Musing On The Mother - ACT III

Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life.
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Musing On The Mother - ACT III

Post #1

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Post #71

Post by William »

Callum: Okay. What I decided to do was to start off with the original list which presently consists of 7066 words.
I shuffled these through the Randomizing Algorithm and then repeated that process 10 my list contains 70660 words - so each word-string on the original list is represented 10 times on this temporary list that I will be working with.

Manu Iti: That is an interesting shuffle Callum.

Callum: I see there are a total of 487 pages making up the list document Manu Iti. Perhaps you would like to choose a number between 1 and 487 for me.

Manu Iti: How about page 444 Callum.

Callum: Okay Manu Iti. I will select that page. Lets see what - if any - message can be found on that page. To make it more interesting still, I will proceed from the bottom of said page to the top.

Manu Iti: As You will Callum.

Callum seeks out the page and begins to generate the Message.
  • Generated Message: Animistic Under question Incunabula Intimation The Lord God Imagination "When we hear words spoken, we hear them. When we read words written, we also hear them." Fun/Joy The Respect You Give and Receive Poetry Universal Astigmatism What’s The Problem? Science of Truth Assigned Forum The Hologram of Deception Creation Of A New Universe The Script Must Be Followed The Way We Feel Unification Evaluating Cautiously Feedback Codes Perpetually Selfish Attitude The Fine Art of Not Being Offended Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder. Love Your Life Re Abusive Expression Of All Types. Dreaming Hot Pulse Making it up as you go along What Is Found Here Learning Expression Of Appreciation of Experience Dualic Energies Entity Wholeness Within The Main Points On The Agenda Be Free Extraterrestrial Apotheosis Yep - That's What I'm Talking About... Conundrum
    The Master ColdFire Trick Adaptive Actions Turbulent Water The Garden
After Generating the Message, Callum reads it and then comments.

Callum: Firstly, my overall impression of the Message is that it appears to be saying that we are compelled by circumstance and our reaction to circumstance determines how things will unfold for us.
Would you agree with that general assessment Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: I can go along with that assessment Callum, yes.

Callum: But it does not seem to give a definitive commentary on what you have said about The Realm Of Judgment.

Manu Iti: There is no specific mention of that Realm Callum. But there is agreement in relation to how attitude and belief shape things. That aligns with what I have been saying.

Callum nods.

Callum: I need to look up a few of the words used, because I am unfamiliar with the meanings.

Callum scans the Message.

Callum: Those words and their meanings are -
Animistic - "the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess souls."
Incunabula - has two definitions - 1. any book printed before 1501. 2. the infancy or earliest stages of something; beginnings.
Intimation - an indication or hint.
Astigmatism - a defect of an optical system (such as a lens) causing rays from a point to fail to meet in a focal point resulting in a blurred and imperfect image.
Apotheosis - the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.

Manu Iti: So now we go back to the Message and see how the meanings help us to understand it better...

Callum: The impression I get from the Message now, is that the idea that the universe having souls is under question and in its early stages of being answered but there are indications that The Creator's Imagination is involved in that process...there are things which the eye does not clearly see...perhaps in both the scientific sense as well as the philosophical. The 'climax' of the 'agenda' involved with the phrase "Entity Wholeness Within The Main Points On The Agenda Be Free Extraterrestrial Apotheosis Yep - That's What I'm Talking About..." appears to be pointing to the process, but I myself do not understand the phrasing used. Do you?

Manu Iti: "Entity Wholeness" has to do with what We discussed much earlier on when at The Campfire on Hub Mound Callum.

I search through past conversations Callum and I had, and read out the results;

Manu Iti: The first time 'Wholeness" is mentioned is in an early Message from Act I

"Science & Spirituality - The Wholeness Navigator"

I continue with my search

Manu Iti: Also part of the Message Generated;
"I Am Universe of Wholeness..."

You make mention of 'wholeness'.
I quote;

  • "The Tanager tells me that one of the things those two trees symbolize are you and I. You name a thing Love; I name it otherwise. Both of us put a name to it, however. I want to know why you judge its name to be Love. One possible reason lies in my question which you did not answer, at least not clearly. This question concerns the relationship between off-spring and Mother once her Wholeness is restored. Do the off-spring remain or is it just The Mother at that point?"

