What is a Soul?

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What is a Soul?

Post #1

Post by Skyangel »

The word soul in Hebrew is "nephesh" which is also translated as mind, person, heart, creature, body, himself, yourself, will, desire, appetite.

The word soul in Greek is psychē which is also translated as mind, heart, life.

We get our English words psychiatry, psychiatric, psychiatrist from the word psyche. It has to do with the mind heart and emotions of people. This is not a separate part of a person than the spirit and body but is a combination or a unity of the spirit and body.

Some religions teach about a "soul sleep" There is no such term as "soul sleep" in the bible. That is a man made false doctrine which is not taught in the bible at all when you study the word death in the bible and understand what it means both spiritually as well as physically.

What the bible refers to as "sleep" or "rest" is actually death in a physical sense and a state of spiritual unawareness in a spiritual sense. ( Luke 8:52-53, John11:11-14 ) Jesus used the terms dead and asleep interchangeably.

To understand what a soul really is, we can find a description of what a soul is made of and how it is made in Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Now read it carefully and study this. God formed man from dust. Stop there and you have a lump of dust or clay which has some form.
That clay body is lying lifeless on the ground. It began from dust and returns to dust. ( Ecc 12:7 )
That lifeless dust had no Spirit in it till God BREATHED a Spirit into the body of clay. and man became a living soul as opposed to a dead body.

DUST ( body ) + BREATH ( the Spirit of God ) = SOUL. ( A living thinking mortal )

When the Spirit is separated from the body, the soul is destroyed. It no longer exists because a soul is a combination of the body and Spirit or a unity of the flesh and the spirit which makes the flesh come alive. The soul is not something separate from a spirit or a body. It is a combination of the two as you can see from the "recipe" of a soul in Gen2:7.
The Body and the Spirit can be separate but when they are, the body is dead, lifeless, is not a soul at all. Therefore "soul sleep" is an imaginary fictional construct of the deceived carnal mind of man.

Ecc 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

There is the body which returns to dust and there is the Spirit which returns to God. There is no soul that goes any place or sleeps anywhere because it simply disappears and is no more when the Spirit leaves the body.

As a visual example,
Imagine you have two ingredients.... flour and water. They are two completely different things alone. Mix them together and you get a dough. You do not end up with flour, water and dough. You end up with dough which is made of water and flour. If you begin with the dough ( soul ) and then separate the dough ( soul ) from the water ( Spirit ), you do not end up with flour ( body ) water (Spirit ) and dough (soul ) but the dough ( soul ) disappears completely and is no longer dough but goes back to where it started as flour ( dust) and water ( Spirit )

The word soul is referring to the flesh of man ( body ) in a literal as well as a spiritual sense.
The Spirit is referring to the Spirit of God ( breath ) which is the LIFE of God inside the body of flesh or the literal air that we breathe which enables us to think and move and do as the Father tells us to do.

When you read the word soul in the bible, do not think of something that is separate from the spirit but rather think of a combination of flesh and spirit. A soul does not exist without flesh or without spirit. A soul IS a mortal living being not something separate from a mortal living being.

The only scripture in the bible which refers to body soul and spirit is..... 1 Thess 5: 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many religions tend to teach and imply by using that scripture, that the body is made up of three parts and is an example of a "trinity" concept but it is not.
What Paul is saying or praying is that the Spirit and the body be preserved together as a soul and the Spirit will be preserved together with the body to complete a blameless soul.

The little word "and" between body, soul, spirit, in 1 Thess 5:23, is the word "kai" in Greek which is a correlative conjunction which coordinates things and brings them together as a parallelism rather than separating them as two or three different things. They are merely different words describing the same thing which is the soul. It is like saying Father and God and Creator. These three words are not referring to three different gods or three "persons" or even three parts of one being but are merely different words describing the very same being or same Spirit.

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"The Soul" and "The Spirit"

Post #11

Post by Matthew »

What is a Soul?
A soul is an inherent spiritual disposition.
What is "Spirit"?
A spirit is the motive force by which a living thing is compelled to change or to resist change.

