. peddle your "poor me" all you want... the truth ALWAYS comes out.
The truth of the holocaust came out a long time ago and yet there are still people that cant admit the people and ideology they idolize could do such an inhuman act.

1) if its so simple...post a a few pictures of jews being mistreated... post them working in the winter with no coats... i bet you can find alot of drawings though :whistle:

2) so that was the one and only reason for the invasion?
it had nothing to do with his citizens being massacared? or the The Treaty of Versailles? just good ol land grab and racism?

3) you never heard of this? yet you unite against questions?

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Post #22

Post by otseng »

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what is a holocaust denier?

Post #23

Post by cnorman18 »

mazzaroth wrote:
cnorman18 wrote:
Do you think no one has noticed that you continue to refuse to post a single source for a single claim of fact that you've made here?

My challenge stands unanswered. Give your sources or withdraw your claims.
saying "i read somewhere that we sent doctors to inspect the bodies" is NOT a claim of fact... sooorry. that wont work...
Then what is it?

You also deleted the rest of that statement, to wit:

"...they discovered no signs of mistreatment.. all the skinny people had typhoid.."
That absolutely IS a claim of fact.

If you're not claiming that all this is true, your post is what we call "innuendo." That's a despicable and cowardly tactic that's used to promote falsehoods without having to actually prove or defend them. Surely you won't admit to doing THAT; so give your sources.

did the united states send anyone to look at the bodies? yes or no..or i dont know..
Thousands of Americans looked at the bodies. Besides the officers and enlisted men who liberated the camps, there were British, French and American physicians who attempted to treat the dying. Reams of testimony exist as to the condition of the survivors. Some of it can be found on the webpages to which I provided links.

Now, where did you get that silly and self-serving question?

what was my other "claim"?
Well, let's see...

"...almost every internment camp LOWERED the officail number of jews killed at that particular camp..."

What is your source for this statement of alleged fact?

"...world almanacs also disagree..."

On what? What almanacs?
"what was the percentage that died from typhoid? were those that died from typhoid added to the magic number of 6 million?"

Questions are founded on assumptions, which are implied statements of fact. What is your source for implicitly claiming that typhoid was a significant issue in the totals? This question came from somewhere. Why won't you tell us where?

Let's see, what else?

"... in most cases when the camps were liberated.. most of the prisoners were fat.. those NOT infected with typhoid...."

This is clearly another factual claim - and I'd LOVE to see some credible documentation on that one.

What else did you say?

"what were learned from the Nuremberg trial..."

Don't just allude to it; tell us what "were" supposedly learned, and where you supposedly found it.

"... there was no documents going from Hitler down to the guy pulling the switches on the fumigation chambers."

Another claim of fact. Where did you get this one? It's both false and ludicrous.

Here are some more:

"how many people know about the bush family involvment in the laundering of nazi money? or dupont/ford/porsche/ibm/us standard oil/rockafeller involvment in the rise of the nazis?"

What are your sources for all this?

Do you still maintain that you've made no claims?

"...hitler invaded poland cuz his people were being massacard..."

Whoop, there it is; the usual agenda exposed. Rehabilitate Hitler and Naziism. "He wasn't such a bad guy..."

"..jews in germany declared a boycott on ALL german goods and services just before ww2..."

Oh? What's your source for this claim of fact?

Do you think this supposed "boycott" justified the extermination of half the Jews in Europe?

And tell me - how, exactly, would a Jew living in Germany boycott "ALL german goods and services"? Where would he buy food, gasoline, medicine? And why would anyone think that a boycott on the part of, say, 5% of the German populace have any impact whatever?

This is absolutely a claim of fact. What if your source for it?

you claim ALL this information is in rothchild documentaries...
I do? Where and when did I do that?

And then there's this bit of smokescreen and attempted distraction:

"so a holocaust denier is someone who believes ww2 never happened? no such thing as jews or hitler? non-existant jews were put in camps that didnt exist?"

No one here has ever said that or anything like it - except you, in a lame and transparent attempt to create a strawman.

look...its your "god" givin right to be as zionisty as you want... dont use this old ploy on me...

What "old ploy" would that be? Asking that you actually back up what you say with credible sources?

you can post NO proof to your 9/11 theory...

Uh, what theory is that, and where and when did I mention it?

Your desperation is showing....

...so i could care less about what proofs YOU want..


"I have no proofs or evidence that I want anyone to see, so I'll pretend I'm indignant at being asked for them and blow some smoke to cover myself."

im not trying to hide anything...

Except your sources for all the baloney I quoted above.

please quote me on the links you want. please.
See above. Take your time.

Let the record show that Mazzaroth has jumped from the usual phony "charges of antisemitism are just a ploy" defense to the equally phony "I'm not claiming anything, I'm just asking questions" defense - still without responding to a single point anyone has made or a single question anyone has asked.

Prove me wrong. It would be so easy - all you have to do is post some links to the websites where you got all this or otherwise give your sources. The fact that you won't speaks for itself.

I'm enjoying this like a good steak, by the way. Please continue; it's so much fun to watch you duck and dodge and squirm and protest as you try to spread your propaganda and simultaneously conceal your deceptive and dishonest sources.

Review of the thread so far: Mazzaroth has posted allegations of facts, sometimes under the guise of "questions" but more often straight out, that are intended to cast doubt on the factuality of the Holocaust as understood by virtually every credentialed and professional historian in the world. He has refused to give a single source for his dubious allegations, and has refused to answer or respond to a single point or argument.

That's about it.