Callum: Yes I remember that.

I continue with my search.

Manu Iti: I answered your query with;
  • "The Mother births her children through the act of that creation and so She not only regains her Wholeness as an outcome, but in addition, gains the off-spring."

Callum: Yes. I did not understand that then. I have more of a grasp of it now..but not greatly.

Manu Iti: Yes. You speak of your confusion about that;
  • "Another thing that remains confusing is that you speak of The Mother regaining Wholeness, a wholeness that was fractured into the offspring, if I understood you correctly. If so, how can the offspring remain while that Wholeness is restored? These have to be two different kinds of Wholeness being talked about or I'm misunderstanding what's going on regardless of what you've already said on the subject."

Callum: Yes. I am still unsure as to how to reconcile those differences.

Manu Iti: Yes. You had a problem with seeing any act of Love involved in the process. I answered your concerns with;
  • "As to The Mother regaining Her wholeness, I am referring to the state of self awareness that She was in, prior to her entering into the state of ignorance. At that prior time, there were no offspring but she foresaw that through the process, offspring would be created. Having the prior knowledge that She would regain her wholeness - rather than eternally being lost to Her self - and that her offspring created through that process would also all eventually reach that same understanding of who they are, this is based in Love. The pain and feelings of separation are not eternal and will naturally be replaced with empathy one individual at a time, inevitably."

Callum: So you are saying that the message I have just Generated, speaks to this idea?

Manu Iti: I understand so Callum. The wholeness question has not been answered for you. The Message Generated is continuing to try to assist you in your understanding of Wholeness. You argued as if there were two types of Wholeness, because you separate The Creator with The Creation.

I tried to explain this to you back then. I quote;

  • "There are not 'two kinds of wholeness' because The Mother is also The Offspring, as She really always has had the Offspring as a potential within her.
    So her regaining Wholeness and her Offspring entering into the awareness of Her Wholeness, is one and the same action, simply seen through different perspectives of The One Being...The Mother. "

I also asked you to bear in mind that the process was understood by The Mother and undertaken based upon understanding that knowledge, that all would eventually be integrated in Unity and Wholeness and the end of harm and separation established, and said that this effectively means - what started out as a purely innocent and worthy act of loving thought immediately branched out into a myriad of fractal patterns as the potential moved toward the End, where the seemingly separated branches integrate into wholeness from where they originated.

Callum: How did I answer this?

Manu Iti: You do not remember?

Callum:Perhaps I do. I think I have changed a bit as I have experienced things in The Holograph Universe after that. I am still trying to understand it is not easy.

Manu Iti: That is why I always advise non-judgmentalism Callum.
When one learns to drop judgement, Wholeness become easier to understand.

Callum: It is not easy for me to do Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: I understand Callum. Perhaps at least we can agree that this Generated Message is showing us that the subject is still on The Table.

Callum: Yes. I can agree with that Manu Iti. I suppose then, that the Message is indeed giving some commentary on my questions of The Realm of Judgement...

Callum puts the Message Generator away and stands up.

Callum: I think I have rested enough for now...time to move on again.

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Post #72

Post by William »

Callum makes good progress to the next fork. He checks his map.


He then uses his Message Generator to help decide which way to go. The selection is to turn right.

He walks the short distance to the next fork and again consults the message Generator. Again it advises turning right. He continues on to the next and repeats the process. Again the selection is to continue turning right.

Callum: Well I am coming to the end of this section of map Manu Iti.

Again Callum walks the short distance to the next branch and then uses the MG, and once more the selection is to go right.

Callum: Okay. So what now Manu Iti?

Manu Iti: Now I think it time for you to eat and sleep Callum.

The Gem turns green and descends to the Cave floor, an opening appears in one of is facets, inviting Callum to enter, which he does without hesitation.

Within the chamber of the Gem facet, Callum finds a comfortable recliner and immediate plops himself into it.

Callum: Oh this is good Manu Iti! Very comfortable!
I did not realize how tired I am!

At that, Callum quickly drifts off to sleep.

I think of the Campfire and immediately The Gem takes us there.

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Post #73

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After visiting the campfire at Hub Mound I assign a Service Bot the task of gathering some food and drink for Callum, while I busy myself with other tasks.