These are only my assumptions!

Moreover,the limited scope of this topic does not allow for any meaningful discussion or debate to be put forth regarding the "nephesh",which means,heart of mind.

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Post #12

Post by nogods »

It has been correctly stated that spirit is also the same word for breath or wind. Simply put, your breath was your sou or spirit. The Jews believed the soul entered the body when the newborn took its first breath. That is why abortion was sometimes mandated by the Jews, as the fetus had no soul. Now the Greeks had a different concept. They believed the soul entered the fetus at the point of quickening. Christianity adopted the pagan Greek view and rejected the laws of Judaism. This confounded the Bible abortion issue for 2,000 years.

The origin of the soul was believed to have come about because of dreams. People would "leave" their bodies in their sleep and visit with those who were dead. Hence, they had life after death in a soul. Rocks, carvings, and statues were placed by burial locations so that the soul or spirit of the deceased could occupy it. This is why conquerors would destroy them in ancient times. This belief is also mistaken for "idol worship."

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Post #13

Post by The Tongue »

nogods wrote: It has been correctly stated that spirit is also the same word for breath or wind. Simply put, your breath was your sou or spirit. The Jews believed the soul entered the body when the newborn took its first breath. That is why abortion was sometimes mandated by the Jews, as the fetus had no soul. Now the Greeks had a different concept. They believed the soul entered the fetus at the point of quickening. Christianity adopted the pagan Greek view and rejected the laws of Judaism. This confounded the Bible abortion issue for 2,000 years.

The origin of the soul was believed to have come about because of dreams. People would "leave" their bodies in their sleep and visit with those who were dead. Hence, they had life after death in a soul. Rocks, carvings, and statues were placed by burial locations so that the soul or spirit of the deceased could occupy it. This is why conquerors would destroy them in ancient times. This belief is also mistaken for "idol worship."
An unborn foetus was considered a potential human being, but until it took it's first breath it was not a personality or separate individual entity.

Exodus 21: 22; "If some men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman so that she loses the fruit of her womb, (A potential human personality) but she herself is not injured in any other way, the one who hurt her is to be fined whatever the woman's husband demands, subject to the approval of the judges.

But if the woman herself (A human personality) is injured, the punishment shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, and bruise for bruise."

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Post #14

Post by The Tongue »

nogods wrote: It has been correctly stated that spirit is also the same word for breath or wind. Simply put, your breath was your sou or spirit. The Jews believed the soul entered the body when the newborn took its first breath. That is why abortion was sometimes mandated by the Jews, as the fetus had no soul. Now the Greeks had a different concept. They believed the soul entered the fetus at the point of quickening. Christianity adopted the pagan Greek view and rejected the laws of Judaism. This confounded the Bible abortion issue for 2,000 years.

The origin of the soul was believed to have come about because of dreams. People would "leave" their bodies in their sleep and visit with those who were dead. Hence, they had life after death in a soul. Rocks, carvings, and statues were placed by burial locations so that the soul or spirit of the deceased could occupy it. This is why conquerors would destroy them in ancient times. This belief is also mistaken for "idol worship."
[nogods wrote]........The origin of the soul was believed to have come about because of dreams. People would "leave" their bodies in their sleep and visit with those who were dead. Hence, they had life after death in a soul. Rocks, carvings, and statues were placed by burial locations so that the soul or spirit of the deceased could occupy it. This is why conquerors would destroy them in ancient times. This belief is also mistaken for "idol worship."

God is the FIRST and the LAST
The ALPHA and the OMEGA
The FATHER and the SON.

God is ONE, He is the expanded singularity of origin, in who all things exist, and who exists in all things, and the reason for the existence of all that exists.

The soul is the life force, the animating principle that pervades the entire universal body, the genetic thread of life which connects the Alpha to the Omega, the soul to which is gathered all the information that is taken in through the physical senses of the living receptors within the living universal body of the evolving Godhead to this generation of the universe.

