The Devil's Gateway

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Do women carry the sin of Eve?

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The Devil's Gateway

Post #1

Post by potwalloper. »

St. Clement of Alexandria wrote:
"Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman."
The Church father Tertullian explained why women deserve their status as despised and inferior human beings:
"Do you know that you are each an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the unsealer of that forbidden tree; you are the first deserters of the divine law; you are she who persuades him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. On account of your desert-that is death-even the Son of God had to die" (Mace, 80-81)
a ninth-century abbot, Odo of Cluny:
"To embrace a woman is to embrace a bag of shit"!
Ecclesiasticus 7:26-28
"I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare....while I was still searching but not finding, I found one upright man among a thousand but not one upright woman among them all."
Ecclesiastes 25:19,24
No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman.....Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die"
I Timothy 2:11-15
" A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I don't permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam wasn't the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner, but women will be saved through childbearing...."
St. Augustine was faithful to the legacy of his predecessors, he wrote to a friend,
" What is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any woman."
Martin Luther
" If they [women] become tired or even die, that doesn't matter. Let them die in childbirth, that's why they are there"
So - do Christians support such teachings? Are women the "Devil's Gateway" to be reviled and to carry forever the sin of Eve?

If not why not when so much Christian teaching appears to support this view and women are still denied the ability to become priests in the Catholic church?

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Post #11

Post by Dilettante »

No matter how we interpret the Adam's rib story, and despite strong female characters such as Judith (but wait, she may not be in some people's Bibles) there is no escaping the fact that the ancient Hebrews' culture was definitely male-chauvinistic. Middle Eastern culture in general was--and still is-- that way. Islamic culture is a good example. While a sort of "Islamic feminism" is beginning to develop, the amount of success it can realistically have in reversing traditional attitudes is anybody's guess. I'd say "not much" until Muslim culture is secularized.

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Post #12

Post by bdbthinker »

Excellent, I will go home and tell my wife she better submit to me per God's order. Wonder how that's going to go...

/sleeping on the couch tonight with a sore cheek ;)

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Post #13

Post by cubby54 »

Amadeus wrote:As for that comment about Adam's rib, the symbolism has been interpreted thus:

The rib is on the side of Adam, symbolizing the man and woman walking side by side.

Also, the rib is neither at the head, nor the foot, symbolizing that Eve was neither above, nor below Adam in power.

Remember that as a man, a leader of a household, sometimes leadership means you are the first to submit. One leads by example.

By the way, How do you figure men are not directly instructed to submit? SUBMIT TO EACHOTHER DOES NOT EXCLUDE MEN!
I find this and answer to a delima started in an old church we used to attend....There teaching was women are slaves to men...As I see it when man and woman marry dosent the bible say we become as one??? Thus making us equal in the family? Nop one higher than the other?

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Post #14

Post by Overcomer »

Cassander wrote:
Also remember that the sentence before women are commanded to submit to their husbands, men and women are told to submit to EACHOTHER!

But husbands are never told directly to submit in any way to their wives. According to Paul the wife should go so far as to "reverence" her husband. You don't reverence something unless you think they are somewhat greater then you are.
The verse being discussed here is Ephesians 5:21. It is a verse that applies to believers, that is, both men and women. Therefore, Paul is telling both men and women to submit to one another in reverence.

The word "reverence" means "to show respect to". I don't see anything subservient or lesser in being respectful of someone. I see courtesy and I see consideration and those are good things, things we should all have for everybody else. As Paul says, we should count ourselves lesser than all others, in humility, putting others before ourselves, living out the kind of sacrificial love that Christ showed for us.
The whole Bible from the beginning to end has a rather low concept of women. It's not just what Pauls says. Even in Genisis... "He shall RULE over thee" It was a punishment to the women that she was now much lower then the man. It was given as a curse.
Yes, a curse that was lifted by Jesus Christ at the cross. You are right in saying that women were not highly respected in Old Testament times. However, in the New Testament we see a change. Paul states clearly that, in Christ, there is no Jew or Gentile, male or female, all are one to him.

Let's not forget that Jesus talked with a Samaritan woman, something that was taboo in that culture at that time. Plus, we see women in the early church fulfilling a variety of roles following Christ's death and resurrection. Phoebe is one example. Lydia is another.

I think that people mistakenly believe that women were put down because of misinterpretations of what Paul said about women. More on that further down in this post.
How do you decide what is right and what is not right? Preconceived ideas?
Everything must be measured using the Word of God as a yardstick. How does one correctly understand the Bible? First of all, a person has to be filled with the Holy Spirit. He's the best instructor. Secondly, a person must read the WHOLE Bible to understand specific verses in context. Thirdly, a person must study the Bible in its original languages. Since everybody isn't a Greek or Hebrew scholar, we must study the exegetical work of those who are. Fourthly, we must use our intelligence to help us sort it all out.

