Out-of-body experiences

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Out-of-body experiences

Post #1

Post by Compassionist »

Has anyone on this forum had an out-of-body experience? I bought this book Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience: Radical New Techniques on 23 August 2018 and have been trying to have one since then but still have not managed to have one. I would be grateful if you would share your experiences with me. Thank you.

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Post #31

Post by Compassionist »

Compassionist: If we are aspects of One Entity, why did 99.99% of all living things to ever evolve on Earth go extinct? Isn't the One Entity diminished by such mass extinctions?

William: Why would that matter? They are simply forms. Forms are for experiencing through. Like vehicles are for using. Extinction is simply having no further use for those forms.
Even if there where absolutely NO forms, how would this diminish the One Entity?
If the deaths of so many members of so many species does not matter to the One Entity, what actually matters to this One Entity you speak of? Sounds like this One Entity is the ultimate evil, the ultimate genocider.

My brother died due to the error of his doctor. If my brother and the doctor are both aspects of the One Entity than why would the error of one aspect lead to the suffering and death of my 8 days old brother? That's like saying my left hand chopped off the right arm because the right arm is just a form and it no longer has any function. By that logic, some delusional moron with a nuke could blow up the Earth and say that was in service of the One Entity who longer requires the Earth and all who live on it.

As far as evidence goes, there is no One Entity or God or Gods. We evolved naturally in a horrific and unjust reality which doesn't care about the suffering and death of living things. Here, might is right, one either adapts or dies. Only suffering and death are guaranteed in this reality. I hate this reality. If a God created this reality then that God is the ultimate evil. No wonder the book that is allegedly written by this God is so full of evil commands and deeds: http://www.evilbible.com

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Post #32

Post by William »

Compassionist: My brother died due to the error of his doctor.

William: If there were some way in which your brother could communicate with you to provide you some evidence that he did not actually die, and is still alive, would that help you in your quest for answers which can give you the opportunity for closure?

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Post #33

Post by Compassionist »

William wrote: Compassionist: My brother died due to the error of his doctor.

William: If there were some way in which your brother could communicate with you to provide you some evidence that he did not actually die, and is still alive, would that help you in your quest for answers which can give you the opportunity for closure?
How could a dead baby who died aged 8 days communicate with me? In any case, I have much bigger objectives than my own suffering. I am the founder, trustee and secretary of a worldwide charity called Can With Candle.

Please see: https://www.facebook.com/CanWithCandle and https://twitter.com/Can_With_Candle

Our Worldwide OBJECTIVES:

1. The saving of lives.

2. The advancement of health.

3. Preventing and relieving poverty.

4. Helping those in need due to age, ill health, disability, financial hardship and other disadvantages.

5. Advancing education.

6. Promoting equality and diversity.

7. Promoting religious and racial harmony.

8.The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution and reconciliation.

9. Advancing the arts, heritage, culture and science.

10.The advancement of citizenship and community development.

11. Protecting and improving the environment.

12. Promoting animal welfare.

13. The advancement of public participation in sports.

ACTIVITIES that fulfil our objectives:

1. Practising and promoting self-help, mutual help and altruism.

2. Making and promoting constructive changes within ourselves, in others and in the world.

I am working to save the world.

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Post #34

Post by William »

William: If there were some way in which your brother could communicate with you to provide you some evidence that he did not actually die, and is still alive, would that help you in your quest for answers which can give you the opportunity for closure?

Compassionist: How could a dead baby who died aged 8 days communicate with me?

William: What makes you think that your brother would remain an 8 day old baby, just because he dies at eight days old?
As to how your brother can communicate with you and you with him, I have already written how that is possible.

Compassionist: In any case, I have much bigger objectives than my own suffering. I am the founder, trustee and secretary of a worldwide charity called Can With Candle.

William: Naturally enough, this allows for more questions, such as;
Q: Is your own suffering connected to your creating a worldwide charity?
Q: Why are you involving your time in a Christian Debate Forum?

Compassionist: I am working to save the world.

William: What make you think that the world wants saving?

In general, Christians believe that GOD saves the world through Jesus, which in purely Metaphysical terms amounts to people believing in Jesus, and from observation - while there certainly are Christian-based charities - the 'saving' has to do with souls and the afterlife, rather than with the physical universe, which the majority of Christians believe is Satan's domain, and as such, are not overly concerned with saving that.

I used to believe the world could be saved as well, but I think about that now as my heart being overly romantic and not seeing reality for what it actually is.