It is along that slender thread of life that connects the Alpha to the Omega, that we are able, in a state of meditation, hypnosis, or deep sleep, to mentally traverse into the past and merge with the minds of our ancestors, Human and pre-human. Some, have been known, while in their comatose state in their present time, to speak in the foreign language of the mind with who they are merged in the past, they speak in the unknown tongue of their ancestor.

Others who are seen as prophets, sometimes babble incomprehensible rubbish as they speak in the unknown tongue of their far and distant descendant, who in their point in time, is still as yet unborn. Or they try to put words to the visions that they are receiving from a mind of the far and distant future, visions of things that the terminology to express, had not yet evolved in their point in time. They saw things that looked to them like flying grasshoppers with wings above their heads, whose wings made the sound of a roaring waterfall and which spat fire from their tails.


Come travel with me on a journey through time;
Not in some capsule, but in our minds.
To the inner most sanctuary will we descend,
To the single cell from which your body began.
In the inner most sanctuary where all is one,
Where all of space and time is joined.
We'll mingle there with other minds,
From other lands, in other times.
Minds of the past who seem dead and gone
And minds of the future, who are yet unborn.
For they in THEIR time, whether here on this world,
Or some distant planet to which they've been lured,
Will enter their inner most sanctuary too,
And there perhaps, they might merge with you.
Ah! To travel through space in the wink of an eye
Merged with your child from some world way on high,
And if this is but madness, then madness it be,
So come my mad brothers, come......fly with me..... The Tongue.

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Post #15

Post by The Tongue »

Your body is simply the elements of the universal body that have always existed in one form or another, and will continue to exist after the elements that are your body have returned to the universal body from which your body was created.

The soul which is the vital animating principle that pervades the entire universe of shimmering vibrating invisible waves that we perceive as the Cosmos and animates all the evolving physical life forms that are merely receptors that gather information, through the senses of those bodies, which information is imprinted into the eternal evolving universal soul; ie, your body was born as the physical enclosure of all your ancestral spirits, human and pre-human in the creation of that body in which "YOU" the mind=spirit, are currently developing as the controlling godhead to that body, from all the information that is taken in through the senses of that body, without which senses, "YOU" the mind/spirt could never have begun to develop.

The information that is "YOU" is expressed in your words which are simply the expression of "YOU," for your words are the spirit that is you.

That information/spirit has been imprinted upon the eternal evolving soul, and will be used, or should I say, could be used in the creation of the new non physical species that comes from mankind,"The androgynous body of "THE SON OF MAN," the prototype or blueprint of which, already exists in the higher dimension, which is the great heavenly simulacrum, of which ENOCH was the chosen cornerstone, and which is the sin offering that has been prepared for us, which dies in the process of involution, in order to be the saviour of we in the process of evolution.

The great heavenly simulacrum=blueprint, which is the sin offering that has been prepared for us, is in fact the only begotten "Son of God," who dies for the sins of the body in which He "The Son of Man" develops. Enoch was the chosen cornerstone within the bosom of Abraham, to whom all the righteous spirits of mankind were gathered in the development of the "SON OF MAN," who is the only begotten Son of God.

And God's only begotten Son who is the sin offering that is prepared for us, dies in the process of involution, by releasing all the righteous spirits on which he had developed from the least to the greatest, until He finally diminishes into nothingness of rather, should I say he become the new androgynous body that evolves from mankind.

Enoch the first and the least in the glorious light body of the great simulacrum, and was the first to be released and was reborn on earth as Jesus.

Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week after Passover which is the Feast of “First fruits.� Jesus is the first born, the first fruits to be harvested from the body of man, the first of many brothers and sisters to be raised from the dead past of "The Son of Man", the first of many brothers and sisters to be conformed to the image of God’s only begotten son, the first to win the victory and to receive a share of the glorious immortal body of light, which is that of our heavenly saviour, which body of light is torn asunder and poured out as fire on the heads of all those who believed his words as spoken through his servant "Jesus" for our salvation.