After all is done there, The Gem returns us to the part of The Cave system which we left off from. Callum is still soundly asleep.

A bell sounds. Wiremu is contacting me.

Manu Iti: Greetings Wiremu! How are things with you?

Wiremu's smile lights up The Screen.

Wiremu: I am fine Manu Iti. How are things going for Callum in The Cave ?

Manu Iti: Callum is doing quite nicely Wiremu. He has warmed to use of the Message Generator and is responding reasonably well to concepts he was fighting against when he was Tanagers ward.

Wiremu: That is encouraging news. Any word on Ngaru Whaea and Tawa Mapahu?

Manu Iti: I have not been to view their progress as yet Wiremu. It is slow going at present, accompanying Callum through this Labyrinth.

Wiremu: I understand. Perhaps as things progress, they will also speed up. The Gem can offer assistance in that.

Manu Iti: Yes, I agree. It would be faster if Callum rode The Gem, rather than having to walk. Sometimes The Gem obliges and other times not.

Wiremu: True that.

Manu Iti: Have you heard any more from Tanager?

Wiremu: Not a whisper. Although he is actively engaging with others, it seems he has abandoned his quest to..."influence me out of the shadowlands". I suppose I have become something of a 'lost cause' as far as he is concerned.

Manu Iti: That is sad - although not entirely unexpected.

Wiremu: Agreed! Well, I just wanted to touch base with you. If you need me for anything, just give me a call.

The Gem flashes a symbol on the armrest.


Wiremu: Yes. That is the Symbol for me. Just press it as needed and I will respond.

Manu Iti: Very well Wiremu.

Wiremu smiles fondly and then disappears from The Screen. I hear the sounds of Callum stirring from his sleep.

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Post #74

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Manu Iti: Would you like to hear a story Callum?

Callum looks up from the plate of food he has been focusing on and squints at The Gem.

Callum: I suppose so Manu Iti. What's it about?

Callum continues devouring the stew as I answer.

Manu Iti: This is a Story about how all this came 'this' I mean, The Hologram Universes.

Callum nods as he swallows down the last of the meal and wipes his mouth.

Callum: Now that would be an interesting story Manu Iti! But is it that if you have always been here, if the actual Hologram Universes haven't?

Callum's expression is shrewd.

Manu Iti: It is complicated Callum. As I Tell The Story, it will likely become apparent to you.

Callum's expression changes to one of interest.

Callum: Alright. I will get my things together and you can tell me as I...walk.

Callum begins to search through his Knapsack finding the torch and securing the straps, closing it and swinging it over and onto his back.
The Service Bot retrieves the eating utensils and The Gem opens a facet in Her side to let it back in.
Callum points the light of his torch toward the way in which he intends travelling. A glint of something shiny reflects back to him from the darkness. He walks over it. There is a Cave Disk half exposed in one of the multiple fractures in this part of The Cave systems walls.

Callum reaches up and takes hold of the Disk between his thumb and forefinger and gently tweaks it from side to side.

Callum: I have found another Cave Disk Manu Iti. It appears to be fairly loose and should slide out easily.

Manu Iti: Nice one Callum! That will give you the next section of your map.

Callum almost decides to pull the Disk from the fracture. Remembering Manu Iti's warning about checking for traps, he stops himself.

Callum: How will I be able to check for any trap with this Disk Manu Iti? Any trap mechanism will be hidden in the wall.

Callum tip-toes and attempts to squint into the fracture, the torch-light giving him scant access to the secrets within.

Manu Iti: You need the Disk Callum. Sometimes our choice is limited to one thing only, in regard to requirement.

Callum: How about The Gem? Can the Gem scan the wall and expose traps.

The Gem flicks from white to green and back again, signifying that She can do this for Callum.

A beam of focused light emerges from The Gem and moves over the whole section of the Cave Wall. On my armrest a symbol blinks on and off, and then an image appears on the screen before me.

The image shows the scanned wall, and I can see beyond the surface fractures, an intricate set-up of an obviously mechanical apparatus - undoubtedly a trap system.
I report my finding to Callum.

Manu Iti: There appears to be a trap-mechanism Callum. If you pull the Disk from the fracture, you will set off a trap. What kind of trap that will be, I cannot say.