I came to the - I believe - rational conclusion that as long as the world Systems of Disparity exist, anything, including charities, within these systems is doomed to failure, no mater how hard we try, how much we give and how much we hope otherwise.

Charities therefore are simply ambulances and hearses at the bottom of the cliff, because they each are not focusing upon what is the source of humanities problem. Systems of Disparity are the source of humanities problems, and until they are replaced by a system of Parity, charities will never be effective.

I was speaking to an acquaintance just yesterday, telling him about a person who knocked on my door recently, canvasing for a charity...it turns out that my acquaintance also use to work for that same charity, only phone canvasing rather than door-knocking.
He told me that the organisation itself told him that only about 10% of the total donated funds actually goes to the ones the charity collects on behalf of, as the rest is soaked up in admin costs...naturally enough, because the systems of disparity are heavily administrated and those in these positions expect to be well paid because they have life-styles to support...and this has its effect on the way charities are also structured.

Compassionist: Our Worldwide OBJECTIVES:

1. The saving of lives.

2. The advancement of health.

3. Preventing and relieving poverty.

4. Helping those in need due to age, ill health, disability, financial hardship and other disadvantages.

5. Advancing education.

6. Promoting equality and diversity.

7. Promoting religious and racial harmony.

8.The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution and reconciliation.

9. Advancing the arts, heritage, culture and science.

10.The advancement of citizenship and community development.

11. Protecting and improving the environment.

12. Promoting animal welfare.

13. The advancement of public participation in sports.

ACTIVITIES that fulfil our objectives:

William: To me, your substantial list - as impressive as the goals are - won't work as long as disparity is never dealt with. This is because, whether sport, or animal welfare, or anything else on the list, it simply won't amount to anything of true value WHILE they are administered through Systems of Disparity, and to believe otherwise is simply romance, and artificial for that.

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Post #35

Post by Compassionist »

William wrote: William: If there were some way in which your brother could communicate with you to provide you some evidence that he did not actually die, and is still alive, would that help you in your quest for answers which can give you the opportunity for closure?

Compassionist: How could a dead baby who died aged 8 days communicate with me?

William: What makes you think that your brother would remain an 8 day old baby, just because he dies at eight days old?
As to how your brother can communicate with you and you with him, I have already written how that is possible.

Compassionist: In any case, I have much bigger objectives than my own suffering. I am the founder, trustee and secretary of a worldwide charity called Can With Candle.

William: Naturally enough, this allows for more questions, such as;
Q: Is your own suffering connected to your creating a worldwide charity?
Q: Why are you involving your time in a Christian Debate Forum?

Compassionist: I am working to save the world.

William: What make you think that the world wants saving?

In general, Christians believe that GOD saves the world through Jesus, which in purely Metaphysical terms amounts to people believing in Jesus, and from observation - while there certainly are Christian-based charities - the 'saving' has to do with souls and the afterlife, rather than with the physical universe, which the majority of Christians believe is Satan's domain, and as such, are not overly concerned with saving that.

I used to believe the world could be saved as well, but I think about that now as my heart being overly romantic and not seeing reality for what it actually is.

I came to the - I believe - rational conclusion that as long as the world Systems of Disparity exist, anything, including charities, within these systems is doomed to failure, no mater how hard we try, how much we give and how much we hope otherwise.

Charities therefore are simply ambulances and hearses at the bottom of the cliff, because they each are not focusing upon what is the source of humanities problem. Systems of Disparity are the source of humanities problems, and until they are replaced by a system of Parity, charities will never be effective.

I was speaking to an acquaintance just yesterday, telling him about a person who knocked on my door recently, canvasing for a charity...it turns out that my acquaintance also use to work for that same charity, only phone canvasing rather than door-knocking.
He told me that the organisation itself told him that only about 10% of the total donated funds actually goes to the ones the charity collects on behalf of, as the rest is soaked up in admin costs...naturally enough, because the systems of disparity are heavily administrated and those in these positions expect to be well paid because they have life-styles to support...and this has its effect on the way charities are also structured.

Compassionist: Our Worldwide OBJECTIVES:

1. The saving of lives.

2. The advancement of health.

3. Preventing and relieving poverty.

4. Helping those in need due to age, ill health, disability, financial hardship and other disadvantages.

5. Advancing education.

6. Promoting equality and diversity.

7. Promoting religious and racial harmony.

8.The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution and reconciliation.

9. Advancing the arts, heritage, culture and science.

10.The advancement of citizenship and community development.