In his new glorious body of brilliant and blinding light, He, on the road to Damascus, answered Saul's question, "Who are you Lord?" with these words, "I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you persecute,"

And Jesus our brother, was given divine glory and now sits in the throne of our Father, and all the chosen ones who have born the image of the first Adam, shall also bear the IMAGE OF Jesus, "The Second Adam," (in the eternal process of change/evolution, for mankind does not close the chapter in the book of evolution) a new creation of bodies of Glorious and blinding Light that is the new Temple of our Lord that is to replace God’s old tabernacle (Mankind) as the ruler on this earth of all creation.

First, "MAN" (man (�נוש� : 'enosh') in English, mortal human beings) was created a little lower than the angels, then he is crowned with glory and all creation is placed beneath his feet. All creation is placed beneath the feet of MAN (man (�נוש� : 'enosh) in English, mortal human beings) WHO IS CROWNED WITH GLORY, we have not yet seen this happen. But we have seen Jesus, the first born from the dead, who has won the victory and was given divine glory by our heavenly Father and saviour, and now sits in His heavenly throne of Godhead: and who, in Revelation 3: 21; invites those, who win the victory also, to sit with him in our Father’s throne of Godhead within the creation. And all creation Visible and invisible, which, according to Paul, includes even the angels, will bow at their feet.

Because this galactic cluster which is being pulled together by their own attractive gravitational force, will eventually become totally hostile to all physical life forms, the eternal universal life force (SOUL) has need of receptors that can survive in the coming changing environment. For even the elements of this universal body will one day become so excited they will burn up and eventually be reconverted to the liquid like electromagnetic energy from which they formed.

Those spirits that are chosen in the creation of the new species that come from man, will survive the translation of this universe=galactic cluster, from a body of matter into a glorious body of unapproachable light, before falling into the Great Abyss=black Hole.

Our ancient ancestors expressed their belief that our scientist today are just beginning to come to terms with, and that is the fact that we live in an eternal oscillating universe, that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time, a living being who exists in the two states of visible matter and invisible energy.

Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non being, and again from non being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.� ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

The days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds seems as an eternity. ‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis as the generations of the universe.

The English word “Generation,� is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth� which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,� or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc. And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.

A series of worlds following one upon the other,-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it. Every universe from the first to the last, from the smallest to the greatest, which have been created throughout the eons of eternity, still exist in their independent Space-Time positions within the eternal and boundless cosmos.

The New international Version, the Scofield Referrence Bible, and the Companion Bible, all note that the phase in Genesis 1: 2; The earth was formless and void (Having neither shape or mass) should be correctly translated, “The earth became without form and void.� The Hebrew word “Hayah� translated “was,� means “To become, occur, come to pass, Be.� (Vines Complete Expository of Old and New Testament Words, 1985. “To Be.�)

Another universe may have preceded ours, study finds. May 14th, 2006. Courtesy Penn State University and World Science staff.

Three physicists say they have done calculations suggesting that before the birth of our universe, which is expanding, there was an earlier universe that was shrinking.

The results stem from a theory that claims the fabric of space and time is made up of minuscule, indivisible bits, much as matter is.

Scientists believe our cosmos began in a sort of explosion called the Big Bang, when everything that exists---which had previously been packed into one infinitely dense point---burst outward.

The universe is still expanding according to this view, because it was born expanding.

According to some proposals, the Big Bang is a repeating cycle. Universes might expand, then shrink back to a point, then expand again. Thus the “Bang� would be really more like a bounce.

The idea is appealing in some ways, but scientists have found it far from easy to test. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, a key basis for the Big Bang theory, is silent on what happened before that event.

“General relativity can be used to describe the universe back to a point at which matter becomes so dense that it’s equations don’t hold up,� said Abhay Ashtekar, director of the Gravitational Physics and Geometry at Penn State University in University Park, Penn.

To go further, physicists must use tools Einstein didn’t have, he added. Ashtekar and two post-doctoral researchers developed such tools through a combination of Quantum physics- the science of subatomic particles—and general relativity, which describes the large-scale structure of space and time.

