The Prophet / Apostle Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Part-one )

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The Prophet / Apostle Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin ( Part-one )

Post #1

Post by Malachi-Zede-El »

When you Hear the term Hebrew , What immediately comes to your Mind ? You may think Jews , Semitics , Black Hebrew Israelites , Israel , Palestine , Hebrew ( as a language ) , Etc . These Titles , Names , Religions , and people are in essence correct . But what about the terms Muslims , Muhammad , Islam , Mecca , and Arabic ? Would you immediately relate these terms to the would Hebrew as well ? Of course not . However , you should . These titles , names , etc , are also related terms , be it by direct association or adaptation , for they all originated from the same one source , Abraham son of Terah and Nuna .

The word Hebrew is a title that was attributed to our great teacher Abraham when he traveled from the Ur of Chaldea and crossed a strip of land called Mesopotamia , nestled between the Tigris - Euphrates Rivers . He was on route to the Land of Canaan - the Land of the Canaanites ; which was promised to Him and His Descendants who were destined to come after Him for an everlasting possession ( Genesis 17 ; 8 ) . Upon crossing over , Abraham met a group of Phoenician -Canaanites ( the Canaanite tribe of Sidon who mixed in with the Assyrians - Genesis 10 ; 15 - 19 ) merchants who Worshipped the deity '' Al - aramic that had witnessed this crossing and referred to him and his family in Ancient Hebrew as '' Ibriy '' [ in modern Hebrew '' Ivrit - aramic or ''Hebrew '' which means '' To Cross Over ''

Genesis 14 ; 13 .
'' And There ( Bo - Came ) One That Had ( Faw -Leet - Escaped ) , And ( Naw -Gad - Told - Ab -Rawm - Abram ) , The ( Ib -Ree - Hebrew ) ; For He ( Shaw - Kan - Dwelt ) In The ( Ay -Lone - Plain ) Of ( Mam -Ray - Mamre ) The ( Em-O-Ree - Amorite - Awkh - Brother ) Of ( Esh -Kole - Eshcol ) , And ( Awkh - Brother ) Of ( Aw -Nare - Aner ) ; And ( Haym - These ) Were ( Bah-Al - Confederate ) With ( Ab -Rawm - Abram ) .
And There Came On That Had Escaped And Reported Al This To Abram , The One Who Crossed Over ( Hebrew ) ; Who Was Living Near A Sacred Tree In The Plain Of Mamre The Mountain Dweller ( Amorite ) , Mamre And His Brothers Eshcol And His Brother Aner ; And These Were The Confederate Of Abram .

In Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) , the word Aabiyr -arabic - for Eber means '' The one who passes over '' , get its same meaning as the title '' Hebrew '' from the Ashuric / Syriac ( Arabic ) root Ebra - arabic - which mean '' to cross to pass to traverse '' , The Aramic / Hebew . word for ''Hebrew '' is ( Ibriy -aramic ) . Here you can see how they originated from the same root '' Abara '' .

Abraham was the progenitor of nations . He was also responsible for the setting forth of what is considered the basis of many Religions that are practiced today ; Jadaism [ Moses and Talmud worshippers ] , Christianity [ the book of Deceiver Paul and Christ worshippers ] , and El Islam [ the book of Hadith and Muhammad worshippers ] which are the foundations of the various splinter Denomination , Religious , Religious Beliefs , Faith , Sanctities , Rites , or whatever you want to call them .

Continue in next post .

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