Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

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Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #1

Post by jgh7 »

Many Christians take the stance that from the moment of conception an embryo/zygote/whatever has become a human life and has "human life value". Aborting it would be wrong because its "human life value" outweighs the issues of the woman who has to go through the pregnancy.

Is this logical? Can you be an atheist and still place "human life value" on an embryo? Can you be an atheist and be pro-life?

(pro-life is the politically neutral term for being against abortion in all or most cases).

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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #2

Post by Elijah John »

jgh7 wrote: Many Christians take the stance that from the moment of conception an embryo/zygote/whatever has become a human life and has "human life value". Aborting it would be wrong because its "human life value" outweighs the issues of the woman who has to go through the pregnancy.

Is this logical? Can you be an atheist and still place "human life value" on an embryo? Can you be an atheist and be pro-life?

(pro-life is the politically neutral term for being against abortion in all or most cases).
Yes, I know at least one atheist who is pro-life.

One can oppose abortion on philosophical grounds, not just on religous grounds.

The fertalized egg has unique DNA, not the mother's only, nor the father's.

It is a human life, at the very beginning of the continuim of development.

Seems to me, that when in doubt the benefist of the doubt should always be in favor of Life.

That would include the life of the mother...If the mother is in danger of death, then an exception should be made to save the mother's life...that serves the life principle more, in that case.
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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #3

Post by Divine Insight »

jgh7 wrote: (pro-life is the politically neutral term for being against abortion in all or most cases).
The statement quoted above is simply untrue.

Pro-life activists are extremely politically active. They are not merely against abortion, but they want to put into LAW making abortion illegal under the claim that is is "murder".

This would politically force every pregnant person to take their pregnancy to term lest they be branded by the political legal system as a "murderer".

So to claim that pro-life is a "politically neutral term" is simply untrue by a long shot.

Pro Choice, on the other hand is politically neutral because it supports that individuals should be free to make this choice on their own without any governmental laws dictating what they must choose.

So Pro-Life is extremely political.

Pro-Choice is not political at all.

Pro-Life is out to force other people's behavior via the LAW.

Pro-Choice is out to protect the rights of people from being dictated by the LAW.

Also, Pro-Choice does not mean that anyone is "for abortion". A Pro-choice person could choose to never have an abortion. All they want is the right to make that choice on their own rather than having it shoved down their throats by Pro-Life political activists via the LAW.

I'm Pro Choice, but this doesn't mean that I stand behind the decisions that other people make. It simply means that I stand behind their right to make those decisions.

Pro Choice does not equate to Pro Abortion at all. Not in the least. But Pro Lifers would like to misrepresent Pro Choice in this way. So Pro Lifers tend to also be dishonest in their politically active tactics. They claim that they are politically neutral (which is false) and they claim that pro choice = pro abortion, which is also false.

Someone who is Pro Choice can actually be against abortion to the hilt. They just realize that putting that into law is NOT a good idea.
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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #4

Post by bluethread »

Divine Insight wrote:
Pro-Choice is not political at all.
This is not true. As you stated, "Pro-Choice is out to protect the rights of people from being dictated by the LAW." That is a proposed policy and politics is all about establishing policy. Some times it involves enacting laws and other times it involves opposing the enactment of laws. In fact, Roe vs. Wade is not the absence of law, but an interpretation of law.

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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #5

Post by DanieltheDragon »

[Replying to post 3 by Divine Insight]

I am by no means Pro-life however, I am also not entirely on-board with the pro-choice movement. At some point the fetus does develop consciousness at some point it does become a life. While at the same token an embryo and early stages of development it is clearly only the potentiality for life. We have come a long way since Roe v. Wade perhaps we should revisit somethings and re-examine abortion in the states. In the current political climate I just don't see how this is possible though.

To clarify:

1.Exceptions need to be made for rape/incest
2.Exceptions need to be made for children incapable of bearing children(9-13yrs)
3.Exceptions need to be made for the life of the mother
4.Exceptions should be available for fetuses with severe genetic and birth abnormalities

If the mother is dead we should let her pass if the family wishes it and not use the body as a grotesque baby farm.

I wish there could be a civil debate on abortion its uses and its regulation. I just don't really see that happening though.
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Post #6

Post by jgh7 »

I think I incorrectly used "politically neutral". I simply meant it's the most accepted term for that side. They prefer it over "anti-abortionist", just like pro-choicers prefer the term "pro-choice" over "pro-abortionist". I guess they feel it describes them the best.

It's too late for me to edit my OP, but if I could I would simply remove the "politically neutral" part of it as it can cause confusion.

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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #7

Post by Paprika »

jgh7 wrote: Many Christians take the stance that from the moment of conception an embryo/zygote/whatever has become a human life and has "human life value"....

Is this logical? Can you be an atheist and still place "human life value" on an embryo? Can you be an atheist and be pro-life?
Why not?

It's elementary. We just look at the biology: is the embryo a human life? If it is, then it is trivial that whatever value a human life has (aka "human life value") the embryo also possesses.
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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #8

Post by Bust Nak »

Divine Insight wrote: Pro Choice, on the other hand is politically neutral because it supports that individuals should be free to make this choice on their own without any governmental laws dictating what they must choose.
Surely pro choice is not politically active simply because we've already won on the political front and merely want to maintain the status quo?

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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #9

Post by JehovahsWitness »

[Replying to post 1 by jgh7]

It is logical for those of us (like myself) that believe life is from God and begins when an individual is formed in the womb of his mother.

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Re: Placing Human-Life Value on an Embryo. Is it logical?

Post #10

Post by Mountainmanbob »

jgh7 wrote:
Is this logical? Can you be an atheist and still place "human life value" on an embryo? Can you be an atheist and be pro-life?
A few probably are pro life.
Ones who care for and love babies.

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