Prayer Request

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Prayer Request

Post #1

Post by Piper Plexed »

A few days before my son's 4th birthday he was seriously injured by an overweight truck hauling 2x it's legal weight capacity, the driver couldn't stop, there were no skid marks on the road. The only visible injury was his temple where he impacted the road about 8 feet from where the vehicle finally rested. Well to make a long story short we are blessed and he survived, thank God. As per his Neuro Surgeon the most likely lasting effect of such an injury is ADHD. Months following the injury were very trying and he was quite out of control. Since then there has been very notable and steady improvement. I was at the point where I felt his behavior could be attributed to Boys will be Boys and I prayed. Well yesterday 2.5 weeks into Kindergarten I received the phone call that I have dreaded, the teacher is concerned. I explained to her his previous injury as well as the wonderful progress he has made over the past year and a half and happily we are on the same page with a treatment plan and we will together address his difficulties with behavior modification techniques.

My prayer is....
Thank You Lord for all my blessings... my family and my son that I came so close to loosing. Please Please help me to be patient and mindful of his needs, thy will be done.

My Joy.......
Last edited by Piper Plexed on Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post #2

Post by Illyricum »

I will definitely praying for you and your whole family. Praise the Lord that your son is still alive! God's will be done in this situation and may His name be glorified through it. Amen.
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Post #3

Post by otseng »

Piper, I appreciate your openness in sharing your story.

Lord God, I pray that you would give Piper and her family strength and your peace. I thank you for sparing her son and that he suffered no major problems from the accident. May you give them wisdom in how to handle their situation and cause them to continue to grow in trusting you. You are the God of all mercies and may your mercy continue to shower down upon them. In Jesus' name, amen.

A word about ADHD and schools, I think it's normal for boys to be active and have a very little attention span. That God for active boys!

Also, the picture that you posted asks for a password. One place you might want to consider putting pictures on is Ripway.

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Post #4

Post by Piper Plexed »

otseng wrote:Also, the picture that you posted asks for a password. One place you might want to consider putting pictures on is Ripway.
Wow that was tooooooo easy ... Thank you Otseng!

I was trying to use my ftp site and ummmm I guess I can't do that :shock: Who da thunk it could be so easy and free to boot!

I thank you Dear lyricum and Otseng For your prayers.

Otseng, I pray you are right and if so time and behavior modification will be the ticket. Be assured that I am no proponent of medicating children. This is where I may require the strength, in the back of my mind I realize that due to his accident he just may really need them and I pray that I will be able to make the right choices for him. As a parent I realize that my hopes fears and yes my ego may interfere with what is best for him. I am just so afraid of making the wrong choices or lacking the patience necessary to arrive at the best end.
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Post #5

Post by Piper Plexed »

Just thought I should post an update, we had our first parent teacher conference with both his teacher and basic skills teacher. All indications are that we should involve the Child Study Team. The cool thing is that I really like these woman and I have a great rapport with the Principle already.

Thy will be done....

Well Thank You again for your prayers, With Love Piper
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Post #6

Post by otseng »

Thanks for giving the update. BTW, what is a Child Study Team?

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Post #7

Post by Piper Plexed »

Otseng, Thank you for your interest :D

The Child Study team is a team of specialists i.e. Psychologist, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist etc. that will evaluate my son to determine if he has a learning disability. They will work with his teachers as well as our family to enact a treatment plan, initially it will be different modes of therapy that may help him. In a nutshell they will monitor his progress and make recommendations. NJ has always had integrated special education, the Child Study Team addresses any special needs the student may have. I believe they are an intrinsic part of the whole “No Child Left Behind” education act that has been passed. He will remain mainstreamed in the schools though receive any special help he may require aside of his classroom experience. I hope this explains it.
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Post #8

Post by TQWcS »

You have nothing to worry about when I was a kid my teachers were concerned about me as well. My parents got the whole team of psychologists together too and I was diagnosed with ADD. I turned out fine. However I was put on medication and I would advice you do this too. It has been found that when put on medication over the years your brain can actually rewire and operate like a normal one(one without ADD). Just my opinion. I will be praying for him!

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Post #9

Post by Piper Plexed »

TQWcS wrote:You have nothing to worry about when I was a kid my teachers were concerned about me as well. My parents got the whole team of psychologists together too and I was diagnosed with ADD. I turned out fine. However I was put on medication and I would advice you do this too. It has been found that when put on medication over the years your brain can actually rewire and operate like a normal one(one without ADD). Just my opinion. I will be praying for him!
Wow , your off the meds now? Well I must thank you for shareing :D Now I would like to pick your brain a little. I suspect that my son has ADD also as opposed to ADHD as he seems to not suffer from the hyper active element of ADHD. He is able to sit and appear to focus on class lessons though when called on his teacher says he is unable to respond to questions, It is like he is there and involved though he just dosn't get it. Now when given one on one instruction he does get it and responds to questions appropriately. Does any of this sound familiar to you? I guess what concerns me most is that his inability to grasp group lessons cannot be written off as behaviour problems as he is very well behaved. I was wondering ... when you were on the meds did they pull you out of class for specialized therapy or education? If you were, how did that make you feel? Also for how long did you need the special help for?

Well I thank you for your prayers as well as your encouragement! I must say that I feel much better after reading your post.
Last edited by Piper Plexed on Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #10

Post by TQWcS »

Well my main problem was taking my ideas and expressing them. When tested I would always preform remarkably on logic, memory and that sort of thing. However they found that it was hard for me to express my ideas clearly. I suppose I still have that problem of communicating in group situations, my friends always point out that I can never pay attention to more than one thing. As for the meds I am still on them but in very low dosage, I take 20 milligrams of Stratera a day. In my opinion it is one of the best ADD meds to come out. It's the first non-stimulant ADD medication it works by blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine to the brain. There are only two problems that I have noted from taking it: if you take it during the day you get a headache, feel tired, and sick on your stomach and it can take up to a month to get into your system. You can fix the first problem by taking it at night. Other than that it is a wonder drug! I say just give the meds a try because growing up without them can be hell. A few times while I was growing up I Tried to convince my parents that I was able to perform just as well without the medication, I guess to feel like I was normal. Every time I attempted to do this i noticed my grades took a drastic turn for the worse. But hey remember with God anything is possible!

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