They found that before the Big Bang, there was a contracting universe. Other than the fact it was shrinking, they added, it was similar to ours in terms of the geometry of its space and time, or spacetime, as cosmologists call it since Einstein found the two are interwoven.

“In place of a classical Big Bang there is in fact a quantum bounce,� said Ashtekar. “We were so surprised by the finding,� he added, that the team repeated the calculations for months to include different possible values of some numbers representing the current universe. But the results kept pointing to a bounce.

The findings appear in the current issue of the research journal Physical Review Letters.

While the general idea of another, pre-Big Bang universe isn’t new, Ashtekar said, this is the first mathematical study that systematically establishes its existence and deduces properties of its spacetime geometry.

The notion that spacetime has a geometry involves the idea that it can be curved or flat. A “flat� spacetime is one in which geometry works as we normally expect; for example, parallel lines never meet. But Einstein found that material objects deform this flatness, introducing curvature.

To arrive at their pre-existing universe finding, Ashtekar’s group used loop quantum gravity, a theory that seeks to reconcile General relativity with quantum physics. These two seemingly fundamental theories are otherwise contradictory in some ways.

Loop quantum gravity, which was pioneered at Ashtekar’s institute, proposes that spacetime has a discrete “atomic� structure, as opposed to being a continuous sheet, as Einstein, along with most us, assumed.

In loop quantum gravity, space is thought of as woven from one-dimensional “threads.� The continuum picture remains mostly valid as an approximation. But near the Big Bang, this fabric is violently torn so that it’s discrete, or quantum, nature becomes important. One outcome of this is that gravity becomes repulsive instead of attractive, Ashetkar argued; the result is the Big Bounce.

Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University, a cosmologist who has explored some related concepts, wrote in an email that the new research “Supports, in a general way, the idea that the Big Bang need not be the beginning of space and time.�

The universe “may have undergone one or more bangs in its past history,� he added.

Steinhardt and colleagues have also proposed a bounce of sorts, but it’s different. It could turn out that the two scenarios are equivalent at some deep level, but that’s not known, he added. Steinhardt‘s scenario makes use of string theory, another attempt to reconcile General Relativity with quantum physics.

Some versions of string theory portray our visible universe as a three -dimensional space embedded in an invisible space having more dimensions. Our zone, called a braneworld-the word comes from its similarity to a sort of membrane-could periodically bounce into another, parallel braneworld.

Such an event might look to us, stuck in a few dimensions as we are, as a Big Bang. “I don’t know if Ashetkar’s case translates into a bounce between braneworlds like we are describing,� Steinhardt wrote. But by his estimate, this cataclysm won’t take place for another roughly 300 billion years—so there is hopefully plenty of time to answer the question.

I would rather a theory which states that there are many galactic clusters out there within the boundless cosmos, each cluster in its own position in Space-time, consisting of billions of Galaxies falling inward toward a Great Abyss, Black Hole, or Bottomless Pit, where, once torn to pieces molecule by molecule, atom by atom, sub-atomic particle by sub-atomic particle, and reconverted into the electromagnetic energy from which they were created and accelerated along the dark worm hole to speeds far, far in excess of the speed of light, where that liquid like Magnetic energy is spewed out in the trillions of degrees, somewhere far beyond the visible horizon of the boundless cosmos, where, from the cooling quantum of that electromagnetic energy a new universe is created, to which the light from its old position in space-time, would take billions upon billions of years to reach it.

But Just as the great thinkers took Copernicus’s theory of the sun centred universe and ran with it, evolving it over the many hundreds and hundreds of years, until it is seen today as the Big Bang theory, which is still in the process of evolution as more and more data about the universe is gathered by the minds of man, so too, these upcoming theories of the Big Crunch, which are as yet, still in their infancy, will eventually prove that the great religious minds of thousands and thousands of years ago, who believed the universe eternally oscillates between its two states of matter and energy, were correct.

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