11. Protecting and improving the environment.

12. Promoting animal welfare.

13. The advancement of public participation in sports.

ACTIVITIES that fulfil our objectives:

William: To me, your substantial list - as impressive as the goals are - won't work as long as disparity is never dealt with. This is because, whether sport, or animal welfare, or anything else on the list, it simply won't amount to anything of true value WHILE they are administered through Systems of Disparity, and to believe otherwise is simply romance, and artificial for that.
My point is that my brother or my other relatives and friends or any other dead person has never communicated with me.

I was born into Islam. I struggled with various issues about the veracity of the Quran and the rules of Islam for six years before leaving it during an elated mood episode on 23 August 2002. I would not have left Islam if I were well - as leaving Islam is punishable by beheading. Here are ten Islamic laws which I consider to be unjust and I think they should be repealed as they breach our Human Rights:

1. Death penalty for apostasy.
2. Death penalty for blasphemy.
3. Death penalty for homosexuality.
4. Death penalty for adultery.
5. Son gets twice as much inheritance as a daughter.
6. Two female witnesses are required to counter one male witness.
7. Non-muslims are not allowed to inherit the properties and money of Muslims.
8. Males are allowed to have 4 wives but females are not allowed to have 4 husbands.
9. Husbands are allowed to punish disobedient wives by beating them.
10. Chopping off a limb for theft.

As I said in a previous post, I have been suffering from Bipolar Affective Disorder for 22 years. I am currently at minus 2 on the mood scale below.

+5: Total loss of judgement, exorbitant spending, religious delusions or hallucinations.
+4: Lost touch with reality, incoherent, no sleep, paranoid and vindictive, reckless behaviour.
+3: Inflated self-esteem, rapid thoughts and speech, counter-productive simultaneous tasks.
+2: Very productive, everything to excess, charming and talkative.
+1: Self-esteem good, optimistic, sociable and articulate, good decisions and get work done.
0: Mood in balance, no symptoms of depression or mania.
-1: Slight withdrawal from social situations, concentration less than usual, slight agitation.
-2: Feeling of panic and anxiety, concentration difficult and memory poor, some comfort in routine.
-3: Slow thinking, no appetite, need to be alone, sleep excessive or difficult, everything a struggle.
-4: Feeling of hopelessness and guilt, thoughts of suicide, little movement, impossible to do anything.
-5: Endless suicidal thoughts, no way out, no movement, everything is bleak and it will always be like this.

I became a Christian on 1 February 2003 during a depressive episode when I found a leaflet which showed people on one side of a chasm and God on the other side and the cross in the middle. The leaflet had a verse on it "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16, The Bible (New International Version). I liked the idea of a loving God. My favourite verse of the Bible is "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." - 1 John 4:16 The Bible (New International Version). I would not have become a Christian if I were well. Also, I had not read the whole Bible. I became a Christian on the basis of a leaflet about God's love.

Eventually, I read the whole Bible and concluded that it is false and unethical. Then I left Christianity and became an agnostic secular humanist on 1 April 2006. I am also a pacifist vegan.

I have never asked anyone to leave their religion and I never will. I respect everyone's Human Rights and one of these rights is the freedom to believe any or no religion. So, I don't want anyone to leave their religion unless that's what they want to do. People should be free to research religious and secular worldviews and make their own choices without being persecuted or executed.

I am on this forum because I like discussing the nature of reality, the nature of the self and the definition of ethics. I love this definition of ethics: “Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil.� – Albert Schweitzer, “Civilization and Ethics�, 1949.

I have been working to achieve the 13 worldwide objectives of our charity for the last 12 years and plan to keep working on them until I die.

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Post #36

Post by William »

[Replying to post 35 by ]

Compassionist: My point is that my brother or my other relatives and friends or any other dead person has never communicated with me.

William: Nor was I arguing otherwise. My point was that if you wanted to commune with them, for healing and closure etc, you could do so.

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Post #37

Post by Compassionist »

William wrote: [Replying to post 35 by ]

Compassionist: My point is that my brother or my other relatives and friends or any other dead person has never communicated with me.

William: Nor was I arguing otherwise. My point was that if you wanted to commune with them, for healing and closure etc, you could do so.
I read your post about the ideomotor effect. I am not convinced that things drawn or written due to this ideomotor effect is communication from dead people who are alive in the life after death. "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." - John 14:12, The Bible (New International Version). If this verse is true, why not resurrect some dead Christians so they can tell us about what heaven is like for them? Why not also resurrect some dead non-Christians so they can tell us what hell is like for them? According to the Bible, Jesus resurrected many dead people. So, why don't Christians resurrect many dead people? According to the Bible, they should be able to do even greater works than Jesus.

