Why does God do in days...

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Why does God do in days...

Post #1

Post by Corvus »

God is immortal, eternal, all-powerful. There is nothing that he can't do. In that case, why did God take six days to create the world when he could have done it in an instant? Why did he have to rest on the seventh day? Why did God send out a 40 day flood when he could have purified the earth with but a thought?
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Post #2

Post by CanadianBuddhist »

simple answer. There is no god in that sense. Maybe there is one who is basically the source of all creation but there is NO WAY he exists in the sense that he is talked about in the bible. My personal belief is that the god from the bible is a lesser god, Christians say they are monotheistic but the original word for god was Elohim plural of elowah. Elowah was rarely used. Elowah means The Diety and Elohim means deities.
If the creator of the world entire
They call God, of every being be the Lord
Then an evil master is he
Knowing what's right did he let wrong prevail!
-- Buddha

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Post #3

Post by otseng »

I believe God created things in six days to set an example for us. We're to work in six days and rest on the seventh.

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Why does God do in days...

Post #4

Post by ICEMAN »

Explaining the Creation of the heavens and the Earth in 6 days were made

in that Time Period for Educational purposes to mankind to show and

Describe to mankind how things were developed and Created !

just like humans and animals or any life forms they we're not Created

instantly ! but they we're created by steps for us to understand how

things are Created for our Educational Purpose !

The issue about God Rested !

I agree God does not Rest or have any Weak Attribute !

I am Not a christian to agree with that Philosophy !

He who rest is not a Creator but a Creation .

Resting , sleeping , walking , eating are prime examples of attributes and

Characteristics of The Creation and not the Creator !

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Post #5

Post by juber3 »

My personal belief is that even though it did take him several days to make things he wanted to make things perfect. My opinion is that god wanted to make things in his own image.
So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female
created he them. (sword searcher--GEN 1-27)
God wants everything to be perfect. Now you might ask "GOD WHY DID YOU ALLOW SATAN TO COME TO EARTH AND TERRORISE IT" See satan was cast out of hevin because he wanted to be god, be in god seat. God didnt want it and cast him and his followers out. That is what we call Satan and his Demons[/quote]

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Post #6

Post by Corvus »

He's omnipotent! He could make things perfect in an instant. Why would he need to do any refining if he's perfect, omniscient, omnipotent, and all sorts of other nouns...?
<i>'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
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Post #7

Post by veritas »

*** Non-Christian post ***
Corvus wrote:He's omnipotent! He could make things perfect in an instant. Why would he need to do any refining if he's perfect, omniscient, omnipotent, and all sorts of other nouns...?
Try it this way, my friend: it is a Wiccan point of view, but perhaps we can come to some form of understanding.

When my child was born, she of course could not walk. Walking is a learned skill, and it is one that she devloped in time. Now, over the course of learning to walk, of course she had her share of falls, bruised knees, scraped shins, and all fo the various "boo-boos" that come with the process. Now, I was pleased when my child was born--don't get me wrong. I was also pleased when she started walking. But I am most pleased and proud to see her now, at the age of eleven, walking with confidence and pride. She could not have learned to walk without the previous bumps, bruises, and scrapes: indeed, the entire process of walking is fraught with the dangers of falling. Walking is a constant fight against the force of gravity.

Now, as a loving parent, I certainly could have "shielded" her from those bumps and bruises. I could have gotten a customized stroller that kept her from falling; I could have padded the floor to prevent her injury; I could eve have forbid her to get up from the floor at all. All of those things would have helped reduce the number of bruises, but she would not have that proud and confident stride that she has today.

In the same manner, the Gods know that if they make the world as a perfect place, then we would not have the impetus to grow, to mature--to learn our own walk. We would be forever "spiritual children," forever trapped in the state of never having learned to "walk the walk," because the Gods have kept us in strollers.

Just as physical walking requires a constant struggle against gravity, so learning to "spiritually walk" may require the constant struggle against the imperfections of this world.


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Post #8

Post by Corvus »

Hmm. That does answer some questions, but it's not exactly a Christian perspective. Are you a Wiccan, Mr. Justin?

Still, it doesn't answer why it took 6 days to create a flawed world. otseng's answer does try to tackle it head on, but it seems to me a pretty big assumption. "I'll give you guys free will, but I won't even let you decide how long you have to work and what day you have to stop to worship Me."
<i>'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.'</i>
-John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn.

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Post #9

Post by veritas »

Corvus wrote:Hmm. That does answer some questions, but it's not exactly a Christian perspective. Are you a Wiccan, Mr. Justin?
I am. :busily scurries around looking for a smiley with a pointy hat.: :)
Still, it doesn't answer why it took 6 days to create a flawed world. otseng's answer does try to tackle it head on, but it seems to me a pretty big assumption. "I'll give you guys free will, but I won't even let you decide how long you have to work and what day you have to stop to worship Me."
From the Christian point-of-view, free will comes in with deciding whether or not you will choose to follow the rules. :shrug: I guess there is a corrolary in the relationship of a child to his or her parents: the parent lays down the law because they are responsible for the child's wellbeing, or simply because they have the authority to do so and see a need. The child can obey, or disobey, but that does not change the fact that the parent has the authority to set those comandments.

From their point of view, God has the authority to establish these laws: that is without question.


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Post #10

Post by otseng »

Corvus wrote: "I'll give you guys free will, but I won't even let you decide how long you have to work and what day you have to stop to worship Me."
Sure, people have free will to work 7 days a week. Nothing is stopping them.

But, as creator, can't God set the rules on how he is to be worshipped? Furthermore, I view it as a reminder that people should rest from work. Otherwise, it's very tempting to be a workaholic (at least for people like me that like to work). So, it's a benefit to us mankind to rest one day a week, rather than a burden that we should rest.

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