Does "Debauchery" define Liberal politics?

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Does "Debauchery" define Liberal politics?

Post #1

Post by AlAyeti »

Why are people that self-identify as "Christian," supporting Liberal politics?

Liberals have ignored or broken laws to corrupt children, redefine marriage and family and stand in opposition to parental rights.

In the last week Liberals continued to promote laws in a California state-wide vote, that children can engage in sex and have abortions without any rights of the parents being important to the issues that involve their own children.

Abortion is a means to unfettered sexual intercourse as well as eliminating any consequences that arise from sexual promiscuity. Supporting the loss of chastity and and virtue is inherent in Liberal politics and indeed its ideology. Why do Christians still support Liberals?

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that schools can teach children sexuality and parents have no rights to what is being taught to their children in schools.

Debauchery is to corrupt anothers virtue or chastity.

Why would Christians want to be part of an political movement that targets children in schools?

Clearly this word "debauched" defines the sexual licentiousness and unfettered promiscuity that is the "core values" in the Liberal political movement across America today.

Are not Christians "called" to purity and virtue?

Why do Christians that have read the words of Christ Jesus, "especially on corrupting children," continue to support Liberal politics?
Last edited by AlAyeti on Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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and the waves they don't seem so high from on top of them looking down . . .

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Post #31

Post by AlAyeti »

"We?" Who are "you" referring to? The only people perpetuating the Crusade myth is Muslims and Liberals. Isn't it time to stamp out ignorance?

We as in Christians like Paul uses "we" as in gentiles.
Remember "Christian" was used as an epithet. Interesting how things are similar today as it was for the first century church.
It is not a myth and it is not just Muslims and liberals.
The myth is that the Christian were unprovoked and just went on a Crusade against Muslims. The Crusade is always used by anti-Christians inaccurately as some kind of goofy way of setting Christians back on their heals.
We should be grateful for the crusades, they brought us math greek science and soap to backward uncivilized Europeans.
No argument from me. Europe is showing the world as we speak, that crude and disgusting behavior is the order of the day.
Of course there is the Crusades against the Cathars. Maybe the Muslims started that too.
The inquistion was catholics attacking Christians that refused to follow Papal authority. The cathars may have been heretics, but the Catholics should have read the Gospels and applied them.

But, as is plain for all to see, peace is the order of the day for Christianity because the Bible is now being read and understood by the common person.

Too bad the Muslims are still killing people exactly like they have been doing since the founding of Isalm the religion of peace. But then again, killing non-believers IS in their holy book.

Interesting that Muslims killed people today in the name of religion and you just don't see any liberal-progressives-agnostics-atheists-freethinkers etc., etc., etc., printing up any smart-ass little bumper stickers or legislating any hate crime language to denigrate Islam.

Interesting how that works.

Debauchery and liberal politics are one and the same.

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