There is an excellent book by John Temple Bristow called What Paul Really Said About Women. It takes a look at the New Testament passages about women. He concludes the following:

First of all, some early church fathers were greatly influenced by the misogynistic secular philosophers of their times.

Secondly, the original Greek words carry different connotations than our English translations provide. For example, when Paul admonishes women not to speak in church, he isn't issing an order that says they must never preach or lead in prayer or worship. The Greek word used specifically refers to chattering, that is, Paul was asking the women not to talk among themselves during the worship as it was disruptive.

Up until this point, women were not taught the way that men were. However, they were now included and given instruction in the Scriptures. That's a big step in equality, one made because of Christ's inclusion of women in the New Covenant.

Here's one more example of a misinterpretation of what Paul said: The word "submiit" carries NO connotation of a lesser being in the original Greek. In fact, the word carries the meaning of "be supportive of" and "be loyal to". I don't think even the most diehard feminist would have a problem with relating to her husband with this meaning of submission.
As for Martin Luther, he seems to have been a woman-hater as well as a Jew-hater...
Having just completed a course on the theology of Martin Luther, I would take issue with this description of him. He greatly reverenced (as in respected!!!) his wife and spoke in glowing terms of her all the time. His teachings on marriage encouraged strong families and well-being for both the men and the women involved

As for his feelings about Jews, that's more complicated and should be dealt with in a separate thread.

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Post #15

Post by HellboundAlleee »

...and he hated those damned Jews.

I don't know why anyone would think they or anyone else was "soiled" by anything their ancestors did. If it's a matter of genetics, like physical defects, hopefully science will come up with the answers. This I see is the worst moral defect of Christianity--the "sins of the father." There's no defending it.
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Post #16

Post by Arch »

I would just like to ask Why don't Christians follow these teachings of Paul.

If these quotes are in the bible according the Christians the bible is the perfect word of GOD. How come it is only when the bible presents a view that they don't like that the bible all of a sudden can be dealt with by using reason and interpretation?

How come Christian allow themselves, changes in times, changes in reasoning or just out right defiance of what the bible says when it doesn't fit their liking. But then they jump down everyone elses throat when they do the same with the rest of the bible?
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Post #17

Post by RevJP »

How come Christian allow themselves, changes in times, changes in reasoning or just out right defiance of what the bible says when it doesn't fit their liking. But then they jump down everyone elses throat when they do the same with the rest of the bible?
Isn't this a dynamic of humanity? I see people all the time - all people in all walks of life - who do not follow the rules they claim to accept and then jump on others for not following those rules.

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Post #18

Post by trencacloscas »

There will come a day when superstitious rubbish like Christianism, Islamism and Judaism, doctrines that despise this life, the only one we got, will be buried forever. Until then, there is no other way out than tolerate paciently these childish, delusional attitudes and try to open eyes and minds of the religious people to see things by themselves, the great harm they did to individuals through the ages. In this case, interfering with the sexual freedom and joy of life, diminishing half of mankind and encouraging the haughtiness of the other half. So sad.

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Post #19

Post by RevJP »

Wow! I don't even know where to begin! There are so many assumptions, unsupported accusations, and fallacies of Logic in your post
trencacloscas that it makes it almost impossible to begin correcting your errors.

You are a student? Which level? Which area of study? I would be intrested to know what educational system you are coming from.

But, just to be fun let me ask you this:

You said:
There will come a day when superstitious rubbish like Christianism, Islamism and Judaism, doctrines that despise this life, the only one we got, will be buried forever.

try to open eyes and minds of the religious people to see things by themselves, the great harm they did to individuals through the ages. In this case, interfering with the sexual freedom and joy of life,
So I am to understand that 'religous' people through the ages have done great harm to other people, and that they despise life? Your proof for this is the religious' interference in 'sexual freedom'?

It seems to me that the harm caused by 'sexual freedom' far outweighs and has always outweighed the harm caused by the religious interferring in it. (BTW, when you say interfere do you mean simply telling you not to have sex?)

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Post #20

Post by trencacloscas »

Wow! I don't even know where to begin!
Begin with the quotes at the start of this topic.

So I am to understand that 'religous' people through the ages have done great harm to other people, and that they despise life? Your proof for this is the religious' interference in 'sexual freedom'?
No, that's only an aspect. There are plenty of proofs of the hell on earth that represent religions throughout history.

It seems to me that the harm caused by 'sexual freedom' far outweighs and has always outweighed the harm caused by the religious interferring in it.
I'd love to hear your arguments on this.

(BTW, when you say interfere do you mean simply telling you not to have sex?)
No, that's only a part. I mean chastising flesh and desire. Criminalizing and demonizing love and sex, diminishing women, encouraging superstition, despising sexual impulses, etc. etc.

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