Do you Loose your Freewill in Heaven?

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Do you Loose your Freewill in Heaven?

Post #1

Post by Timeaisis »

If, assuming that when you enter into heaven, all your troubles cease to exist and you co-exist with other god-like people in perfect harmony, and also with your true, loving God, what happens to your 'soul'? I'm not asking this in the sense of your metaphysical being or your "innermost" heart, but your own personality, opinions, and essentially, your freewill. If heaven is a perfect place, with no sin, and eternal happiness, wouldn't all have to loose their basic freedom for it to function?

I'm not saying I believe you loose your freewill in heaven, but I'm wondering what others think on this topic. If all is perfect in heaven, then might your personal freedom be extinguished for you to live in perfect harmony? As human nature implies, with free will comes sin. Some theorize that freewill is actually absent in heaven, but if this is the case, I would not desire to go to such a place. For, wouldn't the lack of free will imply that you have no opinions or feelings. No good nor evil would exist, thusly you would neither be 'happy' nor 'sad', as they are both truly objective things.

Is heaven such a place where everyone is uniform, peace is eternally present, and everyone is simply the same. If everyone is alike, then can you actually call yourself happy in the first place. Wouldn't you co-exist as one body, without a difference of feeling. If there is no sadness, I don't think there is a happiness either.

Is heaven really this way?

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Post #11

Post by mujahid263 »

You say the Garden actually is Heaven, that God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, so he created the exile place of Earth to let humans and Satan battle it out.
No, as I said Earth was already created. What GOd knew was that God would be placing humanity there.
Science says that Earth coalesced from the Sun's debris disk and that humans evolved from primitive primates.
1) Islam does not disagree with the Big bang theory, many scholars claim it to be inherint in Islamic scripture.

2) Evolution theory, like Big Bang, can not be proven. So no, I don't think my great great great grandfathers were monkeys.
Maybe I'm just a sinful fool, but I cling to the evidence.
Your not a necessary a fool, but you are a denier. And I cling to evidence as well in many cases, I used to be atheist.
For you and I to argue whether the Garden of Eden is on Earth or in Heaven is like us debating who is the stronger wizard, Gandalf or Merlin.
Gandalf pwns all other wizards!
"Serve Allah and shun false gods." Qur'an 16:36

"Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." -Romans 12:21

"The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love." -Ernesto Che Guevara

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