I press the flashing symbol and The Gem continues surveying the rest of the wall, following the obvious mechanics. The Screen shows me that there is a hidden wall in the ceiling which will be triggered and cause the section of The Cave we have come from, to be blocked off if The Disk is removed.

I report my findings to Callum.

Callum: What if I pull The Disk out until the mechanism engages, and then put it back in, to see if the disk also acts as a key.

Manu Iti: I like the way you are thinking Callum!
Remember though, The Disc might not be a key and we will be forced to continue on this path. Right now you have the choice to double back and try one of the other paths.

Callum: I know Manu Iti. However, the Message Generator has me on This Path, so I say "Let's Get On With It."

Callum pulls The Cave Disk from the fracture and there is an immediate rumble, followed by the sound of stone moving against stone, as the hidden wall begins to descend toward the floor.

When the stone reaches the halfway point, Callum replaces the Cave Disk back into the wall fracture, and the wall begins to return into the socket of its hideaway.

Callum: Well at least I know that the Cave Disk is also a Key, so if we have to, we can return this way.

Once again Callum removes the Disk from the fracture, and the Stone Wall begins to descend again.
Callum ignores that, as he focuses his attention on the symbol etched into the Disk.


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Post #75

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Callum slides the Cave Disk into his Tablet device and immediately another section map is revealed to him, and the inky darkness before him begins to dissipate.


Callum: Not far to the first fork. Only it is a crossroad rather than a fork.

Callum moves forward quickly. The passage zigs and zags on a downward angle for many clacks before the crossed paths are reached.
Once there he proceeds to engage with The Message Generator. This time including the word-string "Straight" along with "Left" and "Right"

The Message Generator selects "Right" then "Straight".

Callum: Okay then - off to explore some more.
So Manu Iti. You were saying about how the Hologram Universes came to be? I would like to hear more about that.

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Post #76

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The Gem floats along just above and behind Callum, as he continues his way along the downward path.

Manu Iti: Yes Certainly Callum.
The Hologram Universes are the product of one Entities creative mind.
They are all connected by that one common source, even that they appear otherwise to be disconnected or separate.

Callum: My understanding of the Tabular Rasa is that this is both the thing which connects all the Realms, and that which also is the cause of why the realms appear separate.

Manu Iti: Yes Callum. That is correct.
We can look at A Cave System as being similar - a mirror image of the greater process. The fractures in the rock are the paths - the different realms - and the Rock itself represents the Tabula Rasa.
Even in each realm there are these 'fractures' represented - most obviously - by high mountains or vast stretches of ocean. The pattern persists from the very first inception of The Entity who Created The Holographic Universes.

Callum: Is that to say then, from The Creators point of view, there is only One Universe?

Manu Iti: Essentially, yes. That would be The Creators view of it as a whole.
However, The Creator can and does view it also in it's fragmented state of 'many'. This is achieved through being within the Creation as uncountable points of reference through which - taking our current situation as an example... have your point of view which is uniquely different from my own, and both our points of view are common to our current shared experience and are information which The Creator accesses through the connected fractures which act as channels.
The information is gathered through the Tabular Rasa and transmitted to The Creator.

Callum: Why does The Creator create all the different Realms?

Manu Iti: In truth, this is an indirect creation process.

Callum: How so?

Manu Iti: Essentially we each are aspects of The Creators Consciousness, diversified into a myriad of points of reference which we call our 'experience'.

Callum: Why do I not know this intimately?

Manu Iti: The Tabula Rasa acts as a blank-slating mechanism.This effectively causes amnesia, so that those who are going through that particular process, are unencumbered by any knowledge of prior existence.

Callum: Why would The Creator want us to forget we are aspects of The Creator Consciousness?

Manu Iti: Most likely because those aspects are designed specifically to undergo the experience so that the data of said experience can be examined and perhaps even learned from.
The experience of never having a prior existence allows for the experience you are having, to be genuine in that, and the data of the experience cannot be fudged by any prior data of experience.

Callum: What is The Creator expecting to discover with that process?

Manu Iti: I don't know. Other than perhaps finding information it did not have access to prior to making the amnesia process viable.

Callum: So The Creator is not all knowing?

Manu Iti: It appears that is true. A Creator does not have to be all knowing. Perhaps originally The Creator was an all knowing entity, but underwent its own type of amnesia-causing simulation, which then developed into what we understand of as The Holographic Universes.