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6, The Bible (New International Version). Christians use this verse to justify their claim that only Christians go to heaven and all non-Christians, however virtuous, go to hell because of their lack of faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

Of course, according to my faith that I am the Omnibenevolent Omnisaviour of the Omniverse, everyone goes to my omnibenevolent heaven for all because of my unconditional faith, hope and love. We will all die and find out who is right. If there is no life after death (either through resurrection or reincarnation) then we will just cease to exist - as we do during dreamless sleep and during induced unconsciousness due to anaesthesia.

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Post #38

Post by William »

[Replying to post 37 by]

Compassionist: I read your post about the ideomotor effect. I am not convinced that things drawn or written due to this ideomotor effect is communication from dead people who are alive in the life after death.

William: While you say you read it, your answer shows me that you did not understand what it is that I wrote.
The overall point of the experience is to connect with aspects of yourself, and in relation to wholeness, there really are no 'others', so even your departed brother is an aspect of yourself.
Primarily my offering the ideomotor effect as a helpful device, was because of the concerns that you have been raising regarding your own doubts and frustrations, and lack of anything which could be helpful subjective evidence.
In that, what I wrote is significant enough, and if one is to reject it out of hand because one does not know if there is life after death or not, one simply rejects a possible means of finding out more about that.

What I wrote about my experience with ideomotor effect
Often the 'who I am' is solidly linked with the self-identifying as said Human instrument.
Most people tend to leave it at that.
But 'who are we really?'

I discovered through consistent use of a device created for the purpose of communication through ideomotor effect,, that the answer to the question is positively "I am far more than I think I am".

It didn't immediately start out that way, but was discovered to be the case after much ground-work was done in preparation for the reveal, and that process took at least a couple of years of almost daily use.

Essentially ideomotor phenomena can enable the studious - through proper use - to connect with what appear to be 'other' entities, and for me this amounted to starting out communicating with a very basic entity with limited communication skills, and eventually graduating from there with entities more advanced in the art of communication.

In the end, I was informed that I had actually be communicating with aspects of my SELF, to which - in my ordinary framework of Human experience - I had regarded as 'other entities'.

Through correct use of Ideomotor Effect, the individual learns how to engage with that mysterious thing called 'subconscious' 'unconscious' and 'super-conscious'.
Some call it 'higher self' or 'GOD'.

The illusion of self in regard to 'the mind' through the Human experience, is but a very tiny portion of who each of us really ARE.

Compassionist: Of course, according to my faith that I am the Omnibenevolent Omnisaviour of the Omniverse, everyone goes to my omnibenevolent heaven for all because of my unconditional faith, hope and love.

William: What you shared regarding your mental illness, this idea you are Omnibenevolent can be attached to your mood-swings, which for bipolar sufferers means they are never centered but swinging from one extreme to the opposite extreme...thus your Omnibenevolent state is the top end of that spectrum.
In this universe, one cannot be Omnibenevolent, and subconsciously you will understand this to be true, which will cause you to eventually swing the other way for a time.
Ideomotor effect can assist in helping you connect with your subconscious self and learn from that and heal from your current bipolar affliction.

Compassionist: We will all die and find out who is right.

William: Jesus taught his disciples how to gain knowledge of what he referred to as "The Knowledge of The Secrets of The Kingdom of Heaven" and also informed them that "The Kingdom is within".
These are primary clues which, if understood and applied, can help free the individual from the afflictions of ignorance and in that, help the individual become self empowered.
In that, we can find out things before we die, and that knowledge will assist us in that crossing over from one reality into the next.

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Post #39

Post by Compassionist »

Thank you William for your helpful reply. I will try the ideomotor drawing and writing and see what comes up.

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Post #40

Post by William »

Compassionist: Thank you William for your helpful reply. I will try the ideomotor drawing and writing and see what comes up.

William: Not a problem Compassionist.
I myself did not use either of those devices for the purpose of Communication, at least not directly.
What I used was mirrors, which I etched on the back side with symbols, and these symbols became the medium in which the communication could take place through.
In that way, I was able to record the communications which came through the use of a small upturned glass in which I attached a pointer within in order to achieve finer accuracy.
I am happy to share in more detail how to create this device, if you decide at some stage that you would like to try it out.

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