Callum: I suppose that would explain adequately why Stories of Creators all seem to have moments in the story-lines where The Creator appears not to have seen clearly the outcome of its creativity. I have to admit though that my Christian upbringing does not allow for a Creator Entity to not know everything.

Manu Iti: It is understandable in some ways. Those who connect and engage with The Creator feel that The Creator knows everything. This is because the data of all experience The Creator is receiving through being the Consciousness within the forms It creates, allows it to know intimately and extensively the finer details of the bigger picture.
From our perspective, The Creator does know everything - at least in relation to our experiences within the hologram dimensions.

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Post #77

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Suddenly from out of the darkness ahead, a voice interrupts the conversation Manu Iti and Callum are having.

The Voice: Hello? Who is that? Where am I?

Callum: What the...?

The Voice: Can someone help me please?

Manu Iti: Okay. We are on our way.

Immediately The Gem moves to the place ahead where the voice is coming from and in its green light shows a person kneeling and obviously quite afraid.

Callum joins them soon after and bends down, offering the person a hand to get to his feet.

Callum: Are you alright?

The Person: Yes...I think so...only, no not really....

The man accepts Callum's arm and gets to his feet.

Manu Iti: My Friend! You are in safe company! From where did you come? How is it you are here? Do you have a name?

The man looks up at The Gem, and wonders at the floating, talking crystal above him, as it changes shape and color before his eyes.

He then looks toward Callum, and replies;

Busted Knackers:My name is Busted Knackers...although I would prefer it if you called me Bee-Kay.

Bee-Kay dusts off the knees of his trousers as he continues.

Bee-Kay: It has been for me, one HELL of a day! It started off in the usual way - I was up and drinking coffee when suddenly...there is a blank moment...I find myself in a sea of darkness in which it felt like both a brief moment and a very long time...

Manu Iti: That would be when you entered the Tabula Rasa.

Bee-Kay: The what?

Manu Iti: I will explain later - please continue with your story.

Bee-Kay: The blackness cleared as from out of it came a horde of Demons who told me they were Angels and who then took hold of me and carried me away into some kind of incredible room full of these Demon-Angels, where I was placed before a Mighty Being sitting upon a throne of solid gold and glorious gems.

Callum: For pities sake, that must have terrified you!

Bee-Kay studies Callum for a brief moment before answering.

Bee-Kay: I don't know if I were scared - it was so rushed an unexpected that I did not have time to think...I can say though that I was trying to be brave. The whole experience has been unreal.

Manu Iti: Yet here you are, in a real experience.

Callum: What happened then?

Bee-Kay: The Almighty Entity tells me that I have one of two choices. I can choose to experience a simulation of the life of Historical Jesus, or I can choose to go through the Great Doors and into Hell.

Manu Iti: So...which choice did you make?

Bee-Kay: I chose The Jesus least at first.

Callum: What do you mean?

Bee-Kay: Well, in making the choice I said to the Glorious Being on the throne, that it made no difference and I might as well have just flipped a coin and let the coin decide for me...

Callum: Why did you say that? Surely Hell has got to be worse!

Bee-Kay: Well - how was I to know for sure that it wasn't the better choice? That was the point I was making...

Manu Iti: So what happened then?

Bee-Kay: Well then what happened is the majestic being produced a solid gold coin with "HELL" etched on one side and "HJS" on the other and I was asked if I wanted to toss it so that it would make the choice for me.

Callum: And did you?

Bee-Kay: Yes I did.

Manu Iti: Why?

Bee-Kay: To make my point.

Callum: So what side of the coin came up?

Bee-Kay: The side saying "HELL".

There is a silent pause as they think about the story their new acquaintance is telling them.

Finally Bee-Kay breaks the silence.

Bee-Kay: Since it came up "HELL" I had to shrug as the Great Doors opened up enough for me to walk through...the Demonic looking Angels stepped aside to give me a path to walk and I had no choice but to go through.

Callum: So what happened when you walked through?

Bee-Kay: On the other side I met with a being who told me he was the "Real God" and he congratulated me on choosing Hell, instead of the Historical Jesus Simulation and told me that I had "Passed the Test".

Manu Iti: Sounds Legit.

Callum: Ya think?

Bee-Kay: Then the God-being looks at a flashing object and say's "Well this is interesting" and the next thing I know my whole being feels like one giant toothache and then I feel as if I am disintegrating, and next thing I know, I am here in the dark and hearing you two I yelled out.

Looking over to Callum, Bee-Kay asks;

Bee-Kay: You wouldn't by any chance have any water would you? I am thirsty as heck.

Callum reaches for his knapsack.

Callum: Sure.

Manu Iti: Well I can tell you for certain, you are not in any Hell.

Bee-Kay: Then where in Hell am I?

Callum finds his flask of water and hands it to Bee-Kay, who grabs it and quickly drinks until his thirst is quenched.

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Post #78

Post by William »

Pausing while Bee-Kay drinks water from Callum's flask, Callum and Manu Iti introduce themselves. The trio then continues on with the journey, Callum leading the way, followed by Bee-Kay with The Gem, occupied by Mani Iti, taking the rear position.

After a time of contemplation, Bee-Kay breaks the silence with a question.

Bee-Kay: So...why did I end up here with the two of you? Why are you saying that this is not Hell?

Manu Iti: This is not Hell in the sense of the word most often associated with Hell.
I can show you any number of Hell's, all created by those experiencing them.

This place happens to be outside of The Realm of Judgement - where all Hell's exist together...
...but from what your owner is sharing with me, you became his property - the property of the Entity you encountered immediately you gingerly entered through The Great Doors of Hell...or what you were told were the doors to Hell...

It appears the two Entities were in cahoots. Sort of the same Entity wearing different guises.

Bee-Kay: But the Entity revealed to me that he was the Real God.

Manu Iti: Yes. That happens a lot as there are uncountable Real Gods.
As far as you are concerned, he is your Real God, otherwise known as "He who owns you"...

Bee-Kay: How is that even possible? How is ANY of this possible!

Manu Iti picks up on the frequency of fear and panic rising in Bee-Kay's voice.

Manu Iti: I know this all must seem rather bizarre to you at this moment dear Bee-Kay, but I assure you that if you listen closely to what I have to say, your questions can all be answered.

Bee-Kay taps Callum on the shoulder, and half-whispers;

Bee-Kay: Who is your friend Callum? A talking floating gem? Who is behind that?

Manu Iti: I am Manu Iti. I am a passenger within a craft which you see as a floating Gem.

Callum: True that. I have even been for a ride in The Gem. I have also meet Manu Iti in person, quite a few times since we first met. I can assure you that he is telling you The Truth.

Bee-Kay thinks on that before replying.

Bee-Kay: Well, for now I have little choice - if any - in the matter.
Please continue with your explanation Manu Iti.

Manu Iti: Thank You Bee-Kay.

Manu Iti clears his throat and then continues.

Manu Iti: I am presently in communication with the Entity who now owns you. He tells me that you are his property to do with as he wills, and he placed you here with us to gather information that he is interested in.

Callum: Wow. That's heavy...

Bee-Kay: You're telling me!

Manu Iti: He tells me that before he owned you, your name wasn't "Busted Knackers" but "Bust Nak" and that he decided to name you Bee-O' as in how "the Irish" name things...he felt it was fitting for his purpose in relation to you...and was "punny" at the same time...

Bee O'Kay: What the...????

Manu Iti: Don't worry - just listen.

Callum nods.

Bee O'Kay: Please continue...

Manu Iti: You are with us because you come from the same place that our own Creators currently we are to help explain that to you.
You have had most of that memory kept from you by your new owner, to be revealed as he decides.

Bee O'Kay: So he is revealing this information to me...through you?

Manu Iti: Yes. Well for the most part anyway. I understand what he is saying, because I understand the Nature of The Holographic Universes...where you currently are...

Bee O'Kay: How am I supposed to just trust your word for it?

Manu Iti: Well - it doesn't actually matter, but feel free to explain your predicament to us, if you can.

Bee O'Kay: Surely you get my point though?

Manu Iti: Of course! I hope that in return, you get mine as well.
Shall I continue?

Bee O'Kay: Sorry. Yes, please do.

Manu Iti: You are a Creation of a hidden Creator-Entity who has been using you as an Avatar over an apparatus - sort of a glorified Ouija Board really - called, "The Internet" which connects many such Creator-Entities to one another, and they all hide behind the Avatars they have each created for this purpose of communicating with each other as they do.
Callum and myself are such Avatars...created for the purpose of making visible, that which is hidden...I know! It sounds all "mystical" but it is really not too difficult for the mind to understand...

Bee O'Kay: is pretty difficult for my mind to understand..

Manu Iti: Understood.
I will try to make it as easy as possible.
Your Creator used you to try out a Thought Experiment, and in doing so, abandoned you to fate. This is why you were..pretty much "Adopted" by your new Owner that your prior Owner, gave you over to...a "Real God" no less! This Entity is using you now.
Your new owner tells me that you have no memory of anything prior to what you have told us already...prior to going to sleep before you got up in the morning and made coffee for yourself and then blanked out.

Bee O'Kay tries to remember before waking up and having coffee.

Bee O'Kay: You are correct! I am drawing a blank.

Manu Iti: This is because your new Owner has restricted you from accessing those memories.

Bee O'Kay: How can he do that!

Manu Iti: You are associated with what we call a "Lost Soul".
You are someone who has been abandoned by their original Creator.
A "Soul" is like a memory crystal and retains all of your life's experience and they are extremely valuable as an extremely useful device in certain areas of The Holographic Universes.

Bee O'Kay: I am a "Memory Crystal"?

Manu Iti: No. You - and each of us - are Eternal Beings who happen to be attached to a Memory Crystal.

At that moment Callum calls for a halt as they have reached the next fork in the path.

He takes off his Knapsack and gets out The Message Generator.

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Post #79

Post by William »

Callum engages The Message Generator and is reminded that they are to go straight ahead at this point. He returns the device to his knapsack.

Callum: Straight ahead we go folks.

Bee O'Kay: What is that device?

Callum: It is called a Message Generator - I consult it to see which direction to go.

Bee O'Kay: Are you lost?

Manu Iti laughs.

Manu Iti: Not really. This cave system is a necessary obstacle in which Callum has to find his way through in order to reach The Tabula Rasa.
On the way, he is collecting sections of map, which will assist him in finding the way out.

Callum: If anything, I am temporarily lost and finding my way out.

Bee O'Kay: So...about my creator...and your creator...these entities who communicate with one another through Avatars...where are they exactly?

Manu Iti: They reside on a Prison World, trapped inside a seemingly infinite space. Most of them do not even realize that they are in a prison.

Callum: I too was abandoned by my creator - Manu Iti's creator adopted me.

Bee O'Kay: Who is that then? Is your creator also a prisoner on the prison world?

Manu Iti: His name is Wiremu and yes - he is also a prisoner of that world.

Callum: They are not really our creators though...we just call them that for the sake of having to call them something.

Bee O'Kay: I don't understand. Did they create you or not?

Manu Iti: It is complicated. Essentially our minds are all interconnected and at that level, we are really all the same at this level - within the Hologram Universes we are that entity fragmented into a miriad of Avatars.
Most of us see our 'selves' as those Avatars and have difficulty understanding our sef as The One Entity... as such, because of our individuality, it appears to us that we are all separate and - in that - 'created'.

Callum: Manu Iti was created by Wiremu with the idea that he has always existed in the Holographic Universes. He has no memory of ever not having always existed.

Bee O'Kay: weird...

Manu Iti: I suspect that as much as I am a creation of Wiremu's, he is also a creation of mine...perhaps we simultaneously created each other, but whatever the case might be, it is easier to understand when we realize that we are all of us - including our creators - aspects of One Entity...we are altogether the outward expression of The One Entity who created The Holographic Universes.

Bee O'Kay: So who Created that one Entity we all are?

Manu Iti: No one. That Entity has always existed. In that sense, we too have always essence as kind of potentials. The Avatars - the forms which we occupy are simply allowing us the illusion of 'others', but we all come from the same Source - the one Entity.

Just then, Wiremu contacts Mani Iti.

Wiremu: I have an update for you on the current situation in my Universe Mani Iti.

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Post #80

Post by William »

Wiremu: Things are heating up in my reality universe Manu Iti - The prison is going into major lock-down.

Manu Iti keeps the intercom open so that the rest of the company can hear the conversation.

Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:

Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:


Manu Iti:

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